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Authenticity. Not realism. Realistically, your brain is like an orange and would react as guilau describes. Realistically, you wouldn't close fist punch a motorcycle helmet in a life or death pvp fight. You would open palm judo it to induce a concussion.

Fist fighting is pretty balanced as-is.

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You would open palm judo it to induce a concussion.


Whatever you say Bruce Lee

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It is god damn it. That's the whole point. 



Instead of being that condescendant, you can always debate in a civil manner. Your opinion is not THE opinion. I don't get why every debates on the internet go sour...

I agree that material being crushed absorb some of the impact and some material as styrofoam, but not all and certainly not enough to protect from concussion 100% of the time.


This article is about NFL helmet, but still have good info:



And I quote this part about physic:


"The problem is ultimately one of physics. All helmets work under the same principle. The force striking one’s head--acceleration mixed with mass--can’t actually be prevented. Physics says that energy has to go somewhere, right? What good helmets do is lengthen the duration of the impact itself (in the hundredths of a second range), reverberating energy through various structures and materials, to smooth a hit from a sharp, high-g strike to a relatively smooth curve of deceleration. "


All this depends of the material (the game is in some poor place in Russia isn't it, I don't think every helmet found there are worth hundred of dollars), the force applied and the point of impact.


Agreed that it offers some protection against concussion, but the main task of those helmet is to protect your skull.


And military helmets offer no where that kind of protection btw.


So, yeah, the helmet offer protection



Oh, and this



and I quote again:

"We've shown you 6D's new helmet technology before - elastomeric dampers absorb the forces of low-speed impacts, an area where traditional styrofoam-and-shell helmets fail - now, that function is better explained in this new video."


And finally, heres a chart of different motor cycles helmet including a brand new one that is suppose to be a revolution in concussion, the 6d's previously quoted (Note: a new one, not existing in the game)




You will notice that they all get to the concussion level.


No hard feelings and I'll be happy to continue debate with you.


In conclusion, I think it's impossible for helmet to offer 100% protection against concussion. That it offers more portection than a naked head, I agree. That's why it should take around 2-4 punches instead to one punch to KO a player with a motor cycle helmet (again military ones aren't the same kind of helmet and won't protect as much against Gs.

Edited by guilau

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It has nothing to do with opinion, it's an empirical fact motorcycle helmet provides excellent protection against shock. And punching it will hurt the attacker more than the person being punched.

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I am for a percent chance to inflict fracture on self when punching someone wearing a helmet. Plus, take a cursory glance at motorcycle gloves. generally they have gel padding and carbon fiber knuckles, and perhaps if these were ever added, they would give something akin to how things are now. and of course regular glove would reduce the percent chance, and damage gloves slightly on impact.

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I got a simple answer to all that... hehe


Just stop to play in Berezino and you wont be punch in the face... wearing a motorcycle helmet or not.

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So I decided to go all necromancer on this thread to bring up again the issue of punching.


We now live in a DayZ where virtually anything can be used as a weapon. I think it would be great if the devs rethought punching as we currently have it. Encourage people to use tools and impromptu weapons, they are everywhere, hell just pick up a rock and punch someone with it is better than a meaty fist. Bare fist punching just isn't very interesting and as it's implemented now it's often quite gamey and cheap. We even have brass knuckles now which could accomplish what bare-fist punching accomplishes now and make much more sense.


I think it's time for one and two-hit knockouts with barehands to be relegated to the distant Dayz past.


(it's also way too effective vs zeds)


Tools as weapons is far more interesting and fun than knuckle-nukes: please make people pick up those lead pipes, lug wrenches and screwdrivers by making punching a pitifully ineffective alternative.

Edited by Ebrim
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In reality, punching someone in the face is a good way to break all the bones in your hand.


Humanity invented weapons for a reason, after all.

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In reality, punching someone in the face is a good way to break all the bones in your hand.


Humanity invented weapons for a reason, after all.


Brass knuckles.


Never leave for Berezino without 'em!

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Brass knuckles.


Never leave for Berezino without 'em!


Brass knuckles are totally legit in my book (and quite handy).

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Since I am almost certain that we will never see "actual" hand to hand, which involves grappling and holds as much, if not more, than it involves actual strikes, a good middle-ground is for bare-hand punches to cause damage to the character. Substantial damage, as (like said before) a punch to the face, or any bony part of the body, will most likely break the bones of the hand.


Therefore, people now would have a reason to pick up and use melee weapons, and leave punching as the last resort of the last resort, after running away.


I know for a fact that in real life, I would rather run away from an adrenaline-pumped meth-head-surrogate "zombie" than fist-fight the guy.

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I think everyone is underestimating how difficult it is to knock someone out IRL. Saying it is perfect is a ridiculous statement.

Nothing in this game is perfect. Helmet protection especially is very undervalued when it comes to fists in DayZ

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Why fix something that's not broken?


 If you really want to avoid those gear-thirsty Bambi's on the coast..





  stop dying.

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I think punching is OK the way it is, but knives are really underpowerd in the game

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Why fix something that's not broken?


 If you really want to avoid those gear-thirsty Bambi's on the coast..





  stop dying.


I imagine as we get closer to full beta, balancing will become more important and this is something that I think should be looked at in balancing for all the reasons I state above. Punching is silly as it is in the game right now and doesn't really give an incentive to use other impromptu weapons.

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Naw, you see motorcycle helmet has as much to do with protecting from shocks as army helmet with protecting from bullets..

Motorcycle helmet is there to help your brain/head not get too much damage and possibly help you to survive but it not in any way protect you from going unconscious from impacts, even from fists.

Simply not true...

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