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Let perma death be perma death

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although i'd be willing to take part in this experiment - for example a 3h per-server lockout after death - i am pretty sure that it would encourage griefing, and further reduce the willingness of players to interact.



and the short respawn-regear mechanic you are condemning: it serves testing purposes. the current system is meant to put gear into the hands of the players so they can use and abuse all of it as much as they want. once all mechanics are in place, i am quite convinced that regearing will become much more difficult.


I disagree on the increase in griefing. I think those players have no stake in the game because there are no consequences. If in game death actually meant a return to having nothing and not a temporary set back, griefers may take it a bit more seriously. 

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No cause that is only thinking of one side of the equation, it isn't realistic and will increase KoS. I could take out how a squad of guys and while I am dealing with the last remaining guy a fresh spawn comes a long and steals all my loot rendering the bodies un-lootable, now I am forced to kill said freshie cause he has my hard earned gear.  

On the contrary, it may deter some KoS sniping, for that same reason. Bandits would have to kill up close, or risk losing the loot to a quick body scavenger that was waiting in the bushes! Or bandits would have to work in teams of 'shooter and looter'. It adds risk to KoS looting and makes the bandit earn the loot.

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although i'd be willing to take part in this experiment - for example a 3h per-server lockout after death - i am pretty sure that it would encourage griefing, and further reduce the willingness of players to interact.


The KoSers have to find the other players first, they are all in the same boat in this case. Tehy die they wait, too. Maybe that will change their typical CoD playstyle to a more "survivalish" one. Harsch methods are needed for people who fail to grasp that you can't always use the same method for a different game even when you have the same tools...and weapons especially rifles are way too easy to find.

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On the contrary, it may deter some KoS sniping, for that same reason. Bandits would have to kill up close, or risk losing the loot to a quick body scavenger that was waiting in the bushes! Or bandits would have to work in teams of 'shooter and looter'. It adds risk to KoS looting and makes the bandit earn the loot.


Detering is fine punishing is not and this punishing a certain play style.

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I disagree on the increase in griefing. I think those players have no stake in the game because there are no consequences. If in game death actually meant a return to having nothing and not a temporary set back, griefers may take it a bit more seriously. 


the more there is at stake, the more sorrow experience those, who lose it unfairly - and the more rewarding it is to a griefer.some people just want to see the world burn, no matter the cost.

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15 mins no join on whole hive, body disappears after 15 min max.


no sk cause kamenka spawn, no endless berezino shootouts. more value to player life.

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I think a 10-15 minutes Deathtimer would be ok.


Would also give some people a forced time out from the game.

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Disagree, it already dissapears in 15 minutes, should stay till restart. one of the best things about Day Z is making it back to the corpse

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What about setting a minimum distance between last death point and respawn ? It could work even with the coast-only respawn system we have now.

Let's say that if you die you'll respawn at 3 kilometers *minimum* from your body. If the guy can run his way to it before it is looted or the server respawn, we can let him have his gear again.

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I think bodies should rot after a time and this would result in destroying most of the gear (such as uncanned food or soft clothing materials) and/or contaminating other items that cannot be broken down with disease (not the infectious virus that caused the outbreak of course because we are all immune?) Plus, once meat eating animals like bears or wolves are added, then they could cause even more trouble by eating the corpse of the player or dragging it away.

Edited by AlexeiStukov
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Disagree, it already dissapears in 15 minutes, should stay till restart. one of the best things about Day Z is making it back to the corpse

This game can be so much more than a PvP death match with a minor zombie 'annoyance'. The zombies aren't even a threat. If death means nothing, might as well add these zombies to Call of Duty and throw this game on the pile of 'games we get sick of in a few days'. DayZ has massive potential, and I would hate to see it dragged into monotony.

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Detering is fine punishing is not and this punishing a certain play style.

Its realism. Death should not mean a temporary delay. Okay then how about this: a dead player's fresh blood brings a hoard of zombies to feed on the corpse, or the player's death scream calls all zombies within a few miles. When you arrive at your body to loot it, there are 10-12 zombies feeding on it and you can recover your gear if you can get through them. Bandits have to loot quick and run, or fight off a crowd. 

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Death still means everything- just you have a minor chance to make it back to your body- as i said with the 15 minute timer and likelyhood your body is still in a hostile zone its unlikely but to me it adds that extra bit of realism. Permadeath is great but its even better when you have that slim chance to return to the corpse and risk dying again to get the loot back, dark souls, and a couple of other games do this and it is a much loved system

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This game can be so much more than a PvP death match with a minor zombie 'annoyance'. The zombies aren't even a threat. If death means nothing, might as well add these zombies to Call of Duty and throw this game on the pile of 'games we get sick of in a few days'. DayZ has massive potential, and I would hate to see it dragged into monotony.

I have said many times i would love the game to be more focused on PVE, and create a world like the Walking Dead or World War Z. The number one threat should be zombies and they should be a constant death threat. I have said many times how I think they should be hordes and kill in one or two swipes, and also carry an infectious bite attack. I would love to see dodging, push backs, zombie lunge bite, and more dynamic combat system. Basically project zomboid has the difficulty level perfect

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Maybe allow one inventory check for dead bodies then have it disappear, i.e. you shoot the guy check him his bodie goes poof after one inventory check.

No, because all it does is requiring the first looter to remove everything from the body. You can do this for your dead mate and its the same as before. Also its anti-realism and disallowes for third party looting - something I would like to keep - and various other options you should have in a realistic game about survival.

However, I like the idea of death being punished harder. Right now you can spawn at the cost with no real reason to fear death. Because when you die you will spawn at the coast with the same equipment again. Cue "suiciding until you get your favorite spawn" and "fist on sight bambi bandits". Maybe its enough to gradually increase respawn time both the base value and also if you die in quick succession.

Lets say 10-15 min base. Seems long but in general people should manage to find something they could do in the meantime. Here I would add some confirmation feature: instead of instantly spawning when the counter reaches zero you have to press a button to confirm but spawn instantly after this.

A more realistic ingame feature: Make zombies and scavengers interact with dead corpses by eating their flesh, damaging the equipment while doing so. By the time you finally made it mak to your stuff most of it will be ruined. Obviously this has the same flaws than one-time looting but is much more believeable and comes with less downsides.

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All the stuff is usually already ruined! With the fact that one bullet in the back can randomly ruin your entire inventory of backpack, vest,  coat and shirt. i would say we dont need anymore ruining. Zombies could go for a dead body to make it harder to loot. Fair enough

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Just prevent players from looting their own corpse. I've mentioned that before, and people have been like, "AMG BUT WEHN I RSPEAWN IM SUM1 NEW SO I SOUHLD BE ABEL 2 LEWT MAI OLD COPSRE".


No, you shouldn't!

Hahaa ! indeed ^_^

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Stop people from looting their corpses, but keep corpses until restart, to increase the atmosphere and allow people to pick up left scraps.

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How about hiding bodies again?  One of the nice things about the Mod was that you could someone's body so they couldn't get their stuff.



It might also help if they spread out the spawn points from Kamenka to Berezino.

you can hide the bodys, use the mouse wheel

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Looting bodies is just something that should happen.Not your own body though.  :(  It would happen in a real situation. Spawning should be anywhere on the map. I don't think Spawning should happen just on the coast. You should spawn somewhere different everytime. It gives the game so much more. And remember you have to know how to die to know how to live. :P

Edited by Sparkplug

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So what about firefights in hardcore mode where you sometimes need 15 minutes to reach a body to loot it.

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Yep. This won't be popular at all.


There are far too many players that don't fear death, or don't fear losing their equipment, since they can just respawn and recover their own items moments later. This is why Berezino is a bandit magnet, being located so close to the main spawn point. Many of these players have never even been to the other areas of the map, and just haunt areas found minutes away from where they can respawn and recover weapons.


This game loses all its originality when there are no consequences for bad decisions, and it devolves into just another PvP shooter. One of the greatest things about this game is the tension and anxiety of a realistic survival simulation. Not so realistic when I can get shot, respawn, collect my gear and hunt down the shooter, kill him, he respawns, gets his loot back, etc, etc, etc. Death should mean something. Raise the stakes. Many will hate that, but they can go back to playing free for all death match on Call of Duty. 


Some say there should be more random respawning, but that will only delay item recovery. A body should only be available to loot for 60 seconds before it disappears, or killed players are not allowed back on the same server for 2 hours or something. 


Won't that set DayZ SA apart from all those mindless shooters?




NO NO NO. >:(  NO. Bad puppy.

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Well, I think the body disappearing after a while is okay, but being banned from the server? I don't like that Idea

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How about a new mode. We have regular and hardcore but how about extreme mode. Where if u die on a extreme server you must wait 28 days before u can go on another extreme server. I feel like i would make more friends in this scenario (along with meeting more troll hackers sadly)

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Let's go even further, you die = dayz gets deleted from your steam and you have to pay $29.99 to buy new one each time you die

Edited by Gdaddy22

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