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Why you don't need to server hop to get geared.. ever.

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Honestly, I have server hopped a few times with friends in search of gear to get us ready for a berezino death match, Other than that I hate it when your at the airfield and a guy just logs in behind you and kills you, Unless you can kill them and get their gear in time!

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I had like 10 ppl in my multiquote when I arrived at this point. I largely agree that server hopping is the easy way out. The only reason for me to hop is meeting up with ppl. I think it is also a kind of evolution in the style one plays in. You start of and die, because of whatever...my first death was because of zeds in Solnichny. Then I managed to starve once. Then I got an axe through my head after finding my first fountain in Berezino and drinking there from a guy that came from behind....you learn and those things become less of a problem.


Then you reach a point where pve is nothing but a nuisance at best, UNLESS you are meleeing zeds AND a player stumbles around the corner. You know the loot spots, so what to do? When you only hop for loot and then go into high traffic areas, you will further improve - in pvp. That's not bad in itself. But I think you cheat yourself. Why is DayZ so great for me? I care about my character. I don't in BF3, what I also play. Caring about your char results in pvp that is completely different than the tradekills in the containers of noshar channels. Many ppl in Berezino don't care about their char at all, that influences their pvp style and I don't like to play there because of that. Some rabid bambi will get you in the end. Not because they are better, but because they don't care if they die 10 times until they finally punch out a geared player.. Btw, play however you want, but also accept that the Berezino tugfest leaves the west underpopulated and is not irrelevant for other players because of that.


So why do I think that server hopping is bad for you? With my current char I spawned near Kamishovo. The server was online for more than 3h and completely full. All interesting locations were looted. I stayed on, because it is something new to do, simple and easy. Gear up on a completely full server that has been looted and not getting killed is maybe not that hard. Well the not getting shot part is also luck, but it is something you can do. Something that might be somewhat of a challenge and a different side of DayZ compared to running around with "endgame gear". The server restarted when I was at Electro. I went back onto the same server and went to the police station directly after a firestation. Guess what? Open doors. Usually I am really careful when I don't have a gun. But that pissed me off, no single door open anywhere, but an open police station. Maybe it was a guy like me, most probably though a hopper. Took out my fireaxe, sneaked in and killed the guy in the upper weapon room. What did I find? An SKS and a backpack full of (ruined) pistols and magazines, could have been a hopper. Why was that great? Because I manged to play Thief for some time. Didn't even have to buy the game. Hopping just takes that part of the game out. You go to a good loot spot, even if it is only a police station, look through a few servers and you have a gun. You cut out the part where you are really vulnerable. For me it's like a switch in my brain that flips, when I get my first gun with ammo. I play a completely different game then in terms of what I do and how I do it. You cheat yourself of that. There is also no need to have the best gear all the time. With my last char I shot two guys at the firestation in cernaya polana. I found them and one was looking in my direction. So I shot the other in the back while the first started shooting at me with his SKS. He missed a few times and I shot him, too. Had the free choice between two SKS' and a Mosin with lrs then. A Blaze, two guys, one shot each. Made me feel all warm inside. You don't get that, when you hop for "endgame gear" and start actually playing the game then. And yes, I know there are ppl that love the Blaze, that's not the point here. Coming back to the development argument from above, you keep yourself from becoming a well rounded player. Do not underestimate how learning stealth in your "vulnerable phase" and will make you more dangerous in pvp.


Ppl keep saying that everyone can play DayZ however one pleases. True, but hopping is detrimental for players that don't do it. One can argue about the loot balance in DayZ, but there is a balance, and it applies to all players on a server. Hoppers take that balance out, when they loot the "interesting" buildings. Funny thing is though, I think you are more likely to find an unlooted Balota, nwaf, Zelenogorsk or even Gorka on high pop servers than on low pop server, but I might be wrong there. If I am right, this argument might not be so important. Imo hoppers are certainly less of a problem than the Berezino bunch that leaves the west so unpopulated, but I hate them nevertheless.


For me hopping is like playing poker and some ppl looking at their hand, keeping a few cards, waiting for 99 seconds and then demanding fresh cards until they finally manage to mix a hand they are happy with. Well, in some kind of poker where you don't neccessarily need the best hand to win, if you show skill...talking in pvp terms here.


One last thought. If I was alive for dayz, maybe weeks (have not managed months yet) even though I seek pvp in more westernly regions, gearing up as a bambi is actually a refreshing change, so why not do it in a dangerous environment (high pop server) and under harder conditions (low loot server, so yes, again high pop server) without hopping? I mean really, if you are such a DayZ god, being a bambi must be refreshing after months of being alive and killing hundreds of players. If you are such a boss, you should cry happy tears for getting a break from running around fully geared all the time. So just do it.

Edited by bautschi
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  On 7/6/2014 at 4:34 AM, bautschi said:

I had like 10 ppl in my multiquote when I arrived at this point. I largely agree that server hopping is the easy way out. The only reason for me to hop is meeting up with ppl. I think it is also a kind of evolution in the style one plays in. You start of and die, because of whatever...my first death was because of zeds in Solnichny. Then I managed to starve once. Then I got an axe through my head after finding my first fountain in Berezino and drinking there from a guy that came from behind....you learn and those things become less of a problem.


Then you reach a point where pve is nothing but a nuisance at best, UNLESS you are meleeing zeds AND a player stumbles around the corner. You know the loot spots, so what to do? When you only hop for loot and then go into high traffic areas, you will further improve - in pvp. That's not bad in itself. But I think you cheat yourself. Why is DayZ so great for me? I care about my character. I don't in BF3, what I also play. Caring about your char results in pvp that is completely different than the tradekills in the containers of noshar channels. Many ppl in Berezino don't care about their char at all, that influences their pvp style and I don't like to play there because of that. Some rabid bambi will get you in the end. Not because they are better, but because they don't care if they die 10 times until they finally punch out a geared player.. Btw, play however you want, but also accept that the Berezino tugfest leaves the west underpopulated and is not irrelevant for other players because of that.


So why do I think that server hopping is bad for you? With my current char I spawned near Kamishovo. The server was online for more than 3h and completely full. All interesting locations were looted. I stayed on, because it is something new to do, simple and easy. Gear up on a completely full server that has been looted and not getting killed is maybe not that hard. Well the not getting shot part is also luck, but it is something you can do. Something that might be somewhat of a challenge and a different side of DayZ compared to running around with "endgame gear". The server restarted when I was at Electro. I went back onto the same server and went to the police station directly after a firestation. Guess what? Open doors. Usually I am really careful when I don't have a gun. But that pissed me off, no single door open anywhere, but an open police station. Maybe it was a guy like me, most probably though a hopper. Took out my fireaxe, sneaked in and killed the guy in the upper weapon room. What did I find? An SKS and a backpack full of (ruined) pistols and magazines, could have been a hopper. Why was that great? Because I manged to play Thief for some time. Didn't even have to buy the game. Hopping just takes that part of the game out. You go to a good loot spot, even if it is only a police station, look through a few servers and you have a gun. You cut out the part where you are really vulnerable. For me it's like a switch in my brain that flips, when I get my first gun with ammo. I play a completely different game then in terms of what I do and how I do it. You cheat yourself of that. There is also no need to have the best gear all the time. With my last char I shot two guys at the firestation in cernaya polana. I found them and one was looking in my direction. So I shot the other in the back while the first started shooting at me with his SKS. He missed a few times and I shot him, too. Had the free choice between two SKS' and a Mosin with lrs then. A Blaze, two guys, one shot each. Made me feel all warm inside. You don't get that, when you hop for "endgame gear" and start actually playing the game then. And yes, I know there are ppl that love the Blaze, that's not the point here. Coming back to the development argument from above, you keep yourself from becoming a well rounded player. Do not underestimate how learning stealth in your "vulnerable phase" and will make you more dangerous in pvp.


Ppl keep saying that everyone can play DayZ however one pleases. True, but hopping is detrimental for players that don't do it. One can argue about the loot balance in DayZ, but there is a balance, and it applies to all players on a server. Hoppers take that balance out, when they loot the "interesting" buildings. Funny thing is though, I think you are more likely to find an unlooted Balota, nwaf, Zelenogorsk or even Gorka on high pop servers than on low pop server, but I might be wrong there. If I am right, this argument might not be so important. Imo hoppers are certainly less of a problem than the Berezino bunch that leaves the west so unpopulated, but I hate them nevertheless.


For me hopping is like playing poker and some ppl looking at their hand, keeping a few cards, waiting for 99 seconds and then demanding fresh cards until they finally manage to mix a hand they are happy with. Well, in some kind of poker where you don't neccessarily need the best hand to win, if you show skill...talking in pvp terms here.


One last thought. If I was alive for dayz, maybe weeks (have not managed months yet) even though I seek pvp in more westernly regions, gearing up as a bambi is actually a refreshing change, so why not do it in a dangerous environment (high pop server) and under harder conditions (low loot server, so yes, again high pop server) without hopping? I mean really, if you are such a DayZ god, being a bambi must be refreshing after months of being alive and killing hundreds of players. If you are such a boss, you should cry happy tears for getting a break from running around fully geared all the time. So just do it.



Well put. Couldn't agree more.

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They should have an event for DayZ on separate servers (just like Hardcore/Regular) where it makes a new character. This event would be called "HARDCORER THAN HARDCORE MODE" (or realism mode, but that's lame). Basically they could make it last 3 months or so or until one person is left on each server. Kind of like the Hunger Games I guess..


Main Features of this mode:

-You may only join one server and one server only. (so say you joined "Server 1". you can't join any other servers BUT that server to play the mode. - you can still join Regular/Hardcore)

-First person only

-Loot doesn't respawn. Ever. No restarts, no nothing will respawn loot.

-Triple the zombie amount in any and all man-made centers (Cities/Towns/Villages/Bases/etc)

-Enable the "40+ diseases and sicknesses" Dean mentioned once before

-8 Hour Day/Night cycles (4 for day, 4 for night)

-Log out is only possible if you make your character sleep.

-Sleeping characters are still on the map



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Loot respawns have been broken since day one....fix loot respawns and make the penatly for server hopping greater than it is for waiting for loot to respawn....


I think most people would move towards camping two areas...such as Vybor base and NWAF. 


1. Loot NWAF

2. Travel to Vybor loot Vybor and vybor base

3. Return to NWAF


Ideally by the time you return to NWAF the loot should have respawned for most of it rinse and repeat...


Better than hopping and just finding places already looted and then leaving and having to wait 2-5 mins for respawn timers (half the time if you have a timer it fails and just gets stuck at please wait)


On another note when I am not worried about someone tracking my movements I purposely leave the doors open to barracks and other server hopper favorites just cause most of them will leave if they see an open door.


Just looted vybor base (did not find anything I wanted) and I left the doors open...there was an AKM and Black high cap vest ;) 

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I´d love to see some kind of EVE Online timer system in DayZ.


Different timers preventing abusive login/logout dependant on how you´re interacting with the server (combat, looting, etc.)


Click for example

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  On 7/6/2014 at 4:34 AM, bautschi said:


When you only hop for loot and then go into high traffic areas, you will further improve - in pvp. That's not bad in itself. But I think you cheat yourself. Why is DayZ so great for me? I care about my character. I don't in BF3, what I also play. Caring about your char results in pvp that is completely different than the tradekills in the containers of noshar channels.  Btw, play however you want, but also accept that the Berezino tugfest leaves the west underpopulated and is not irrelevant for other players because of that.


Ppl keep saying that everyone can play DayZ however one pleases. True, but hopping is detrimental for players that don't do it.


Massive post but full of truth! If only this post would open eyes of many new players who know only Berezino madness.

Somehow I doubt it, since reading this post takes patience which is something many of the new players obviously lack.


And yes, regearing can be fun as hell. Even stupid Sporter can be treasured, if its only weapon you find (just wish mags spawned in civ buildings to make it more viable). You are happy to get any backpack possible, even ugly kids bag and once you are fully energized and hydrated, you feel acomplishment as well.


If you just hop like a moron, you probably skip all these cycles of life of DayZ character, thus robing yourself of full DayZ experience.

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What kills me is that it seems that server pops tend to skyrocket after a reset.  It's almost like the real hardcore style of hopper has their alarms set as to when servers reset.  After about 20 minutes they leave and the pop goes back to normal.

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  On 7/6/2014 at 8:02 AM, Hombre said:

And yes, regearing can be fun as hell. Even stupid Sporter can be treasured, if its only weapon you find (just wish mags spawned in civ buildings to make it more viable). You are happy to get any backpack possible, even ugly kids bag and once you are fully energized and hydrated, you feel acomplishment as well.


I actually found a 30 round .22 mag in a piano house not long ago.  Grabbed the first sporter I found after that. 

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  On 7/6/2014 at 8:13 AM, Barnabus said:

I actually found a 30 round .22 mag in a piano house not long ago.  Grabbed the first sporter I found after that. 

Really?! Wonder if some joker dumped it there since I've never found any sporter mags outside of jail buildings,police stations, barracks or tents, which made the Sporter almost not worthy of picking up :-(.


I would also like certain pistols, like CZ75, to have chance to spawn in civilian buildings as well as their mags.

I mean pistols can be also considered as civilian weapons, since armies do not uses pistols much, except as backup / last resort  weapon. Hell, russians hated pistols and considered them almost worthless, that was why they assigned AKSU's to tank crews or drivers etc.

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  On 7/6/2014 at 8:21 AM, Hombre said:

Really?! Wonder if some joker dumped it there since I've never found any sporter mags outside of jail buildings,police stations, barracks or tents, which made the Sporter almost not worthy of picking up :-(.


I would also like certain pistols, like CZ75, to have chance to spawn in civilian buildings as well as their mags.

I mean pistols can be also considered as civilian weapons, since armies do not uses pistols much, except as backup / last resort  weapon. Hell, russians hated pistols and considered them almost worthless, that was why they assigned AKSU's to tank crews or drivers etc.

It was on the shelf on the ground floor by the stairs. 

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  On 7/6/2014 at 8:32 AM, Barnabus said:

It was on the shelf on the ground floor by the stairs. 


Must be rarer then unicorns then!

Never saw it and it did loot my fair share of piano buildings.

Edited by Hombre

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  On 7/6/2014 at 8:34 AM, Hombre said:

Must be rarer then unicorns then!

Never saw it and it did loot my fair share of piano buildings.

650+ hours and it is the first time I ever found one out side a tented area, it was ealier in the past week.

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I wish people would stop calling the tacticool combo "geared up" like it was in some dayz dictionary or something.

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I think the most likely way to kill server hopping is not by timers or any such like that but by not allowing toons to persist from server to server.  1 server =1 toon

Edited by Barnabus

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  On 7/6/2014 at 8:02 AM, Hombre said:

Massive post but full of truth! If only this post would open eyes of many new players who know only Berezino madness.

Somehow I doubt it, since reading this post takes patience which is something many of the new players obviously lack.


And yes, regearing can be fun as hell. Even stupid Sporter can be treasured, if its only weapon you find (just wish mags spawned in civ buildings to make it more viable). You are happy to get any backpack possible, even ugly kids bag and once you are fully energized and hydrated, you feel acomplishment as well.


If you just hop like a moron, you probably skip all these cycles of life of DayZ character, thus robing yourself of full DayZ experience.


  On 7/6/2014 at 8:13 AM, Barnabus said:

I actually found a 30 round .22 mag in a piano house not long ago.  Grabbed the first sporter I found after that. 


Actually I'm kind of unhappy about loot spawns there. I have never used some weapons. That includes the sporter and the CR75. I never had any of those WITH mags before having something (for me) better with ammo. I guess it's like that for most ppl, higher mag spawns of such "lowly used" weapons, especially in civilian areas would increase the diversity of weapons ppl use to shoot at me. And that would be a good thing :).


  On 7/6/2014 at 8:48 AM, Exorade said:

I wish people would stop calling the tacticool combo "geared up" like it was in some dayz dictionary or something.


Even though google did not to tell me what the "tacticool combo" is, your post made me smile. Now what is the `"tacticool combo" some just need to have? A picture from google showed a guy with a differernt things like gasmask, m4 (I think) and a mountain backpack - that can't be it...

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As others may have said, the objective of server hopping isn't to express the ONLY method of gearing. It's just the easiest and most expedient.


Nobody needs to gear up via server hopping. But they do, because it's the easiest method.


It needs to be stopped, hard. I'm normally on the extreme side of things (i.e. make every server a private hive or make each character tied to a specific server).


But, I still favor the solution of resetting positions to the coast when server hopping. There are some disadvantages (mainly in throwing ostensibly geared players to the coast). But, I feel those disadvantages are for one... overstated... I wouldn't want to throw myself back into the PvP clusterfuck of the coast if I'd just spent a whole lot of time gearing. And second, I feel they're outweighed by the benefits of making server hopping no less tedious than regular ol' looting.


It's a matter of stopping it altogether, or, making it no less bothersome than looting normally.

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  On 7/6/2014 at 8:48 AM, Exorade said:

I wish people would stop calling the tacticool combo "geared up" like it was in some dayz dictionary or something.


I wish people would stop being ignorant. Geared up is a saying, and I did not mean tacticool.. I literally meant with the gear needed to .. ah hell, if you didnt read it all, good luck. 

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  On 7/6/2014 at 8:48 AM, Exorade said:

I wish people would stop calling the tacticool combo "geared up" like it was in some dayz dictionary or something.

Why? "Geared up" is pretty standard terminology. Or "kitted up" for our Euro-pals. Not just in FPS

games but also for MMORPG's as well. Hell, I remember the term from EQ2 in the 90's.

Edit: I'm fully geared up and totally un-tacticool.

Edited by MarchHare
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  On 7/5/2014 at 8:28 PM, quantum2k6 said:

i cant play my game because u and your kind clean out every server...


and as you i dont care about your time u have to play. this is a survival game not a pvp deathmatch @ berenzino shooter...


goddamn go play cod if u want fast rounds and stop ruin others game experiences.


Honestly they are adding respawning loot soon so quit yer bitchin. Don't be pissed at me I didn't make the loot static. Let the developers know you want respawning loot asap. I think it's hillarious how you carebears say if someone hops to get gear they should go play Call of Duty. Because clearly gear= deathmatch.  Does not the innocent little bamby noob who just wants to fish and go explore the map not want better equipment and weapons etc etc? Pretty sure they do. Pretty sure EVERYONE from survivalist to anti pvp, to pvp enthusiast want better gear as thats the goal of this sandbox among other things.


So to say everyone who hops for gear is a pvp , cod deathmatch junky is ignorant to say the least and with statements like that you validate just how little your opionion is worth and that you know nothing John Snow :)

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respawning loot




Let the developers know you want respawning loot asap


I don't want respawning loot. It will cause  loot farming and barracks recycling like in DayZ mod.

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  On 7/8/2014 at 12:38 PM, Frosti said:

I don't want respawning loot. It will cause  loot farming and barracks recycling like in DayZ mod.


If they implement respawning loot like they say they will, meaning it'll respawn on the basis of a quadrant vice an individual building... then farming/recycling won't be easy/expedient. So, it's less likely that we'll see it if at all. Because in order to force a loot respawn, you've got to loot the entire area.


And in my opinion, loot farming is only really a detriment when it's done in conjunction with server hopping (i.e. loot farming on one unpopulated server, and then moving to a populated server). It wouldn't really work on private servers/hives, because you've got a higher overall population for one... and then you've got that population focusing (as they always do) on high-value areas.

Edited by Katana67

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It wouldn't really work on private servers/hives, because you've got a higher overall population for one... and then you've got that population focusing (as they always do) on high-value areas.


In DayZ mod on 99,9% of private servers it was that a 20 players squad often with private server admin himself controlled and farmed NWAF. So I think same thing will take place in Standalone eventually.

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I think alot of people are going to be annoyed once alot of items becomes alot more rarer than they are now.. Server hopping wont matter much because it will still be a pain in the ass, which to me, is good. Its way too easy to gear up even sticking to one server.. At first I would imagine server hopping is what some people will do when they cant find a weapon or item in the usual spots. Soon after im sure the complaining will come with not finding the items people were so easily to get now.

The reduction of items and making alot of items alot more rare is going to make this game alot better, alot more hardcore survivalish, and alot more challenging.. Whenever items get back to respawning, I imagine it will be like the mod that you would do a triangle in searching areas to get gear instead of server hopping.

Will some people be annoyed because they cant gear up quickly as they can now? Yes, but too bad.. It wont matter if youre on a full or empty server. This game isnt suppose to easy, that includes gearing up.

Tbh, the most I ever found gear worth anything is also not at the their spawns. Its in the tents that people think they hid well because they didnt want to run around with the items or had too much on them already.

Edited by cels

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  On 7/8/2014 at 1:15 PM, Frosti said:

In DayZ mod on 99,9% of private servers it was that a 20 players squad often with private server admin himself controlled and farmed NWAF. So I think same thing will take place in Standalone eventually.


But, to me, the fact that groups can loot farm is not necessarily a distinct problem. Because they're still vulnerable to attack and/or the overall consequences of being on the server. In other words, if I want to disrupt them... I can, by shooting them... or mobilizing others on the server.


With the addition of server hopping, you're circumventing risk by existing in two worlds. One where risk is minimal, the second is where people are vulnerable to the abilities you've acquired via a low-risk environment. I can't stop people from blending back into the milieu of thousands of empty servers and then returning to a high-population server with their gear. I can't stop that process. Whereas with private hives, I can. And it therefore makes it less attractive at most, and fair at least.


The imbalance with loot farming and groups, is the fact that there's safety in numbers. Sure, loot farming is an issue. But not it's not an imbalance in and of itself. The problem arises when the security of a group is combined with the ease of loot farming.


I can't stop admin abuse either, which is a separate issue with no clear solution in my mind.


But, if a group has to loot an entire quadrant of the map just to have loot respawn in the barracks at NWAF, then loot farming will stop. Because it's not possible without having looted a quadrant dry. This is all an assumption, mind you. Personally, I don't think that a "quadrant" system will work very well. Going days without decent loot in a massive swath of the map will be untenable in my mind.

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