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How's The Game Lookin'?

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I give you beans for successfully comparing the DayZ standalone community to a fat kid who wants donuts

thanks for the beans, but please do not misconstrue my statement....i in no way implied the entire community is the "fkwwd", only the unreasonable "complainers" spouting things like "but they promised 2 years ago", or other drivel.....

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thanks for the beans, but please do not misconstrue my statement....i in no way implied the entire community is the "fkwwd", only the unreasonable "complainers" spouting things like "but they promised 2 years ago", or other drivel.....


haha dude I got you. It was meant as a joke :P don't get it twisted

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Dude, a mediocre consumer doesn't need excuses, he needs a result. If he doesn't get what he expected for the money he paid, he gets pissed off, and the dev studio gets a bad reputation.


this is whats wrong with alot of the people that bought DayZ SA in EAA, and consumerism in general.


they are mediocre, ill-informed or flat out uninformed, and wont do a thing to change that, even it means just a few minutes of searching and reading. they see an explanation as excuses, because what they need is the desired result, usually "right now" if not sooner. they need this result because they had unreasonable expectations for the money they paid. when they paid said money they were told what their expectations should be, and this has to be agreed upon every time the product is used, but somehow magically does not change their expectations. be aware that only they are really aware of, and therefore responsible for, their expectations. they then usually are pissed off (or pissed of...lol) and proceed to badmouth the dev studio, neither of which has any real effect on anything, the exception maybe being "they's" blood pressure. the only thing that gets a bad reputation is "they", for remaining ignorant, impatient and still holding the same unreasonable seemingly unchangeable expectations.....


i wish BI would've charged $300 for EAA, would've cut down on alot of the silly shit, they might have met their original goal of 250,000 testers, and still made some loot to further development. case in point, how many $300 ships has Star Citizen sold...last i checked (has been a bit tho') all you could do is walk around and look at your $300 investment. 

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Take my beans. Take them all!

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haha dude I got you. It was meant as a joke :P don't get it twisted

right on man....twas my "edit for clarity"... :D

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this is whats wrong with alot of the people that bought DayZ SA in EAA, and consumerism in general.


they are mediocre, ill-informed or flat out uninformed, and wont do a thing to change that, even it means just a few minutes of searching and reading. they see an explanation as excuses, because what they need is the desired result, usually "right now" if not sooner. they need this result because they had unreasonable expectations for the money they paid. when they paid said money they were told what their expectations should be, and this has to be agreed upon every time the product is used, but somehow magically does not change their expectations. be aware that only they are really aware of, and therefore responsible for, their expectations. they then usually are pissed off (or pissed of...lol) and proceed to badmouth the dev studio, neither of which has any real effect on anything, the exception maybe being "they's" blood pressure. the only thing that gets a bad reputation is "they", for remaining ignorant, impatient and still holding the same unreasonable seemingly unchangeable expectations.....


i wish BI would've charged $300 for EAA, would've cut down on alot of the silly shit, they might have met their original goal of 250,000 testers, and still made some loot to further development. case in point, how many $300 ships has Star Citizen sold...last i checked (has been a bit tho') all you could do is walk around and look at your $300 investment. 

Nobody whos speaking in a constructive manner about the game at least was ill informed though.


What did we get so far? A very buggy system (Thats slowly improving with time), zombies that still arn't nearly a threat (but i hope that changes with this quarter. They NEED to be a a forefront threat to everyone not a backdrop), still an extremely shallow survival experience, etc.


So while many ppl do some rather dumb complaining there is still valid things to complain about even with the "ITS ALPHA" argument. We cant really have improvements with the game system without constructive criticism anyways. And even ill informed players can add constructive criticism to help with the game direction if there not to engulfed in some kind of primal rage.

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Nobody whos speaking in a constructive manner about the game at least was ill informed though.



those that have constructive criticism are not included in the "alot of people" i am referring too. saying something is broken, when it is obviously not as intended, is not constructive. complaining is different than constructive criticism. you seem to be interchanging them at will and that will only confuse folks.....  


what we have so far is what we have been told we were getting...so far. i want more, smarter zeds that are a true threat, and while i enjoy the survival aspect i think it will also be improved upon greatly, given more depth and difficulty.


ill-informed players can only complain, unless they luck upon something constructive.....even a blind squirrel will find a nut sometimes, so i wont claim its not possible. the only true constructive criticism mechanism in my opinion is the bug tracker.....

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So its been a little over 6 months again, how's the game now?



About the same.  But they've added hockey sticks and pink derringer pistols.

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So its been a little over 6 months again, how's the game now?


If that was a genuine question then you would've played for 30 mins (or however long you could bear.) It's not a genuine question though.

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So its been a little over 6 months again, how's the game now?

It is still in Aplha. That means it is broken. And getting worse. Wait for beta.

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The "looks" of the game, if you ask me, is really good. Yup, it is.

Beeing an alpha and all the graphics are stunning. It actually feels like you are running around in a real world me finks. It´s not just the graphics that does that to you, it´s the whole feel to it.

Yes there are bugs here and there, some more annoying than others. I can live with that. It´s still one of the best games I have ever played.

You just have to remember that this game is not ready yet. I think we gamers kind of forgets that from time to time.


Finally, where else can you dress up in a dirty pink wooldress, arm yourself with a hockeystick and run from zombies while you are dying from starvation? Awesome :)

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I've been hearing a lot of good about .58... Looking forward to it being released on stable. One of the reasons I'm looking forward to that is that I have had exposure to .55 down to about .4X something. Maybe a bit sooner. 


The joy in being part of an Alpha release is the conversation you have with the people you play with as you roam around the map that goes something like: 


"I like the way you can use the scope without a weapon."


"Yeah... and you can actually move it around- it's not just stuck in the horizontal." 


"Oh yeah, I remember that... what was that, like .51 or something." 


"Yeah. Something like that." 


"Aw $^@$#%" 




"I just noticed that my Druganov is missing... must have dropped it when we climbed over that fence back there."


"Jesus... how far back?"


"No idea I even dropped it. Could have been anywhere!"


"Do you want to go back and look for it?"


"Nah- let's just keep going." 


"Fricken Alpha." 




And at some point that will be fixed too... but you'll never full appreciate how good the game becomes unless you are exposed to how good it wasn't. 

Edited by ENO75

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