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Patch 1.5.7 and this being an Alpha and fucking zombie spawns

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Yeah, it's not really that much different.

Only major differences are that they spawn a lot quicker and their agro ranges seem to be a bit broken. Other than that, it's just fine.

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I thought int increased zombie count was intentional. Whether it was or it wasn't, I really love the hell out of it. Suddenly the zombies are a threat instead of being some laughable thing to be offed two of three at a time inside houses. Now they are everywhere, and I feel as threatened by the zombies as I do by other players for the first time ever. I love it, love it, love it. I don't want the zombie count to go back down.

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It is a video game.

It isn't as much the number of zombies that upsets me' date=' its the consequences:

1. They cannot be evaded

2. They will never stop chasing you unless you kill them

3. They run fast and zig zag

4. They respawn before you can clear them all

5. They teleport into buildings


Really you got it all wrong now that bandits arent messing my stuff up :D i love the zombies so easy to evade i feel like Glenn from walking dead when i solo loot citys and towns for supplys my friends can have when ever i see them because my group plays all solo we have only one camp in secret grid and all go solo loot those who come back every time share supplys so you list is clearly wrong you can EASILY evade zombies and sometimes even kill them all (prime example of that is devils castle or small towns in north) + i would like to know when have they teleported inside buildings?? :huh:

sidenote: rocket more zombies pls :P because its already so fun but i want even more so sneaking is harder because its still too easy

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i've actually seen quite a few zombies clip through doors/building walls.

Zombies zig-zagging needs to be tweaked a little, their turns are soooooo sharp, aiming at a zombie while in town with 30fps sometimes lower not the easiest thing (don't say upgrade PC k thnx, its not my PC)

I wouldn't care if their speed was kept the same, just smooth out their movements and make them give up after a certain amount of time chasing.

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i've actually seen quite a few zombies clip through doors/building walls.

Zombies zig-zagging needs to be tweaked a little' date=' their turns are soooooo sharp, aiming at a zombie while in town with 30fps sometimes lower not the easiest thing (don't say upgrade PC k thnx, its not my PC)

I wouldn't care if their speed was kept the same, just smooth out their movements and make them give up after a certain amount of time chasing.


yes clip but not teleport two totaly different things just saying i have seen cliping but no teleporting

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I for one am not really enjoying playing with the zombie spawn rates so dramatically increased... I liked sticking to the North of the map and raiding small towns and now it seems like a town that would have a population of maybe 10-15 people has like 30 zombies in it. I think the spawn rates should definitively be higher in big cities like elektro and cherno but there are way to many in small towns.

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Have to slightly agree. Cities, bigger pop, smaller, minor spawns maybe, or people don't end up standing a chance at getting a reasonable start off into the game if they just spawned. On the fence. Thinking once the key bugs have been sorted, maybe increase the zombie spawns appropriately.

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@banana and other

Well, you obviously haven't played dayz before 1.5.6. patch, before that patch zombie spawns were the same as they are now, 1.5.6 patch actually broke the mod, it made the game much more easier, zombies were just a side effect.

This is the zombie survival mod, and its also arma, it is suppose to be hard.

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I miss 1.5.5 :(

Although I'll admit 1.5.7 is a step forward, much better now that i have to sneak again. Not going into every town wondering if its filled with wannabe TDM players.

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I'm loving all the zombies, starting out is a lot more fun now too, I spend a lot of time thinking and planning now where before I would just charge in guns a blazing.

Edit: Maybe the spawn rate is a little high, but the numbers are good. I cleared all the zombies from around a barn at 300m but before I could reach the barn they had all spawned again lol.

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My personal opinion on 1.5.7 and the zombie "issues":

P.S. did not read entire thread, so sorry if some of these points are ofn.

Quantity of zombies is great... a lot harder, but definitely better. In 1.5.6 other players were my only source of concern.

Zombie respawn time and "safety radius" need to be increased. 2-3 minutes was perfect. Zeds spawning right next to me or in a building I just cleared is not so cool :[

Zombies hitting/moving through walls :[

Zombie speed should be decreased. The current zombie run speed and path finding looks too much like a Benny Hill sketch. I can understand the concern that making them too slow would make kitting them too easy. I'd make them slower but hardier. If the only way to get 1 hit kills were head shots and everything else was a lot less effective, aim and ammo conservation would become a more important play dynamic, particularly with the increased zombie quantity.

Anyway, just my humble opinion. Great work on DayZ so far, it deserves the success and popularity its receiving.

Edit: i can spelling

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I like the slower zombie s but harder to kill idea. And in my opinion the spawning is fine, it honestly became boring waiting around for some zeds to kill all the while having to run for maybe an hour until you actually met up with one :P

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If didn't read this post I never even had known the number of zombies was a bug. First time I played was yesterday. I found a CZ 550 in a town, decided to shoot a zombie that was in my path with it, and then I had to run away and hole up in some hotel lobby because I was being mobbed by literally like 50 zombies. It was awesome and I wouldn't have it any other way.

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The new zombie spawn rates make starting over a real problem, unless you start filling new peoples backpacks with extra ammo or add a starter minigun its just too high.

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If didn't read this post I never even had known the number of zombies was a bug. First time I played was yesterday. I found a CZ 550 in a town' date=' decided to shoot a zombie that was in my path with it, and then I had to run away and hole up in some hotel lobby because I was being mobbed by literally like 50 zombies. It was awesome and I wouldn't have it any other way.


And most people would feel the exact same way. The issue however is not that 50 zombies attack you. Its that when you get into the hotel and as you are clearing those 50 zombies they are respawning at a faster rate than you can clear, hearing your shots, and coming back for more Ad nauseam. That happening once is fun, exciting, and hilarious fun. That happening for the 100th time EVERYTIME YOU PULL A TRIGGER? Not so much.

The number of zombies? +1. The agro radius? - 1. The respawn timer? -OMFGWTFPWNBBQ

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I like the zombie spawn rates. very realistic. At first i felt overwhelmed but then i changed my strategy and was able to survive almost all night.

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Then theres the fact that the average survival time went from 4 hours to 29 minutes .. :-)

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yes clip but not teleport two totaly different things just saying i have seen cliping but no teleporting

All AI entities may teleport inside a building every now and then if their AI pathing/scripting tells them they should be in that building.

It's an imperfect workaround to the imperfect pathing of AI.

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i would like to say keep up the good work! i think this game is awesome,

my friend just told me about it a few days ago, and its really good

i didnt get the chance to play much before the last patch. so i only know the game with this amount of zombies. and i do like it.

but i also like what "the killing joke" said. being a lone wolf. or a group of 2-3 people player,

and i also feel that's a large part of the game. not having to group up.

my point of view.

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Don't have a prob with the increased Zed spawns but keep running out of ammo for the Mak before I can scavenge something better. How about bumping up the spawns for gear?

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Over all the game good (though unable to get in a server anymore due to "waiting"). But I hope current levels of zombies are not kept like some have said they wanted. High levels are nice, but I've visited 3-5 house sites/towns trying to find something beyond my spawn gear only to be run down by 30+ zombies. Just a little to many.

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I think the game would be better if the caches wouldntt reset and vehicles after u save them aat ur baase camp and the servers crash........... right now with the sheer amount of zombies its useless to go from town to town to loot and save loot in a cache because 3 hours later the server will die and u wont have any of ur shit.

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Rocket can you please fix the zombie spawning back to original or at least similar because after dying and losing my prepatch weapons and gear i have found it impossible to enter settlements within reasonable timeframes and get new gear. You literally have to crawl prone the entire way in while simultaneously avoiding zombies which makes it nearly impossible. Also if you are spotted by a zombie then you are going to die because the makarov does almost no damage and there is little you can do to combat the 20+ zombies that will aggro on you when you fire a shot.

please fix this because this is game breaking for newly spawned players that are lone-wolfing.

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Just want to offer up my experience so far as a new player. I installed the game tonight- so this new zombie thing is the only experience I have had so far. Every game I played was set up for night time and even as a new ARMA2 player I managed to figure out the basics pretty quick. I died a good 10 times and probably didn't last for more than 10 minutes each time tops.

So as a new player im feeling a bit overwhelmed- but this is basically a zombie simulator, so you are on the right track. I was genuinely freaked the fuck out when I was chilling in the grass using the sky to silhouette my surroundings when I could HEAR a zombie getting really close but couldn't see shit. Popped a flare to see 1 crawling towards me in prone.

Im sure I can adapt to survive and start treating this much more like a stealth game... only a real stealth simulator isn't that much fun.

My suggestion would be to maybe have smaller settlements spawn different amounts. Some towns are crawling. Some are barely populated and maybe bring the amount of zombies down just a touch.

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