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AKM has been added?

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I would imagine it would be more accurate, depending. How do military grade AKs compare to century jobs as far as accuracy is concerned?


I remember there was a big deal with those bulgarian slr-95s because they were milled and supposedly capable of 3-4 moa.


A good vz-58 will do more or less 3 moa.


Edit: on that note, why does nobody make match ammo for it?

Edited by agouti

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I would imagine it would be more accurate, depending. How do military grade AKs compare to century jobs as far as accuracy is concerned?


I remember there was a big deal with those bulgarian slr-95s because they were milled and supposedly capable of 3-4 moa.


A good vz-58 will do more or less 3 moa.


Edit: on that note, why does nobody make match ammo for it?


They are supposed to be a bit more accurate. They are popular here since Kalashnikovs are prohibited, used to be more popular since now many vz.58s are prohibited since CZ and others were using refurbished full-auto receivers to produce them which is a no-no. I always hear bad things about Century QC but AKs never have a reputation as tack drivers.


But anyways something like 2-3 vs 3-4 MOA or 3-4 vs 4-5 MOA is not much difference in game, almost imperceptible. I've seen players swear the AKM was more accurate than the M14 AIM (it wasn't even close) and all sorts of odd things, people often don't notice such small differences so it makes sense the devs wouldn't prioritize such a similar weapon.


Nobody produces match ammo because people don't pick 7.62x39 for match rifles. :P Not a large enough market to justify it otherwise it would be out there. There is some high-quality stuff like Lapua but for the most part one must roll their own.

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It's not an AK variant.


As said in another thread, let's have a comparison of the two. The vz-58 uses a tilting bolt action, much like the SKS. It also has a separate piston inside of the gas tube that is not directly attached to the bolt as in the AK. This is called short stroke instead of long stroke. It also has a projection in the bolt that strikes the primer, called a striker, instead of a separate firing pin as found in the AK and SKS. Also, the Vz-58 has a bolt hold open device, and a safety which doesn't require you to change hands to operate.


However, the key points are the tappet (the separate piston) and the action, which is tilt bolt, unlike the AK which is a rotating bolt. All of these features culminate in a vastly superior weapon. This is not just an AK clone, it's a completely different rifle which was finalized with a similar shape. I mean, you have to put the gas tube somewhere, either above or below. (Or maybe the side, but that hurts my head to think about). The Stg-44 has a similar layout, is this all related? It is not.


This may be apples and oranges, but compare the thylacine (tasmanian tiger)to the wolf. Both have a very similar body plan, but one is a eutherian (true mammals, gives live birth and have a placenta) and the other is a metatherian (also live birth, but the fetus is born much earlier and has to live in a pouch, and doesn't use a placenta). This means the makeup of the two is very very different, but the body plan is an emergent property, which seems to fit this niche.


I believe the same is true regarding rifles, the basic concept of a metal receiver, instead of surrounded by a wooden one which totally encompasses the receiver, a detachable magazine below the receiver, and a gas tube either above or below the rifle is something of an emergent property which just makes sense when designing assault rifles.

I'm talking gameplay wise. I know that stark differences are indeed present within the real-life version, but replicating actual differentiation between the two would be difficult considering many real-life factors are poorly (or simply cannot be) represented in games. I love the Vz.58, but it's very close to the AK in external appearance and performance-wise it would be similar at worst. I certainly hope they implement it down the line, but working on it at the current stage would be redundant.

Awhile back I was advocating for a Type 56 to be put in alongside the AKM, but that's even less likely than the Vz.58, so...

Edited by Chaingunfighter

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I think no, not added.

Thay maybe do lot of thing fix bugs, add new features, items and thay give 1 bug update.

So i think the AKM is puting to game at next update.

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I think no, not added.

Thay maybe do lot of thing fix bugs, add new features, items and thay give 1 bug update.

So i think the AKM is puting to game at next update.


AKM is in the exp build.. seem some vids/streams with players using it.  :)  Unless it's been taken back out for whatever reason.  Hope not tho.  It did sound just like the SKS from the vids I have seen of it tho.  

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UK exps on for moment, could go off soon. I encourage you to get on and try to find an AK, I had no such luck :(

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Less nighttime on the Experimental servers = more people to find and fix more bugs faster!

I think many players will support me? ;)

Some night jogging:

* Experimental Build #0.45.123906

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AKM, thats nice. now you can have a hard hitting assault rifle 7.62x39mm ammo. i saved some of my ammo just for this one. wont use any scope for it because they look ugly. wont spray it also because the wood is just classy.

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401) Duck Feeding:

The feeding of Ducks is strictly forbidden as it may result in undesired life extension.


I need to write that down for future reference.

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Didn't find an AKM but I did find some new ammo and a new town.


Arrows for composite bow, didn't find the bow.




The new town up north, kosed by some turd while exploring it.  I had no weapon in hand, the bastard just didn't like how I "sounded".  Dumbasses.




A new industrial building.



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I tried to get to the new city but unfortunately got myself killed 5 times by very unfriendly players (I only had a firearm one of those times). And the rubberbanding is awful. With my latest character I managed to get myself rubberbanded into the secret room of a police station. So now I can only wait for him to die (this game really needs a suicide option, or just a respawn button that works while you are alive).


However since I died so many times I did notice there was an increase in a bit further inland spawns. I spawned around Krasnostav quite a lot and even once in Polana. I did also find an arrow. Other than that I unfortunately didn't get to see much.


And yeah I crashed to desktop twice, one of those times was while being in the server browser.

Edited by BadAsh

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I just saw a zombie chasing a pig.  I didn't screen shot it because I thought, till I got closer it was a player because of how it was moving.  Plus I was picking my jaw up that a zed would agro on a pig and completely ignore me.

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I just saw a zombie chasing a pig.  I didn't screen shot it because I thought, till I got closer it was a player because of how it was moving.  Plus I was picking my jaw up that a zed would agro on a pig and completely ignore me.



I took one for you:




I also ran across this rather curious loot pile in a corner cafe in Svetlo:




This is what it consisted of:




I don't know if that is a buggy loot spawn or if some player with a headwear fetish lives there.

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Also this is what firewood looks like now:




And this is the option that pops up when you stand close to some of the small trees:



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Well, well looky here an AK magazine.  I found it at a building site, the one SE of Polana called Factory.  It was in a spot on the ground level that usually spawns ammo or mags.



Edited by Barnabus

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I finally found one:




Magazines for them seems very rare though. I searched all through unlooted Balota and only found one 30 round mag. It seems the tents with the woodfloors dont spawn loot anymore.


I also found this:




No mag for that one.

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Also this is what firewood looks like now:


And this is the option that pops up when you stand close to some of the small trees:




I got an option to look for apples at one tree, the option to look for berries at a bush and also an option to chop firewood at a tree, it actually fells the tree when you do it. Just need to figure out how to start a camp fire now..


I am left wondering if the zed ever catches the pig??  Shortly after I saw this I found an axe and went back looking but could find neither.


I have yet to find a P38 mag myself.


I bet that pile of hats came out of someone's backpack.  I am sure they filled it up like that just to piss off some bandits.

Edited by Barnabus
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I am left wondering if the zed ever catches the pig??  Shortly after I saw this I found an axe and went back looking but could find neither.


I don't think so. The zombie kept making short stops (to catch its breath?), so it never gained on it. The boar is a really slow animal though. It is very easy to overtake it while wielding a 2 handed weapon. I managed to slay one with my pickaxe, but I didnt have any sharp weapons, so all that good meat was wasted.

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Yeah I've only found 1 mag so far as well (75 rounder :D ) and haven't seen a single m4 mag, hopefully they both are pretty rare now. I did see 4 akm on the walk from Elektro to Balota though, whole area between was untouched.

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Yeah I've only found 1 mag so far as well (75 rounder :D ) and haven't seen a single m4 mag, hopefully they both are pretty rare now. I did see 4 akm on the walk from Elektro to Balota though, whole area between was untouched.

M4's have been confirmed to only spawn at Chopper crashes from what I have read.

Unsure about mags though.

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Nice shot from Chris:




Thats a great one.. So is it true that the PSO scopes level of damage is of no concern? It works the same no matter what? Anyone know..

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Best part about the akm is the model and the animations.


I really love the bolt animation when you fire the model itself is beautiful.

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You can apparently craft fire pits with just sticks and rags too.

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Thats a great one.. So is it true that the PSO scopes level of damage is of no concern? It works the same no matter what? Anyone know..


Did you watch Wobo's video? I recommend it


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