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Some Constructive Criticism about developemental direction: (WARNING! LONG POST!)

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First, let me start off by saying that I love DayZ. Not just the SA, but the entire “franchise”. No other game, aside from EVE online (which I had to stop playing, because it takes over your life, and unlike DayZ, is not the kind of game you can just put down for a while and come back to with little to no repercussions) has EVER given me the experience of an adrenaline rush, fear, the rage and disappointment associated with failure, or the ecstasy of success.

That being said, as development wears on, I have become increasingly concerned with the apparent direction development has been taking, as well as with some of the design decisions. This game has the potential to become historically legendary, and I for one, desperately want it to reach its potential.


Now, before you shout the ancient and fearsome battle cry “AAALLLPHAAA!!!”, I am aware of the game’s current development state, and I know what it means. So, there will be some things I will NOT be addressing: IE. Anything that is currently not what it maybe SHOULD be, but is the way it is because it can be attributed to its alpha state. This includes (but is not limited to) things such as:

  • Spawn locations (already established by Devs that the current system is for testing purposes)
  • Private Hives
  • Content that has not yet been added (vehicles, weapons, stamina, etc.)
  • Game balancing (weapon damage, commonality/rareness of loot items)
  • Hunting (we already know there is serious work being done on this)
  • Zombie AI/numbers/pathing
  • Hackers
  • The game engine itself
  • ETC.

Please note that while these and other “issues” that can be attributed to the game’s development state are not the FOCUS of this post, they may be mentioned or brought up because of how they relate to other issues this post IS addressing (for example, stamina will be brought up in relation to inventory). Please also note that this post is NOT intended to discuss things such as playstyle (kos vs. non-kos), server hoping, ghosting, or any mechanic designed to counter such things.


So, let me address the issues I AM referring to:

  • LOOT RARITY (as it relates to the game’s current testing phase)
  • REALISM (what is too much VS. what is too little)
  • GLOBAL LOOT SYSTEM (pros vs. cons)
  • DEVELOPEMENTAL FOCUS ON CONTENT OVER CORE MECHANICS (not an independent section, but rather addressed throughout)

*Not necessarily in that order.

So, without further ado:




I made, in the suggestions thread, a while back, a suggestion on  some improvements that could be made to the inventory system, including several pictures I took of some equipment I had on hand to demonstrate some of my suggestions (to which I will provide a link if I can find it buried wherever it is), and I am going to reiterate it a bit here, because frankly, I find the current system, while VERY user friendly, arbitrary. I honestly don’t understand the choice to implement it as it is (from a developer standpoint). It seems it has been the decision to have it the way it is from the very beginning, and I can think of ways it could be VASTLY improved, and I don’t even do this for a living.


As said, it IS a much more user friendly system than the old Arma 2 inventory system, being that a player can easily see all items in his inventory in an “at a glance” manner, and easily manipulate and organize those items. The old system was clunky, took a lot of getting used too, and featured tiny, barely visible icons alongside small, confusing jumbles of text. But that is its ONLY saving grace. SOUNDS great on paper, the way I just said it, but in practice, with a little thought applied, it could be SO much better. The old arma system, while confusing at first, COULD be mastered eventually, but the main thing it had going for it was REALISM. Items had realistic weight as well as volume, and so did the containers they were placed in.


Would it be so difficult to merge the old arma system WITH the current, more visible and user friendly version, and thereby achieve a system that isn’t arbitrary? As it is, hypothetically, a player equipped with the largest possible inventory space (ttsko pants and shirt, expanded chest carrier, and mountain backpack), could conceivably carry a total of 59 pens. Those pens would all take up a single inventory slot each, and at 59, there would be no “room” for anything else. I realize that no player taking the game seriously would attempt this, but it is only for the sake of an example. What this means is that a player could be carrying what amounts to a jumbo pack of bic ballpoint pens, purchasable at your nearest store that sells basic office supplies, which, IRL, could easily fit into the front pocket of a baggy pair of carpenter style pants, is for some reason consuming the SAME amount of inventory space as 59 cans of beans. This is blatantly nonsensical. Some more comparisons: Four cans of beans takes up the same space as a single pistol. A single pistol, which IRL would easily fit INSIDE a 200 rnd 5.56mm ammo can, consumes the same 4 inventory slots as that same ammo can. A ballistic helmet is the same size and dimensions, in game, as a pistol or ammo can. I could go on and on.


And not only is the current system arbitrary, but it also forces players to make gameplay decisions they shouldn’t have to. If a player wants to go fishing, for example, they need a rod, a shovel, an axe, fishing hook, bait, fire kit, room for the fish they intend to catch, and everything else they need to survive. That is a LOT of inventory taken up just to be able to catch, cook, and eat a single meal. Unless the player drops the items they no longer need after a certain stage in the process, in which case they will be unable to CONTINUE to fish until they find that item again. This leaves the player in an unnecessarily awkward position to choose to juggle certain items they need, and in some cases may force them outright to not carry something essential, such as a weapon or ammunition.


This system, while user friendly, yes, is way too oversimplified. A game concerned with attempting to emulate realism (where appropriate), should not being doing this. I would suggest that all items be given, instead of an arbitrary and unrealistic dimension consisting of uniform squares, realistic weight AND dimensions. Give EVERY item in game capable of storing items, realistic volume (it makes no sense to me that a pair of pants can somehow hold an ammo can in them, and still squeeze in two cans of beans. When was the last time you shoved a 200 rnd. Ammo can in your front pocket?). KEEP the current system of squares and item icons to demark what is there, making each item distinct and highly visible, but these squares only “appear” when an item is there (also, items which IRL consist of multiple pockets, rather than one massed “bag” such as a pair of pants, should be represented as such in game):


Say I have a hunting backpack. While empty, its dropdown menu shows NOTHING. Place an ammo can inside it, and THEN four squares appear, with the ammo can inside them, as before. UNLIKE before, however, these squares do NOT indicate how much space is still available. Instead, the backpack has a volume indicator, showing how much is possible over how much is available (random numbers as an example: 300cc/250cc). Likewise, all items, within their item description (having it there would reduce the clutter of too much tiny text on the screen at one time, one of the main problems with the old system), would have a set of numbers denoting the volume that item takes up, as well as its weight.


But then you might be thinking; “That would be bad for balancing, because then a player could just carry a million rounds of 5.56, or some other ridiculous amount of something that doesn’t take up a lot of space, which would be game breaking.” Well, that is what the weight would be for. In arma 2, yeah, you could carry a TON 7.62 belts in your backpack. But good luck moving more than a few feet: your character will literally fall flat on his face the moment he took a single step if your weight was too high. If he COULD move without falling down, he would literally pass out from the exhaustion of carrying too much weight after running or even walking a few hundred feet.


And this brings me to an issue I mentioned earlier: STAMINA. While I am not bringing stamina up as part of the bigger picture here, mainly because we know that such a thing will be introduced eventually, it’s important to mention here because having a stamina system would make such an inventory system function the way it should. Carry as much as you can fit into your volume-based inventory: sure. But be prepared to suffer the consequences if you carry too much.


Even with the coming addition of persistent storage, I think this is a VITAL system this game desperately needs. Why something like it wasn’t implemented from the beginning confuses me. It is, to reiterate, arbitrarily oversimplified. Keeping the system the way it is would seem to imply that this is what the developers WANT for this game. And while I understand such things as keeping ammunition types simple instead of full blown realistic, to make EVERYTHING be this way isn’t the way to go. This is a perfect example of what concerns me with the design choices made thus far by the development team. Either make this game a full blown casual experience, or keep it hard core and realistic.


As a side note, placed here because they are inventory items, and because the issue doesn’t justify an entire topic just for itself: As one who is experienced with land navigation using a map and compass; we reaaaally need to be able to use both in game, simultaneously. This was possible from the beginning with arma 2. Why not here? Problem with the “Take on Heli” engine? I don’t know. But please fix it at some point. You were probably going to anyway, but I thought it worth mentioning (this is yet another “core mechanic”, which personally, I feel should have been present LONG ago, and is more important than adding in a few new guns I never see due to loot rarity, which is my next point).


LOOT RARITY (As it relates to the game’s current testing phase):


A much easier and shorter topic to broach is the current implementation of rarity of certain items. Yes, I mentioned loot rarity/commonality earlier as one of the subjects this post was NOT about, but this is a different context. I am not bringing this up to say “FOOD NEEDS TO BE MORE COMMON I CANT FIND ANY”, or “THERE IS TOO MUCH FOOD, ITS TOO EASY TO FIND”.


Rather, my point is to ask: “Why is ANY item currently in game “rare”?” Why bother with what is essentially a GAMEPLAY issue while the game is still essentially being built? Are we not PLAYTESTING the game, ie: testing the game by playing it? How am I supposed to test the efficacy/bugginess/practicality etc. of something like the ashwood bow, when I can’t find more than a single arrow for it after literally DAYS of searching?


I absolutely understand item rarity being a vital aspect of the finished product. Guns and ammo and other highly advantageous items SHOULD be rare….in the beta stage. Are you testing the loot spawning system itself? That would make sense, except, then why aren’t other items that should be rare, easier to find? Why not, for example, release a new gun, such as the AK (which I spent days searching for and NEVER saw), and make it a common spawn, so that players are encouraged to find and test it, while making other guns, such as the FNx45 (of which I find EVERYWHERE), which has already been in game (and therefore extensively tested) for some time now, rare? The reason is because we ARENT testing the loot spawning system. Rather, it is a GAMEPLAY choice (unless I am sorely mistaken). Which means that the developers are currently more interested in “drawing in the crowd” with flashy, shiny new weapons (really? An engraved 1911?), getting players in game and running around looking for them, rather than on developing and fixing core mechanics. Are you building a game? Or are you building HYPE? Again, unless I am sorely mistaken, and I could very well be, that is how things APPEAR to me at the moment. Yet another reason I am concerned about the game’s future.


Which brings me to the…




I don’t know much about this, so I will express a few concerns, and move on.

I foresee this being, potentially, a great concept. But it must be carefully balanced. Having only, say, 20 night vision goggles anywhere in the game at any given time, across ALL servers, would essentially amount to having only 20 NVG’s WORLD WIDE. That makes no sense. I understand and even ENCOURAGE this item rarity concept, but I DO at some point want to experience all facets of gameplay this game has to offer. And I will never be able to do so if I have to rely on a level of luck that essentially amounts to me winning the $50 million jackpot lottery just to find an item I may not even really get to use before I am killed for it. Please, if you implement this system, do so carefully. And, as I mentioned with the loot rarity issue, would seem to be a gameplay issue. BUT I can also imagine it would have significant roots within the engine that must be developed before it is implemented. So, on this one, “stay the course”? I guess? But please do be careful that it doesn’t totally prevent me from experiencing all this game has to offer just because some twat found a pair of NVG’s, then got sick of the game and logged off, never to return.




AAAAAAANNNND here it is: My FAVORITE issue. Many’s the time I’ve found myself here, arguing for the implementation of a realistic system to somehow emulate (note, EMULATE, not PERFECTLY IMMITATE) skillful shooting rather than an arbitrary system whose luck could win you the day (which would be wrong anyways), but more likely will screw you over again and again.


Many’s the time I have taken a shot with my pistol, aiming for a zombie that is only 20 feet away (and rapidly approaching), only to see my round *ping off the wall behind my target; behind…and about 3 feet LEFT of center.


Having a mechanic in which attachments somehow magically tighten the ballistic spread of my shot group as bullets leave the muzzle (instead of making the weapon easier to use, like having a bipod reduce weapon sway while prone and deployed, or a heavy barrel reduce muzzle climb, thereby rewarding the player for finding these rare items by making shots require less skill, instead of less LUCK!!!!!) is blatant oversimplification, is arbitrary (yep, I like that word. Seems to apply to a lot.), and is unrealistic. I am not going to get into the old argument about our players “not being military, so they don’t KNOW how to shoot” (which is an asinine argument and easily defeated with a modicum of intelligence, common sense, and wisdom). But I will say this:


The current system is INSULTING and DISRESPECTFUL to BOTH parties; the hunter and the prey (assuming there even IS prey. This could easily apply to unfairness when hunting animals for food, or defense against zombies). If the Hunter is in an advantageous position, well rested, prone, with a properly zeroed weapon, exercising all available gameplay shooting mechanics with appropriate skill, and FINDS a target, and takes a skillful, well aimed shot, he should be REWARDED for his effort. And for the record, if “I” am the prey, I EXPECT my hunter to be rewarded, and ME to be punished for my failure. This gives my character’s life, choices, and risks some modicum of MEANING in a digital world that actually DOESN’T have real meaning. And if the roles are reversed, I expect, in that situation, to fire my shot and see my target drop like a sack of bricks while I scream in joy and ecstasy “HEADSHOOOOOOOTTTTTTT!!!!!!!”.


But no. Instead I fire, it goes randomly high, low, left or right x amount of feet, and my target gets away clean, and I sigh, lean my head against my right fist, and stare at my keyboard with an irritated expression because I just spent DAYS kitting out (or hours, sometimes you get lucky, sometimes you don’t. Either way) for this, spent DAYS searching for an opponent (something legit, not just a bambi on the coast), finally found one, did everything right, and ALL OF IT IS WASTED because reasons….oh, and by the way, now I log out because now I KNOW that person is aware of me, and unfairly has been given a chance to run away (negating the purpose of my hunt) OR to flank, find, and kill me. Even though I had him dead to rights.


NOTHING about this game disappoints me more! Needing to have a bipod attached, whose effect applies so long as the bipod is deployed, JUST deployed, ie you could be standing straight up, weapon in the air, not rested against anything, but as long as the damned thing is DEPLOYED, your bullets MAGICALLY tighten their spread, regardless of any other shooting mechanic? Ridiculous.


This is another PERFECT example of a design choice that severely concerns me: Is this just a temporary place holder? IS there a better system coming? Or is this as it is because it is how it’s INTENDED to be??? If THAT is the case, then you developers are going way too far into the realm of casual gameplay.


So anyway, moving on…




Now, with all my talk about emulating realism, wanting a realistic inventory system and a realistic ballistics system, I feel it is necessary to point out, at least briefly, another issue: there IS such a thing as too much. It’s fine to want realism that enhances gameplay, but what, what, WHAT were you thinking??? Nudity??? SCAT AND PISS??? Now, to be fair, it would SEEM (although, due to a lack of community communication, another issue I will address, I can’t be entirely certain) that this idea was scraped due to negative reaction.


But why was this even CONSIDERED? Yes, in the hands of mature players, this wouldn’t have been all THAT bad. But honestly, knowing the internet community in general as I am sure you do, what did YOU think was going to happen? I am not trying to sling accusations like the kids would have been slinging crap here, but were you TRYING to draw in a more immature, detrimental aspect to this community? Literally EVERY aspect of these things that could have been in ANY way beneficial to gameplay (such as poisoning water supplies) could have been done in a way that wasn’t offensive or ripe for abuse. This game still desperately needs to address core mechanics issues, and you were going to even CONSIDER adding in this kind of content? What are your priorities???


And lest this particular issue be too narrow, it applies to other, less offensive things as well. For example: the decision to simplify the different ammunition types, to open up more resources for other things is a SMART one! NOT having a very specific bullet type for every gun does not hamper gameplay in any way. While the avid shooter in me might PREFER, in a perfect world, to have all the bullets be correct, I can do without it if it means other aspects of the game will get the attention they need.

And lastly:




For the sake of example, I ask you, the community, as well as the developers, to turn your attention to the forum for another alpha game: Space Engineers. This minecraft spinoff (which is still very much its own game) is, like dayz, still in alpha, with the public able to buy and play the game, and take part in and influence development, much like DayZ.

But what is different? Well, look at the section of the forums titled “Changelog”. Every Thursday is what we call “patchmas”. EVERY Thursday, new content is released (and nearly all of it bugged to hell) for us to play with and experiment with. There is a clear, concise rhythm, a schedule.


The developers ACTIVELY keep in touch with the players on their own website’s forums, actively taking suggestions for new content seriously; actually finding inspiration from the players as they build complex, unwieldy, yet functional mechanisms like pistons (made from 3 separate arms and 3 rotors and a complicated “rail” system), then say “wow. What an awesome idea!!!”, which is then implemented later in the forum of actual, compact, simple (if still somewhat buggy, they just came out) pistons! They actively listen to the community, taking the great ideas and implementing them (as is evidenced by the many happy voices of approval after EVERY patch), yet taking a rigid stance on other things some players want, that the developers refuse to add (ie, it’s still THEIR game, and they still get the final say. They don’t just do whatever every little 12 year old with a keyboard says).


Look at the bug reports section: There you are sure to find “Phand” a tireless worker who takes the time to respond to and work with nearly every player that bothers to take the time to make a bug report, often serving as a bridge between the programmers and the players, informing us when a bug is a feature, or, even “Yeah, good work! That’s definitely a bug the devs weren’t aware of. They know about it now and it’s on the list to get fixed!” or “Yes, this is a known bug, a fix is in the works/imminent/TBA.” She is LITERALLY a celebrated individual on that forum, getting constant feedback from the community, and NONE of it is negative.


Are you paying attention, DayZ staff? RIGHT THERE is PROOF it can be done: Moderators do their job and delete the offensives and the trolls. They take a hard stance on issues that would send THEIR game in a direction they don’t want to go. They show the community they give a damn, and add that which makes sense to their vision!


But here, on the official forums, you are nearly nonexistent. I DO understand using reddit, facebook, and twitter, etc. to reach a vast number of people. It’s a smart thing to do. But why should I have to go there for simple updates? I hear about tent implementation here first, but only because another user quoted a reddit post! Why are you not an active part of the discussion HERE, as well as there?


Personally, I cant stand twitter, I HATE and distrust facebook, and IMO, reddit is a steaming pile of horrible quality Taco Bell meat seasoned EVER so lightly with a few sprinkles of intelligence, a dash of reason, a teaspoon of sanity, and a few gallons of “NECKBEARD” brand barbecue sauce, “Mouthbreather” flavor, just to add a little kick.


Come HERE. Talk to US. WE are your true followers. Let the moderators do their jobs and filter out the crap for you, while you keep us informed, placated, happy, and INVOLVED. I am playtesting this game for you, FOR FREE! HELL, I even paid YOU for the opportunity! As a loyal customer, and a loyal gamer, I would appreciate the courtesy.




PLEASE FEEL FREE TO COMMENT. AGREE, DISAGREE, IT’S ALL GOOD. I took time to make this monstrosity, typing in word to catch as much grammar and spelling errors as possible. I know some still made it through. I apologize, but this isn’t an English final I’m writing here. So please do me the courtesy of replying, at all times, in a respectful manner. I will AGRESSIVELY pursue trolls and flamers with reports. I made this topic for a reason, and I’ll be DAMNED if this one gets derailed by a childish asshat.


Thanks for taking the time to read this.

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Well, after reading this, I like a lot of your arguments. And the inventory system deal and also the ballistics are two of the main ones I agree for. But, back in the original DayZ mod, I don't remember there being a weight system, I only remember this being implemented back when I started playing Epoch with some friends when I was trying to carry a ton of gold cases haha. But, as with most things I read, I got a suggestion IF somehow they miraculously read and listen to this, for the inventory system. For people who did want to carry, say ammo boxes on their pants, they could find clips, or use a bit of rope and something else to tie around one of the belt hooks, that you could tie or hook onto the ammo box case, therefore letting it hang on your pants. Back to ballistics, I definitely think something should be fixed in it, and require more skill rather than require more luck. My friend had an AKM the other day with a pso and couldnt hit a zombie a meter in front of him, and I had to shoot it with my mosin before he got it lol, I thought he was just like drunk or something, but then I tried it and literally laughed out loud. But, of course the dev team is working on all issues, and they will hopefully get around to all of them (hopefully some sooner.)

Other than that, nice post!

Edited by Zedertone
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Son, Rocket doesn't care what you think.


Hopefully Hicks does.

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A lot of your questions/topics are already answered in depth at Reddit, you just have to do some searching..most will have Rocket in the topic so this will make it easier ROCKET


You might not like Reddit but it's the best place for following what's going on, besides playing experimental obviously. :)

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I think what he means is.....   they already made close to 50 million in sales and at that point, would't you feel like a God and that everything you do turns to gold?  


What is their motivation to listen to anyone or even complete the game?   Just saying maybe that's what some people feel because it explains why major problems with the game are so slowly being addressed or not at all.


It would be like getting to bang Kate Upton, if you didn't shave your face and your body was an ugly mess but Kate Upton had sex with you.... would you really be motivated or feel the need to clean up your act?


Maybe that's what that guy meant by "Rocket doesn't care what you think".


Who does Rocket have left to impress?

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I think what he means is.....   they already made close to 50 million in sales and at that point, would't you feel like a God and that everything you do turns to gold?  


What is their motivation to listen to anyone or even complete the game?   Just saying maybe that's what some people feel because it explains why major problems with the game are so slowly being addressed or not at all.


It would be like getting to bang Kate Upton, if you didn't shave your face and your body was an ugly mess but Kate Upton had sex with you.... would you really be motivated or feel the need to clean up your act?


Maybe that's what that guy meant by "Rocket doesn't care what you think".


Who does Rocket have left to impress?

This^ more or less

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Some people take pride in their jobs and hobbies.  Dean Hall obviously loves making video games and wants to start his own company when he finishes his time at Bohemia.  There are also 70+ others working on this project so it's not going to simply be abandoned.  It would certainly be a foolish business move to abandon an already successful product which has even more potential.

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I think what he means is.....   they already made close to 50 million in sales and at that point, would't you feel like a God and that everything you do turns to gold? 


50mil? Where did you get that number? Which currency are you talking about? Do you think whatever money DayZ generates on Steam goes directly into Rocket's Pockets?



What is their motivation to listen to anyone or even complete the game?


Doing their job? Not ruining the business they work for? Not getting fired?

If I don't do my job, I get fired, I'm fairly sure Bohemia has a similar policy.

What they also have is a reputation for supporting their games for a long time after release, doing a runner on DayZ would be a huge risk to Bohemia.



Who does Rocket have left to impress?


His employer? Himself?

Maybe it is not about impressing people, but about doing one's job? There are a lot of people working on DayZ at the moment, they all get salaries, they all need to keep their job.


This "they are sticking the cash in suitcases and flying off to Miami" theory is a complete brainfart, it makes no sense in the real world.

It is also very insulting to the people who go in to work every day and do their jobs. But I guess it is just too easy to post slander from behind a keyboard, and too easy not to care if your words cause damage.

Edited by Max Planck
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I think what he means is.....   they already made close to 50 million in sales and at that point, would't you feel like a God and that everything you do turns to gold?  


What is their motivation to listen to anyone or even complete the game?   Just saying maybe that's what some people feel because it explains why major problems with the game are so slowly being addressed or not at all.


It would be like getting to bang Kate Upton, if you didn't shave your face and your body was an ugly mess but Kate Upton had sex with you.... would you really be motivated or feel the need to clean up your act?


Maybe that's what that guy meant by "Rocket doesn't care what you think".


Who does Rocket have left to impress?



This^ more or less



really ? I mean..really really ?

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50mil? Where did you get that number? Which currency are you talking about? Do you think whatever money DayZ generates on Steam goes directly into Rocket's Pockets?




Doing their job? Not ruining the business they work for? Not getting fired?

If I don't do my job, I get fired, I'm fairly sure Bohemia has a similar policy.

What they also have is a reputation for supporting their games for a long time after release, doing a runner on DayZ would be a huge risk to Bohemia.




His employer? Himself?

Maybe it is not about impressing people, but about doing one's job? There are a lot of people working on DayZ at the moment, they all get salaries, they all need to keep their job.


This "they are sticking the cash in suitcases and flying off to Miami" theory is a complete brainfart, it makes no sense in the real world.

It is also very insulting to the people who go in to work every day and do their jobs. But I guess it is just too easy to post slander from behind a keyboard, and too easy not to care if your words cause damage.

Honestly I hope my words (separate from these quoted words) are taken to heart, and the only way I feel they could do any damage was if they rang true to those who heard them. The game is a disaster. And clearly only sold so well due to the goodwill generated by the polish  R4z0r put on the mod. We all expected better, because we had and have better. They had an engine, map and gameplay mechanics all devised. Aside from the wonderful work that has been done on enter-able buildings it begs the question. What in gods name have they been doing? It think we all know. 






EDIT- An one cannot propose that an abundance of revenue in any industry does not slow development. 

Edited by Bakermensch

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really ? I mean..really really ?

If you are satisfied with the product (that you are not permitted to get a refund for because i tried) and the development cycle by all means continue to play and be entertained. IMO the game is bad, and is only now today where it should have been on early access. The project clearly lacks oversight.

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At the rate of production I would fire Rocket H1Z1 is doing what should have been done along time ago by Bohemia they are using the criticism of the players and making a great game in the process they made a game that has vehicles, buildings, unique ideas and concepts and didn't make any money yet in the process while you are just getting money by selling a running simulator.

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Crazykage put a lot of work into this thread, please do not derail/clutter it with videos about Daykatana or similar. It isn't productive.


Thread cleaned a bit.

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Crazykage put a lot of work into this thread, please do not derail/clutter it with videos about Daykatana or similar. It isn't productive.


Thread cleaned a bit.

it does seem as though it has become the "d" word around standalone circles.


This thread has a very well articulated OP however

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Honestly I hope my words (separate from these quoted words) are taken to heart, and the only way I feel they could do any damage was if they rang true to those who heard them. The game is a disaster. And clearly only sold so well due to the goodwill generated by the polish  R4z0r put on the mod. We all expected better, because we had and have better. They had an engine, map and gameplay mechanics all devised. Aside from the wonderful work that has been done on enter-able buildings it begs the question. What in gods name have they been doing? It think we all know. 






EDIT- An one cannot propose that an abundance of revenue in any industry does not slow development. 

Yep, because it's completely unfair for someone to take a vacation and do something absolutely amazing that not too many people are capable of. The devs better spend every single nanosecond of their life working on the exact DayZ content and structure that I WANT or they are lazy, hapless, greedy bastards who just wanted our money.

Edited by Chaingunfighter
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I think what he means is.....   they already made close to 50 million in sales and at that point, would't you feel like a God and that everything you do turns to gold?  




Ahh, I love this one.


What's your reasoning here? Is it, "This game costs x dollars and has sold y copies, so X x Y = how much money Rocket has made."


Because Steam doesnt take a piece of that, a new studio wasnt bought, workers dont need to be paid, and developing a game is cost free.


Nope, Rocket clearly took all 50 million dollars or whatever and spent it on navajo hookers and paint thinner to huff.

Edited by GrappleX
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I was read everytjing what crazykage say and was making good sense here


A lot of your questions/topics are already answered in depth at Reddit



but here is official forum what is coming evry day fan of the game new and old ones IS OFFICIAL FORUM reddit is nothing I don't never hear about reddit is mystry for me why they don't talk in official forum for guys who paying to do the free test beta????

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Good thread.


I am starting to worry about the games direction. The further the game gets in development the further away it gets away from Bohemias Roots.

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Yep, because it's completely unfair for someone to take a vacation and do something absolutely amazing that not too many people are capable of. The devs better spend every single nanosecond of their life working on the exact DayZ content and structure that I WANT or they are lazy, hapless, greedy bastards who just wanted our money.

They are lollygaggers. In no industry is it acceptable to take two months off in the middle of a project. 

Edited by Bakermensch
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Gotta say most points have been addressed and discussed ad nauseam, so I'll only repeat the community outreach bit.


The forum platform isn't really the best or most effective platform for communication, because you gotta comb through lots of repeated and long winded postings. However, most of the gems found on twitter and reddit are usually quickly found here. Reddit up/down vote system is great for cutting through the B.S. and Rocket has stated several times, that he attempts to read both up voted and down voted comments. 


You'd had a much better chance of getting a reply, if you had killed your darlings and cut up your post into bits and put it on reddit. Instead, now people have to prowl through several, long paragraphs, which for most accounts have already and often been not only discussed, but also addressed.


Remember just because this is the official DayZ forum, doesn't mean that the DayZ subreddit isn't official too, just like Tumblr is and just like the devs are tweeting officially on twitter too. 



They are lazy. I no industry is it acceptable to take two months off in the middle of a project. 


You seriously think downloading a free mod, put you in a position to demand cancelling a $100,000 travel?

Edited by Dallas
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They are lazy. I no industry is it acceptable to take two months off in the middle of a project. 


 ... now the burlap sack, dude

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I'm fucking fed up with the snark and cynicism of complainers. The OP is fine, and some of his points are valid, yet I don't really think we have anything to fear.


I'm fed up with people who simply assume that they're bamboozling us simply because the made a profit. News flash: just because a game is popular and makes money, doesn't mean the developers have turned into greed monkeys out to steal your money. You're either or delusional, a hipster, or both.

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I'm fucking fed up with the snark and cynicism of complainers. The OP is fine, and some of his points are valid, yet I don't really think we have anything to fear.


I'm fed up with people who simply assume that they're bamboozling us simply because the made a profit. News flash: just because a game is popular and makes money, doesn't mean the developers have turned into greed monkeys out to steal your money. You're either or delusional, a hipster, or both.

Bamboozling is present tense. I have been bamboozled, paste tense. SA is bad and it has no reason to be. Period.


No one here is referencing anything to justify the delay in the product and the confusing development priorities (im looking at you throw-able items), other than what comes across as mere fanboism.

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