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Experimental Branch: 0.47 Discussion

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What do they mean by the hacksaw turned upside?

from 2x1 slots to 1x2 slots

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I have found 3 CZ527s but dropped them because I didnt have a magazine. has anyone found a magazine for one yet?

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Someone please tell me (and post a pic) the Bandana mask comes in camo! Also it should totally be the same item as bandana, just a R-click option. Same could be for turning hats around and stuff like that. But reducing the number of items that are spawning would make Bandana "craft" options ideal. All that's unimportant/forgivable, as long as it comes in camo. oh and it should work with helms too! Pics people!

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started playing on this exp build about 2 hours ago with a friend.

then a server message "5 min until restart" popped up.

my friend logged out 1 minute later, i stayed ingame until session lost.


we logged back in as soon as the same server popped up again in the server browser, so we where amongst the first to join the restarted server.

after getting back in the game we were able to walk around for 30 seconds then we both simultaneously experienced the odd

your leg is in pain/your leg is broken/you are dead-death.


is this a new feature?

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after getting back in the game we were able to walk around for 30 seconds then we both simultaneously experienced the odd

your leg is in pain/your leg is broken/you are dead-death.


is this a new feature?

nope, that was implemented like 8 months ago.

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Maybe an issue with the UK experimental servers? Server's have gone down, they come back up, play for about a minute then close down and re-boot again. 0-03 Regular is on it's 5th reboot in about 10 minutes now.

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Maybe an issue with the UK experimental servers? Server's have gone down, they come back up, play for about a minute then close down and re-boot again. 0-03 Regular is on it's 5th reboot in about 10 minutes now.

Seems like after server get closed for restarting, they take couple of minutes coming back with several restarts meanwhile.

Edited by Guest

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I have found 3 CZ527s but dropped them because I didnt have a magazine. has anyone found a magazine for one yet?


Yep at military base. 

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Yeah, nice patch. Nice Idea adding 10 times more buggy zombies. They see me no matter how i walk/crouch and even if there are walls in between. Hitting from 10m away is normal.


I just lost 4 characters in an hour. I really don't see this patch working for fresh spawns with no equipment. Switching back to non-experimental right now.

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I can stack Assault vest full of stuff in my mountain backpack, its a glitch i'm doing or the game allow this? 
Gonna report it on the tool, but want to be sure I'm not mistaking about a feature. 

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Found an 101 AK but no magazines or ammo for it. I hope these items are a LITTLE more available than what they are currently. Also found a CZ rifle in a non military spot but still have YET to find a single clip. Please don't put guns in civilian areas than expect us to go to high risk military areas to get the clips in the hope of even testing the damned guns lol.


These magaizne dependent guns are seeming to be more trouble than what they are currently worth at the moment.

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Yep at military base. 

Im getting very annoyed at having to go to military zones just to find civilian weapons augmentations for guns that are not even supposed to be there lol.


.22 guns are currently as bad with this as is. Im hopping they can get the CZ ammo clips situated better. Im still surprised you cannot chamber single ammo rounds into the gun like with the .22s at least.

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I can stack Assault vest full of stuff in my mountain backpack, its a glitch i'm doing or the game allow this? 

Gonna report it on the tool, but want to be sure I'm not mistaking about a feature. 

I think you can/should be able to do this, it's like rolling stuff up in pants then putting the pants in your ruck. 

Edited by Barnabus

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I can confirm that they added a woodpecker in game!

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The people on the servers give me cancer. Apparently the rarity of the loot makes them supernervous and lets them shoot an unarmed guy(no backpack, no shirt and a hammer). I wish I had a gun, then i could kill these *******. 

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Blah blah guns blah blah magazines... anyone have any experience with the respawning loot or item persistence yet? Coolest thing I noticed when I had time to play earlier was dead zombie bodies not disappearing but I'm not sure this exactly falls into the "persistence" category.

Edited by solodude23

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Blah blah guns blah blah magazines... anyone have any experience with the respawning loot or item persistence yet? Coolest thing I noticed when I had time to play earlier was dead zombie bodies not disappearing but I'm not sure this exactly falls into the "persistence" category.

Well I would do that but it says the servers reset every 10 hours! XD LOL


So id have to wait a long time just to test that.

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I think you can/should be able to do this, it's like rolling stuff up in pants then putting the pants in your ruck. 

Nah its a bug, well the pantception is at least. I could see one layer of rolled pants being legit. But 3 ttsko pants all within one another + 2 slots worth in each all within a gorka 2 slot is a bit much. No trains coming to bring you back from hoarding that much.

Edited by HugoStiglitz

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I am seriously the only person here with extremly framedrops every few seconds since all three or four 0.47 exp patches??? :(


The frames are dropping for example from 40 to 17 every few seconds, no matter where I am, what I do or in which direction I look... I don't have this problem with 0.46 stable at all !


Btw the last 10 mins a rain of bugs came over me at once... cow meat got suddenly burned from raw state in pan (you have to wait 15-30 f*** minutes like in reallife to cook the meat, but it gets burned in 1 second, really?!?!.... sense?), cow pelt doesn't work with rope to make a leather backpack... zombies hit me a "mile" away (chars still get stucked at corners etc., so the cause for rubberbanding isn't really solved, seems just a emergency solution bye the devs)... end of story was ruined from tip to toe and still no backpack... 

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