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What Do You Want to See When you die?

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What about as in some versions of the mod it would show all kills in words with distance and with what weapon. So how about "you are dead" with that underneath?


ah .. yes... people still cling to the old fashioned idea about death...


                                           YOU ARE DEAD




Edited by pilgrim
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The rising soaring seagull animation from previous ArmA games.
Stop bickering before it starts.
(you know who you are).

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The current way is fine, although they should remove the ability to hear and see stuff through the darkness. Dead should cut off information from the character completely (same goes with unconscious).

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I like the now system what just give the black screen


I don't want nice picture or message about what happen because I don't believe the brain having no life after you die, black screen silence and time to think 'hmm what I did wrong?' and time to think about what you can do to stop dying next times.

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I'd like to see a mixture of death slides showing a painted scenery generally reflecting the cause of death, for example if a survivor is killed by another player using a sniper rifle, one should see a painted dark and scary scenery where a nasty bandit shots down a survivor from afar behind.

If you die of suffering, bloodloss, broken legs, zeds knocking you out ... you should see a death screen that shows the situation.

This also should give you a hint what happened if you just died right away without hearing any shot - like it happens from time to time if you got shot by a sniper from a huge distance.

Peronally I'd like to read or hear a nice (maybe spoken) sentence in the scene (some final words) as well, so yeah, quite similar to the death scenes of Fallout 1 and 2. True classics, adds so much to the atmosphere.


Hope this is the right link, I'm on phone.


edit, added another video

Edited by Ken Bean
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People who'd gain an advantage from a "kill cam" are already playing Call of Duty, so I don't understand why they of all people wouldn't want one. I said it before and I'll say it again; people who play DayZ like a competitive shooter are missing the point. And since it's the #1 argument for those types: freedom of play style my ass! I can't play the game how *I* want if you force me to play it like you want (or get shot to death every other hour).


I wouldn't mind a "kill cam" because I'm curious, not because I want to know who killed me so I can take my revenge. It would mostly be just me falling off some structure anyway - I rarely get shot, and I play on always full experimental servers. Anyway... I'd love to have a bunch of statistics about my run - primarily playtime, zombie kills, player kills (it happens), distance run and some minor stuff like how much food I've consumed and such.


*edit: changed "foot" to "food"*

Edited by DCpAradoX

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If you're dead you shouldn't be hearing or seeing anything whatsoever, it should be a black screen with "you are dead".


In most cases you shouldn't die immediately though. For example if you get shot by a sniper you should collapse and bleed out or something.


I agree, nothing but "You are dead".


Save the statistics for the stats screen in the menu.

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You are dead.

You were killed by "xXx_W33dSm0KeR_xXx"

You were shot by 3 rounds of 7.62x39 at 349.6 M

You were struck 2 times in the chest and 1 time in the head

You were knocked unconscious and bled out

Edited by BiGoDeViN
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Abolutely no info about who shot you, how many times, weapon and distance.


Get some bloody awareness if you want that info or tell your alive teammates to get a clue, because this is what you want: quick info for your group who shot you and from which position.

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That said, some fun demographics/statistics about your survivor could be nice. You know the sort of thing... Time survived, zombies killed etc. etc.


Cannot more agree with you !!


To have some statistics on the death screen could be very nice and I think would be a bit satisfying to see when we die instead of the simple :"You are dead".


I would love to see also as you said time survived, zombies killed but also distance we walked, how many food did we ate and some stuff like that. It's not really useful but to display information that resumed a bit of your game session.


No need of kill cam because we are not CoD player and it will be used such badly for spotted your killer..


Just need stats !!

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yes - but the server does not know who shot you, or 'what happened' to you in the moments before you die.


a bullet hit, or fall damage, is added in to the total health effects for your avatar.. when that reaches X, you are dead.


so if you were shot and fell off a ladder you might get 'you are dead because of "broken leg" or "shock" or even dehydration, why not ?

all the server can tell you is the last calculation which took your avatar to "dead", it has no life record of where the different outside effects come from. It only has the total, and the last calculation among the many that it made


so - Black Screen .." if you dont know what happened you weren't paying attention when you should have been. that's WHY you are dead."


you are dead because - "you blew it" and if you are dead, what else do you need to know ? .. 

you are dead because  - "DayZ is a dangerous place"  ??


also "dead" means you don't get to know why, or what happens next.

No filmic battle hero dramatic sugary stuff please, it's not realistic. You are dead because you blew it, not because you are a noble warrior.

Respawning is good enough.



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Personally I would like to see something to cheer me up when I die!


The BI Devs need to talk to Dontoraneko and pay him to make amusing death screens for us to giggle off our loss.  :D





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A simple black screen witht the words "you are dead" to me seems just a bit meningless.

If death has no value, why should have life?


Still, I'd like to see a scene and hear some final words. Not for the sake of realism, but for the atmosphere.


If getting the cause of death is too difficult, just keep it general.

Edited by Ken Bean
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Seriously though, it would be good to have some statics. Perhaps not even on the death screen. But on the menu thats client saved, showing some statistics on your character, zeds/player killed, beans eaten etc, maybe if we get lucky a nice map of where you've travelled, or instead a heat map of your location over time. If this data was available to save before respawning when dead so you can record your best performing chars that would be good.

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This is a survival game. The only acceptable statistic is "Days/Hours/whatever survived.

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I think that if you got shot from a long distance, you should die of artery bleeding, unbandagable because it is a main artery that got hit, and slowly helplessly bleed out. Then you get the death screen with how many hours (or minutes for some) you survived and with how many murderds and zeds you killed.

Edited by Mark Darkers

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This is a survival game. The only acceptable statistic is "Days/Hours/whatever survived.

Could quite easily argue that drinking, eating and travelling play a large part in surviving.

Edited by foxdie_01
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I liked the pop up stats screen in the Mod, and then later the Diary  .. how many hours alive, players / zombies killed .. the first page in the diary saying "I have an M16 but I have broken my leg" stuff .. nice .. and the page turning sound .. This was all good, just as a little extra so you could privately keep track of those things..


however, this has nothing to do with Death..  anything about the player involved or the manner of your death, would lead to endless arguments, revenge, complaints - "I was shot so why does it say 'unknown'","why did one M4 bullet kill me?" "why did I die of shock?" .

It would be technically difficult to implement and not useful for the player..

Also it is immersion breaking, because after death you do not have details of "what happened". The black screen death contributes GREATLY to immersion, and stress, and all the things that make DayZ unique and intense.


IMO an in-life stats screen or diary, is cool .. only Not after you die

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At least 30 virgins... ^_^

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At least 30 virgins... ^_^

Hello there


What if theyre male?


Id rather have 30 very experienced ladies.





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Make it so that you see your character go to heaven or hell, depending on how much of an asshole you are...


Or make it so you see yourself being reincarnated...









Naw, jk, "You are dead" is just fine.

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I'd like to see:


1.  Things you people wouldn't believe.


2.  Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion.


3.  C-beams glittering in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate.

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Hello there


What if theyre male?


Id rather have 30 very experienced ladies.






I did not meant the virgins that shot me.... :blush:

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