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Suddenly - my legs were broken

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Last night I met up with a random player, and we were going place to place, looting. We got into one building on the far east of Berezino, he was running ahead of me inside and he fell to the ground, let out a groan - and told me his legs were broken????


Made no sense what so ever. I ran outside to cut down a tree so  I could craft him a splint, after collecting the wood, I was running back to the building, and I fell to the ground, and my legs were suddenly broken. I lay there for around 20 seconds, then died.


I assume he died as well - but does anyone have an explanation as to what happened? Hacking?

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It could have been a sniper messing with you, since there is the problem of gunshots not making any sounds if fired from far enough of a distance and in the right direction.


However I have read about this random broken leg problem occurring many times for other players, but as far as I was aware it only occurred when you were inside buildings, and never heard it occur to two players like that.


I hadn't experienced it myself until yesterday. I was in the bunk room of the jail building in the Cherno highrises, when suddenly I got the leg damage message 4 times in quick succession and I found myself on the floor with broken legs.


For reasons that it will take too long to explain, I wasn't wearing any pants at the time, but my pristine redpunk boots was ruined. Luckily I did have morphine so it wasn't that big a problem, but it is sad confirmation for me that this weird bug exists.

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It could have been a sniper messing with you, since there is the problem of gunshots not making any sounds if fired from far enough of a distance and in the right direction.


However I have read about this random broken leg problem occurring many times for other players, but as far as I was aware it only occurred when you were inside buildings, and never heard it occur to two players like that.


I hadn't experienced it myself until yesterday. I was in the bunk room of the jail building in the Cherno highrises, when suddenly I got the leg damage message 4 times in quick succession and I found myself on the floor with broken legs.


For reasons that it will take too long to explain, I wasn't wearing any pants at the time, but my pristine redpunk boots was ruined. Luckily I did have morphine so it wasn't that big a problem, but it is sad confirmation for me that this weird bug exists.


Very weird. I could imagine a sniper hitting me outside, but not the guy inside - nowhere near a window.


Atleast I know it'g a bug, and not just me now.

The worst part was I could hear ( faintly ) the guy inside asking where I was, chatting away - he had no idea what happened to me. Thought I ditched him lol

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In the release notes!


Moving quickly in the vertical movement can cause broken legs

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In the release notes!


Moving quickly in the vertical movement can cause broken legs


When it happened to me I was standing perfectly still looking at my inventory.

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When it happened to me I was standing perfectly still looking at my inventory.

hm, when i was in the new city, i was in a stairway building and Crouch, suddenly greyscreen for a second and my pants got runied but no broken legs.

no window next to me.


same happened to my friend in the prison above the stairs in the corner at the back. greyscreen, pants runied but no broken legs

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When it happened to me I was standing perfectly still looking at my inventory.


Re read the OP


You were shot

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Same happened to my buddy while we were hold up in the fire station. We closed all the doors down stairs. He moved to a corner and was looking at his inventory and just like the OP I hear a scream and my buddy's "WTF they just broke! and ruined my pants!"


I know it wasn't a zed or a gun shot. Was funny though.



Our other buddy was lucky enough to log in with a broken arm. He logged out fine in the middle of the woods and when we all jumped back in. His arm was broke.


Pretty sure it's just a bug. Or invisible ghosts.






P.S. Yes, I know limbs can break going down stairs. Neither happened on stairs. Neither were followed by any type of gun shot.


Anyone remember from 2 patches ago how your character could just drop dead magically due to a bug. I'm sure it's the same type of shit..

Edited by RyBo

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i been getting crazy runner banding since update, last night on all servers, example: i cant walk down a road it keeps putting me back where i started.

 had a death from nowhere last night about 5 seconds after climbing a ladder, just 'you are dead'.  i put the death down to lag

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I was up on the second floor of a house in Cherno last night. I found a can of Pipsi, I guess this stuff causes spontaneous osteoporosis, because as soon as I finished it, my vision flickered and I dropped to the floor.

Maybe someone slipped me a roofie, maybe just a bad trip.....either way I was floor surfing.


Fortunately I had rags and sticks to make up a splint, laid down in a blind corner for almost 10 minutes with my rifle trained down the hall waiting for whoever broke my legs to come loot my corpse, as I was standing in front of a window when it happened. No one showed up and I didn't see anyone the rest of the night.

At least now I know that drinking too much soda pop is bad for your health.......

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I hadn't experienced it myself until yesterday. I was in the bunk room of the jail building in the Cherno highrises, when suddenly I got the leg damage message 4 times in quick succession and I found myself on the floor with broken legs.



I was once in the jail building upstairs between the bunk and the outside wall and suddenly had broken leg. I thought I had been sniped or wall-glitch shot but it was a zombie outside at ground level hitting me. Saw him agroing down there and he hit me again. Definitely zombie that time. This happened before the new update.


I've also broken a leg running out of a building from the ground floor. No steps. But not heard of broken legs from movement on flat ground outside buildings.

Edited by pilgrim

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dubs post...

Edited by RyBo

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Re read the OP


You were shot


I wasn't shot. I suffered 4 fracturing hits to my leg within 2 seconds, but with no bleeding and minimal health loss, all this while not wearing any pants (thus having no protection at all). There is no gun, not even the .22, which would cause such a strange damage.

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two times happened to me when I was looting police stations, but didn't broke my legs, just pants became ruined. Third time in a pub second floor it broke my legs.... game is broken, guys. It all happened in empty servers.

Edited by MaxRain

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I was once in the jail building upstairs between the bunk and the outside wall and suddenly had broken leg. I thought I had been sniped or wall-glitch shot but it was a zombie outside at ground level hitting me. Saw him agroing down there and he hit me again. Definitely zombie that time. This happened before the new update.


I've also broken a leg running out of a building from the ground floor. No steps. But not heard of broken legs from movement on flat ground outside buildings.


At first I also suspected that that may have been the case. However decided against it on the following grounds: 1) when that occurs the zombie usually keeps attacking, thus making the player suffer further hits until they kill the zombie. This didn't happen here, I suffered the 4 fracturing hits and nothing more 2) After I used morphine I searched the perimeter and found no zombies even close by, and I had not heard any zombie noises at all, which is also usually the case (I had melee killed a couple on my way there, the Cherno high rises is indeed a zombie hotspot).3) as mentioned, I had barely lost any health, nor did I bleed, despite not wearing any trousers to absorb damage.


Not conclusive evidence either way, I know, but still very unlike the previous times I have tried the teleport zombie damage.

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This has happened to me twice now.  I know it wasn't a sniper and there were no zombies.  Both of those usually lead to bleeding as well.  Also, my shoes were ruined as well.  And that NEVER happens.

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This has happened to me twice now.  I know it wasn't a sniper and there were no zombies.  Both of those usually lead to bleeding as well.  Also, my shoes were ruined as well.  And that NEVER happens.


Maybe they cranked up gravity again. Beware of stairs.

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Yup happened to me too when I was running up the stairs inside the fire station. When I got to the third floor, a white screen flashed (similar to getting hit by zombie), and red messages saying "My leg is painful" about 5 seconds later I had a broken leg. Can't be a sniper since the server only has like 4 people in it.

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I logged on in some bushes far in the NW of a DE regular server yesterday. Checked my characters stats and felt the urge to take a swig from my cantine. Next thing I realized was some huge desync without any broken chain visuals since my inventory stated: receiving. I didn't move at all.

Out of a sudden, you're dead. Chat stating, my leg is broken, my leg is in pain.

Logged out, rolled a spliff.

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18 hours ago, sunilmedapati3 said:

Legs injuries is worst injury that pain in knee cant concentrate anywhere else and the fact is that heroes may suffer a fatal injury at any moment. Knee pain is horrible you should go for very good knee specialist in mumbai they have an excellent experience and will help you alot.

Can you please tell your friends to stop calling me and hanging up?  I don't need my student loans restructured,  and my credit card debt is less than $500.  This is getting out of hand.

They call me five times a day, and if I stay on the line long enough to ask what it is they are even calling about, I hear the chatter of a Mumbai call center in the background for a few seconds before someone inevitably disconnects the call.


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On 16/11/2017 at 5:31 PM, emuthreat said:

Can you please tell your friends to stop calling me and hanging up?  I don't need my student loans restructured,  and my credit card debt is less than $500.  This is getting out of hand.

They call me five times a day, and if I stay on the line long enough to ask what it is they are even calling about, I hear the chatter of a Mumbai call center in the background for a few seconds before someone inevitably disconnects the call.


wow, you bumped a 3 year old thread

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no, it was not emuthreat ... look closely at his quota. It was just removed because it was spam.

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On ‎20‎/‎06‎/‎2014 at 3:26 PM, kieran0saurusrex said:

Last night I met up with a random player, and we were going place to place, looting. We got into one building on the far east of Berezino, he was running ahead of me inside and he fell to the ground, let out a groan - and told me his legs were broken????


Made no sense what so ever. I ran outside to cut down a tree so  I could craft him a splint, after collecting the wood, I was running back to the building, and I fell to the ground, and my legs were suddenly broken. I lay there for around 20 seconds, then died.


I assume he died as well - but does anyone have an explanation as to what happened? Hacking?

It was me wot broke em, with a bow and arrer

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