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DayZ Community is what is REALLY destroying the game

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Yes, this is going to be a complaint post, perhaps one of many, but I feel like it is needed for this to be said in a (hopefully) semi-constructive manner. (God I hope the Devs read this and put some effort into this)


This game is a Survival game, that much is a given. However, I can't help but feel that this game has become no more than a simplified, slow, painstaking CoD for a slightly older audience. (No better in behavior, mind you)

What the game currently entails for me, is finding EMPTY servers to start off my character, to get some form of gear going instead of instantly dying of hunger on full, usualy looted servers, just to join a slightly more filled server afterwards in an attempt to meet ANY player..

This is where the problems start..


First off, Finding another player can be a daunting task, sometimes I run around for hours on a 40/40 server without running across a single other player, making this game more like a ''running simulator'' more than anything else. And then IF you run into ANYONE else, you usualy get shot on sight, or attacked in some other manner.
This community is BROKEN, and quite frankly fucking pathetic.. I can simply not imagine this game was designed with the idea in mind that you spend several hours getting some gear together, if only to fight zombies, to then without any form of interactiveness, any form of socializing, just get shot if someone happens to see you before you see them. (even if you try to interact without killing them; just trying to talk or not shooting them instantly)

There are specific servers that state PVP, in those, I suspect to kill or be killed.. Then there are the normal servers, where I would hope that at least 50% of the time u can end up talking with someone (this is not the case more than 10% of the time, I promise you), and then even in the PVE / Friendly / Please talk / We will kick SoS'ers (shoot on sight) etc, you will STILL get instantly killed, knocked out, or whatever as soon as anyone sees you.


Is this community really filled with such pathetic people that they will just kill you for the heck of it? Even if you in no way shape or form pose a threat to them? (walking around with a backpack, some food at a hoe on your back is surely worth killing on sight, right? ruining all equipment u have on you anyway!)

I mean, forget the HUNDREDS of improvements the GAME has to make before it can actually be called a proper game, ready for release.. Even if it does come to this; this game will be a barren wastelands for any real players that want to play a survival RPG... 

Now I realise there is no easy / perfect answer for a rotten community; sadly this is what gaming has come to in this day in age, but atleast try to implement some things that will ENCOURAGE players to work together, or at the very least NOT kill eachother as soon as they have the chance. Make the PVE / Survival aspect of the game much more difficult, to the point where either teamwork is needed to stand a chance to survive, or at least make it so that you feel that you can no longer waste bullets on players, as those are needed for a variety of stronger PVE opponents that u can no longer kill with just your fists.


Or, maybe get some form of BETTER ''admin'' control in the game.. A method in which u can actually report players that kill on specific PVE servers, or some form of ''invisible admin'' player that can spend his time flying around watching what happens to pick out these type of players to punish them. (this would start by linking IGN to your steam account, for obvious reasons; the complete anonymity players have in the current set-up makes them automatically immune to any form of retribution / punishment for ruining peoples fun on specified PVE / RP servers.

I really think this game could be very interesting, and very enjoyable.. But at the moment; is simply ISNT.. and without some changes within the game, and moreover the community, this game will never be more than a wannabe CoD playerground; and that would be an insult to its developers..


This was my rant; I hope others take the time to read it, and maybe comment with their opinions and ideas.



EDIT: Don't get me wrong on this post that I think PVP should be removed. Obviously PVP is needed to make the game fun in the end. However, people that want to play RP or survival mainly, should be able to get that chance. At least teaming up should be encouraged, in some way.

TL:DR : Community is cancerous, fucks up game, change is needed.

Edited by EraChanZ
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Wow mate, you are in a very bad mood.


I've met so many nice people ingame, also a LOT of friendliez.


I think you're exaggerating WAAAAY too much.

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There is no PVE servers.


Unwarranted rant really.  There are a few threads that discuss the direction of the game in those threads without having to attack the community.  While I agree with you about the majority being cancerous and detrimental to the development of the game, you can post about it in a more constructive manner.

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There is no PVE servers.


I know there aren't REAL pve servers, yet; but there are servers that obviously and clearly STATE that they at least WANT the players to play with a PVE mindset / friendly mindset (their titles), rather than killing on sight. Yet obviously most people don't give 2 shits about that, which is again the basis of the problem..


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I know there aren't REAL pve servers, yet; but there are servers that obviously and clearly STATE that they at least WANT the players to play with a PVE mindset / friendly mindset (their titles), rather than killing on sight. Yet obviously most people don't give 2 shits about that, which is again the basis of the problem..


No, they name them those servers because you just got fooled.  Assholes will name their servers pve in hopes to get easy kills.

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No, they name them those servers because you just got fooled.  Assholes will name their servers pve in hopes to get easy kills.

Yea, that surely is much less of a reason to call this community shitty. :)

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Do I need to whip out the random screen shots of GIANT groups that I've made/joined over the past 3 weeks?

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There are huge problems with the player base, but you missed them entirely: Hacking, glitching and general FoV/Gamma abuse, along with 3pp abuse are all signs of it, there are some real arseholes playing this game who simply cannot handle a fair fight.


PvP however is and always will be part of DayZ, it always will be... what we need to do is encourage the PROPER types of PvP, such as robbing & murder over gear and resources and such rather than having 1 death match city where people only go to play "CoD with zombies" and then the rest of the map being completely empty. If you cannot handle the constant threat of being robbed or murdered over a tin of beans, you're playing the wrong game unfortunately, just as much as the kids who come here to death match and who have no concern for the survival of their character are playing the wrong game.


Hopefully as firearms, ammo and general loot gets rarer, zombies get fixed and more common and *I really hope* the hacked ammo and duping issues get fixed the death match brigade will leave for pastures brown & bloomer, since spending one of your 2 remaining SKS rounds to kill the guy you just spotted in Electro may very well cost you big in the long run after 20 zombies swam into the area attracted by the gunshot and you only have one remaining bullet between you and death, you better be damn sure the guy you're stalking has the gear you need to survive. 

Edited by TheScruffyBandit
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I agree with you for the game in its current state. I have high hopes the development team also sees these issues and are working around putting in the right mechanics to increase the difficulty of surviving.

I don't think KOS mentality will ever be curbed, and is kind of the beauty of the game. People are free to interact with others the way they want, blind trust in strangers is likely to get you shot. No markings for others intentions leaves you needing to be suspicious and apprehensive of others, increasing the atmosphere.

I do however think the game is over run with the death match mentally over survival mentality. A lot of this probably has to do with it being accomplished very easy and without punishment(finding supplies such as food, guns, mags, ammo are incredibly easy). Another issue is once you are geared in a couple hours what else do you do? When finding the firearm you have took 3 days to find you might not want to mess around and loose it. Also base building, vehicles, managing health and illnesses, and having alternate means to find food, allowing for a spawn reduction. As the new mechanics are introduced it will all play a huge role in changing the atmosphere, rewarding survival and keeping the ones that don't want to adapt dead or on the coast punching each other in the face.

When I spend weeks moving through the bush and building a team to invade what would otherwise be a suicide mission into the NWAF(because zombie population becomes deadly), successfully accomplishing this difficult task will reward us with superior equipment. After obtaining that equipment, when me and my crew encounter someone with a death match mentality they just won't stand a chance. When ranging shots requires wind, range and deviation calculation they will have a hard time hitting us, on the lucky chance they do: a] my armor will absorb the impact while my crew turn you into swiss cheese, or b] my medic will smoke up the area and get me back up while my crew turns you into swiss cheese. They may get lucky and we will take fatalities, it happens, but overall organized groups(bandit or otherwise) or lone wolf's minding their business in the shadows will rule over all else.

Edited by akafugitive
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There are huge problems with the player base, but you missed them entirely: Hacking, glitching and general FoV/Gamma abuse, along with 3pp abuse are all signs of it, there are some real arseholes playing this game who simply cannot handle a fair fight.


PvP however is and always will be part of DayZ, it always will be... what we need to do is encourage the PROPER types of PvP, such as robbing & murder over gear and resources and such rather than having 1 death match city where people only go to play "CoD with zombies" and then the rest of the map being completely empty. If you cannot handle the constant threat of being robbed or murdered over a tin of beans, you're playing the wrong game unfortunately, just as much as the kids who come here to death match and who have no concern for the survival of their character are playing the wrong game.


Hopefully as firearms, ammo and general loot gets rarer, zombies get fixed and more common and *I really hope* the hacked ammo and duping issues get fixed the death match brigade will leave for pastures brown & bloomer, since spending one of your 2 remaining SKS rounds to kill the guy you just spotted in Electro may very well cost you big in the long run after 20 zombies swam into the area attracted by the gunshot and you only have one remaining bullet between you and death, you better be damn sure the guy you're stalking has the gear you need to survive. 

I agree on almost everything you said, however I feel like the point you are missing here atm, is that people do not kill/rob  you for survive (''for a can of beans''), because they'll have a backpack full of food and are already maxed energized...They kill for the sake of ''fun''(?) or just to ruinen other people's gameplay...Hopefully you're right and the right changes will be made to the game.. What are your thoughts on much more difficult PVE, I am curious? (more zombies, faster ones, stronger ones? armored ones?)

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I agree on almost everything you said, however I feel like the point you are missing here atm, is that people do not kill/rob  you for survive (''for a can of beans''), because they'll have a backpack full of food and are already maxed energized...They kill for the sake of ''fun''(?) or just to ruinen other people's gameplay...Hopefully you're right and the right changes will be made to the game.. What are your thoughts on much more difficult PVE, I am curious? (more zombies, faster ones, stronger ones? armored ones?)

"Stronger" zombies won't function well because of latency issues, all we'll end up with is frustrating zombies that take forever to kill. The best solution is volume and scarcity: 1 zed in DayZ is most likely never going to pose a serious threat but it should be quite possible for a player or even a team of players to get overrun by zeds if they're not careful, their threat should come from numbers in my opinion.


Those killing for the sake of "ha, back to the coast you go" or death matching in Berezino rather than out of necessity will be put off by rarity of weapons and ammo, so long as the damn duping and ammo/magazine hacking gets fixed. Ammo in DayZ should feel like a lifeline, the thing standing between you and a brutal death, be that at the hands of players or zombies, rather than what it is currently: either functionally or literally infinite.

Edited by TheScruffyBandit
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"Stronger" zombies won't function well because of latency issues, all we'll end up with is frustrating zombies that take forever to kill. The best solution is volume and scarcity: 1 zed in DayZ is most likely never going to pose a serious threat but it should be quite possible for a player or even a team of players to get overrun by zeds if they're not careful, their threat should come from numbers in my opinion.

Those killing for the sake of "ha, back to the coast you go" or death matching in Berezino rather than out of necessity will be put off by rarity of weapons and ammo, so long as the damn duping and ammo/magazine hacking gets fixed. Ammo in DayZ should feel like a lifeline, the thing standing between you and a brutal death, be that at the hands of players or zombies, rather than what it is currently: either functionally or literally infinite.

I think diversity to give the element of the unknown and sheer numbers will make zombies a threat worth shaking hands to fight against.

The saying goes "the enemy of my enemy is my friend"

I tried to paint a picture of diversity in zombie behavior in my the infected suggestion thread


Maybe I see the possibilities of the game and that is what keeps me from being bothered by the current state but I haven't been disappointed by the collaborative efforts of the dev team and the molding community yet.

Edited by akafugitive

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I was thinking they could make a mechanic where you and another player could hold hands. If you held hands long enough you would get a message saying "it feels so right" and butterflies and little hearts would float around on your screen...

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op typed that he goes on empty servers to gear up, and i stopped reading after that

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op typed that he goes on empty servers to gear up, and i stopped reading after that

Reading is not your strong point, eh?  He clearly stated he is forced to go on empty servers in hopes to find items to gear up because usually on full ones they are completely looted.


What the game currently entails for me, is finding EMPTY servers to start off my character, to get some form of gear going instead of instantly dying of hunger on full, usualy looted servers, just to join a slightly more filled server afterwards in an attempt to meet ANY player..

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'forced' to go in empty servers?haha wow man.


anyway...................... ...yeah, he cant find anythign on populated servers. what else could he mean, of course thats why hes going in empty servers. it goes without saying.


i cant imagine the idea of  going in an empty server to gear up. it goes against the core mechanics of the game, as i view it. with or without loot respawn. and i cant relate to a player that would so that. so i stopped reading the post. if you need to question my reading skills, because of my statement, thats your own missunderstanding.


if you or op or anyone  want to "game" in an empty server, so you can then go into a full server, then thats your game style. i have no interest in reading the views of a player that does that.


i wil go on any server, thats been up for 3 hours, from any location, and survive, with no problems, i feel sorry for players than run around on empty servers, i feel they are missing the point of the game.

soem players would agree with me, other players wont understand, and wil posibly even feel trhis is "impossible" haha damn

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TL:DR : Community is cancerous, fucks up game, change is needed.


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Reading is not your strong point, eh?  He clearly stated he is forced to go on empty servers in hopes to find items to gear up because usually on full ones they are completely looted.


Well if he goes where 50% or more of the players go to loot, of course he is not going to find any gear...I personally never had any problems getting loot ever since launch.

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'forced' to go in empty servers?haha wow man.


anyway...................... ...yeah, he cant find anythign on populated servers. what else could he mean, of course thats why hes going in empty servers. it goes without saying.


i cant imagine the idea of  going in an empty server to gear up. it goes against the core mechanics of the game, as i view it. with or without loot respawn.


That is why one day I hope they just get one character per server , but all the public servers are still controlled by the public hive .

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They may be boosting the radio range very soon so you might get your wish according to Hicks.

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The community is an early alpha version of the planned finished product community. It is riddled with game-breaking buggers right now, but the objective at this point is to add as many new members to the community as possible, then iron out the problem ones later in the development cycle.

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Go to NWAF on a 40 pop full server and it's empty and unlooted: because everyones in berezino deathmatching and that's a very long run.


Go to NWAF on a server with 1/2 people on it and it's picked clean, because they're targeting high value areas on a low population server to gear up fast.


There's no reason anyone needs to gear up on a low population server, really. Not like stuff is hard to get, anyway.

Edited by TheScruffyBandit
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I do think your right on some points and others you exaggerate

Loot is easy to find, I have a few sweet spots near the coast that no one ever checks

However, I know there isn't a lot of content and I think bases and storage will change a few things, mainly getting off the coast

Anyone who says there's no problem with this game are right, the community is the problem

Rocket created this huge map for you to explore, and 99% of people remain at elektro and berezino to death match

If all your going to do is stay in one city forever then what's the point in adding verchiles? Or even expanding the map?

May as well just delete the rest of the map at this point if that's all people are gonna do

And I meet friendly people all the time.....I say meet... I should say encounter as most people don't see me and I only make contact if I'm forced to or I see them do something heroic that make me know they are friendly

But i usually just avoid them unless they are bandits in which case I engage

But the community is truly the worst I've ever encountered

On other forums I can ask for help and advice and immdietely within an hour get 4-5 people PM me as well as replies to my post which recently happened with another game project of mine, people wanted to help me with information and advice

And if I ask for help with something here, like if a new player complains about something it's gurrenteed they will get responses like "Alpha" and "get better at the game" or "GTFO and don't play of you don't like getting killed" or some videos of mine get abuse like "3PP F ing noob abuser" when I'm fighting a bandit on a rooftop using the same method to shoot people and that makes me wrong apparently

But obviously with more malicious intent and harsher wording

But the community lacks imagination beyond "player = kill" or social skills beyond "my virtual dick is bigger than yours derp "

Edited by Regulator Lone Warrior
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-poor amount of weak zombies

-40 players in a map like chernarus

-poor loot respawn

-No features to increase RP, like base building or other things



you know why? ALPHA



Edited by Edoissimo

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