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For those of you that have lost faith in DayZ...

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you know what really makes me laugh about this project is " its alpha "


ultimate get out clause but.....


what the people dont realize is. if it is alpha its the building blocks for the foundation of dayz to come. once its down its Dayz. and that what bothers me.


the game is a mess now how can you build on a squidgy mess? you got a unstable foundation you know it ends in tears.

I don't always make pottery.

But when I do i make sure i Kiln it before i turn it on the table.

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Think of it this way....


Almost a DECADE ago, a team of idiots and scammers decided to create some hype about a flight sim they called "Fighter Ops".


They raved about how it would be the cats ass of flight sims and how immersive it was going to be. The hype eventually enticed many people to donate REAL money and invest with the promise of a magnificent flight simulation that was gonna turn the world on its ears.... You know what they got?


JACK $HIT!!!!!


Actually I'm exaggerating. They got some wall paper screenshots and a few videos. That's ALL.


Now, bring yourself to the investment you've made here with DayZ. A game that WARNS you and explains IN DETAIL how it is still in its ALPHA phase and how there WILL be many bugs and glitches BUT, at least you get to actually play the game (for just 30 bucks) and you get to actually SEE progress. Think of the retards who bought into Fighter Ops lol... Man I cannot believe the nerve and sheer lack of human compassion to rob people of their money the way the Fighter Ops developers (and I use that term VERY loosely) did with their followers.


In case anyone thinks I'm lying, read this







I for one am glad to have this game and enjoy playing it, when I'm not being KOS'd lol.

 i payed money for a game that supported xbox controllers it is a alpha so i was expecting bugs and other problems it was advertised to run on low end computers just like the first game witch i played and had no problems running on my computer but with every update for this game i was getting less and less FPS then xbox controllers stopped working for the game and there were no warnings before or explanations after and now when i turn on the game it looks like a  ATARY game and i am only Slightly exaggerating the problem. the DEVS for DayZ SA do not look much different  than the DEVS for Fighter Ops from where i am.

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 i payed money for a game that supported xbox controllers it is a alpha so i was expecting bugs and other problems it was advertised to run on low end computers just like the first game witch i played and had no problems running on my computer but with every update for this game i was getting less and less FPS then xbox controllers stopped working for the game and there were no warnings before or explanations after and now when i turn on the game it looks like a  ATARY game and i am only Slightly exaggerating the problem. the DEVS for DayZ SA do not look much different  than the DEVS for Fighter Ops from where i am.

The game is an Early Access Title something you have failed to understand.

You have been warned once already for spaming, do not continue.

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it might be a early access but that dose not mean i do not get to play it at all and that dose not explain why there was no warning before or explanation after when it happend and why did you not answer in my message is it so you can delete this post ?

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Heres the thing people have to understand including  the developers about complaining here on the DayZ forums. You have to have a bull shit filter. There is real issues and people who bring them. Like latter bugs, ping issues and so forth. There is some minor broken mechanics in the game, but none of them in my eyes are a game killer. DayZ is totally play able. In fact I was one for a few hours and other then having long wait times to get onto servers, I encountered zero issue. Its running better then ever. Im serously not seeing any problems with DayZ SA other then having to wait a while before spawning in.  


So much of the complaining about "hackers" ect ect ect. Is quite honestly frustrated players, who quite frankly just dont know how to play effectively. Its hard for some people to take getting shot dead, after collecting gear for several hours. DayZ is a vary unforgiving game, and its perma death. Meaning you die, you have to start all over again. For some people it is a real blow to them to die. Some get really pist about it. Believe me I have heard the bitching on TS. There is also people who have zero understanding of small unit tactics, or infantry tactics, even in a vary basic since. They get shot and have no idea were it came from, so instantly to them it was a hacker. When the reality was it was someone who was well hidden several hundered meters away from were they are. There is real skill involved in DayZ in order to survive for a long period of time. I'm not talking light servers, I'm talking servers mid to high pop servers. There is learning involved %50 of it is real world common since, knowlege of basic infactry skills and survival skill. The other 50 is understanding of the game mechanics, were things are on the map ect ect. The game for players that have played a while and learned how to survive seems easy. But you have to understand there are people who have a real hard time grasping it. But instead of bitching on the forums, learn how to play. Serously.  


So it can some time s be hard to tell who really does have a legit complaint and who is just crying about something they dont quite understand, but have to much pride to admit it. Its so true.

Edited by CJFlint
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Good  job portraying yourself as one of the only people that knows how to play the game and dismissing the opinion's of so many.   i was thinking the point of the Alpha release  was for the players to help find the bugs and improve the game and the point of the forums to discuss the topic's to find the problems the players have with the game. But no it seams the point is for a select few to point out how wrong everyone is that do not experience the game the way they do damn them for not having your PC's and or internet connection.

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You just lost points for saying "ijit".

Allow me to educate you... Lol

People subconsciously take you seriously and become more receptive to what they read when you use:

A) Proper grammar

B) Proper spelling

C) Proper wording (no slang or street terms)

Kiddies, you may think it's cool but in reality, even the readers your own age won't take you seriously or be open to the idea you're trying to convey.

In short, you just end up looking like, you got it; an "ijit".

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I always had the development process explained to me this way...

Alpha - Add shit to the game in mass, even if it is barely functional.

Beta - Fix the shit you threw into the game so it actually works well.

1.0/Full Game/Release - Congratulations, the game should now be in full working order. More features can be added if tested to work at max functionality.

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I'm still concerned about the future of SA.


DayZ SA is like a wobbly tower. They keep adding more floors, polish the walls, paint it and so on but it might fall down at any time.

I'll regain my faith when the most basic mechanics get finished (like zombies).

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I'll regain my faith when the most basic mechanics get finished (like zombies).


Zombies are not a game mechanic, they are content. The game mechanics for Zombies have improved a lot over the last few patches.

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I always had the development process explained to me this way...

Alpha - Add shit to the game in mass, even if it is barely functional.

Beta - Fix the shit you threw into the game so it actually works well.

1.0/Full Game/Release - Congratulations, the game should now be in full working order. More features can be added if tested to work at max functionality.


That is pretty much it  ;)

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Zombies are not a game mechanic, they are content. The game mechanics for Zombies have improved a lot over the last few patches.


Would you feel better if I said: pathfinding, respawns, ability to detect players?

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Would you feel better if I said: pathfinding, respawns, ability to detect players?


I already feel fine, thank you. Just wanted to point this out. :)

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Jesus fucking Christ. DayZ is an alpha. It's been an alpha. Nowadays, it's less of a status and more of an everything-proof shield. If anyone points out a flaw, the automatic response is "ALPHER!"

You'd never see this tactic with anything except PC games. DayZ is fun, sure, but it needs work, whether or not it's alpher.

I'd love to see a Gamecube game released with 3/4ths of its features either glitch, missing or both. I'd laugh my ass off.


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Just to put things in perspective...The last project I was on had seen more iteration in the course of a month than this game has seen in 7-8. Anyone who really wants DayZ to succeed should be worried, have lost at least a lil faith. If you've spent any time in game development you would see that this team is being poorly managed. Didn't someone recently say that it takes 2-3 months of work to make a single unique structure? That's ludicrous! If that were the case on my last project, it would have never released.

I just think there comes a point when you have to stop being a fanboy, with the wool over your eyes. It is OK to support something, play it regularly and still have legitimate concerns about the product. For some that seems impossible and if you voice any of those concerns your intelligence is put in question along with being berated by the 'alpha' statement. Early access or not, the product represents the company so shaky development practices will definitely lead to investors losing faith. It's only natural and you shouldn't feel ashamed to admit it.

can you share with us some of these games you've worked on? these projects you've been involved with?

I'd like to take you seriously and take your comment as coming from someone with experience in game development... but really anyone can jump on a forum and pretend to have experience and talk with authority on how this particular title should be progressing.

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I've lost faith in the community.  Incessant little whiners all over these forums.  One group is screaming "HACKS HACKS HACKS", another group is screaming "PVP ONLY GAME", another group is screaming "PVE ONLY GAME" , another group is screaming "FIX THIS BROKEN SHIT THAT I PAID FOR", and another group derails every thread complaining about ammo types.




Seriously, what happened though? It wasn't like this a year ago, I know that much.

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That is pretty much it  ;)


I really feel for you guys. You try to be reasonable and understanding with the idiots, but they simply just don't stop. I can only imagine the anger you could feel towards someone who both disregards your hard work and makes rancor filled arguments with no basis. And every day, at that.


You guys deserve a gold fucking medal, seriously.

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Seriously, what happened though? It wasn't like this a year ago, I know that much.


I just got into the community last week. I see that shit and I think to myself.... "but you play the game."

Why would you want to change something you log into and CURRENTLY play. My response is always the following


"Oh, I'm sorry... Is DayZ not as good at YOUR video game?"

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I just got into the community last week. I see that shit and I think to myself.... "but you play the game."

Why would you want to change something you log into and CURRENTLY play. My response is always the following


"Oh, I'm sorry... Is DayZ not as good at YOUR video game?"


These people puzzle me, I tell ya man.

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That is pretty much it  ;)

But DayZ is nothing like a typical build. DayZ started out (and still has) massively broken core gameplay. We have such serious problems like simple button/controls not working hardly at all or extremely unreliable. So DayZ project should not be following the normal (just add shit still it's more broken) because DayZ stand alone alpha already started out with a massively broken core.

To just add more crap ontop of current Alpha launch is a bad idea. In this case, they should have started working ONLY on the core so that the damn controls are at least half way freaking decent. Otherwise, how the hell can we test anything with such a massively broken engine? We can't even add more that 2 damn zombies in a whole city. How can we test the game with hardly any content because the engine is so crappy and broken?

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I'm growing tired of hearing the same all whining from the same old faces.  If you've made your point then don't bother making it again or I will remove it.  People are working hard to get this game developed.  If you think you can do better then go do it. Don't keeping whining like a kid who can't get his own way.  It's too boring to have to read.  If I have to issue bans I will but I'd rather deal with adults who make their point in a reasoned way and then move on.



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What incentive is there for the game to be developed into a finished project? The "Early Access Alpha" already hit peak sales. Are we expecting a "DayZ completed product" to exceed prior release sales? Did ArmA 3 sell more copies on release or during development?

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"Oh, I'm sorry... Is DayZ not as good at YOUR video game?"


Oh, you can't criticize dayZ unless you have developed video games? Lets apply that logic elsewhere:


You can't criticize a politician unless you have a paid position in the Government.


You can't criticize a TV show because you never produced one of your own.


You can't dislike ISIS because you were never a terrorist/insurgent/partisan or self proclaimed "freedom fighter".

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Seriously, what happened though? It wasn't like this a year ago, I know that much.


I think its directly related to Kichi's promotion, on topic. I never lose faith.


This one goes out to all the devs-


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