Parazight 1606 Posted August 21, 2014 (Part of me is gonna play the devil's advocate, the other 80% is gonna speak from the heart.)Stealing. That's the core of this game. I want to steal your valuable time. That's why I hunt other people. The major attraction of this game is all based around time investment. Let me explain.You spend hours and hours gearing up. There's a huge time investment into gearing up and so, every action you take holds the responsibility of recognizing this. When you boldly log onto a server and blindly start running for the control tower at the airfield, your gear, if it could talk, would say something like this; "OMG WAT R U DOING!?! YOU'RE GONNA GET US KILLED!" Very disrespectful to yourself. Disrespectful to your hard earned gear. How dare you forsake all the time spent getting to where you're at now, location and gear-wise.This is where I come in. I want to steal all your stuff. I want to steal all your time. Because there's nothing to enforce laws or rules. I want more. It's far easier and much faster to steal something than it is to work hard for it. It's logical when there are no consequences. The game, in its current state, totally enables this behavior! How awesome! right?!? When I shoot a geared player I've just gained hours and hours of progression. I could run around for an hour and find a weapon, but why? The best loot walks on two feet! When I sneak up on a geared player as a bambi and axe them in the grape, I just gained anywhere from five to twenty of hours of real time looting. I reckon. Some people don't get it though. Some people still think that player versus environment will somehow hold their attention. It wont. PVE is child's play. So, consider this a public service message.Someone will engage in a discussion about KOSing or something and somebody will say "Blah, blah, blah, go play COD or Battlefield instead." I see this statement a lot on these forums. This makes no sense to me at all. I don't care if there are other games with better graphics or mechanics. The killing in those games feels so hollow, like killing-a-fresh-spawn-on-the-coast-hollow. COD, Battlefield, Open world MMO pvp, and whatnot do nothing for players like me. It seems silly to me to hunt down other gamers in other games because it's meaningless. Your victim just respawns and is right back into the game again. I've wasted a lot of time hunting other players when they can get caught up in 30 seconds. Listen up, maggots. That's demand I'm making in this thread; Please don't tell me to go play COD! It's all about consequences. It's all about making good decisions. The things that you acquire to make you stronger require actual effort. I'm speaking ideally here. Cheaters get around this, I am going to assume for the base of this post that cheating will be totally fixed by release. Bear with me here. I hunt in DayZ because I like to capitalize on other peoples' stupid mistakes. This is the best progression leverage ever invented!! When you do something in-game you have to always consider the time investment you've already spent. Most of the gaming nerd community rushes headlong into town and runs straight to the nearest loot hub (cop shop, piano house, hospital, fire station, etc.) Good job just forsaking all you've worked for. I want to kill your toon because I want your gear. I want you to kill me because when I'm fighting, I realize that all of my time investment is riding on the outcome. Living and dying when there's no repercussions is lame. I don't experience the paranoia buzz, the heart pounding excitement, the joy of pwning you, or the heartbreak of getting killed in any of those 'other' games. I do have to be honest tho. Sometimes I DO like to just get into fist-fights for the sake of pressing buttons. Also, I do enjoy talking with other players, helping people, doing things that isn't flat out murder. Humans are flawed social creatures, after all. I love DayZ. Please snipe me. That is all. 9 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
foxdie_01 121 Posted August 21, 2014 I gave up looting the corpses of those i killed when i was equiped with everything i needed to survive. a Mosin. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Scofflaw 73 Posted August 21, 2014 I have a character with a good 5-6 hours of playtime on him, fully kitted AKM, tons of ammo, etc. I have garbage aim, so I'm basically a walking loot bag for those too lazy to run to the NW airfield. 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
spartacusrex 88 Posted August 21, 2014 KOSers always trying to justify themselves... if you were really so righteous in your actions you wouldn't feel the need. 12 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cap'n (DayZ) 1827 Posted August 21, 2014 Hey, I enjoy helping out strangers and friendly interaction with others. Rampant banditry has pretty much killed all chance of meeting anyone who isn't brand new that is trustworthy, so I'm a lot more careful now. I also enjoy the thrill of the kill. But who doesn't? 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Robert Neville 59 Posted August 21, 2014 You're missing out a big part of the game: human interaction. Meeting other people, helping them, trade items, exploring together, defend each other, and basically survive in a post-apocalyptic world. From your point of view instead, there is not much left to do once you kill other players and scavenge their gear. 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ebrim 998 Posted August 21, 2014 It's always interesting to see what other people find motivating to play or in their play. For me, I just treat it as a sandbox and set myself dynamic goals. It may just be going to x town, or sightseeing, or trying to survive while going through a busy pvp city or trying to create a character type. For the latter recently I was trying to make a Chernarus Police uniform and run around yelling "CPD!" and trying to arrest people with handcuffs until I got shot in the face (sadly a damn zed ruined my pants :( ). There are a million things you can think of to do while in game. Whatever it is you're doing, a mixture of trying to feel superior to other players and "acquire gear" (as if any gear were somehow inherently more valuable?) as it sounds, is just one of the million. It's not a definition of the game anymore than me trying to build a super slav in full tracksuit glory is. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tobias winfro 305 Posted August 21, 2014 Oh goodie another I kill people and here's why thread. Good for you, you enjoy killing people but who are you people gonna kill when private hives/shards are introduced and you have no one to shoot when they enforce no kos or PvE rules? Oh that's right, people will whine on the forums about how private hives ruined Dayz and no one wants to play vanilla. You people will only have yourselves to blame for lack of interest for vanilla standalone 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nettles 396 Posted August 21, 2014 This is probably the most properly articulated stance on PvP I've read for this game. You're right, if someone makes a mistake, they should pay for it. If they charge a popular loot spot alone for the sake of walking away with disposable items they deserve to die. The weak are so focused on the gear and the hollow kills- I'm more concerned with the experience. Laying prone in a bush with a pair of binoculars, watching player and zombie movement from the edge of town. "Guy with a green refrigerator on his back, heading to the church. Did you see the guy with the gas mask? what a tool." Those are the people that just can't cut it. The ones that stupidly run around in the open because they're so confident that their tricked-out M4s and gas masks will protect them. I never (well, rarely-) shoot on sight, but if I did more often, I'd target these pathetic children. Aside from myself and some other forum-dwellers, I've never seen any player carrying a fishing pole on their back, which to me says 'I'm too caught up in looting and shooting to bother with survival.' Good, then you already know what the 'you are dead' screen looks like. enjoy. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Death By Crowbar 1213 Posted August 21, 2014 I wouldn't say it's about stealing, I'd say it's about surviving. PvP, PvE, trying not to starve, etc. Survival in DayZ includes:Have fun. Avoid zombies... F Zeds. Searching high and low for food and gear. Using stealth to not draw attention or be seen. Working with others to stay safe and trade needed items. Holding up or disabling someone up to get gear you need (you're not out to kill anyone, right?) Eliminating threats and competition by killing people (whether for gear or not)... and I would say ideally it would work in that order. But even though PvP plays a significant role in DayZ it's not and shouldn't be the primary focus. That's what people mean when they say "This isn't COD, don't KOS". It's a significant part of the game, but not the purpose of the game, and those who view it as the only point of the game ruin or miss out on opportunities for more meaningful and fun interactions. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
scriptfactory 620 Posted August 21, 2014 (edited) DayZ SA is a very basic "loot and pew pew" game, at the moment. I wish people would stop trying to make the game seem more deep and "hardcore" that it actually is. Edited August 21, 2014 by scriptfactory 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Death By Crowbar 1213 Posted August 21, 2014 If you can't see the forest from the trees............That's why they implemented the ability to cut down trees. Cut them down, cut them all down!Ax is ruined, crap, get me another ax!Oh, there's another survivor, he has one... *BOOM*Great, looted a pristine ax!... continue chopping trees down! 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
heradon89 21 Posted August 21, 2014 (edited) This is probably the most properly articulated stance on PvP I've read for this game. You're right, if someone makes a mistake, they should pay for it. If they charge a popular loot spot alone for the sake of walking away with disposable items they deserve to die. The weak are so focused on the gear and the hollow kills- I'm more concerned with the experience. Laying prone in a bush with a pair of binoculars, watching player and zombie movement from the edge of town. "Guy with a green refrigerator on his back, heading to the church. Did you see the guy with the gas mask? what a tool." Those are the people that just can't cut it. The ones that stupidly run around in the open because they're so confident that their tricked-out M4s and gas masks will protect them. I never (well, rarely-) shoot on sight, but if I did more often, I'd target these pathetic children. Aside from myself and some other forum-dwellers, I've never seen any player carrying a fishing pole on their back, which to me says 'I'm too caught up in looting and shooting to bother with survival.' Good, then you already know what the 'you are dead' screen looks like. enjoy. perhaps it has to do with the loot spawns? I have been in several civ buildings and industries and much less military ones. So farI have found a shit ton of SKS, mosins, a few pistols, a few shotguns, a couple sporters, a few CR, 3 AK, One MP5 in the fire station and 3 crossbows. How many hooks have I found? Maybe 4... Food is pretty much available everywhere. So instead of looking around every single corners just to find the stuff for a fishing pole. I pick up the first weapon I can find, so I can defend myself. Food is everywhere I eat til I get energized. Then I have 2 cans of peaches in the inventory. This might take me a few min to achieve. Finding an axe, ash tree, a rope and a hook can probably take hours. Edited August 21, 2014 by Heradon2k Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tyrianrage 39 Posted August 21, 2014 Finally, someone who gets it. I think people who say bandits should go play cod should go play cod themselves, sneak around the map and try not to die the whole game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mercules 1290 Posted August 21, 2014 Some people don't get it though. Some people still think that player versus environment will somehow hold their attention. It wont. You keep saying this not understanding that the only person you can determine if this is true for is YOU. PVE will hold my attention with the occasional player interaction mixed in. Constant PVP will not hold my attention or the attention of dozens and dozens of players I have personally spoken to about this, if it did we would be playing games more suited to constant PVP. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pilgrim* 3514 Posted August 21, 2014 ..//..Living and dying when there's no repercussions is lame. I don't experience the paranoia buzz, the heart pounding excitement.....//.. Well this is the old saying about gunslingers again, same as it always was, always will be : " Why are there no old gunslingers ? " Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
scriptfactory 620 Posted August 21, 2014 If you can't see the forest from the trees............ In your opinion what makes DayZ deep or hardcore? ... and I would say ideally it would work in that order. But even though PvP plays a significant role in DayZ it's not and shouldn't be the primary focus. That's what people mean when they say "This isn't COD, don't KOS". It's a significant part of the game, but not the purpose of the game, and those who view it as the only point of the game ruin or miss out on opportunities for more meaningful and fun interactions. The longest threads on this board are complaining about hacking, KoS and zombies and yet the devs never address the issue anymore. I only played vanilla mod for a short time because of all of the hackers and griefers. Rocket promised to take care of this and addressed it in several of his live streams as recently as 6 months ago. Since then they have been fairly silent on the issue.PvP is the primary focus by design. This is how they want the game to be, in my opinion. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sloasdaylight 129 Posted August 21, 2014 (edited) KOSers always trying to justify themselves... if you were really so righteous in your actions you wouldn't feel the need."Righteous"...It's a fucking video game dude, not real life, get over yourself. Edited August 21, 2014 by sloasdaylight 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sloasdaylight 129 Posted August 21, 2014 Oh goodie another I kill people and here's why thread. Good for you, you enjoy killing people but who are you people gonna kill when private hives/shards are introduced and you have no one to shoot when they enforce no kos or PvE rules? Oh that's right, people will whine on the forums about how private hives ruined Dayz and no one wants to play vanilla. You people will only have yourselves to blame for lack of interest for vanilla standaloneJust what DayZ needs, care bear servers. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cartire 55 Posted August 21, 2014 You're missing out a big part of the game: human interaction. Meeting other people, helping them, trade items, exploring together, defend each other, and basically survive in a post-apocalyptic world. From your point of view instead, there is not much left to do once you kill other players and scavenge their gear. Without KOSers, what exactly are you and your buddy going to defend against? Zombies? Pathetic. Without bandits this game has zero adrenaline and fear. If you knew all you had to worry about was zombies, this game would be stupid. What exactly are you exploring? At this point, who hasnt seen the majority of Chernarus? Oh, a new town was put in, takes all of 2 minutes to see what? Everyone who complains about them doesnt understand how much they need them. This game is outright dumb without it. On top of that, Ill add, that if you have a gun, and its out. I will shoot you. This has zero to do with KOS, this is survival. The mechanics in this game are so clunky and slow that its impossible to react in time if someone decides its time to shoot. Unless they miss, they win, you have zero time to say "I guess hes not friendly, let the battle commence" Im not risking my play time because you want to use DayZ as a social media experiment. Want to play with others, gets some real friends. Anyone getting mad at KOSers they dont know are pathetic. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
YFAL Putipuelko 21 Posted August 21, 2014 Without KOSers, what exactly are you and your buddy going to defend against? Zombies? Pathetic. Without bandits this game has zero adrenaline and fear. If you knew all you had to worry about was zombies, this game would be stupid. What exactly are you exploring? At this point, who hasnt seen the majority of Chernarus? Oh, a new town was put in, takes all of 2 minutes to see what? Everyone who complains about them doesnt understand how much they need them. This game is outright dumb without it. On top of that, Ill add, that if you have a gun, and its out. I will shoot you. This has zero to do with KOS, this is survival. The mechanics in this game are so clunky and slow that its impossible to react in time if someone decides its time to shoot. Unless they miss, they win, you have zero time to say "I guess hes not friendly, let the battle commence" Im not risking my play time because you want to use DayZ as a social media experiment. Want to play with others, gets some real friends. Anyone getting mad at KOSers they dont know are pathetic. This is why I walk around in full crimson paramedic outfit with a medkit on my hands. Half of the KOS community don't do it for the lulz, they do it out of fear. I have been meeting a lot more friendlies (in full pop servers, I might add) than before because I try to eliminate that fear immediately. I even have an album of screens. I get a picture with the people I help. 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jubeidok 495 Posted August 21, 2014 IDK, man, shooting someone in the back is just too easy. I can't do it. Been tempted many times, but just can't do it, especially when the opportunity comes from happenstance. Though, I suppose if I'm 800+ meters out, I couldn't care less what direction you are facing. I just want to see if I can hit you. Allinol, do what you do. It doesn't take much to get a good kit going, even without hitting a milzone. Death is a relief, don't take it so hard. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Death By Crowbar 1213 Posted August 21, 2014 PvP is the primary focus by design. This is how they want the game to be, in my opinion.That's your opinion, and it's incorrect. From the website directly: DAYZ is a gritty, authentic, open-world survival horror hybrid-MMO game, in which players follow a single goal: to survive in the harsh post-apocalyptic landscape as long as they can. Players can live through powerful events and emotions arising from the ever-evolving emergent gameplay. Scavenge. Slay. Survive.If this was just PvP there wouldn't be zombies, there wouldn't be various survival elements (fishing, hunting, crafting), there wouldn't be items and mechanics that ENCOURAGE interaction and not PvP (F key animations, handcuffs, burlap sacks, etc). And this, my friend, is why people say it's not COD, it's not KOS, and exactly the reason why people who claim otherwise are laughably and utterly incorrect. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Karmaterror 982 Posted August 21, 2014 OP you dirty bandit swine!! glad your playing dayz :) I like PvE, not in SA yet but the mod is pretty good now. A few whacks from zeds followed by a run to a tree bleeding can have you all blurry, not able to see an animal let alone shoot it lol. IMO alls SA needs is a "v2.0" on the navmesh and mooooaaarrrr zeds. I will admit, theres a reason I like this pve more than say fallout.....its the threat of PvP. Its that uncertainty, you may want a quiet night...few loot runs back and forth to stock up camp....but game has other plans for you. Without that threat the looting, the base building has no thrill. Many times iv wanted to just leave the combat situation before. Like in the mod, just found 8th piece of glass for the huey, come under LMG fire leaving factory. My mind was like "NO.....SAVE THE GLASS...RUN YOU FOOL!!" and let me tell you....being the prey can be just as adrenaline filled as being the hunter. When its not just your gun and ammo, but something that could give your entire clan a helping hand is even more intense. Not knowing if you will make the next ridge before the fire snaps at your heels. I guess im the other side of the coin, for me dayz is about getting robbed....or at least trying to avoid it :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Death By Crowbar 1213 Posted August 21, 2014 I guess im the other side of the coin, for me dayz is about getting robbed....or at least trying to avoid it :)Yeah - this, and the fun/risk of it. When someone tries to hold me up and cuff me or something I respect the effort and balls that takes and am more likely to submit than run or fight. Sometimes I just want to see what the guy is going to say or do. I've managed to cuff someone twice, and both times was hilarious. One time I left the key in front of him and another time I force fed him some rotten fruit and ran off laughing (after taking whatever gear I needed). It's ok if some people are KOS or COD style of that's how they prefer to play, but it's gotten so rampant the last time someone tried to hold me up or cuff me was over 3 months ago, the game is so infested with dupers, hackers, and COD fans and everyone is now like that South Park episode, "He's coming right for us!" and shooting anything that moves, which is ruining the game. I'm so happy the roadmap to .49 includes removal of bugged mags and duped items as well as fixing duping. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites