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Mistakes you see people do all the time in DayZ

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Saw this today. Someone firing in the air in Novo, I suppose to flush out any survivors. I followed him through binoculars, it didn't take long for a sniper to pick him off.

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players asking "where are you" every 10 seconds.

players forgetting what building your in and shooting you.

players running up the road.

players who need to use a compass

players who constantly play on servers with less that 10 on.


oh wait!. 



Edited by R0B3RTF1SH3R

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I'd call myself farily experienced and skilled as a player, but I often play together with friends who are... not


* Walking really close to eachother

* Not knowing how to navigate

* Firing fully-automatic

* Rushing in


and ofcourse; never playing on 1st-person servers

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Assuming that just because I didn't KOS you,

a. I'm stupid.

b. That I'm not ready to shoot you in the face in a heartbeat.

c. Oh, and your mate hiding behind that fence, too.

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5. Jumping off water towers trying to die to get a better spawn point and only ending up with broken legs. In a couple sniping sessions I saw 5 people do this in one hour. I didn't even kill them I merely watched them crawl around looking for some other way to die. Served them right for taking the gimp way out!

because in the apocalypse no one would consider suicide at all would they 

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I keep a combat knife on me for a reason. 


I call bullshit on this one. Combat knife is a unicorn of DayZ, you can't just casualy find it and stash it in your boots anytime you like!  ;)

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Not checking someone's pulse after downing them. I listened to a group of idiots talk about how good they were after "killing me".

Got up, punched one and ran away while they yelled "Hacker!" at me. 

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Running through open fields.

Shooting zeds rather than using melee and all the unnecessary noise making in dangerous areas.

Eating/drinking/checking map/sorting inventory when you're not in the cover.

Starting a firefight: when you have no cover around you; when you have a shitty gun that you can't use; trying to snipe when you have no clue what weapon zeroing is; when you have no chance of winning; with a bunch of innacurate shots; when you're about to loose los to your target in 2s.

Dicking around in towns/villages/military spots.


Shouting "friendly" when you spot someone in NWAF.



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I call bullshit on this one. Combat knife is a unicorn of DayZ, you can't just casualy find it and stash it in your boots anytime you like!  ;)


Yup, had it for months. Part novelty, part utility.

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Not checking someone's pulse after downing them. I listened to a group of idiots talk about how good they were after "killing me".

Got up, punched one and ran away while they yelled "Hacker!" at me. 


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People sneaking around on rooftops not realizing they are casting huge shadows on nearby walls or the ground.

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Not a mistake but happens. New Spawned players asking for a gun. Yeah like I'm going to give you a gun so you can shoot me in the back. This is why I have guns and you are a new spawn because I'm not stupid.


New Spawns choosing to meet up in Berezino,..

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most commom mistakes i see latelly:


1 - ppl geting their new fresh spawns killed after sprinting to towns without checkins zombies and then coming to the forums complaining that the dev team fucked up with the zeds.


2 - ppl complaining their chars are getting killed by cold, whille wearing summer cloths, not heating up with fires or warmer clothes (yes they work, even if the weather system need tweeks)


3 - ppl getting killed by fresh spawns with nothing to lose because they trusted them enough to give them a gun or gave their back to them. And then comimg to the forums complaining about a-holes.


4 - The bohemia crew not dealing urgently with the cheaters/hackers that are currently swarmimg the servers and growing in numbers by the day.

Edited by Rodsin

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Stopping to eat or drink in warzone areas.

There is a time and place for that and it isn't in Svetlo or Berezino.

Don't play inventory tetris in the airfield hanger or ATC tower. Make room for inventory before you go in to grab loot.

If you are spotted or being sniped never stop running, zig zag, whatever, keep running away from the shots or close in and go hands on if you have to.

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People who assume that because I don't have any weapons on my shoulder it means I don't have any weapons.


that's why I shoot everybody unless you are completely naked with no clothes. In that case I just axe you.





The biggest mistake is to not have bandages and couple of splints, morphines on you and not spreading that out across your inventory, not just keeping everything in pants or jacket. Breaking legs in hardcore servers during firefight... you are practically dead, especially if you are in a field with grass.

Edited by MaxRain

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Engaging Zeds with their firearms when they have an effective melee. 


Attempting to shoot through trees.


Checking the top of the ATC.


Carrying Mountain Backpack with full slots, with 95% food.


Running across the airstrip at the NWAF with no back-up or scouts. 


Server hopping the Vybor Military base, and then thinking that if they loot fast.. it will be safer. (I kill so many lately here its insane.. so thank you, for being so well geared and so totally unobservant. *I shit you not, one clan was blasting Metallica over sidechat. I killed all of them.

Edited by lrish

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