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More Spray Pain Color Options For Latter Please! :)

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I hope so but you are probably not. Opposing an option because you don't want to use it? Why would you reduce the options of another if it barely affects you?


Also you can't tell how people would react and you should not dictate it because you think you know. This game is about giving players a framework - options to choose from. The last thing we need is a "should not be ingame because only few would use it/its not high tier" mentality. The immersion breaking comes from not even having the option and from never meeting one of those select few.


Key is everyone having the option. People will find a use for it - even if its merely being eccentric. Here most people not using something would actually make it a good choice if you want to stick out.


It would piss me the fuck off though, (and seeing as alot of feedback is positive on this thread, it's probably more likely that a lot of people would be wearing bright colours) seeing everyone running around in bright colours and/or painting everything they find just to make that item unusable.


Also, nobody sane would ever wear bright colours. People only do it because it's a game and it's fun, and you respawn. But nobody would do it if they only had one life. That's the reason it's not immersion breaking


If you're gonna add coloured spraypaints, so people can paint everything in sight lime green, or pink, or something then you might as well not include sleeping or enhanced medical procedures, or bullet pressing or base building because everything's going to break the immersion when you see a conga line of morons wearing Payday masks along with bright pink, lime green, and orange clothing.


Besides, I'm not sure if it's possible to spray paint nylon things such as Mountain Backpacks or slippery Tactical Shirts, as spraypaint is generally only good on hard surfaces such as guns and helmets.

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Why oppose it then? Add it and see if you are right - thats what the game is for.

Because you know that everyone will wear bright coloured stuff the moment that is added, because the community is full of trolls and guys that joke around.

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Now you told me you don't want it because people would never use it and that you don't want it because people would use it...


So in fact it would only piss you off because it would allow people to play the game in another way than you want them to? Stop using "immersion breaking" for "I do not want to see this". Did you ever experience a zombie apocalypse before or why are you so sure about it?


Though I agree backpacks or clothing should rather be dyed than sprayed.

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only 1 green....?  :(




Edited by irishroy
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Now you told me you don't want it because people would never use it and that you don't want it because people would use it...


So in fact it would only piss you off because it would allow people to play the game in another way than you want them to? Stop using "immersion breaking" for "I do not want to see this". Did you ever experience a zombie apocalypse before or why are you so sure about it?


Though I agree backpacks or clothing should rather be dyed than sprayed.


I sort of changed my perspective after I realised that 9/10 people wanted to spray their stuff bright colours so they could stand out.


Anyway, it would piss me off because, in reality, nobody in real life would ever think to do stuff like that. Now, I know that DayZ isn't reality, but it's very realistic, and with some suggestions such as sleeping, deeper medical procedures (such as blood pressure and using defibrillators) and bullet pressing, should these be implemented, you'd sort of get the impression that the game is going for a realistic experience.


As I said, most (sane) people wouldn't wear bright colours in a realistic experience. It's better just to not include the feature instead of giving it to people in hopes that they won't use it.

Edited by lelmat132

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I think a better approach is to make life/death actually matter instead of taking away options because they could be used in a "YOLO careless!" sense. Maybe its even enough to make respawns bad in general. In the end people should be allowed to be pink trolls just as they should be allowed to kill friendlies on sight.


The best way is probably to provide a wider array of sprays for both camouflage (greens, greys, browns, black, ...) and signalling (reds, white, pinks, yellows, ...). Bright colors have uses for sane people as well - as a way of communication. Especially in close quarters you might even go "screw camouflage we use pink guns to avoid friendly fire". Or for people who try to be friendly anyways and rather want to roleplay/show group colors.

Edited by Evil Minion

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I think a better approach is to make life/death actually matter instead of taking away options because they could be used in a "YOLO careless!" sense.

So get those ideas accross the devs's minds and only then argue whether adding ridiculous spray paint colors to the game makes sense (because at the moment it does not).

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Okay I see what you both mean.


Point:Bright colors make you a target, and nobody in their right mind would pick that over camouflage(Except for signalling)


Point:People should be able to choose.


Well. I agree people should be able to choose what they do in this game. Wearing bright colors makes you highly visible. Don't like it? Shoot them. People may see that being so visible isn't worth it, decreasing the number of people who go all out bright colors.

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We already got naked idiots running around for the lulz. We don't need even more unrealistic situations in DayZ.

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So get those ideas accross the devs's minds and only then argue whether adding ridiculous spray paint colors to the game makes sense (because at the moment it does not).

If you Could Paint things a Brighter Color Would Help you Blend to Urban Area's that Also Feature Bright Colors

in Places With Many Buildings those in Dark Green Camo Do Stand out Like a Sore thumb

Perhaps With Some Blue/White/Yellow you Could Camo your Self to Lay in those Piles of Junk and Debre Near Cars and Buildings or Building Faces that Are Brighter Colors

That Could Realy Help you Blend in

Saw One Player Use the Yellow Raincoat and White Construction Helmet to this Advantage in Game it Was Much Harder to Spot Him in Urban Area's of Novo Than if He was in Gorka/TSKO Gear

Also Many Bandits in Game Do Not  rely on Stealth in the Slightest But Rather Numbers

Gang Colors Are Something Prevelent in Real Situations For Telling Who is Part of your Gang And to Distinguish you From those that you Prey on

Just as a Secondary Reason Why one Might Paint Using Reds or Other Colors

Not Always Are People Scared to Get Noticed IRL

Gangs Usualy Stand out on Purpose

I Find it Hard to Beleive in an apocolypse these People Would No Longer Exist

and in DayZ Already People Use the PayDay Masks in this Way to Show that they Dont Need to Hide to Kill you

Edited by NokyoOkami

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I don't really understand the arguments against. Just because they are not fucking tacti cool spec ops wanna be camouflage colours doesn't mean people wouldn't use them, some psychos would love to paint their gear in some bright colours, just for the sake of standing out, to bring out the madness. 

Edited by General Zod

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I don't really understand the arguments against. Just because they are not fucking tacti cool spec ops wanna be camouflage colours doesn't mean people wouldn't use them, some psychos would love to paint their gear in some bright colours, just for the sake of standing out, to bring out the madness. 

And would the ratio of normals/psychos in a real zombie apocalypse situation match one in the game? Not in the slightest. I easily see most people trying non-camo spray colors out only because it's a game (which provides players with stuff they can play around with), ruining the realism the game is striving for.


So again, the only real valid argument for this silly spray color shit would be that "players may want it". It won't add to realism, it will lessen it. Is it worth it? Definitely not, as it's too trivial to sacrifice realism for.

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I don't really understand the arguments against. Just because they are not fucking tacti cool spec ops wanna be camouflage colours doesn't mean people wouldn't use them, some psychos would love to paint their gear in some bright colours, just for the sake of standing out, to bring out the madness. 

No, but seriously, you'll just see a parade of morons wearing Payday masks and bright colours (with possibly no pants) going around and screaming into their microphone. It's gonna be immersion breaking.


Also, another issue is that people may be trolls and paint whatever they find pink, red, lime green, yellow, orange, purple, whatever. So instead of finding normal black/green ballistic helmets, you might find a bunch of hot pink ones at an airfield, or a bright yellow hunter backpack, or some purple boots.

Edited by lelmat132

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So again, the only real valid argument for this silly spray color shit would be that "players may want it". It won't add to realism, it will lessen it. Is it worth it? Definitely not, as it's too trivial to sacrifice realism for.

As has been stated before by several people, there are situations where other, brighter colors would work better for camouflage. In cities, grays might be better than greens for hiding yourself.

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As has been stated before by several people, there are situations where other, brighter colors would work better for camouflage. In cities, grays might be better than greens for hiding yourself.


But that's what the black spray paint is for. Black isn't very dark in this game, it's very greyish, it works for cities.

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But that's what the black spray paint is for. Black isn't very dark in this game, it's very greyish, it works for cities.

But there are other colors that will work as well.


Honestly, I think letting people choose to be a walking bulls-eye would be fine. It just makes them easier to spot for snipers.


Other than gray, there are situations where other colors might be of use. Camouflage isn't always a top priority. Sometimes visibility matters. After all, friendly fire isn't, and you don't want to accidentally kill your comrades for mistaking them for someone else in close quarters environments

Edited by Askelon

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But there are other colors that will work as well.


Honestly, I think letting people choose to be a walking bulls-eye would be fine. It just makes them easier to spot for snipers.


Other than gray, there are situations where other colors might be of use. Camouflage isn't always a top priority. Sometimes visibility matters. After all, friendly fire isn't, and you don't want to accidentally kill your comrades for mistaking them for someone else in close quarters environments


Well, the problem is, is that people who do chose to be a walking bullseye may just troll people by painting everything they find bright colours -- including helmets, backpacks, guns, etc.


I don't know, maybe people will wear less coloured stuff when they get sniped too much, but that doesn't stop people from doing what I said above.


Also, perhaps teams can wear the same hat combos, or roll smaller groups within the groups. (eg, group has six, splits into two groups of two plus a sniper and a spotter) I don't know, friendly fire happens, the best way to minimise this risk is to plan how you're gonna go in, assign certain people to a certain part of the town and not splitting up.

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Well, the problem is, is that people who do chose to be a walking bullseye may just troll people by painting everything they find bright colours -- including helmets, backpacks, guns, etc.


I don't know, maybe people will wear less coloured stuff when they get sniped too much, but that doesn't stop people from doing what I said above.


Also, perhaps teams can wear the same hat combos, or roll smaller groups within the groups. (eg, group has six, splits into two groups of two plus a sniper and a spotter) I don't know, friendly fire happens, the best way to minimise this risk is to plan how you're gonna go in, assign certain people to a certain part of the town and not splitting up.

Solution: Make paint really, really, really hard to find.


Honestly, the fact that people will troll and use bright colors doesn't seem like too good a reason not to go through with it.


Really, I think most of the colors would have a slightly worn shade, somewhat drab. Probably not like Hot Pink.

Edited by Askelon

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Solution: Make paint really, really, really hard to find.


Honestly, the fact that people will troll and use bright colors doesn't seem like too good a reason not to go through with it.


Really, I think most of the colors would have a slightly worn shade, somewhat drab. Probably not like Hot Pink.


Still, they'd be relatively bright. But yeah, I agree, paint cans should be really rare.

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.. and I like spraying my spraycan.


I also like getting high and dance with my favorite zombie lady

Edited by k3malb3y

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No, but seriously, you'll just see a parade of morons wearing Payday masks and bright colours (with possibly no pants) going around and screaming into their microphone. It's gonna be immersion breaking.


Also, another issue is that people may be trolls and paint whatever they find pink, red, lime green, yellow, orange, purple, whatever. So instead of finding normal black/green ballistic helmets, you might find a bunch of hot pink ones at an airfield, or a bright yellow hunter backpack, or some purple boots.

You mean your immersion ? You mean your point of view ?

The whole argument is based of your selfish point of view. Just because you don't like doesn't mean we should take it away from others. 

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As has been stated before by several people, there are situations where other, brighter colors would work better for camouflage. In cities, grays might be better than greens for hiding yourself.

You don't get it do you. What I'm saying is not that there's no possible way for non-green-or-black spray paint to actually be useful for surviving, but that it'll do more bad than good in general for the game, that's why it's not worth being added.

Edited by Powerhouse

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You don't get it do you. What I'm saying is not that there's no possible way for non-green-or-black spray paint to actually be useful for surviving, but that it'll do more bad than good in general for the game, that's why it's not worth being added.

Spoken like a true full cammo tacti cool wanna be. 

Green is useless for survival in towns. 

What sort of bad will it do ? That some self obsessed freak paints his gun pink ? Oh my god how game braking. Unless you are talking about those few dedicated trolls who will paint gear pink and than discard it. Yes inconvenient, but not game breaking.  

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