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Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

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I did a small test for our server owner tonight regarding tents. Just checking the persistence and then restarted the server. All seemed well.


However, the tent suffers from the same bug as medic kits seemed to pick up a couple of patches back - where the kit contents disappear and cannot by any means (?) be accessed or have items swapped out - with the medic kit you can just pick it up in your hands to display the contents. Tents you cannot.


This means someone filling their tent up, leaving it for a server restart and coming back will find the tent looking empty and no slots available.

This also means the tent cannot ever be picked up again - as they need to be empty and you cannot empty it - meaning the tent stays forever. You can add an item to the tent - this then shows all the items in it, however if it's full you cannot do this.


I think everyone involved would be a little concerned about suddenly having tent after tent being put up and them having to stay there forever. Unless someone knows of a fix for this?


Is this fixed in 0.50 ?


Any replies would be helpful, thanks!

Edited by AussieHunter

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Any replies would be helpful, thanks!


Can you leave a specific slot open and then just drop something into that slot to refresh the tents contents?

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Can you leave a specific slot open and then just drop something into that slot to refresh the tents contents?

Yes, however, you know not everyone will do that and it will still end up with tents slowly building up on the server.


It's really easy to forget to do also (even for me) and then you lose the tent and all its' contents.

Edited by AussieHunter

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Here is my review of the current Experimental Build. 





8 / 10

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If you eat steaks like that you won't get stuffed ever :D




To be serious: It depends actually how much % your steak has, if your knife/machete is badly damaged and you killed the animal in a bad way you will get steaks with just a few (positive) percent for real. And ofc then you can eat tons of them. 


I really hope they redo this whole % based meat thing, it really doesn't make any sense.


First off, why would you waste time cutting neat little pieces like that? Easy of transport? Ok sure, but why/how can i have a 9% piece of meat? how does that even work? Even with a bent and chipped knife i'm pretty sure i could still cut off a significant chunk of meat to take with me.

Edited by Chompster
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Strange bug I noticed with fireplace kits today: I put the kit down on the ground and placed wooden sticks inside, then the game proceeded to crash. When I came back, the fireplace kit was no longer displaying any wooden sticks, but I could light it just fine. Once it was lit, I could see the sticks again and remove them to put out the fire. While the kit was "glitched", I was also unable to pick it up. This all happened again later on in a place where I was unable to light the fire, so the kit was lost because I could neither light it (and "fix" it) nor pick it up.

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Only time I haven't been able to light a fire was near or in a building. I'm not sure if the same thing applies to trees but I don't remember having that issue.

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Decided to test out throwing.



I had a MP133 without ammo. Chucked it lightly and it disappeared as soon as it hit the ground.

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They adding stuff and stuff and stuff before fixing the main problems.

Still zombies can walk thru everything.

Still DayZ is more a PvP than anything. Just had around 8 hours of looting with awesome stuff...bang. No chance. No warning. KoS-Motherf****s!!! They should really add a karma system or something like that. Or PvP Zones, Servers, anything like that.

Also I still wonder where I can find Smersh vest.

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Decided to test out throwing.



I had a MP133 without ammo. Chucked it lightly and it disappeared as soon as it hit the ground.


Dropping guns in any way seems really glitched out.


Gun spawns may be duping themselves and many people have posted about simply placing them down to have them disappear when trying to carry an extra primary or managing inventory.


I picked up my sawed off shotgun from my backpack considering moving it to another spot on my character and changed my mind dropping it back into the same slots and it disappeared instantly. :(

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I don't know if this has been posted, but just in case it hasn't been or for those who are not aware...I have seen Humvees spawning loot now. I've found boots, cargo pants, even an SKS spawn by them.

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Dropping guns in any way seems really glitched out.


Gun spawns may be duping themselves and many people have posted about simply placing them down to have them disappear when trying to carry an extra primary or managing inventory.


I picked up my sawed off shotgun from my backpack considering moving it to another spot on my character and changed my mind dropping it back into the same slots and it disappeared instantly. :(


all you have to do is to log off and log in again and the gun will appear where u dropped it. But it gets really annoying if you run around with two guns and try to swap them because if you drop both guns the second gun will disappear.


anyway, re-joining should help

Edited by robophant
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Alright, here's something that I've noticed from reinforcing an Assault Vest with Duct Tape...


After reinforcing it, that vest probably took over a dozen zombie hits and stayed at the condition it was at when I applied it: Damaged.


It wasn't until I Crashed to Desktop next to a zombie and spawned back in that the vest was reduced to Ruined status, and some of the items inside were damaged as well. So it's very possible that patching Vests and Raincoats will not so much make them look newer or improve their condition so much as immensely help to prevent them becoming damaged. 


As time goes on, I'll be very curious to see if Duct Tape adds any appreciable damage resistance to projectiles. 


Reinforcing a Hunting Backpack took almost two whole rolls of Duct Tape to complete.

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I don't know if this has been posted, but just in case it hasn't been or for those who are not aware...I have seen Humvees spawning loot now. I've found boots, cargo pants, even an SKS spawn by them.


It was really cool to find a whole civilian gear set in the back of a pick up truck once.


As a new spawn I found a seemingly untouched pick up truck with a wool coat, double rifle, childs backpack, and food and drink right in the bed.


Of course that "lucky" character was KoS'd but lives spawn on....

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They adding stuff and stuff and stuff before fixing the main problems.

Still zombies can walk thru everything.

Still DayZ is more a PvP than anything. Just had around 8 hours of looting with awesome stuff...bang. No chance. No warning. KoS-Motherf****s!!! They should really add a karma system or something like that. Or PvP Zones, Servers, anything like that.

Also I still wonder where I can find Smersh vest.


Welcome to the party, pal.


Sounds like you just need to pay more attention. Walking around in plain sight with fancy gear, I bet. Might as well paint a target on your back. Barring bugs or hackers, every time you die, it's your own fault. Even losing focus for a second can mean death. Always assume someone is watching you, waiting for an opportunity to put one through your skull.


As for the zombies, having just spent 2 hours in experimental, I can vehemently deny your claims that 'zombies can walk thru everything'. In fact, I may have discovered a glitch that actually works against them.


When I tried to lock a zombie inside one of the metal hangars with the blue doors, I noticed it would just stand right outside the doors, as if it was unable to get inside. It did not even attack me when I punched it in the head. It was one of the blonde females (aka the Buggy Babes) so I thought maybe it was a one-off. So I aggro'd two other zombies and ran back into the hangar. Lo and behold, they too just stood right outside as I socked them in the mouth with impunity. Has anyone else had this happen in .50?

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Lack of vehicles spawning loot in Stable are the reason I don't play it.  When vehicles don't spawn loot it condenses the community of players, since they no longer travel to places where they know that looting opportunites are available from vehicle loot. 


Pustoshka is a fantastic example for myself. I always went there, but when we lost vehicle loot spawns, I never went close to it. It just wasn't worth the trek there any longer. 

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Alright, here's something that I've noticed from reinforcing an Assault Vest with Duct Tape...


After reinforcing it, that vest probably took over a dozen zombie hits and stayed at the condition it was at when I applied it: Damaged.


It wasn't until I Crashed to Desktop next to a zombie and spawned back in that the vest was reduced to Ruined status, and some of the items inside were damaged as well. So it's very possible that patching Vests and Raincoats will not so much make them look newer or improve their condition so much as immensely help to prevent them becoming damaged. 


As time goes on, I'll be very curious to see if Duct Tape adds any appreciable damage resistance to projectiles. 


Reinforcing a Hunting Backpack took almost two whole rolls of Duct Tape to complete.



I think that is just the buggy repairing mechanic, same thing would happen to me after using sewing kits.  Not until you moved it or reconnected would it show it's actual state. 

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I think that is just the buggy repairing mechanic, same thing would happen to me after using sewing kits.  Not until you moved it or reconnected would it show it's actual state. 


I've had the same character for the last three days of so. I've dropped it, moved it around, put it back on, everything. Still wouldn't improve the condition. I don't think it's a bug since the verbiage of the notification is very specifically "reinforced" and not "repaired".

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A lot of the problems you guys are describing are attributed to ongoing work on item matrix. Items dont update their status properly (as in condition, wet/durability) and their visibility on ground + in containers gets bugged a bit as well. As has been said relog if you encounter these issues.

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A lot of the problems you guys are describing are attributed to ongoing work on item matrix. Items dont update their status properly (as in condition, wet/durability) and their visibility on ground + in containers gets bugged a bit as well. As has been said relog if you encounter these issues.


So the problem of spawning into servers that don't appear to have any loot can be fixed with relogging into it? 

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So the problem of spawning into servers that don't appear to have any loot can be fixed with relogging into it? 


Only issue with person dropping an item and that item dissapearing can be fixed by relog (item matrix for items near the player gets refreshed properly)


Okay so every server has loot (at least the last iteration of experimental, as in previous some servers despawned from 42k items to 900). There are no empty servers to talk of. However there are two issues underlying this condition people attribute to lack of loot. 


1. Visibility

2. Distribution and even proper availability of correct loot types in correct areas.


Visibility can be fixed within reasonable timeframe. Loot distribution requires a lot of tech for item spawning logic. That will probably happen in february (march?) but no promises.

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Only issue with person dropping an item and that item dissapearing can be fixed by relog (item matrix for items near the player gets refreshed properly)


Okay so every server has loot (at least the last iteration of experimental, as in previous some servers despawned from 42k items to 900). There are no empty servers to talk of. However there are two issues underlying this condition people attribute to lack of loot. 


1. Visibility

2. Distribution and even proper availability of correct loot types in correct areas.


Visibility can be fixed within reasonable timeframe. Loot distribution requires a lot of tech for item spawning logic. That will probably happen in february (march?) but no promises.


Could you give us a simple description of how the loot respawning system currently works in the game so far? What spawns, where it spawns, how items "despawn" if they even do at all...right now there seems to be the issue of books, wrenches, glowsticks, and other mostly useless items becoming piled up as loot actually taken by players slowly reduces the amount of useful loot to lower and lower.


I've seen bookshelves with ten books on them because books keep spawning on top of one another as players take weapons, ammunition, and food from elsewhere. 


It would be nice to have a general idea how it's working so far, since I understand it's so vital that the information gathering you guys are doing now are as complete and accurate as possible for the final systems to be implemented. 

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Could you give us a simple description of how the loot respawning system currently works in the game so far? What spawns, where it spawns, how items "despawn" if they even do at all...right now there seems to be the issue of books, wrenches, glowsticks, and other mostly useless items becoming piled up as loot actually taken by players slowly reduces the amount of useful loot to lower and lower.


I've seen bookshelves with ten books on them because books keep spawning on top of one another as players take weapons, ammunition, and food from elsewhere. 


It would be nice to have a general idea how it's working so far, since I understand it's so vital that the information gathering you guys are doing now are as complete and accurate as possible for the final systems to be implemented. 


Okay so here is the thing. We havent been sharing specifics, because it simply causes people to worry about how things work. Rather than how things feel for the player. 


1. Items do despawn. Each item has a set lifetime in seconds, some longer, some shorter after being manipulated this timer resets. Some items are simply persistent (tents). All this attributes are set from database (hive). There probably will be a durability decrease on some of the in the future.

2. Items do respawn, I`ll leave the specifics out for this one. Since there is a lot of tech and logic over next 6-8 months that will drasticaly change that.


The problem you are describing is attributed to logic of how the loot respawns (as in type logic). There is none atm. There will be in the future both for area relation and type relation. (for example more food will spawn in newbie areas, and it will keep a evenly distributed amount over the whole map with right types.

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Okay so every server has loot (at least the last iteration of experimental, as in previous some servers despawned from 42k items to 900). There are no empty servers to talk of. However there are two issues underlying this condition people attribute to lack of loot. 

First .50 update was awfull. There was so little loot. Next update is great, I didnt have problems gearing up. Ofcourse, I didnt find any AKs, but I found MP133 and ammo for it. If you go to in land you can find enough stuff to start surviving. I went to Mishikino military base (former Balota tents) and there was tons of stuff there. Didnt find AKs or SKS, but I found some 7,63x39 ammo, and monthly suply of 9mm and. 45 ammo, Makarovs and mags and one MP133. All tents spawn loot, and loot spawns even next to wrecked tanks and APC. I was there on two different servers (lost conection, didnt hop). 

Most of players wants to gear up in fully Gorka gear and AKMs in first 20 minutes after spawn. I love survival play style. All we need are higher number of zombies in high loot areas.

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