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This server is running an incorrect version of the server side application.

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Name: FumusPatriae

ID: 2420740

Some times ago had this problem, but it was fixed by itself (with new beta patch). And yesterday it started again, nothing helps now. Hope that you can fix it(

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Name: Terin

ID: 254722AX

only have this Problem with beta greater then 93965 ... this one works fine.

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If you have ARMA X, you can only play and max beta version of ARMA 93965. If you want to use beta patch 94103 and higher, you have to wait for DayZmod 1.7.2.

The problem is related to player id. ARMA Reinforcements and X editions have player id since ARMA beta 94103 in string form as opposed to integer.

(They added AX or RF at the end of player id to get rid of character mash ups since AX or RF used same numbers as CO/OA therefore f****d persistence for many of us and mixed our characters with some other's people characters.)

ARMA 2 playerid before beta 93865/since beta 94103

CO 123456 /123456

X 123456 / 123456AX

RF 1234567 / 1234567RFT

DayZ ( recognizes only number as characters in playerid. 1.7.2 is addressing that (I suppose, it is in proposed changelog)

Therefore it is impossible for us to play with new beta patch current DayZ ( - this version does not support any other character than number as playerid - which results in not recognizing ARMA X player's character in database.

Two options: wait for update (1.7.2) or play servers with beta 93965.

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I got the "server running an incorrect version", too.

I think it's because I got an axe. The next time I tried to log in i couldn't. That was ~10 days ago I think.

Name: Florian

ID: 288514AX

Thanks for helping :

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My Player ID is only numbers so I guess my character got corrupted when the server I was playing on restarted and game stoped working.

Player ID:23317446

Player Name: ExtremeGamer

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My character is corrupted. I was on a server in a vehicle, when suddenly I got "No message received for X seconds." I disconnected, waited for the server to come back up, and when I rejoined, I got the "incorrect version of the server side application" error. Happens on every server I join, it's really annoying, I want to be able to play. Thanks.

Player ID: 13544326

Player Name: Alex

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Hello, I have problems connecting to servers. I tried to use the beta patch 93965 and, but it does not disappear. I tried to reinstall, but nothing helps, please help ((

Id: 13948806

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"This server is running an incorrect version of the server side application"

I guess my Char is currupted.

Name: TheWoodsieLord

PlayerID: 773056

Thank you for all the help!

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Fixed the corrupted characters again. If you can't join it is not your character.

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Fixed the corrupted characters again. If you can't join it is not your character.

Thank you very much, now everything works fine :)

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Name: Terin

ID: 254722AX

only have this Problem with beta greater then 93965 ... this one works fine.

Same for me. Everybody with letters in his/her ID: delete the beta folder in your arma/expansions and install beta patch 93965. Worked for me and there are plenty of servers running this patch.

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So if your ID was say, 345281AX, nothing can be done? Our version is different?

Same for me. Everybody with letters in his/her ID: delete the beta folder in your arma/expansions and install beta patch 93965. Worked for me and there are plenty of servers running this patch.

Where would we find this patch?

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Fixed the corrupted characters again. If you can't join it is not your character.

Thanks, guys! Now it really works. Hope, that it will not happen again to me. Best regards

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