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Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

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where is the new military base?

Directly north of Severograd, coordinates 077 005.

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I don't seem to have that problem in current exp build. In fact when it comes to those things, this build seems to be extremely player friendly compared to the previous two.

Played the exp build last night and this morning for about 5 hours total.


Moved between coast and inland on the constant hunt for food.  Also switched servers a couple of times to find unlooted areas to hunt for food.


It was very scarce indeed.  Resorted to berries and apples to survive sometimes when desparate but always in my mind was the fact that I probably would not find enough apples/berries to keep me alive and searching for them meant that I wasnt looking for proper food.  I did find some but after a tin of tactical bacon, peaches and some fruit, within a short period of time I was starving again :/


All in all it wasn't a particularly enjoyable experience.  Not once did I ever manage to get to the bright green energised icon.  I didnt even waste much time looking for weapons as I was constantly flirting with death due to starvation.  


I tied a couple of rabbit traps, planted them, looted towns and cities then returned to the traps and they were empty.  Searched everywhere for a fishing hook and was contemplating fishing to survive.  Died before I found one.


I personally think that the hunger system on 0.49 is too easy (on non-persistant servers food is everywhere) but the current 0.50 system is too punishing as there is the double whammy of little food and more severe hunger system.

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I personally think that the hunger system on 0.49 is too easy (on non-persistant servers food is everywhere) but the current 0.50 system is too punishing as there is the double whammy of little food and more severe hunger system.

I think a lot of that has to do with the limited number of servers to play on creating a supply-versus-demand situation. On the Stable branch, you have many more servers to choose from and they don't get picked clean quite so quickly.

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The hunger system seems to be okay, I think the problem is that food is not respawning properly. Or other items as well for that matter. To me it looks like things despawn instead of respawn. But I understand your problem. Starving after a short period of time when there's no food avaialble can be harsh.


EDIT: Tatanko also has a point. Coast is picked clean, All these folks need more food than there is: Boom - Famine...

Edited by Demonica

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Can anybody explain to me how the loot respawn system is supposed to be working? It doesn't seem like loot respawns at all from what I've gathered. Every single large town I've been to has been picked clean almost to the bone.

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I think it just needs tweaked a little bit.  I was starving then found and ate about 3 or 4 food items.  I was starving again within 10-15 mins.  Seemed a little extreme to me.


I actually prefer to get off the coast as soon as possible.  Went inland around the SE coast, looted Tulga to find food as I was starving by that point.  Found a few bit of food but there was no chance I could survive going further inland.


The new hunger system will probably be fine once you find enough gear to hunt/fish/grow food, but until you have collected all the required items, it seems harsh to me.


Will try again tonight and see how it goes.  Will head directly inland from a fresh spawn.

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Will try again tonight and see how it goes. Will head directly inland from a fresh spawn.

I wouldn't run too far inland , my friend ran from solnichny to severograd last without stopping and died from starvation as he got into severograd, and that's only a 15 minute run tops :/ . So I think calorie consumption is tied in with running but ALSO tied in with your hunger/ thirst levels so for example if you are not hydrated and energized and you run for more than 10 minutes without eating you will most likely be in the starving area , if you get hydrate and energiZed before your big run you seem to only lose one or the other statuses after running for 20 minutes or so ...

So all in all yes I believe we SHOULD be able to last a little longer than 15 minutes straight running even if we are on an empty stomach, but only make it a little longer because we don't want it like it was before where literally NOONE died of starvation cuz it wAs too easy .

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Sounds like it's suicide time again to get in on this famine action. Drowning is supposed to work now right?

Edited by Ebrim
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Its a catch 22 regarding running/starving.  


If your bordering on starvation, I think walking to find food would take too long and you would be dead before you reach somewhere.

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Can anybody explain to me how the loot respawn system is supposed to be working? It doesn't seem like loot respawns at all from what I've gathered. Every single large town I've been to has been picked clean almost to the bone.

Loot is definitely respawning based on my observations last night. I didn't get to play until many hours after the patch came out and I was playing primarily in almost-full servers; I was able to find loot but food was not what I would call plentiful. I was however finding things like bags of rice in really obvious spots in "food houses" that nobody in their right mind would just leave behind, so it must have been more recently spawned.


I think it just needs tweaked a little bit.  I was starving then found and ate about 3 or 4 food items.  I was starving again within 10-15 mins.  Seemed a little extreme to me.

While I was playing last night it seemed to me that once you were energized you were fine for a while, but getting there was difficult. It would seem that the amount of food you need to consume in order to rid yourself of hunger is about twice what it takes to go from neutral to fully energized (even though that isn't at all how the scale works to my knowledge). I got myself bright green energized at one point last night and then went like 20+ minutes without consuming anything only to still be bright green, but if I was neutral it would only take like half that amount of time to become hungry.


are you constantly running ? if you are starving, try walking as it seems to reduce energy consumtion dramatically.

You are correct, but you must also balance speed vs. consumption. If I can loot faster, burning extra energy is less of a concern for me.


I wouldn't run too far inland , my friend ran from solnichny to severograd last without stopping and died from starvation as he got into severograd, and that's only a 15 minute run tops :/

Really? That's like ~8km in a straight line over mountains, that's a quick pace. Then again, funny story from my adventures last night: two jerk-offs ran into me right after I spawned in Kamyshovo, shot at me like a hundred times (finally hit me twice in the legs a while later), and I ran away from them clear from Kamyshovo to the factory just before Berezino... without dying. That's like a 5K run while bleeding to death :P They never did catch me either, and I lived to tell about it! I win!



Sounds like it's suicide time again to get in on this famine action. Drowning is supposed to work now right?

Drowning does work, I had to use it a few times last night to get myself in a more favorable starting position when I spawned into barren cities (Elektro, Cherno). It seemed to be a bit finicky compared to the last build of 0.50, but it definitely works.

Edited by Tatanko

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Things I've noticed (on DE 01 Experimental Server):


Loot does not respawn after restart - at least, there is no new loot. Persistence is working tho, even for random stuff that I dropped on the floor.


Horticulture is not persistence. I had to dig the slots again. However, the farming hoe and fertilizer I've left there before restart are persistent


I died a couple of times while being upstairs in buildings, castle towers and construction sites. It seems that my "invisible character" tends to fall through the floor when there is lag or desync - causes instant death.

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where can you find AKM parts ie scopes?


You're supposed to be able to find them in barracks and the air traffic control tower in NWAF, but I've searched probably 50 different barracks over the last 2 weeks specifically looking for the scope, and have yet to find a single one. 


So good luck!!!!! 

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Loot does not respawn after restart - at least, there is no new loot. Persistence is working tho, even for random stuff that I dropped on the floor.

Loot isn't supposed to respawn at restart anymore, that was just the old behavior prior to the implementation of persistence. Now loot is supposed to gradually despawn and respawn as time goes on, independent of server restarts.


You're supposed to be able to find them in barracks and the air traffic control tower in NWAF, but I've searched probably 50 different barracks over the last 2 weeks specifically looking for the scope, and have yet to find a single one. 


So good luck!!!!! 

I haven't found a PSO-1 scope in like... a month. Didn't even realize it until I read your post, but wow  :huh:

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Things I've noticed (on DE 01 Experimental Server):

Horticulture is not persistence. I had to dig the slots again. However, the farming hoe and fertilizer I've left there before restart are persistent

Has anyone found any tomato seeds yet ?

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Loot isn't supposed to respawn at restart anymore, that was just the old behavior prior to the implementation of persistence. Now loot is supposed to gradually despawn and respawn as time goes on, independent of server restarts.


I haven't found a PSO-1 scope in like... a month. Didn't even realize it until I read your post, but wow  :huh:

ohhh...ahhh...now i get it.

Thank you, sir :)

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We do have sea fishing (kind of)! Sardines are able to be caught with the small fish trap. I assume you mean Mackerel, though ;) I LOVE that village. I think it's my favorite, too. Ever since I accidentally found out about Belaya Polana and where it would be, I've convinced myself it will be my "hometown" (even though it doesn't even exist yet) purely based on the gorgeous location. We can be neighboring mayors and facilitate trade! :P



This sounds a fantastic idea! Now, explain to me this fishing trap sorcery and how I may perform it. I set up a rabbit snare with wire last night but didn't notice any other construction options for stick + wire...

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same observation here considering the PSO-1, i stopped looking for an AKM as parts and mags are ultra hard to find. I'll stick with my trusty SKS and go for a PU scope.

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A few of my notes from patch.


  • First Aid kits seem to be bugged.  Whenever you pick one up and drop it again it creates another one. There were about 10 identical First Aid kits in one of the blue hospital buildings.
  • Dropping items sometimes disappear more often now.  I found my items in another room of the building.  
  • Your hitbox seems to be much buggier.  A lot of the time a zed spotted me and I ran into a building to fight it so I had cover from snipers, it would start attacking my hitbox at the door entrance.  Only ever had this before at Police Stations.  Also seems to be a bit more lag/delay/desync when fighting zombies.  They would be facing the opposite direction to me attacking my desynced hitbox out in the open.  Never had this before.
  • Have they upped the zombie count?  Seemed to be scores of them in Elektro and they seemed to spot me through buildings with no windows from 2-300+ meters away when they never had line of sight on me

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You're supposed to be able to find them in barracks and the air traffic control tower in NWAF, but I've searched probably 50 different barracks over the last 2 weeks specifically looking for the scope, and have yet to find a single one. 


So good luck!!!!! 

kind of thought that, I've found the folding stock and hand grip ONCE in the small barrack buildings!

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Has anyone found any tomato seeds yet ?


Have you tried getting them out of a tomato?

Just guessing here, but I would imagine that to be the intended way to get them.

Same with apples.

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ohhh...ahhh...now i get it.

Thank you, sir :)

You're welcome! I'm not an expert, but that's how I understand it to work.


This sounds a fantastic idea! Now, explain to me this fishing trap sorcery and how I may perform it. I set up a rabbit snare with wire last night but didn't notice any other construction options for stick + wire...

You can craft a small fishing trap from a plastic water bottle using a knife/machete. It cuts the bottle and half and inverts the top half inside the lower half to create a trap for fish to get stuck in -- in this case Sardines. You need to add worms to the trap for it to be successful, but there are very few items required to get it going and you could seemingly deploy a bunch of them at once to get a fishing operation going. It does require saltwater though, so it will only work on the coast. No idea what kind of nutritional value Sardines have at the moment either, or what happens when you fillet one. Perhaps tiny little fillets?


If you supply my town of Belaya Polana with meat and fish, we will supply Berezhki with fruit, vegetables, cooking supplies, and firewood :p


same observation here considering the PSO-1, i stopped looking for an AKM as parts and mags are ultra hard to find. I'll stick with my trusty SKS and go for a PU scope.

The AKM was my go-to for a while, but lately I've stuck with the SKS for that exact reason. I am having a little bit of trouble finding 7.62x39 ammo in 0.50 though. I seem to find 7.62x54 (Mosin/Longhorn) a lot more readily.

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Wow, Ping is an absolute killer right now... over 500 in some UK Servers. A couple of servers seem to be stuck again, but other than that I'm still quite happy. My 3rd Person char was killed twice now by freshies punching me in my poor little noggins. What's with all the hostility guys? I hope you enjoy my 1 pill of painkiller and my ruined Down Jacket LOL

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another thing i have noticed on DE 01 Experimental server:


If i drop stuff on the floor before restart, it tends to duplicate after restart. I dropped lots of ammo and food and all the items duplicated when i logged back in.

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