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Fog Inbound for DayZ? [Reddit]

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I will gladly welcome the fog because you won't be able to camp in a building and kill people randomly anymore.

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I will gladly welcome the fog because you won't be able to camp in a building and kill people randomly anymore.


How will fog prevent people from camping a building?

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It's a simple thing. How can you snipe people if there is a fog and you can't see through a longer distance?

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It's a simple thing. How can you snipe people if there is a fog and you can't see through a longer distance?

Thermal optics.  If the devs don't add them modders will.  It's inevitable

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It's a simple thing. How can you snipe people if there is a fog and you can't see through a longer distance?


Well, for one, you can wait until the fog clears.


Second, your post says "camp in a building," not "scope out a building from afar."


Camping =/= sniping as well, and neither one = bad.

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Looks bad.


No need for fog in a game like dayz.


This aint silent hill.


Oh Gibonez, do you like anything?.


This is great and I hope it runs really nicely as the fog in the mod looked so eerie yet it ran at like 5fps. Also they really need to tone down that Sun, jesus christ is it 50% closer to Earth in the Dayz universe?

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Is it the same technology as in A3? I love the A3 fog. You can get pretty cool athmosphere with the fog in Chernarus.

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In a complete weather system there should be fog as well as rain, thunder, wind and storms. Snow would be a little hard, but I would gladly welcome blizzards if they were possible. Morning fog would be beautiful. But fog of war just to get a better and faster rendering is imho ugly. There should also be days when you can see far. Even if that means a f-word-ing sniper can shoot you from more than 1000m distance.

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I think I may be imagining this, but I swear Rocket mentioned something about weather (and snow specifically) at Rezzed (maybe it was in the Q/A session afterwards, as it's not on the Roadmap presentation). I recall him talking about getting snow in, but not being able to have it accumulate. Not sure I care all that much for snow if it doesn't accumulate or change the textures of the landscape, it doesn't ever turn out looking that great in games.


EDIT - Never mind, it is in the Roadmap presentation, around 18:30.

Edited by Katana67

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I like it but I hope they only add it when it will work properly.


By that I mean they should only add it when zombies can't still see you from like 300m away in it because that would suuuuuck.

Also I hope it gets thicker than that from time to time, that would be fun and scary.

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I think I may be imagining this, but I swear Rocket mentioned something about weather (and snow specifically) at Rezzed (maybe it was in the Q/A session afterwards, as it's not on the Roadmap presentation). I recall him talking about getting snow in, but not being able to have it accumulate. Not sure I care all that much for snow if it doesn't accumulate or change the textures of the landscape, it doesn't ever turn out looking that great in games.

Well raining doesn't make puddles so should they remove rain then too?

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Well raining doesn't make puddles so should they remove rain then too?


No, because they've got a decent "ripple" texture/effect on the ground for when it's raining. And rain is transparent, whilst snow is white, which contrasts more so with the natural terrain.

Edited by Katana67

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I don't think they should add snow because it definitely should stay with such a cold area, they should just add in ice and frost effects.

That would be cool, ponds freeze over limiting your water supply.


If they add fog I wonder if they could work in smoke grenades?

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Fog looks cool, my only concern is if it ends up being foggy the majority of the time, sniping will get dull.


We had a saying on the private hive, bmrf, we played.  "If it aint raining, it aint bmrf."  It was through no fault of their own, but it always seemed to be raining.  I notice it rains a ton in the SA currently too.

I like weather effects, I just don't like them when there's less clear days than affected ones.  This game is too pretty to be looken gloomy all the time =P

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You guys are missing the point why they will be adding fog, the main reason is cause the distance-renderen is broken, objects in the distance appear blurry/bad. This is the perfect fix/temporary fix.

Excuse my bad spelling.

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Am I the only one that thinks fog is quite badass and adds so much to the feeling of DayZ without having to troll the Devs saying "it's because teh textures are broke!"


I am looking forward to proper fog and I highly doubt that it will be static / the same all the time, as it's been dynamic in ARMA / DayZ Mod already.

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Am I the only one that thinks fog is quite badass and adds so much to the feeling of DayZ without having to troll the Devs saying "it's because teh textures are broke!"


I am looking forward to proper fog and I highly doubt that it will be static / the same all the time, as it's been dynamic in ARMA / DayZ Mod already.




Can't see people through my LRS when it's fogging outside... How am I supposed to KoS people in this soup?!






Just kidding, it looks rather nice.

Edited by Massacre

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Fog is definitely a good thing. Atmosphere is the one of the things it's good for as well as cover at short or long range(depending on the thickness).


Gotta love the pea soupiness! 

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This looks amazing, this will add some "terror" when coming into a city (hopefully) and not knowing if that shadow in front of you is a survivor or a zombie. Plus I'm sure it'll add some stealth into the game and will fuck camper's plans when it come to snipe survivors for the heck of it :)


Looks bad.


No need for fog in a game like dayz.


This aint silent hill.


No need for zombies - This isn't Resident Evil

No need for weapons - This isn't Call of Duty

No need for customization - This isn't The Sims

No need for Chernarus - This isn't ArmA II

No need for realism - This isn't real life

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This looks amazing, this will add some "terror" when coming into a city (hopefully) and not knowing if that shadow in front of you is a survivor or a zombie. Plus I'm sure it'll add some stealth into the game and will fuck camper's plans when it come to snipe survivors for the heck of it :)


I like how fog could potentially simulate the obscurity of being in a forest as well. It's sort of hard to recreate real forests in games, for pragmatic reasons. I was recently thinking this while hiking the other day, no game has ever really... really... done a forest right. I think fog could simulate that obscurity, seeing a shadow dart through the treeline and not be sure what it is. Readying yourself to blow away a zombie, only to see a harmless doe trod in.


I just like the idea of variation in experience, which hasn't really been an aspect of DayZ. It's always pretty dern easy to see, and always pretty nice out. Even in the mod, the weather was just one shade away from being a perfectly sunny day.

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Looks bad.


No need for fog in a game like dayz.


This aint silent hill.

You've obviously never seen a coastal area, especially in the mornings. I wasn't aware only silent hill was allowed to have a very natural and fairly regular weather type.

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If you like to snipe, you're gonna have a bad day lol...


Really like the look of it tbh, would like to see it added if they can make it so it doesnt melt GPU's

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If you like to snipe, you're gonna have a bad day lol...


Really like the look of it tbh, would like to see it added if they can make it so it doesnt melt GPU's

fog or anything that usually obstructs visibility tend to increase preformance due to blocking rendering. think looking at the sky or ground in laggier areas.

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