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Any server without or less KOS´s ?

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Hey everyone.


i want to ask for a European server without or less KOS´s

They really piss me of and there is no Roleplay possible.

You : Hello im freindly do you need help ?

Player : shoots

your Screen :You are dead.


I hope in the Final we become a MOD where u can see those guys directly.

Last server were i played is a pure PVP now but i am not interessted to kill everyone who cross my line.



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It doesn't exist. People will always KOS. My personal rule I use is that if they have a gun out, I shoot. Try and communicate to the people who don't or have it on their back, but if they have it out, shoot.

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Number one rule of player interaction:  if they say friendly, they usually arent.


Just say hello, hi how are you, whats up; pretty much anything a normal person would say.  Make small talk.

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There is "less KoS" on every server that isn't "PvP" and does not feature dedicated "PvP zones". Still there might be a significant amount of players still killing on sight - some fear to get killed themselves, some enjoy the hunt (or the whining of downed players) and some just want to "test something". Also "Friendly" and "PvE" servers will still have players who kill on sight - maybe even more with malicious intentions as they know their "prey" hates KoS.


Then I had the impression that low population servers are actually worse. I think thats because their population might mainly consist of

  1. players who want to be left alone and do not like interaction with others
  2. players who want to gear up as quickly as possible and then join populated servers for "action" (aka. fighting)
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Then I had the impression that low population servers are actually worse. I think thats because their population might mainly consist of

  1. players who want to be left alone and do not like interaction with others
  2. players who want to gear up as quickly as possible and then join populated servers for "action" (aka. fighting)

Gonna have to agree with this.


High Pop:  Everyone is in Berezino PvPing

Low Pop:  Everyone at Military Bases, probably KoSing


The best servers, IMO are the medium pops (between 20-30) on a 40 man.  I probably run into more friendlies than KoSers...  Hell, I can't even remember the last time I was KoSed.

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if anyone mentioned a 'safe' server here, 100 sniperjerks would immediately log in there.

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Thats why i play mostly on empty servers.

I want to interact with other but 90% of my tries to interact end with death and it doesnt matter if i am full equipped or nearly naked.


These Wannabe-cowboys killing the sense of this game. Its just "Free for 4 all" with looting in my expirience but no survival game.

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Buy server put password and enjoy whole map yourself no KOS no nothing all yours there you go.

That sounds really boring! Turning an amazing game for player interaction into a mediocre single player game.

Oh and I believe it's against the rules too.

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That sounds really boring! Turning an amazing game for player interaction into a mediocre single player game.

Oh and I believe it's against the rules too.

You think I was serious  :D Heres your beans :beans:  :beans: . 

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You think I was serious  :D Heres your beans :beans:  :beans: .

Lol, got me! :beans:

Edit: not even on a top 20 of the oddest opinions I've read here

Edited by LeeVanSpliff
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Buy server put password and enjoy whole map yourself no KOS no nothing all yours there you go.


Yeah and don't forget to hire your own forum and domain so the rest of us can finally stop running into these "I DON'T WANT TO BE SHOT IN A MULTIPLAYER SURVIVAL GAME!" posts.

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KOS is a withstanding problem among servers. But servers that kick for killing on sight can be filed for shutdown. Either hide or be the one to do it.

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Me and my friends roleplay as Sawney Bean and his family. :)

Edited by Exorade
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Some tips on how to avoid being K.o.S.

1. Learn to stalk players. Look at what they're doing before approaching. Are they alone, or with friends? Are they going through garages and such looking for stuff, or heading for rooftops to have a look around?

2. Groups of players will have a higher likelihood of being hostile, or just generally mean. (handcuffed, toyed with, etc.)

3. If you're fully decked out, you will be seen as either a threat, or an opportunity.

4. If you have no gear at all, you will be seen as an opportunistic threat.

5. Players more geared than you, or equally geared (aside from equally fully decked out) will be more likely to be approachable.

6. Players less geared than you will be more likely to attack you when your guard is down. (They have more to gain by killing you than they stand to lose.)

7. Military and high-loot locations for weapons/ammo will nearly always lead to hostile encounters. You are competition, or potentially holding loot they want.

8. If you don't have a mic, get one. Trust no one without voice comms.

9. If after a successful contact, it feels like they're up to something, go your separate ways and stalk them a bit or just high-tail it out of there.

10. Join a clan. At least this way you can travel with companions you can trust and hopefully someone will be nearby if you do get into trouble. (just try not to be a dick!:)

11. Carry a pistol or a sawn-off shottie for encounters. With the weapon sway and such, rifles put you at a very big disadvantage in close.


I play friendly, and have had many more friendly encounters than hostile ones. When I'm looting I have a pistol out as I move between buildings and on occasion when I do encounter another player I will approach them with the weapon raised at them with clear instructions over voice comms. If they respond well (shouldering axe, wiggle wave, talking back) then the gun goes away and I just chat with them a bit and exchange goods, etc. before heading off and checking for a tail. Basically it should be clear that if I wanted them dead I could have shot them at the beginning, so at least they should have the idea that I'm not a bandit. Occasionally you get the doofus new-spawn that tries to go rocky. Either way, I try to give them the choice.


However, when I'm with my clan around military locations, our safety comes first so I will report and take out targets in the area without warning.

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As others have pretty much said, there is no doing away with KOS ' it's a big part of the game to remind you to be careful and enter and leave areas discreetly or pay for it. 


That said, low pop / high pop really doesn't make much of a difference, I've made friends on low pop servers just as I have on high pop servers; the only servers I don't often venture to anymore is 1-5 player servers, for one not into grabbing free loot without risk and for two when it's that low pop people are not expecting to run into anyone and more often than not you end up doing just that and gunfire gets exchanged.


I'm fairly random depending on my mood; some days I'm purely friendly and won't shoot unless fired upon; some days I'm sniping you from 800m - all based on things out of your control: if I've been KOS'd a few times that day, odds are I'm going to be more trigger happy in defense, then later revert to being friendly again: sometimes I'll KOS because I know you have gear I need and one clean headshot will net me everything you own unharmed: just have to make it a skill shot and I'm set on gear. Admittedly though there are days I'm a blatant serial killer, that despite usually having a primary sniper and pistol secondary tries to get in close and really taunt and mind-fuck people because .. hell that's half the fun of playing..


So even if you found a secret password-protected server that tries to only find friendlies, you'd still end up with people in various moods and mindsets that'd kill you on sight.


Hell, few times I've seen people working in groups and just for the fun of it made it into a 'hunted' serial-killer game because why not? (Which went poorly for me more often than not sadly, but when it works it's hell of a a lot of fun on either end of it..). Though in one instance I had a mosin fully modified on my back and a AK with a drum mag in my hands;  it was a four man team I'd watched move through a city for about 15 minutes before I sniped one of their men while they were gathered in a high story building - this one just got right up against a window looking out and caught the bullet right through his eye (about 320ish meter shot from where I was.): quietly got in close and listened to them panic in local voice which was half the fun. (seriously, more people need to use the in game chat, hearing people randomly talk while stalking them is a.) fun and b.) has compelled me NOT to kill them in the past.)


They went on about how all his gear was flawless but his hat, a good sniper must be in the area and they'd have to be careful: spoke on mic in about the best serial killer voice I could manage, "I'm coming for the rest of you.." : but they'd moved just far enough away whatever they were saying in response was dulled, couldn't make it out but knew they heard me, so I waited and listened to them come down, they looked for me a bit but didn't have any luck; while I stalked behind them until they ended up where they had suspected the shot came from, half-shouted on mic "The reaper is watching you.." ducked around to another area, never doing anything unless I had a backup plan for the backup plan, always an escape route.


Let them panic for a bit, just prolonging the whole thing while they were left to wonder if I was really still around or had moved on, one of them bitching that I had been taunting them, waited for them to get careless and took a shot on another one of them (Think it hit his neck) as they tried to figure out where I was, I slipped behind the buildings and moved back in close; listened to the remaining two cursing and stepped out with my AK in hand and held them up, basically told them to to face the wall and drop all gear, slowly walk away from it, then told them they had sixty seconds to get clear of the city before the hunt begins. They split up and lost track of them in the end (damn me being a man of my word ;3), but can bet it was a fun story for them (Was probably an hour long 'hunt')... and did not need ammo again for quite some time.


Point being, KOS can be a hell of a lot of fun for all involved, at least in group situations like that one if people put effort and risk into it; and is the games best teacher when your doing something wrong as with the previous story - they simply did not scout their surroundings for #@*% to spot me, more than once I was watching them while one of them was looking in my direction (to the point I was just waiting for a gun to come pointing up before I'd pull the trigger.) or they'd move around in the building I was in, but not check all the rooms and I can pretty much swear if they had they'd have barreled in rather than taking it slow, leaning into each room and taking it carefully so I'd have ended up taking at least one with me.


(Note this was on the hardcore server, so naturally if I saw them they could see me which I know made it worse in their minds since they knew if I was still stalking them they *should* be able to see me watching but 'where'. This whole thing wouldn't work on normal servers, since anyone with a brain won't go near a window 90% of the time and just use TPV to look out it, around corners, or off rooftops safely.)


Anyway' that's all I can think to say in regards to the topic. Stay safe... mhaha...hahahah..

Edited by AzrailCross
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BEANS FOR EVERYONE!!!!!!!!11111one

To thread - there is no such server, just admit that's you will die in 5 secs after you spawn, so don't care about loot, just go and interact with ppl because zombies and etc items are boring as shit.


So take one small gun,axe and can-opener, rags and saline bags.

Gun to help someone defend himself.

Eat every good food you found, don't carry it

Rags combine in bigger amount per slot

Saline bags to help ppl.


have a nice day...someone should..


GL HF GG. YO-ho-ho and a sword to my heart.... :( :( :( 

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It doesn't exist. People will always KOS. My personal rule I use is that if they have a gun out, I shoot. Try and communicate to the people who don't or have it on their back, but if they have it out, shoot.

Additionally if they have it out and talk to you ask them to put it up, if they don't, then shoot.

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Additionally if they have it out and talk to you ask them to put it up, if they don't, then shoot.


If you ask me to put my gun up and we're both holding weapons (lowered, but out) on each other.. you can bet I'm raising mine and killing you first, nobody with any sense will put a weapon on their back around someone they aren't yet comfortable with. The only time I've ever put my weapon on my back was with a group of two others that I'd had a 15 minute long conversation with in a building, and another 15-20 minute conversation while running to the next town - our weapons all out the whole time and we were all keeping eyes on each other (alt 'look' view, not literally being extra suspicious and turning toward one another.) It was until after knowing these people for an hour that trust built they weren't backstabbers, now we're still friends.


Each encounter varies, but if your asking for a gun to put completely away your really asking for a bullet in the head.

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If you ask me to put my gun up and we're both holding weapons (lowered, but out) on each other.. you can bet I'm raising mine and killing you first, nobody with any sense will put a weapon on their back around someone they aren't yet comfortable with. The only time I've ever put my weapon on my back was with a group of two others that I'd had a 15 minute long conversation with in a building, and another 15-20 minute conversation while running to the next town - our weapons all out the whole time and we were all keeping eyes on each other (alt 'look' view, not literally being extra suspicious and turning toward one another.) It was until after knowing these people for an hour that trust built they weren't backstabbers, now we're still friends.


Each encounter varies, but if your asking for a gun to put completely away your really asking for a bullet in the head.

We shall shoot each other then.  I won't put mine up either, not for anyone, ever, nearly every encounter I've had has been hostile, so I tend to avoid everyone anyway.    Some started as friendly but ended up hostile as the intent was to lull me into feeling safe, I fell for it once.   The next time it happened I could the guys buddy in the background telling him what to say  I didn't let on and got the hell outta there.  In Voice Chat, when I hear the word "friendly", I click the safety off on my Makarov. 

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