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This server is running an incorrect version of the server side application.

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got no chance of a fix i have not been able to play for nearly 5/6 weeks, they not interested in this any more, they want to get the stand alone version out.

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got no chance of a fix i have not been able to play for nearly 5/6 weeks, they not interested in this any more, they want to get the stand alone version out.

my guess we should go soon over to Warz cause we aint getting any help from the dayz crew

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Hi! I receive that message always, when i try to join to the servers. I would be glad if you can fix it :)

Nick: Qs-Ode

ID: 64835526

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I have problem. I got message what says that server is running incorrect version and how do i fix it like i think my chracter has gorrupted so any1 know?

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Please dayz staff please give us some kind of respone tell us u atleast trying to fix this problem or u dont have time atm give us something

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my guess we should go soon over to Warz cause we aint getting any help from the dayz crew

Think you may be right mate, if this is how they look after customers then i think WarZ might be the better option in the end, i bought arma for this mod alone, wish i hadn't bothered tbh.

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evry one who still having problem u can play at No hive server DE 888 i discoverd it today

Private hive servers will still work as you get a new character for them. But it sucks not having the option or being able to play on the regular one if you want to..

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Yeah, its been a week since I submitted mine, the guy who started this post saying he would fix it has been on every day since, and I've yet to get even a reply. They dont care about this, awesome.

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Name: [bG] Rechtschribfela

ID: 22824454

Another h4x0r in the queue!

My buddies and I kill you two weeks ago, nice AS50 TWS man... It sucks that you kill all server after that

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Name Starlight

Player ID 76396998

I just got the game last night and in the first server I joined some people were hacking and then I got this error in every game I tried to join that wasn't a private hive server so I'm thinking their hacking corrupted my player data.

Edited by Starlight

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Hello DayZ Friends...

Since two weeks i get the massage : This server is running an incorrect version of the server side application.

Trying to die, reconecting, joining much other servers but nothing helps...

please, can you reset my character.

name : Sammy

ID : 35505798

thanks for help

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Hello DayZ Friends...

Since two weeks i get the massage : This server is running an incorrect version of the server side application.

Trying to die, reconecting, joining much other servers but nothing helps...

please, can you reset my character.

name : Sammy

ID : 35505798

thanks for help

Dude i havent gotten my reset to i think 2 weeks or almost 2 weeks so just go play at private hive servers atleast u can play in there but play in one temperory private hive server becuse if u go like De 888 it will save that char in there

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Is there really going to be no response from the staff on this issue? It has now been three weeks for me.

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Nope! Just play private hive Chenarus, Utes or Lingor Island... Plenty of play there guys :)

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Don't bother posting on this thread they don't care. I posted on this a month ago and have sent the OP 2 messages along with opening support tickets and trying to make my own threads about the issue. I have received no replies to any form of contact. Just play on a private hive and don't buy the standalone.

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