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Death By Crowbar

Types of DayZ SA Players I've seen... what types have you seen?

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I've been sorta keeping mental notes on the various types of DayZ SA players I've encountered or the type that I've transitioned through. The thought on this goes back to a common transition diagram for hunters that was shared with me when I was little - this isn't meant to show the transitions from one player type to another, it's merely meant to document/describe those which I've seen to date, and solicit feed back (additive, humorous, etc) on what others have seen.


Here goes - my best stab at the various breeds of DayZ SA players I've seen (in no particular order):

  1. The newb - often appearing as fresh spawns and randomly geared, often looting houses that have clearly already been looted and running for dear life from zeds, and getting killed by them because they've not discovered double tapping W to run faster.
  2. The sniper - this guy is holed up somewhere, you may not ever discover where, ready to pick off anyone who wanders by. After trying my hand at this I have concluded these people have a LOT of time on their hands, because even on servers with 40 people you often can wait an hour or more before someone wanders by.
  3. The comedian - this guy will do any sort of random or crazy thing for attention. They commonly streak past you blasting music acting totally crazy, and in general they're harmless and seem to be looking to make the apocalypse a more enjoyable place.
  4. The aggressive or vengeful - this guy is having a bad day, or is a jerk, or is drunk, or just plain sucks. They attack everyone they see, KOS is their only way of life, regardless of how they're geared.
  5. The fresh spawn zerg wave - this is a fun group to be a part of when it happens. Running along the coast after a recent wave of collective bad luck, these survivors understand they have nothing, and nothing to lose. Typically at least one of them will know where jerk bandits are with gear or some highly geared people are defending an area, and a rare but beautiful event will unfold, anywhere from 3 to a dozen or more rough fresh spawns will decend onto a target and mayhem will ensue.
  6. The gear collector - to this guy, gear is everything. He will go to great lengths to avoid conflict, even so far as to play on servers where he is the only player. This guy is going to completely fill every inventory slot, will spray paint his guns, color coordinate his gear, and search for pristine everything. He may even have a press vest. This makes him fulfilled. When he gets killed, he is very likely to bitch on the boards because he spent days gearing up avoiding conflict only to lose it all - likely without even getting a chance to fire a shot out of one of his many shiny customized guns.
  7. The seal team 6 member - this guy is part of a group that often plays together, They coordinate well, and don't fear the airfields (in fact they often occupy and defend them). They're well geared, but even if not well geared they're well coordinated and will be well geared in no time. These guys are part of a pack and loyal to their pack. They're typically not like a pack of wolves hunting people down though - they defend their position and may allow fresh spawns to pass through.
  8. The hostage taker(s) - these guys THRIVE off use of handcuffs, and will do anything they can to get someone cuffed and force feed them until they throw up. They often have multiple disinfectant bottles in inventory. They may or may not also take pride in torturing their prey. They can act in groups, but sometimes they're lone wolves.
  9. The highway patrol - this guy is likely a loner. He waits at a vantage point on a highway with a high powered scope or binoculars looking for anyone to pass through. Trust me, he sees you well before you have any idea you're being watched. When his prey is about to pass, one of several things may happen - ranging from merely stopping and questioning his prey and allowing them to escape, he may simply create a corpse pile, he may randomly blast "Harlem Shake" and start following you, etc. This guy is looking for attention and doesn't take major risks.
  10. The "Knockout Game" guy - this guy believes in the way of the fist. If you have a helmet, you're safe and he'll avoid you... but anyone else he will go out of his way to try to "one time" you down, either to take your gear, kill you, or merely to run off laughing about how he knocked you out.
  11. The Hero(es) - these guys, are, awesome, and rare. They inquire about where aggressive bandits are, will play body guard roles for fresh spawns, will hand out gear/food, and are generally excellent survivors attempting to make the world a better place.
  12. The crazy rednecks - I ran into this for the first time tonight, a pair of dudes with dogs barking in the background of their mics and as I ran past they're were like, "Hold up, boy, I need to talk to you! Slow down, son, I'll shoot!" They literally sound like a pair of guys in a trailer park in Georgia somewhere that will rape you and feed you to an alligator. You can almost hear the banjo and the song from "Deliverance".
  13. The hacker - this guy has super powers. From unlimited ammo clips and bugged gear to the ability to teleport and shoot through walls. This guys sucks and is the ultimate equalizer. May god smite him in his sleep.
  14. The female player - yes, they do exist. In the words of one I saw documented on YouTube, "Don't make it weird guys"
  15. The "friendly friendly friendly" guy - more often than not, this guy has nothing and is actually friendly. He realizes that you likely have nothing as well and where there's no reward there's no risk that's worth taking. He may want to simply go about his way, or he may want to stick with you for a bit (strength in numbers), or he may be bored/lonely and want human interaction that he's been lacking IRL, or it's very possible he's plotting for the right moment to kill you.
  16. The bait and the bandit - I hate these guys. Someone plays bait, and there's all different variants of this, from appearing as a fresh spawn, to an actual fresh spawn that's simply trying to stay alive and not get killed by the bandit, to someone who got taken hostage and cuffed into being bait, to not even a player but merely gear dropped on the road somewhere. This ahole bandit will use bait to lure in prey and gun them down. They're scum, but very crafty and sneaky scum.
  17. The woodsman - these guys are very interesting. They'll head inland, WAAAAY inland. They'll explore mountain slopes, logging trails, tiny towns in ravines, they'll drink out of any pond/stream they can find, they follow power lines and not roads, they stick to the tree lines, they're very cautious. You might not even realize they're around, but they're out there. They're typically not looking for trouble, they're merely looking to see the world and survive. These guys will benefit a lot more when additional features are implemented such as being able to kill wildlife and cook in the woods.
  18. The deathmatch guy - this guy is out for blood, and measures success in death to kill ratio. He wishes this was Quake or Halflife and that the match would end at the first guy to 50 kills. He's not really a douche, he just wants to kill everyone he can... because he can.
  19. The submissive - this guy is unbelievable. You approach him and he either puts his hands up or lays down displaying that he's no threat. He may even do this while fully geared hoping you're friendly. This guy has a good heart and dies a lot, but for whatever moral/ethical reasons plays the game in a way that makes him feel better inside as a person.
  20. The stoner - these guys are all over the map. The only reliable thing is that they're amusing on their mic and often confusing keys or AFK a bunch. Oddly as loyal as they can be to group with they're terribly unreliable.
  21. The night owl - a rare breed that cares to play at night. These guys use skills most of us don't care to develop, but they have an appreciation for things the rest of us completely avoid - imagine a server with 40 people during the night without the gamma exploit. That could be a lot of fun!
  22. The beggar - this guy, LOL, this guy is hoping people are kind at heart and not heartless assassins. He'll approach you begging for food, weapons, basically anything you can spare to get rid of. He knows he's got a 75% chance of success, and a 25% chance of waking up on the coast and running to the next person he finds. The overall odds are better on a high pop server than houses that have been already picked clean by looters.

What type's have you been? What types have you seen that I've missed?


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1. Alive


2. Dead


..that is all I've seen.

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1. Alive


2. Dead


..that is all I've seen.


You missed a few,


1) Normal Player


2) Server Hopper


3) Exploiters

Edited by LeeFriendField

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23. Forever Alone - he avoids human interaction at all costs, even if that means logging out and become a sitting duck for 30 seconds infront of your sights. He will accept being shot rather than use his mic and voice to prevent that. Usually harmless, they rather try to avoid or escape you than attack. Reasons may be greatly different why - maybe he is ashamed of his voice, have no mic or is unable to speak your language. Whatever the reasons, I always let them be.


24. Trader - while most of time you are being shot on spot, the one other timd you will meet him in a right place and right time. They can be geared to full or below average but they do have something you need in their posession and are willing to trade it for something else than a bullet. Be it food, drink, medical supplies or a weapon, they can give it to you for something they need. Often they take unnecessary risks doing so but they are good people and worth mentioning.


25. Confused Guy - he is unsure how to act in certain situations and often makes bad decisions. Be it surrendering to an obvious hostile group or run into an obvious threat/trap. He is not you-only-live-once guy but his ability to make decisions isn't from the best. Sometimes he will get his friends killed because of his actions.

Edited by SGT. Kalme

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26. The Looter - Hangs back from all confrontation and waits for his team to do all the killing. He is the last one to open fire but the god dam first one to the bodies for looting. 

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The Casual trying to become serious - Spent their early years playing Cod and the like going "HOLY SHIT THIS IS SO REALISTIC" and never having to use their mic and just run and gun. As soon as they realist there are much better games out there they try to join that part of gaming culture, failing due to limited hardware and problematic conditions (AKA their parents don't want them on the internet if it can be helped). When they finally use their mic for a decent amount of time they often have to get off soon after and their play times are erratic at best. Often trying to be friendly.



This is basically me. I have one parent who doesn't care but their connection sucks for gaming, however i have good connection elsewhere but I just about spent last week not using my computer because of my mum.

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im not going to read that post, people will play the game however they feel, there are many different types of people in the world, and with over 2 million copies sold so far, that means a lot more types of players than even you can list!

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DELIVERANCE is one of the greatest movies ever!   i hope there will be some deliverance in dayz in the future!

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27. The epeen addict

No matter what you do, this guy had always won

Gone against 4 men and taken down 3? Your a noob because he says so

Bunch of guys camping the inside of the police station and gun you down as you enter, your a noob in the eyes of these guys because your a newspawn

They will take every opertunity to tell you that you suck, while crying "hacker hacker" when you wipe out their team because no matter how good you are, they are always better, and if they do happen to die, you must have been cheating because these guys will not wait to tell you how they will headshot you at 800m with an M4 anyday

These people can be found anywhere and will uses phrases such as: (actual real events)

(After killing 3 of a 4 man group, 1 with my sks and 2 dropped with my mosin)

"Come out bro, only noobs use mosins" (guy had a mosin......FAIL)

"Why you hiding, scared? Gonna fuck you up big time"( group of 3 with M4s, I only have a 1911, they refuse to leave the building despite it having 2 entrances, they are far better geared and know I only have a pistol)

"Loser ! Loser! You dumb shit hasn't even got a gun, what a noob, can't even find a gun" (to a newspawn he just shot, about 30 seconds after they spawned in)

"We gonna own you, come out into the street so I can shoot you, I only need one shot" (I say I'm coming out as a newspawn runs by, using him as bait and the bandit missed every shot with his M4)

"Your a hacker, fucking dirty hacker! There's no way you killed all of us!" (After I had been hiding in a bush for 10mins while a guy tried to find me after I killed all his friends and shot him when he stopped right in front of me and went prone in the open, instead of in a bush, they were standing comepletly still in the street trying to aim at newspawns, even after I started shooting they still didn't move until only 1 guy was left who then ran around trying to find me for ages)

Edited by Regulator Lone Warrior

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  1. The sniper - this guy is holed up somewhere, you may not ever discover where, ready to pick off anyone who wanders by. After trying my hand at this I have concluded these people have a LOT of time on their hands, because even on servers with 40 people you often can wait an hour or more before someone wanders by.


1h wait? You wish!! ;) - it doesnt take that long if you are in the right places. That is my current roleplay at present.

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I've been sorta keeping mental notes on the various types of DayZ SA players I've encountered or the type that I've transitioned through. The thought on this goes back to a common transition diagram for hunters that was shared with me when I was little - this isn't meant to show the transitions from one player type to another, it's merely meant to document/describe those which I've seen to date, and solicit feed back (additive, humorous, etc) on what others have seen.


Here goes - my best stab at the various breeds of DayZ SA players I've seen (in no particular order):

  1. The newb - often appearing as fresh spawns and randomly geared, often looting houses that have clearly already been looted and running for dear life from zeds, and getting killed by them because they've not discovered double tapping W to run faster.
  2. The sniper - this guy is holed up somewhere, you may not ever discover where, ready to pick off anyone who wanders by. After trying my hand at this I have concluded these people have a LOT of time on their hands, because even on servers with 40 people you often can wait an hour or more before someone wanders by.
  3. The comedian - this guy will do any sort of random or crazy thing for attention. They commonly streak past you blasting music acting totally crazy, and in general they're harmless and seem to be looking to make the apocalypse a more enjoyable place.
  4. The aggressive or vengeful - this guy is having a bad day, or is a jerk, or is drunk, or just plain sucks. They attack everyone they see, KOS is their only way of life, regardless of how they're geared.
  5. The fresh spawn zerg wave - this is a fun group to be a part of when it happens. Running along the coast after a recent wave of collective bad luck, these survivors understand they have nothing, and nothing to lose. Typically at least one of them will know where jerk bandits are with gear or some highly geared people are defending an area, and a rare but beautiful event will unfold, anywhere from 3 to a dozen or more rough fresh spawns will decend onto a target and mayhem will ensue.
  6. The gear collector - to this guy, gear is everything. He will go to great lengths to avoid conflict, even so far as to play on servers where he is the only player. This guy is going to completely fill every inventory slot, will spray paint his guns, color coordinate his gear, and search for pristine everything. He may even have a press vest. This makes him fulfilled. When he gets killed, he is very likely to bitch on the boards because he spent days gearing up avoiding conflict only to lose it all - likely without even getting a chance to fire a shot out of one of his many shiny customized guns.
  7. The seal team 6 member - this guy is part of a group that often plays together, They coordinate well, and don't fear the airfields (in fact they often occupy and defend them). They're well geared, but even if not well geared they're well coordinated and will be well geared in no time. These guys are part of a pack and loyal to their pack. They're typically not like a pack of wolves hunting people down though - they defend their position and may allow fresh spawns to pass through.
  8. The hostage taker(s) - these guys THRIVE off use of handcuffs, and will do anything they can to get someone cuffed and force feed them until they throw up. They often have multiple disinfectant bottles in inventory. They may or may not also take pride in torturing their prey. They can act in groups, but sometimes they're lone wolves.
  9. The highway patrol - this guy is likely a loner. He waits at a vantage point on a highway with a high powered scope or binoculars looking for anyone to pass through. Trust me, he sees you well before you have any idea you're being watched. When his prey is about to pass, one of several things may happen - ranging from merely stopping and questioning his prey and allowing them to escape, he may simply create a corpse pile, he may randomly blast "Harlem Shake" and start following you, etc. This guy is looking for attention and doesn't take major risks.
  10. The "Knockout Game" guy - this guy believes in the way of the fist. If you have a helmet, you're safe and he'll avoid you... but anyone else he will go out of his way to try to "one time" you down, either to take your gear, kill you, or merely to run off laughing about how he knocked you out.
  11. The Hero(es) - these guys, are, awesome, and rare. They inquire about where aggressive bandits are, will play body guard roles for fresh spawns, will hand out gear/food, and are generally excellent survivors attempting to make the world a better place.
  12. The crazy rednecks - I ran into this for the first time tonight, a pair of dudes with dogs barking in the background of their mics and as I ran past they're were like, "Hold up, boy, I need to talk to you! Slow down, son, I'll shoot!" They literally sound like a pair of guys in a trailer park in Georgia somewhere that will rape you and feed you to an alligator. You can almost hear the banjo and the song from "Deliverance".
  13. The hacker - this guy has super powers. From unlimited ammo clips and bugged gear to the ability to teleport and shoot through walls. This guys sucks and is the ultimate equalizer. May god smite him in his sleep.
  14. The female player - yes, they do exist. In the words of one I saw documented on YouTube, "Don't make it weird guys"
  15. The "friendly friendly friendly" guy - more often than not, this guy has nothing and is actually friendly. He realizes that you likely have nothing as well and where there's no reward there's no risk that's worth taking. He may want to simply go about his way, or he may want to stick with you for a bit (strength in numbers), or he may be bored/lonely and want human interaction that he's been lacking IRL, or it's very possible he's plotting for the right moment to kill you.
  16. The bait and the bandit - I hate these guys. Someone plays bait, and there's all different variants of this, from appearing as a fresh spawn, to an actual fresh spawn that's simply trying to stay alive and not get killed by the bandit, to someone who got taken hostage and cuffed into being bait, to not even a player but merely gear dropped on the road somewhere. This ahole bandit will use bait to lure in prey and gun them down. They're scum, but very crafty and sneaky scum.
  17. The woodsman - these guys are very interesting. They'll head inland, WAAAAY inland. They'll explore mountain slopes, logging trails, tiny towns in ravines, they'll drink out of any pond/stream they can find, they follow power lines and not roads, they stick to the tree lines, they're very cautious. You might not even realize they're around, but they're out there. They're typically not looking for trouble, they're merely looking to see the world and survive. These guys will benefit a lot more when additional features are implemented such as being able to kill wildlife and cook in the woods.
  18. The deathmatch guy - this guy is out for blood, and measures success in death to kill ratio. He wishes this was Quake or Halflife and that the match would end at the first guy to 50 kills. He's not really a douche, he just wants to kill everyone he can... because he can.
  19. The submissive - this guy is unbelievable. You approach him and he either puts his hands up or lays down displaying that he's no threat. He may even do this while fully geared hoping you're friendly. This guy has a good heart and dies a lot, but for whatever moral/ethical reasons plays the game in a way that makes him feel better inside as a person.
  20. The stoner - these guys are all over the map. The only reliable thing is that they're amusing on their mic and often confusing keys or AFK a bunch. Oddly as loyal as they can be to group with they're terribly unreliable.
  21. The night owl - a rare breed that cares to play at night. These guys use skills most of us don't care to develop, but they have an appreciation for things the rest of us completely avoid - imagine a server with 40 people during the night without the gamma exploit. That could be a lot of fun!
  22. The beggar - this guy, LOL, this guy is hoping people are kind at heart and not heartless assassins. He'll approach you begging for food, weapons, basically anything you can spare to get rid of. He knows he's got a 75% chance of success, and a 25% chance of waking up on the coast and running to the next person he finds. The overall odds are better on a high pop server than houses that have been already picked clean by looters.

What type's have you been? What types have you seen that I've missed?


       23. The Grimey Rick - Perhaps bipolar, the Grimey Rick stalks Chernarus without any particular intention. At 29 years of age and married, he unjustly takes out his frustration on his fellow DayZ players. His playstyle is dictated not by a set of rules or morals of any type, but rather whether or not his wife yelled at him for not scooping the litter box or some other idiotic reason. Grimey Rick didn't want the fucking cats to begin with, so he feels he shouldn't have to scoop the fucking litter box. When such an event occurs in his household, he can be found along the shore killing everyone in his path. Inversely, after a sexual rendezvous with his lovely wife, he can be found running merrily through fields, picking berries in the forest, or randomly scattering supplies around spawn points. Due to mental instability brought upon by his marital situation, Grimey Rick is highly unpredictable and should be avoided at all costs.

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