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Where am I ? (The Official)

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Hello dear friends!

I want to play with my friend, but I don't know where I am, and he need to know that to come here, obviously.


Here's album of screenshots (4): http://imgur.com/sMWWrUU,tJ4C52v,V5XcD16,oGvinn5




My friend think it's Svetlojarsk, but we're not sure. Help please!

Edited by Ciara

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Thats the debug plain, nothing spawns there and it goes on forever, best turn back.


Do you know where this is on the map?

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It borders the whole of the north and west side of the map

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Do you know where this is on the map?


Seeing that you were just in the place mentioned below


West side of Novo.


You're either just north of there, or all the way west past the Northwest Airfield

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Seeing that you were just in the place mentioned below



You're either just north of there, or all the way west past the Northwest Airfield


Thank you.

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today was very fun adventure i was in experimant server try to find the frend camp what is in the south close to the fishing lake but i was lost and i think i was running in the north i found big rocks and red barn same like what is in starry also one cafe but i never see before this cafe is with bedroom and is maked from the wood 1 kilometer down the road was militaery compound with some car and shed same like the house in the airport but is no airport here DO YOU KNOW WHERE IS THIS TOWN? please say me because i must find my frend camp tomorrow. i going in evry house was with loot i find EVRYTHING WHAT I NEED include nice backpack and there was so many gun in dont know what one i am keeping i try to put in the backpack but is not doing, i looking in evry house evry shed evry barn and i fill my backpack with foods and ammo but i was having too much ammo so i make decide i keep akm and magnum and put other ammo in the forest away from bandit killers.



I was go back to the militery house because i was sure i miss something and i was miss something because was akm ammo under bed now i have 1 bullet in the gun and 12 bullet in my trouser pocket then was some shot coming in the window i going prone vary fast and put my akm on the door and do crawl to the stair but i canot crawl down the stair so i standing up hit the WW for maximum sprint and run out the door NO STOP across the yard and there was more shot coming and i see one guy he saying 'STOP WE DONT KILL YOU' haha i am not so stupid i dont stop i running in the rocks but the shot my leg so i put bandage vary fast and do crouch in opposite way and i was lose them in the trees, after 3 minute of fast sprint i see the ocean was surprise because i dont expect in my brain i am in the centre but i am wrong like EVRY TIME it was vary nice bech with trees and rocks and small field on the water so i stay here because night is coming i sit by water and look the stars and i feel all the stress going from my head and listne only the water and some animal noise and i feeled again vary much calmness


here is a picture of my character




i was vary proud to find many nice thing so much fast in same place but also i think i looking vary danger for other player and if i say honest if i seeing this guy in militery house i am think 'uh oh prepare for fight' so maybe i should dont wearing the camo and the face mask because first impression is important and i looking like pvp person what you think?

Edited by Shrub Rocketeer ™
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Pabalano secret base just south of Zelengorsk it sounds like.

There should have been 4 long barracks there and a big hospital in the middle.


Are those dogs chasing boneboy saying "grandma"?

Edited by trev186
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Oh Shrub, you beautiful bastard!  :thumbsup:


Your char looks ok, but ofc with camo bandana on face you are not making impression of very friendly player.

Also I hope you found AKM mag because if not, you gonna have hard time fending off all those bandit/hero players that will want to murder you.



trev186, on 06 Aug 2014 - 5:29 PM, said:
Pabalano secret base just south of Zelengorsk it sounds like.

There should have been 4 long barracks there and a big hospital in the middle.


It's near Pavlovo I believe and it has just 3 barracks, still very good.

My buddy got killed there yesterday (on HC), but I promptly avenged his death.

Attacked had AK101 with only 1 magazine, so he ran dry pretty fast heh.

Edited by Hombre
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How did you get the bandana on your face? it doesn't work when I try it.

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Pabalano secret base just south of Zelengorsk it sounds like.

There should have been 4 long barracks there and a big hospital in the middle.


Are those dogs chasing boneboy saying "grandma"?


i dont see barrack or hospital was vary small town like village and was trees all around and rocks but was 1 -2 kilometer from ocean also was night time coming so maybe i miss barrack but i dont think because i was stayed here for 1 hour doing loot and dogs is say 'grammar' like the dogs what boneboy say is chase me in other topic i dont remember where is now



Oh Shrub, you beautiful bastard!  :thumbsup:


Your char looks ok, but ofc with camo bandana on face you are not making impression of very friendly player.

Also I hope you found AKM mag because if not, you gonna have hard time fending off all those bandit/hero players that will want to murder you.



is true thing i am beautiful but my mother and father was marry BEFORE i am borned i dont have akm mag because i looking evrywhere but i dont find i think i will keep bandab]na on my face WEN I AM IN THE FOREST because is good for hide but in town i will take away and show frendly face





How did you get the bandana on your face? it doesn't work when I try it.



you ned to untied it on the floor and after is option put on the face

Edited by Shrub Rocketeer ™
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How did you get the bandana on your face? it doesn't work when I try it.

Only certain bandanas can be tied around your face.

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You do indeed look like pvp person lol ... But that means nothing I've banded up with guys with m4s and gas masks before (which we all know screams bandit) you just have to go out on a limb sometimes and trust people , hide behind a wall and tell them if they come in with their weapons up you'll shoot , but if they come in with weapons holstered you'll lower yours ...

Trust me I try to play hero all the time , unfortunately about 50% of these situations where you give trust to someone you will get shot or killed , but after a handful of these scenarios you'll be better at trusting and evading when the strangers truly do have bad intentions:)

really nice picture too how'd you get your character to pose like that ?? :0

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