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What Do You Want to See When you die?

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At least 30 virgins... ^_^

What if theyre male?


Id rather have 30 very experienced ladies.







                                           YOU ARE DEAD

Edited by pilgrim
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                                         YOU ARE DEAD



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"You are dead."


Seriously, you've just died, that's it. 


Although I would like it if they had a statistic for time survived like in the mod. Once we get some more mechanics and it's difficult to survive against the environment it'd be nice to know how long I can go for. 

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Hello there


What if theyre male?


Id rather have 30 very experienced ladies.







Enjoy a sip of prune juice, do you orlok?

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I want the game to record brief clips at every hour that you've survived, then show you a flashback of your life when you're dead, closing with the you are dead screen that fades to white.

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                                           YOU ARE DEAD


DayZ needs more Valkyries. Those who die a warriors death get taken to the great Mead Hall in the sky. If you die on a ladder, you get to watch us have fun.

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black screen followed by my new spawn


"You are dead" is almost too much


You are dead, Until someone credible comes back to life and tell me what he saw, I'll suppose you don't see anything as you die.

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I would prefer some bloody graphic with creepy font saying you are dead, instead of this plain white text we have now, I wouldn't mind even if it told you by whom/what you where killed by and what weapon they used, so atleast by viewing the player list you could see if the player stays on or is just your typical KoS nooblet who kills someone and logs off out of fear of being found, lol...


But yeah, a new screen would be great, not something too creepy/horrific but something more eye engaging....

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Than this playing in the background..... XD


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I would prefer some bloody graphic with creepy font saying you are dead, instead of this plain white text we have now, I wouldn't mind even if it told you by whom/what you where killed by and what weapon they used, so atleast by viewing the player list you could see if the player stays on or is just your typical KoS nooblet who kills someone and logs off out of fear of being found, lol...


But yeah, a new screen would be great, not something too creepy/horrific but something more eye engaging....

Tacos...... XD

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The screen goes totally black for unconsciousness, but as time passes and you are slowly dying, the screen begins to brighten, starting in the center like a light at the end of a tunnel.  Like a timer the glow and point of light grow in size and intensity.  When you die the light overtakes the screen; "You are Dead" appears at the middle of a completely white screen.




I think this would also make being revived that much more intense.. imagine experiencing "the light" only to have it fade to a washed-out blurry greyscale scene.

Edited by Mr Jizz

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when dead need the name of the Steam Account!


If cheater can be reported.


That's all.

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I would like it to be like Red Orchestra 2. Watch this video at 5:38:


Ragdoll camera. A few seconds later, fade to black with white text "You are Dead"

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Blurry vision, a quick fade to black, a nice graphic of "You are dead" rather than the simple text, and statistics of your journey. This is especially useful for people that live for a very long time and want a quick overview of their achievement and how well they did to survive DayZ.

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Blurry vision, a quick fade to black, a nice graphic of "You are dead" rather than the simple text, and statistics of your journey. This is especially useful for people that live for a very long time and want a quick overview of their achievement and how well they did to survive DayZ.

Naw just a random bloody taco with the words "You Died" works fine..... XD


Just scroll back a page or two lmao.

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I want black screen with stats:

Time alive

People killed

Zombies killed

Damage taken

Shots fired


Best weapon

Avg server population

And then a global rank for various categories

Edited by trev186
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I want black screen with stats:

Time alive

People killed

Zombies killed

Damage taken

Shots fired


Best weapon

Avg server population

And then a global rank for various categories

Sounds rather cool. Maybe should have a grave stone pop up where your previous character dies with some stats like that maybe instead for ppl to see how you died and your rankings and stuff.


Make it remain permanent even on restarts without making the servers lag somehow.

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Very simply, what I want long-term depends on how they develop the game long-term. If things are buggy like ladders and stairs, I need to know that it was fall damage that killed me, and not a sniper shot while I was climbing a ladder. Right now, you often have no way to differentiate between buggy s/w and actual game mechanics.


The real question is being able to identify who killed you. Example, the guys in the wall at the jail building point the M4 out the wall and blow my brains out. I have almost NO INFORMATION to report to server admins. I don't think I need a Steam ID on players, but seeing something like 'fellow survivor Jim shot you 3 times with an M4 from 6 feet' would be helpful. But if they have a better way to report hackers, then I don't need such a message. It all depends on the developers. If I am still dying to wall hacks and ladders 12 months from now, then I will consider this whole DayZ project as unfulfilled potential.

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I want the game to record brief clips at every hour that you've survived, then show you a flashback of your life when you're dead, closing with the you are dead screen that fades to white.


Haha, like your life flashing before your eyes? I like it! A bit hard to implement as most of the clips would be RUN, RUN, RUN, RUN, RUN, RUN, RUN, RUN, DRINK, CHOP WOOD, COOK FOOD, BURN FOOD...repeat. 

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I'll tell you what I don't want to see. When a person dies they should in no way be able to ghost, give directions, call outs . Nothing.

I say it because in WarZ they have it to where you have a 3rd person camera on your corpse and it's game breaking

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I would just like a message informing me who I should be hunting down after I respawn.  I really like the kill cam from Titanfall but it would give away too much tactical information in Dayz, so just the name of my killer would be great.

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I think a short message saying how you died would be good. A lot of the time I'm just walking around, loving life, and POW! I'm dead. I want to know from what though... Was it a sniper? Did I glitch through the ground and fall to my death? Did I de-sync and was actually being mauled by a zombie?


Nothing else though... No killcam etc. That would just ruin the realism of the game and thus destroy the immersion.

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If you are dead, you are dead. Ive never been dead so it's hard to say what you see when you are dead if at all. But Im guessing its not a kill cam.

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If you are dead, you are dead. Ive never been dead so it's hard to say what you see when you are dead if at all. But Im guessing its not a kill cam.


Wouldn't that be awesome though if it were possible IRL? No? 

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Hours:Minutes survived:

Died by: (obscure, like "falling" "gunshot" "bloodloss" "infection" etc, not specific of which player killed you)

#Players killed:

#Zombies killed:


^Overlayed on a screen similar to the title screen showing your character dead on the ground with the gear you had when killed, for a graveyard memorial screenshot.

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