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What is the point of this game?

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If only there were a vehicle by which one could see or in an existential sense..."remote view" other people in the game environment prior to purchase. If only...

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Hello. I am Robert. I dont understand the point of this game. First, you spawn and get some food and maybe an axe. Then you try to get a gun and get to a military spawn. After youve gotten your gun what are you going to do next? I cant help people because ill get killed almost everytime trying to help. Collecting more supplies wont make you survive much longer. So the point is to spawn, get some new guns, die and repeat? Thank you. This game would be perfect if everyone wouldt kill everyone. This happens to me every time because im trying to help a guy but instead i get a bullet in my head and have to start everything again.

Sorry for my bad english :)


- Robert

There is no point honestly. It's a survival sim so theres really no goal. I wanna say the fun comes from surviving, however it's far too easy to just stay alive so that isn't a solid answer either. It's in alpha as well, so the only reason to play is to test out new features, and give feedback to the developers. Other than that it basically comes down to player interaction for entertainment.

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To survive.



Everything that happens during that survival is the game.

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To have fun... Alot of people miss this point

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The point of this game is not to play in an empty server.. And to kill anyone that gets in the way of your fun.

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Why be friendly when 99% of the time it gets you killed? I might be more inclined to be friendly once loot respawns, but for now I don't want to be friendly, die and then have to server hop to get gear again.


See this is the problem, because a lot of people are just KOS assholes everyone who has played the game for more than an hour, whenever they see someone they automatically assume "We'll he's going to try kill me anyway, might as well shoot first"


Can you imagine if like half the players instead said "Hey, there's a guy let's go try talk to him!" and the other guy being like "Oh, a dude! Hey man!"

Instead of just pew pew pew!



All the PVP lovers talk about it like each engagement they have is totally different when they're not really, see someone, shoot them. They see you, they shoot you. Sometimes stalking is involved.

What would really be different is if there wasn't a 1% chance of them being friendly, if it was 50/50 then the game would be so varied and awesome.



Anyway though there's not much point to the game right now it's just GTA deathmatch, don't expect that to change until things get difficult.

Edited by UltimateGentleman

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See this is the problem, because a lot of people are just KOS assholes everyone who has played the game for more than an hour, whenever they see someone they automatically assume "We'll he's going to try kill me anyway, might as well shoot first"


Can you imagine if like half the players instead said "Hey, there's a guy let's go try talk to him!" and the other guy being like "Oh, a dude! Hey man!"

Instead of just pew pew pew!



All the PVP lovers talk about it like each engagement they have is totally different when they're not really, see someone, shoot them. They see you, they shoot you. Sometimes stalking is involved.

What would really be different is if there wasn't a 1% chance of them being friendly, if it was 50/50 then the game would be so varied and awesome.



Anyway though there's not much point to the game right now it's just GTA deathmatch, don't expect that to change until things get difficult.

If everyone was nice the game would be boring... What are we supposed to only kill zombies? My rule is if they have their gun in hands I will shoot them. If I hear a bunch of shooting and see a guy in that direction.. I will shoot him. I see anyone at any type of airfield or military place.. They will be shot. If they don't have their gun out I will attempt to make contact with them and roll as a squad. That way we have a better chance at survival if we get engaged in a gunfight.

The excitement of dayz is not knowing what will happen next. Remove that and your not playing the same game.

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Well, when me and my friends first started playing, it was learning how to survive for more than 30 minutes. Now it's become to spawn, gear up, go to our base of operations, help/hold people up (depending on the situation) Make the hostiles we capture play funny games as we record it. We even executed a bandit the other day with the boondock saints prayer~

Or If we're feeling rather "dark" We find a person and shoot them in their legs, kill all the zombies around them, bandage them up, and walk away as they crawl after us.

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If everyone was nice the game would be boring... What are we supposed to only kill zombies? My rule is if they have their gun in hands I will shoot them. If I hear a bunch of shooting and see a guy in that direction.. I will shoot him. I see anyone at any type of airfield or military place.. They will be shot. If they don't have their gun out I will attempt to make contact with them and roll as a squad. That way we have a better chance at survival if we get engaged in a gunfight.

The excitement of dayz is not knowing what will happen next. Remove that and your not playing the same game.


Well, I said if half.


That would be way better than almost every time you meet people being a fight, I don't see how you can claim you don't know what will happen next.

Either you die, or they do.

This sums up almost every encounter with someone who has a gun.


If it was 50/50 then it's they shoot/you shoot/no one shoots/friendship/trading/noob hunting


Opens up a whole host of new options, we shouldn't have to meet people online or already have friends playing to gain some buddies.


Imagine you could meet a guy and be like got a fishing hook? I'll trade you a box of Mosin rounds for it...AND IT HAPPENS, no back stabbing or insta-shooting.

Of course it would be dull if everyone held hands and made daisy chains together but as it is now any kind of friendly play is off the table and that's what makes it a dull experience for the most part, everyone moans about the game but it will be fixed.


The players have to fix themselves.

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The point of the game is whatever you make it. You like to live in the woods near a pond fish and hunt game for food and just survive this game is for you. You like to go raiding towns and doing banditry then this game is for you. You like being a corpsmen in the battlefield helping those who are in need then this game is for you. The game is open ended so we can make the world we want. If you get a group/clan big enough and a player base that is constant on your server you could even try to make a safe zone trading city for survivors. You enforce the rules and law of the game you set up that is the fun and point of DayZ.

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Well, I said if half.


That would be way better than almost every time you meet people being a fight, I don't see how you can claim you don't know what will happen next.

Either you die, or they do.

This sums up almost every encounter with someone who has a gun.


If it was 50/50 then it's they shoot/you shoot/no one shoots/friendship/trading/noob hunting


Opens up a whole host of new options, we shouldn't have to meet people online or already have friends playing to gain some buddies.


Imagine you could meet a guy and be like got a fishing hook? I'll trade you a box of Mosin rounds for it...AND IT HAPPENS, no back stabbing or insta-shooting.

Of course it would be dull if everyone held hands and made daisy chains together but as it is now any kind of friendly play is off the table and that's what makes it a dull experience for the most part, everyone moans about the game but it will be fixed.


The players have to fix themselves.

Yea if it stayed 50/50 that would be great.. But I bet this game started out with 90% friendly and 10% KOS.(Bandits don't kill people on site they torture them until the person gives up)

It sometimes only take one death from a KOS or a backstabber for the hero to change his/her ways.. then the % of friendly people decreases as more and more hero's get KOS get mad and want revenge. Its like a virus that goes from one person to another.. Instead of turning zombie you turn into KOS.

And the number of friendly people will keep decreasing in my opinion.


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The point is to survive and live through interesting stories along the way. Its a sandbox game, do what you want. Dont loot on empty servers, it waters down your experiance. If your gonna talk to someone, do it from a position where you cant be shot. Then make sure they are disarmed, use common sense. 


With the game being in alpha and many features not currently implemented, it is very easy to survive with a few exceptions. Take this into consideration before you judge the game (its not yet finished). Iv played about 380 hours so far and over 500 in the mod, i can honestly say its the best gaming experience iv ever had despite the frustrating bugs.

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Yea if it stayed 50/50 that would be great.. But I bet this game started out with 90% friendly and 10% KOS.(Bandits don't kill people on site they torture them until the person gives up)

It sometimes only take one death from a KOS or a backstabber for the hero to change his/her ways.. then the % of friendly people decreases as more and more hero's get KOS get mad and want revenge. Its like a virus that goes from one person to another.. Instead of turning zombie you turn into KOS.

And the number of friendly people will keep decreasing in my opinion.



Yep, I like a bit of challenge and the occasional PVP but it's just so annoying how it's all people seem to play for, I want to explore and see what the devs have done with the land shouldn't have to be wary of every single hill or building as someone with a gun, for whatever reason might be there ready to shoot me. It's just so dull, it can hardly be called "winning" if there was no element of challenge in it for the murderer.



With the game being in alpha and many features not currently implemented, it is very easy to survive with a few exceptions. Take this into consideration before you judge the game (its not yet finished). Iv played about 380 hours so far and over 500 in the mod, i can honestly say its the best gaming experience iv ever had despite the frustrating bugs.


Yeah it's stupid to judge the game as it is, but the people who play it? That's another story.


Upon full release if everyone plays as they do now nobody is going to give a damn about this game after a few months especially not with things like GTA V hitting PC.

People play this wanting interesting experiences, taking hostages, being taken hostage, gunfights, trading, betrayal etc etc.

But all they get is gunfights and the occasional betrayal(usually by a relatively fresh spawn with no gun)


For all that's in the game it's the players who need to set the experience apart from other titles, all this work and the focus is playing CoD in Berenzino or airfields.

I doubt most people have explored more than like 20% of the map beyond the airfields and big towns.

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Wow...that's rough bro, having to server hop to re gear every time you get killed? So what exactly IS the point of this game for you, if you server hop to gear up? What exactly are you gearing up FOR?

Sounds to ME, you've MORE than made up your mind what the "Point" of this game is...it's to server hop for gear than PvP bambi's that are trying to be friendly......


I have easily ran across FAR more "Friendlies" than "Hostiles" in all the time I've been playing. I spend a fair amount of time on the coast as well, and almost always play in high pop servers OR popular servers that will fill up quickly.

Why be friendly? Because it takes COURAGE, that's why...anyone can be a KoS douche......

Im really jealous because i come across bandits a lot more. Im always friendly, unfortunately that has caused 99% of my deaths.

Even as a fresh spawn you get killed. There was only couple of scenarios where i was actually given food. But even these heroes dont want me tagging along which is understandable. Killing me for items is ok but when im empty i just dont get it

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Just do whatever the hell you want. There's a lot of options, use your imagination.


If it doesn't work for you I suggest sticking to the games that guide you from one objective to another.

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This is a sandbox game.


As it stands there is nothing in the game to do other than PvP.


it's really quite dissapointing in its current state.


In its current version think of it like a giant Deathmatch game. The only goal is to kill as many other players as you can.


I hope some of the other open world zombie games add more to push dayz to grow a bit.

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To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women.


"The greatest pleasure is to vanquish your enemies and chase them before you, to rob them of their wealth and see those dear to them bathed in tears, to ride their horses and clasp to your bosom their wives and daughters."


Temujin, Ghenghis Khan c1162-1227


while you're there check out Subutai .. my hero


but Conan is cool too, no prob.

Edited by pilgrim
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