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About EraChanZ

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. fuck this shit.... after fucking waiting for TEN MINUTES, I get INSTA-KILLED as soon as I spawn, because I got d/c'd at a shitty location... Fuck this, i'm officialy done with DayZ, fucking Joke; biggest waste of money ever -_-
  2. I fully appreciate why a cooldown time on rejoining servers was needed but this is just fucked up... Get a bug? 10 minutes not gaming get a timeout? 10 minutes not gaming Heck; sometimes server closes and I try to join another and get hte same bloody time-out.. This is ridiculous.. I'd rather deal with a few no-good hacker morons than having to wait more than I can play -_-;
  3. EraChanZ

    M9A1 Combat Knife: The new fireaxe

    I have never, EVER.. in my 200 hours or so of playing, had a 'bandit' tell me to drop all my stuff and then handcuff me.. EVER... They see you, they snipe you without you noticing them, or kill you on sight, and then look if maybe 1 or 2 items aren't ruined yet.. -_-; Please tell me what glorious servers you play on that actually has people playing the bloody game instead of missclicking Call of Duty on their desktop..?
  4. EraChanZ

    Why Should I Start Playing DayZ Again?

    It's not worth it.. wait for some major updates.. I personally feel community is getting worse, too.
  5. I agree on almost everything you said, however I feel like the point you are missing here atm, is that people do not kill/rob you for survive (''for a can of beans''), because they'll have a backpack full of food and are already maxed energized...They kill for the sake of ''fun''(?) or just to ruinen other people's gameplay...Hopefully you're right and the right changes will be made to the game.. What are your thoughts on much more difficult PVE, I am curious? (more zombies, faster ones, stronger ones? armored ones?)
  6. Yea, that surely is much less of a reason to call this community shitty. :)
  7. I know there aren't REAL pve servers, yet; but there are servers that obviously and clearly STATE that they at least WANT the players to play with a PVE mindset / friendly mindset (their titles), rather than killing on sight. Yet obviously most people don't give 2 shits about that, which is again the basis of the problem..
  8. Yes, this is going to be a complaint post, perhaps one of many, but I feel like it is needed for this to be said in a (hopefully) semi-constructive manner. (God I hope the Devs read this and put some effort into this) This game is a Survival game, that much is a given. However, I can't help but feel that this game has become no more than a simplified, slow, painstaking CoD for a slightly older audience. (No better in behavior, mind you) What the game currently entails for me, is finding EMPTY servers to start off my character, to get some form of gear going instead of instantly dying of hunger on full, usualy looted servers, just to join a slightly more filled server afterwards in an attempt to meet ANY player.. This is where the problems start.. First off, Finding another player can be a daunting task, sometimes I run around for hours on a 40/40 server without running across a single other player, making this game more like a ''running simulator'' more than anything else. And then IF you run into ANYONE else, you usualy get shot on sight, or attacked in some other manner. This community is BROKEN, and quite frankly fucking pathetic.. I can simply not imagine this game was designed with the idea in mind that you spend several hours getting some gear together, if only to fight zombies, to then without any form of interactiveness, any form of socializing, just get shot if someone happens to see you before you see them. (even if you try to interact without killing them; just trying to talk or not shooting them instantly) There are specific servers that state PVP, in those, I suspect to kill or be killed.. Then there are the normal servers, where I would hope that at least 50% of the time u can end up talking with someone (this is not the case more than 10% of the time, I promise you), and then even in the PVE / Friendly / Please talk / We will kick SoS'ers (shoot on sight) etc, you will STILL get instantly killed, knocked out, or whatever as soon as anyone sees you. Is this community really filled with such pathetic people that they will just kill you for the heck of it? Even if you in no way shape or form pose a threat to them? (walking around with a backpack, some food at a hoe on your back is surely worth killing on sight, right? ruining all equipment u have on you anyway!) I mean, forget the HUNDREDS of improvements the GAME has to make before it can actually be called a proper game, ready for release.. Even if it does come to this; this game will be a barren wastelands for any real players that want to play a survival RPG... Now I realise there is no easy / perfect answer for a rotten community; sadly this is what gaming has come to in this day in age, but atleast try to implement some things that will ENCOURAGE players to work together, or at the very least NOT kill eachother as soon as they have the chance. Make the PVE / Survival aspect of the game much more difficult, to the point where either teamwork is needed to stand a chance to survive, or at least make it so that you feel that you can no longer waste bullets on players, as those are needed for a variety of stronger PVE opponents that u can no longer kill with just your fists. Or, maybe get some form of BETTER ''admin'' control in the game.. A method in which u can actually report players that kill on specific PVE servers, or some form of ''invisible admin'' player that can spend his time flying around watching what happens to pick out these type of players to punish them. (this would start by linking IGN to your steam account, for obvious reasons; the complete anonymity players have in the current set-up makes them automatically immune to any form of retribution / punishment for ruining peoples fun on specified PVE / RP servers. I really think this game could be very interesting, and very enjoyable.. But at the moment; is simply ISNT.. and without some changes within the game, and moreover the community, this game will never be more than a wannabe CoD playerground; and that would be an insult to its developers.. This was my rant; I hope others take the time to read it, and maybe comment with their opinions and ideas. Sincerely, Era EDIT: Don't get me wrong on this post that I think PVP should be removed. Obviously PVP is needed to make the game fun in the end. However, people that want to play RP or survival mainly, should be able to get that chance. At least teaming up should be encouraged, in some way. TL:DR : Community is cancerous, fucks up game, change is needed.