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Most active areas in the map?

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Now we all know that Berezino is probably the most active but usually a hackers play ground. What are some locations on the the map where you get other player activity whether its friendly or unfriendly lets hear it! Personally I get moderate activity in both Novo and Svet.

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Svet and Novo on popular servers, Berez for the constant deathmatch.


Vybor military on low pop if you want to kill server hoppers.

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Elektrozavodsk and Chernogorsk/Balota are still fairly active on full servers. I've yet to meet a h4x0r there since Berezino became the new battlefield.

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The entire North East/Eastern part of the map is teeming with life.

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Berezino contains about 45% of all life in Day-Z. 


I'd say Svet has about 15%. 


Kras has about 5-10%. 


So that leaves about 30% of the full server you are on out there "somewhere"....think about how vast "somewhere" is. 


I hope people are getting real tired of this. 

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Its also a matter of loot respawn mechanism:

  1. Hypothetical algorithm "Mommy" simply replaces looted gear and does not take into account player density or proximity. This directly leads to higher respawn rates and thus more gear on places with high demand (like Berezino) so there is practically no reason for players to go elsewhere as they will find everything around. Spawing areas would have a great number of loot and loot respawns
  2. Hypothetical alogrithm "Murphy" spawns gear in areas with low player density and does not spawn any loot in proximity of players. This starves places where demand is high of gear and thus requires players to migrate in search for supplies not unlike grazing animals thus moving active areas elsewhere. Spawning areas would probably feature lower amounts of loot and a lower respawn rate.

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I get plent of kills overlooking the clock tower in the big city northwest of svetlo. Any place with a police car or two is fun to watch.

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I kill 1-2 players at NWAF per day, somethimes i go to Vybor and i check military base but hardly any players there. If i am lucky i encounter a squad at NWAF so i have a good fight, other then that just loners that dont watch their backs. I am playing on two HC servers that are full most of the day. Maybe if i switch betwen servers more but i tend to play on same server most of the time! So my conclusion, NWAF is dead right now

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NWAF/Vybor milbase are pretty good for contact, as they're probably the easiest to get to big military installations. 

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NWAF/Vybor milbase are pretty good for contact, as they're probably the easiest to get to big military installations. 


Maybe on empty server, not gona agree with you for full ones, i am at NWAF whole day long, maybe even depends on regular/hardcore i dont know...


Edit: But of course, me alone cant see every player that goes there so...who knows

Edited by serb8

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Its also a matter of loot respawn mechanism:

  1. Hypothetical algorithm "Mommy" simply replaces looted gear and does not take into account player density or proximity. This directly leads to higher respawn rates and thus more gear on places with high demand (like Berezino) so there is practically no reason for players to go elsewhere as they will find everything around. Spawing areas would have a great number of loot and loot respawns
  2. Hypothetical alogrithm "Murphy" spawns gear in areas with low player density and does not spawn any loot in proximity of players. This starves places where demand is high of gear and thus requires players to migrate in search for supplies not unlike grazing animals thus moving active areas elsewhere. Spawning areas would probably feature lower amounts of loot and a lower respawn rate.


OOOOO Foraging Theory in a game!!!  This is what it should be based on, it's all worked out, follows your number 2 closely, me likee.  http://www.tiem.utk.edu/~gross/bioed/bealsmodules/optimal.html


We be locusts, this old theory that "Natives lived in Harmony with Nature" is bollocks.  Never happened, humans always adapt the environment to themselves.  We would forage an area out and move on when we could get no more out of it.  Neanderthals may have been like that and that would explain why they disappeared.

Edited by Barnabus

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NWAF/Vybor milbase are pretty good for contact, as they're probably the easiest to get to big military installations. 



Maybe on empty server, not gona agree with you for full ones, i am at NWAF whole day long, maybe even depends on regular/hardcore i dont know...


Edit: But of course, me alone cant see every player that goes there so...who knows


I always see enough life around Stary/Vybor/NWAF on a decent pop hardcore/1st server to keep me interested. The newbie boxers can keep Novo Svet and Berezino.

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NWAF/Vybor milbase are pretty good for contact, as they're probably the easiest to get to big military installations.

You can get a lot of stuff from Zelenogorsk base too. If you go to full 40/40 player server, nobody is ever there, but if you go to low populated one, server hoppers have cleaned it.

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