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Temperature effects are broken since hotfix

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TwinSpire - I want to address several things you stated so I broke your post up for ease of response.  I hope you don't take it in the wrong light, ro that my responses are meant in any way as being attacking or trollish because I respect your POV.


Or they are well aware what it takes and purposely choose to exaggerate the needs of the toon for balance, testing, or game reasons?



It goes way beyond something like that.  While playing this game, which I like quite a bit and can't say that enough, I have been bugged by some of the core pieces of a survival game which should be more in tune with the topic.  They are just flat out wrong when they should not be, and it is not a matter of exaggeration as you suggest.  To explain the difference I see - the gun mechanics.  Yeah ok, even melee, not near COD or BF4 but that's not what they are trying to sell.  They CAN and will because it sells games, and I am all for this game thriving any which way it can, but it is fairly obvious even with the last release where they introduced thermal issues, wetness, etc., surviving is a need to have and pvp shooter is a nice to have element.  I can completely forgive the clunky shooting/melee system.  I am less forgiving on the surviving part.  And I expect as we are all in the alpha for a reason, that the powers that be SHOULD care about this kind of input.  Hell, the advice comes free of charge.  Ask them how many of their contractors work for free.

Ok lets be "realistic".  


Do they set it so you only need one can of food every "real" 24 hours or your toon starts to die?  People would be pissed, gotta hire a baby sitter for your toon when you go out of town for a week or two.


Do they set it so you only need one can of food every in-game 24 hours?  Is that time on current server, different server, what about restarts and time resets?  24 hours of gameplay?  That would be either a huge hassle or very boring.


This is different.  I am all for the shorter starvation/thirst issues as most people don't play the game 24/7.  The temperature issues are different because you can't layer at all and that is such a glaring omission... like screen door on a submarine glaring omission.  You try to relate the shorter starvation/thirst cycle to the issues with getting hypothermia in 5 minutes and I am sorry boss, it is just flat wrong.  A better analogy would be if they prevented you from eating at all because not allowing someone to have on a shirt AND a hoodie AND a wool coat at the same time is way closer to that than what you theorized...  Why did they do this?  I can make an educated guess but I don't know why.  Does it even matter?  Their system as currently designed is a 2 out of 10.  I think one of the reasons they did this is because even a T-shirt has carrying capacity.  Every article of cloting has carrying capacity and they don't want someone running around with 10000 pockets.  That was a good idea tbh, but instead of having this silly "only 1 upper piece of clothing" rule they should have used a system that only allows the top most layer to have active pockets.  That way you still limit the loot, but increase the realism factor.  Thermal protection and clothing system currently... 2 out of 10 realism.  That needs to change.


You can certainly have opinions on how difficult/often/scarce items or practices need to be to be enjoyable for you or meet a certain game style, but its a faaaaaar reach in saying a GAME developer didn't consult blah blah blah expert because it doesn't match your experience exactly.  They could have consulted Chuck Norris and decided gameplay was more fun to have to worry about eating more etc.



The developers have to make a choice actually, because this game is either an FPS, and as FPS's go it is on the very low end, or it will be a survival game in Zed land which currently there aren't any good ones with this game's promise.  Maybe you are right, they are going for the fun factor.  Well, where's the fun in having to spend 4 real time hours in front of a fire because you can't put three layers of clothes on you currently have in your hand?  For that matter where's the fun in getting blasted by a zombie through a wall from 20' away?  See, some things are just broken and need fixing. 


The lack of being able to layer and warm up needs fixing and with the addition of exposure, it needs fixing on the sooner side.


And it isn't a reach to say the developers don't have the first clue about surviving in the wild.  It is blatantly obvious for anyone who did that they understand it the way my reading a pamphlet on dialysis makes me an expert on kidney diseases.  Question: what's the most you ever roughed it?

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The lack of being able to layer and warm up needs fixing and with the addition of exposure, it needs fixing on the sooner side.



There's not no layering, vests for instance go over clothing underneath. Now what pieces of clothing fill this role may need to change. From the description it seems like the down jacket should actually function in place of a vest, going over clothing underneath and working so that you could put it on over your t-shirt or whatever. There are I imagine inherent limits to this approach from the engine and from a gameplay perspective. It's probably not ideal to have people wearing a wool coat over a wool coat. A wool coat over a t-shirt maybe but can they then where a vest article or a down jacket? You would then have to rework how all clothing is handled as these things are taking up different slots and space on your avatar's visual person. Wear a backpack with just an undershirt and you'll see the space left to avoid too much clipping. I imagine much more work will be done here but probably within the context of the system they currently have.


Also, congrats on surviving for a week on an island in Maine, I survived the first 18 years of my life in Maine. :D

Edited by Ebrim

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Well we have 8 pages so far discussing that to someone isn't a bug, go figure. I got cold built a fire inside of a house and now have hypothermia, 3 logs in the fire and I can't get rid of the cold even standing in it. First time I built a fire outside I warmed up. Left came back to another server and have no idea how to get rid of the hypothermia???


Fires don't work indoors atm i.e. you don't get any heat benefit from them

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There's not no layering, vests for instance go over clothing underneath. Now what pieces of clothing fill this role may need to change. From the description it seems like the down jacket should actually function in place of a vest, going over clothing underneath and working so that you could put it on over your t-shirt or whatever. There are I imagine inherent limits to this approach from the engine and from a gameplay perspective. It's probably not ideal to have people wearing a wool coat over a wool coat. A wool coat over a t-shirt maybe but can they then where a vest article or a down jacket? You would then have to rework how all clothing is handled as these things are taking up different slots and space on your avatar's visual person. Wear a backpack with just an undershirt and you'll see the space left to avoid too much clipping. I imagine much more work will be done here but probably within the context of the system they currently have.

Also, congrats on surviving for a week on an island in Maine, I survived the first 18 years of my life in Maine. :D

True on the vest but that isn't the layering I mean. I am referring to thermal layering. The vests add zero insulation which is ok, but you should be able to use multiple shirts and such to completely defeat the cold. Currently you can't which is pattently ridiculous. I think the reason is because they Don't want folks abusing the pocket system, but they do by allowing stacked clothes in pockets (need to fix that soon)... IDK ...

Cool in Maine boss. I used to go to Machias, Belfast, Desert Isle, Katahdin.... Love Maine.

Edited by Zombie Milkman

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I've been consistently cold on the MCA (formerly Reddit Rescue Force) server. I'm in pristine sweatshirt, radar cap, jeans and low cut hiking boots. the only time I'm not cold, is when I am directly next to a fire. I haven't tried much on any other servers to see if it's just that server.

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Well we have 8 pages so far discussing that to someone isn't a bug, go figure. I got cold built a fire inside of a house and now have hypothermia, 3 logs in the fire and I can't get rid of the cold even standing in it. First time I built a fire outside I warmed up. Left came back to another server and have no idea how to get rid of the hypothermia???


Again: try to search for a "Vilayer" server. Meaning enter the word vilayer in your server filter.


Worked for me every single time.



One thing I did notice was on the "Vylaer" (don't think that is the proper name), I couldn't see my breath...


Has nothing to do with that. On my video you can also see I have no breath, meaning the outer temperature is around or above body temperature.


Don't want folks abusing the pocket system, but they do by allowing stacked clothes in pockets (need to fix that soon)... IDK ...


FIX is the right word. Because if carrying a box of matches, a pair of handcuffs, a key, a knife and a hacksaw uses as much inventory space as a six-pack of beer, then I'd prefer to keep the inventory system the way it is. Meaning I need to find ways of carrying around as much stuff as I would carry in a real-life scenario. I know I repeat myself on this issue, but depending on what you're carrying, some smaller backpacks have the actual carrying capacity of a woman's handbag.

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The main problem for me is that currently I get 'I'm cooling off' messages on most servers, but only on some of them this actually means anything. I start on a rainy server, get 'cooling off' for half an hour with no apparent effect, switch to a morning-sunny server, immediately get the actual 'cold' status, switch to another server (I'm not making a fire in the middle of the NWAF) and keep 'cooling off' and 'shaking' for another hour, but this time again with no effect.


Fully agree on stacking top clothes, it's ridiculous that a T-shirt excludes a raincoat but you stack infinite gorka jackets one within another.

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Everything is broken. Temperatures, fireplaces which work only in ground level, holding breath function. If people for once just stopped apologizing for developers, maybe Bugemia improved it? Because it seems that now we see 3-5 people complaining and 50-60 people apologizing and saying "it's all fine, learn to play".

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Everything is broken. Temperatures, fireplaces which work only in ground level, holding breath function. If people for once just stopped apologizing for developers, maybe Bugemia improved it? Because it seems that now we see 3-5 people complaining and 50-60 people apologizing and saying "it's all fine, learn to play".


I agree to a certain sense. The devs need constructive criticism. The fanbois have nothing constructive to add, so they might as well not waste anybody's time on the forum or bugtracker.

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Ya its not working right now, but the place holders are obviosly in place to make it a very good part of the game.

I was packing a rain jacket and a down jacket both green, and putting on the down jacket and a wool toque worked great, my buddies still shivering but not me.

I did start a fire(outside) and it worked great to heat me up, but in gortex tops bottoms and good gloves and boots I still started getting cold very quickly as I left the fire.


Very promising but flawed at the moment I would say

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So I did a lot of experimenting with the temperature system as it is today.

Most importantly I confirmed and reproduced the effect I had noted yesterday, it's possible to become cold immune and that being near a fire "resets" your temperature to 36.6 but also removes your cold immunity.


Cold immunity seems to result from hovering for a time at the cusp of the "cold" status in which you'll become cold, lose the status, gain it again, etc. You'll see lots of messages about "I'm slowly warming up" followed by "I'm slowly cooling down" or "I'm getting cold". At a certain point you just won't see the cold status come back anymore. At this point you can go all the way to 35 body heat (which should be killing you) and you'll not even have the cold status. You will still get occasional messages saying you are cooling but it won't matter. At this point you could be naked and never die of hypothermia.

Generally most servers seem to be in a state of extreme cold, I've been on multiplays a lot. What this means is that even if you're dressed about as warmly as possible it's likely on most of the map (perhaps not on the coast due to elevation) you'll always be slowly losing body heat. Which means eventually you'll probably need a fire. The good news is that clothing does help which significantly extends the period in which you can go without access to fire. I tested this by simply removing clothes and watching the "I'm cooling slightly" messages turn to "I'm rapidly cooling".

I haven't played on the Vilayer servers yet but I'd guess that maybe they have a higher ambient temperature allowing you to not freeze so easily. The end conclusion to all this is that except for cold immunity bug things seem to be working fine. I doubt very much that in future patches we'll be stuck in this era of perma-freeze and eventually we'll start to see greater varieties of days. From hot to warm to cold to freezing (like now). Many people ultimately won't suffer too much after getting established though as the chances are they've become cold immune, most of them are probably running around happy at 35C and don't even know it.

Edited by Ebrim
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I am not enjoying the (un)stable 0.49.... I know its an alpha and all...... but the 0.48 was in better shape... I have lost 7 characters to hypothermia and have tried everything to stay warm. Every time they die sitting next to a full fire with dry military type clothes on. I am also experiencing switching of weapons during melee attacks on zombies. and zombies have become worse at running through walls, and doors that are closed. Alpha is an alpha but it is good when the game actually gets better as it grows.


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1st off, Chernarus is obviously somewhat around zero, since I can always see my breath. Which means we are clearly below body temperature. Still doesn't explain dying with 15 minutes.

Eat, drink... gamemechanics are speeded up. Temperature also.

You do not die in 15 min.



3rd of all, here is the official bug report for the currently broken temperature mechanics.

Getting spammed with "you are promptly cooling off. you are cooling off means nothing. It is only a info, you are not dead. You are only shaking.

Make each hour a fire is not so hard. For mee it feels not buggy.


If its giving me "cold" status that leads to hypothermia and eventually death.

You can run a loooong time with the "Cold" status. Check your temperature with the thermometer. Nothing to worry a long time.



Please note how many people complain of freezing within minutes despite being fully clothed, even with winter clothes.


Please note how many people panicking without knowing the mechanics.

Edited by NoCheats

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I haven't gotten to the point of hypothermia yet, but has anyone else gotten to the point of "I am freezing" in full gorka plus jungle boots and a balaclava, and at full sun no less? Building a fire takes care of it quickly, but then as soon as I leave it, it's back to "I am rapidly cooling off". Am I just doing something painfully obvious, or is that a bug? (I used search and didn't find any threads of that nature.)


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The only bug I'm aware of allows you to run around perfectly fine with a body temperature of 35. This actually prevents you from freezing to death, not causes it. It's possible clothes aren't protecting people as much as they should or they are WAD and it's just really really cold out on many servers. At the moment we have no way of testing the ambient temperature so it's impossible to know.

It's easy to test the system by using a thermometer and watching how clothing affects the rate at which you lose heat. While naked you'll always be rapidly cooling off while if you're very early dressed you will only be cooling off or slightly cooling off. The base mechanics all seem to be working fine. What we need now is more varied weather so that people can see the difference between a really cold day and a hot one and so on.

Edited by Ebrim

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I've noticed that as long as I keep my health status at MAXIMUM health I stay out of COLD status. So I'm constantly eating and drinking to stay at top condition.

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Get rid of hypothermia or at least make it less common


I just started playing again and I've died 3 times today due to hypothermia.  I honestly doubt anyone likes this feature. It's too hard to find a box of matches and an axe quick enough to cure yourself.  It wouldn't be so bad if it took at least 24 hours real time to get hypothermia.

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Wouldn't be so bad if you would go loot a warm jacket.


Maybe you're new to the game but the object of the game is to survive. Not only survive against armed players in Berezino but ALSO the ENVIRONMENT!

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Wouldn't be so bad if you would go loot a warm jacket.


Maybe you're new to the game but the object of the game is to survive. Not only survive against armed players in Berezino but ALSO the ENVIRONMENT!

The only jacket that keeps you from freezing is the big ass one that makes you look like the michelen man. And those are pretty hard to come by. You also cant use a vest with them either.

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As far as I understand, the developers said in the current build of DayZ the effects of hypo/hyperthermia and the sensitivity of your character to heat are greatly exaggerated for testing. 


Also like the guy above said, I'm sure there are people who dislike the feature because they just think the game is Battle Royale with zombies but people who play the game as it's meant to be and enjoy the survival part, will appreciate this feature.

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