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Temperature effects are broken since hotfix

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In game temperature must be set by the server as i have played on hell in a handbasket server wearing ttsko jacket autumn hunter pants gloves beanie mil boots and high capacity vest at sunrise and i get a steady temp but when i change to hardcore pvp server(both australian servers) and it was 1 in the afternoon my character was steadily getting cold.


So i am not sure the mechanic is broken so much as i think some servers are using the wrong setting but thats just my 2 cents...


Like I said, this varies from server to server. If they decide to make a "Jupiter moon Europa" server, then I'd like to know so as to ditch that rubbish out of my favorites, though.

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1st off, Chernarus is obviously somewhat around zero, since I can always see my breath. Which means we are clearly below body temperature. Still doesn't explain dying with 15 minutes.


No offense to you, but this just came into my mind... I think it's funny, that people complain about freezing to death within 15 minutes because it is not realistic, but don't complain about morphine fixing a broken leg forever or using a ragged t-shirt to "heal" a shot to the chest. ^^

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No offense to you, but this just came into my mind... I think it's funny, that people complain about freezing to death within 15 minutes because it is not realistic, but don't complain about morphine fixing a broken leg forever or using a ragged t-shirt to "heal" a shot to the chest. ^^


You sort of have a point there, but though on the one hand, there has to be some kind of balance between gameplay and realism, on the other hand WHY MAKE IT HARDER THAN IT IS IN REAL LIFE!


What kind of game would we have if it were realistic in that sense? Think about it. Let's say you were to get shot by a wall-trolling jerk but unloaded on him and killed him, after taking a shot to the chest. Now one of your team-mates is around and spends 60 minutes IN-GAME applying a suturing kit and replenishing your blood pressure with the help of an IV-kit. He then drags you to a hospital (taking 120 in-game minutes to do so) and then leaves you there. You literally log on to DayZ EVERY DAY for the next 30 days just to have the game running so that your character heals. Meanwhile, your buddy logs in EVERY DAY just to stand next to you to guard you. Nobody in their right mind would play such a game.


Now to top it all off, imagine how many people would play this game if it weren't just realistic, but 10 times more hardcore than in real life.


This is what the temperature system is like on some servers now. It isn't realistic, it isn't playable, it is simply b-r-o-k-e-n

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I have also had some problems after the latest hotfix. To me it seems that the accelerated server time might also accelerate body temperature changes. I'll login in another month and see if all of this is working yet.

No offense to you, but this just came into my mind... I think it's funny, that people complain about freezing to death within 15 minutes because it is not realistic, but don't complain about morphine fixing a broken leg forever or using a ragged t-shirt to "heal" a shot to the chest. ^^

People do complain about this. They think it is entirely unrealistic and want a proper medical system.

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I have also had some problems after the latest hotfix. To me it seems that the accelerated server time might also accelerate body temperature changes. I'll login in another month and see if all of this is working yet.


Good thought. I'll see if I can confirm or negate that

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No offense to you, but this just came into my mind... I think it's funny, that people complain about freezing to death within 15 minutes because it is not realistic, but don't complain about morphine fixing a broken leg forever or using a ragged t-shirt to "heal" a shot to the chest. ^^


Yeah man... i like to call it "Convenience realism"... realistic.. but only when is "convenience" for me.

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This is what the temperature system is like on some servers now. It isn't realistic, it isn't playable, it is simply b-r-o-k-e-n


I wouldn't say its completely broken. Maybe it's bugged at the moment. ;-)


As I said in a post before on sunday i weared a vest + jacket and both items broke because of an axe hit (--> ruined). From this time on I got the messages "I'm slowly...". Before I was full geared and got no messages. So that seemed to me working as intended.


Yesterday after the patch it was a little chaotic, cooling off, waruming up, cooling off, warming up... but I never got the yellow cold state in the character sheet. Nonetheless it worked (for me) fine the days before. So not broken... just some kind of bug to fix.

Edited by dirrly

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dude nobody will say go play call of duty , this is a bug appeared after the hotfix. Iam fully geared with pristine clothes and iam freezing! This should be fixed

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I don't know about "broken" but the mechanic of weather, body temp, wet clothes and loot obviously needs to be tweaked and balanced.  I know "balanced" is a dirty word around here.  But you can't have people spawn in a downpour with no warm clothing / heat producing loot for 20 miles or require characters to wear nothing short of the puffy down jacket to survive and expect people to enjoy playing.


That said, I do like the weather/cold dynamic.  Forcing people to find shelter when it rains is going to cut out a lot of spawn camping and just makes for a more interesting game in general.


I just wish it didn't rain every 2 minutes as if Chernarus was in a tropical rain forest!!

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It is obvious that I cannot set the time of year yet but it is the GSP who does. That's why you get cold weather where you can see your breath and warm weather where you can't.


I use whatever tools/settings I am allowed to use, nothing more, nothing less. I am not sure you're implying something or I am just reading into what you're saying the wrong way.


No I'm certainly not implying anything untoward. I like your servers and I have played on them a lot. I was just curious about what could be configured and by whom. I was not aware that the server even had an option to set the date. I also thought that the visibility of your breath was related to time of day or something.


After doing some more reading It looks like altitude and wind also affect you players temperature.

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This is profoundly broken. Not in the sense that it's either realistic or unrealistic, but in the sense that it kills you in a way that seems completely arbitrary.


I'm currently freezing to death, in the sun, wearing full Gorka kit, gloves, boots, and beanie.

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Well, I've found a server that is hellbent on killing me, went out and observed the time lapse.


5:6 - for every five minutes that pass in real-life, six minutes pass on the server according to my observation


I really spent 5 minutes running around and wasn't able to warm myself up again. I sort went from cold to not cold back to cold back to not cold. The moment I stood still for a second to catch my breath, I immediately "promptly" started cooling off again.


EDIT: Not a drop of rain this time

Edited by ColonelBurton

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So it may very well be bugged right now though I've not yet frozen to death or actually been "cold" status for long, playing early in the day yesterday. Typically I've been wearing tracksuit pants, tracksuit jacket, low hiking boots, balaclava, gloves and as assault vest. I also keep a wool coat in my backpack for "warm up". I've avoided getting wet generally as I'm not carrying anything waterproof, I had a gorka jacket for a while for this purpose but it felt too gamey and tacticool for me so I dropped it. Now while like I said I haven't really dealt with cold, why I think there may be a legitimate bug is that I'm constantly getting "I'm cooling off" "I'm cold" messages. However when I check my temperature by thermometer I'm always at 35C. Now this may just be a warning that the ambient temperature is cold enough to get me hypothermic and not a representation of changes in my actual temperature.

So it's not impossible that people are experiencing some sort of bugged behavior but it's certainly not universal as there are many of us as well who are having no real problems to speak of. Some amount of that is undoubtedly play-style. Whatever amount is malfunction, I'm sure the devs are aware of.


EDIT: I also wanted to comment on the axes. I think they do wear down too fast from chopping trees but honestly I feel they should get a tiny bit of wear and tear from hitting anything, including zeds. If you just keep your axe for chopping trees it should last much longer.

Edited by Ebrim

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I use the protable gas stove to keep warm. It only takes two spots in my inventory and doesn't ruin my axe. I turn it on and squat over the thing until my chesnuts are nice and toasty, usually only a few min at most. ;)

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Well, video took a while to process.  I sped it up to 2x speed.




almost 20 mins and I just started to get a little cold.


Nice sunny day you have there. Still pretty extreme that your temperature drops by one degree per 10 minutes, don't you think?


Apart from that, where it says "I am cooling off" my game always tells me "I am promptly cooling off"


And as soon as you do a sidestep, it says "I am slowly warming up" when my game says "I am cooling off" when I sprint!


So it must be server related in some way.

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Nice sunny day you have there. Still pretty extreme that your temperature drops by one degree per 10 minutes, don't you think?


Apart from that, where it says "I am cooling off" my game always tells me "I am promptly cooling off"


And as soon as you do a sidestep, it says "I am slowly warming up" when my game says "I am cooling off" when I sprint!


So it must be server related in some way.

Not really.  I was only wearing a police jacket and sat around for almost 20 minutes.  I only reached the cold status and didn't even come close to dying.  Maybe it's broken on some servers, maybe it's not.  I play on multiple servers and have never had a single issue with freezing to death once.

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Something changed... 


I played for about 30 min this morning, day, no rain, could see breath.


After about 15 min went into cold status, with notice switching from cooling off to promptly cooling off.  A few red "I am shaking" mixed in.


Damaged radar cap, miltiary boots, gorka gear pristine, high cap vest.  Switched out gorka shit for raincoat didn't seem to change anything but with 15-30 min difficult to tell.

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Reporter "dreagon948" reported that only Vilayer servers work fine as concern the weather effects.


I just joined a vilayer server and at least in this one instance, it is correct.


Please test this out and give feedback (filter your server list for "vilayer")




EDIT: I just tried out several Vilayer servers and never once got this issue. Weird.

Edited by ColonelBurton

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Reporter "dreagon948" reported that only Vilayer servers work fine as concern the weather effects.


I just joined a vilayer server and at least in this one instance, it is correct.


Please test this out and give feedback (filter your server list for "vilayer")



Just joined a mulitplay server which saved my status from last night where my video stopped at me being cold and nothing changed.  Joining a Vilayer server to test it out.  Will get back to you.


Logged on, cold status went away and I am warming up.  Bother server times were 2:15 pm.


Funny enough, when I had my server it was through Vilayer and I never once had an issue with it.  That was also quite a few patches ago tho.

Edited by Caboose187

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All of us want realism and a challenge. That’s cool. We want DayZ to be hard. But this stuff just doesn’t make since. Look I served time in military, and did mountaineering when I was younger and will tell based of that. This system is a vary exsadgerated weather system, and warped if you compare it with reality. There is no question. Maybe if it were well below freezing.

Last night I found out the system is just not working all that well. 2 issues that make this bad that I ran into.

-Roughly 15 minutes after being a normal temp I was cold and my temp was dropping. There was no warming back up. The only way to warm up was to light a fire. My avatar was fully geared with Gurka suit, the new mask gloves, mil boots. Running did not help warming back up. The only way that I was able to warm up was build a fire. In 3 hours of game play I had to build 3 fires. No choice. My avatar looks like a mammal but apparently now is a tropical reptile.

-Fire axes appear to degrade after each tree you chop down......this one I found really stupid. The fire axe I had I chopped a grand total of 4 trees down with. Then it was ruined. This is lame. They need to either slow the degrading down allot, or take it out altogether. I would never buy in axe at home depot that can only chop down 3 or 4 trees or logs then it’s done.

So these mechanics just don't add up. I'm personally not playing again tile it’s fixed, which I think they probably will. Hopefully sooner rather than later. Not complaining just doesn’t feel like wasting a bunch of time.

Here’s what I think need to be fixed.

1) We need to be able to lite smaller fires not requiring logs. This will make it easier for players to stay warm. Just with sticks and rags.

2) There needs to be a alt way to starting fires other the matches....Like the method were you rubbing sticks to start one...maybe requiring some time to do.

3) Fire axes should not be degraded after each tree you chop down. In fact in the house I grew up in, we used the same axe to chop wood with my entire child hood...DayZ axes suck LOL

4) Your avatar should generate heat if he or she is moving. Cooling at a fast rate while running fast in an above freezing climate, fully clothed, just doesn’t make since if you’re healthy.

Currently this system I lump in with the .47 melee bug. It’s bad enough to make me want to hold off on playing tile the next patch. I get what they are going for, a hard core survival system. But some of these mechanics are just not adding up. Unless we just don't want realism and prefer just to make things hard for are selves for no reason. But this is all part of Alpha, and they are still making the game so I'll give them some slack on that part, its all part of the process. So really this is all just my feedback on what I saw, and what I think needs to be adjusted.

Edited by CJFlint
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I have to keep the wood with you. That way you can avoid ruining your axe :)

but but but my ammo slots??!!!  How am I suppose to be a walking arsenal when I have to carry things with me to survive??

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but but but my ammo slots??!!!  How am I suppose to be a walking arsenal when I have to carry things with me to survive??

Alright poor little boy, you carry the ammo and I'll carry the important stuff :P

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Has any one tried the gas stove to try to stay warm?

I wonder if it still burns meat.....I kind of like the gas stove and lamp. But its not worth lugging around if it serves no purpose.

Edited by CJFlint

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