pilgrim* 3514 Posted April 25, 2014 (edited) I wonder what the costs are on that...haha. YES - I was just figuring how much I could make if I hired out ONE server for 29 years. OR how many programmers, putting in a total of 29 years of work (but only at a normal working week each of course) it would take to fix the server timer so it told you what the time really was on the server, and how many people were really playing. With maybe some time over for one or two other little server-related problems. I hear they are already doing that. But I think it's more fun just having the players sit around for 29 years. xx Edited April 25, 2014 by pilgrim Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
scriptfactory 620 Posted April 25, 2014 (edited) Yes, it can be any number you fancy if you arbitrarily exclude games at your own discretion, you are correct. Men and women don't play the same games. The numbers posted by the ESA are heavily skewed and misleading. They are overwhelmingly based on mobile/casual "games" (e.g. Farmville, Candy Crush), which are the equivalent of virtual toys, and don't take into account playtime statistics or genre. My girlfriend used to play ZooKeeper Battle and she would be considered a gamer by the latest ESA study but she doesn't consider herself a gamer. Everyone plays games nowadays. But that doesn't make them gamers. Edited April 25, 2014 by scriptfactory Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
blazed 71 Posted April 25, 2014 (edited) Men and women don't play the same games. The numbers posted by the ESA are heavily skewed and misleading. They are overwhelmingly based on mobile "games", which are the equivalent of virtual toys, and don't take into account playtime statistics. My girlfriend used to play ZooKeeper Battle and she would be considered a gamer by the latest ESA study but she doesn't consider herself a gamer. Everyone plays games nowadays. But that doesn't make them gamers. Tis true, a lot of girls like to play mobile/social games like Candy Crush, when they see Next-Gen type of games they usually say "boring" and scoff... Women and Men have totally differnet wired brains, it's a fact. Women are not interested in Guns, Killing and Battles as much men are, obviously there is the exception to this but that's the minority of women. Edited April 25, 2014 by blazed Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hefeweizen 254 Posted April 25, 2014 A lot of men enjoy the fact their gaming time is "Their time" with their buds they don't want to spend every moment of their life with their g/f, or wife alone. Balance is the word here, and Balance is the Casual gamer, not hardcore.What does that have to do with your wife being a gamer? I spend time gaming with friends without my wife all the time, that is what communication is for, son. If you need some time to yourself or with friends every once in a while, then ask for it. If they don't want to give it to you, then they might not be a good person to be involved with. I can speak from experience and observation that the men I know who married gamers are way happier than the alternative, most of which just don't game anymore (not by choice, mind you).And I don't get why you linked what you linked. If you're dumb enough to spawn a couple if snot nosed crotch droppings that'll grow up to hate you anyway then you probably should just give up on gaming as a hobby all together. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
blazed 71 Posted April 25, 2014 And I don't get why you linked what you linked. If you're dumb enough to spawn a couple if snot nosed crotch droppings that'll grow up to hate you anyway then you probably should just give up on gaming as a hobby all together. Can't help you "son", SEEK HELP. Professional Advice, which you clearly are no professional expert in this field. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hefeweizen 254 Posted April 25, 2014 (edited) Men and women don't play the same games. The numbers posted by the ESA are heavily skewed and misleading. They are overwhelmingly based on mobile/casual "games" (e.g. Farmville, Candy Crush), which are the equivalent of virtual toys, and don't take into account playtime statistics or genre. My girlfriend used to play ZooKeeper Battle and she would be considered a gamer by the latest ESA study but she doesn't consider herself a gamer. Everyone plays games nowadays. But that doesn't make them gamers.Bull. You're changing the historically accepted definition of "a gamer" for no other reason than to be exclusionary. The difference between a game link Candy Crush and a game like Dr. Mario or Tetris is almost nothing.To be fair, this is common in nerd culture; once fandom of something nerdy grows to the point of being mainstream the old guard fans like to make a a bunch of bullsh*t rules on what constitutes a "real fan". You know, you can't be a "real" Batman fan without reading certain select comics, you can't be a "real" fan of Doctor Who without watching the classic series, you can't be a "real" gamer without playing "Call of Shooting People: Shooting People Edition". It is stupid in each case. Saying only certain type of games are "real games" is like saying only action movies are "real movies". Edited April 25, 2014 by Hefeweizen Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hefeweizen 254 Posted April 25, 2014 Can't help you "son", SEEK HELP. Professional Advice, which you clearly are no professional expert in this field.'Cause I don't like kids and I'm realistic as to what having children does to ones free time (As in, removes it entirely)? Or was it 'cause I called them "crotch droppings"? 'Cause that sh*t is funny. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
scriptfactory 620 Posted April 25, 2014 (edited) Bull. You're changing the historically accepted definition of "a gamer" for no other reason than to be exclusionary. The difference between a game link Candy Crush and a game like Dr. Mario or Tetris is almost nothing.To be fair, this is common in nerd culture; once fandom of something nerdy grows to the point of being mainstream the old guard fans like to make a a bunch of bullsh*t rules on what constitutes a "real fan". You know, you can't be a "real" Batman fan without reading certain select comics, you can't be a "real" fan of Doctor Who without watching the classic series, you can't be a "real" gamer without playing "Call of Shooting People: Shooting People Edition". It is stupid in each case.Saying only certain type of games are "real games" is like saying only action movies are "real movies". I work for a F2P publisher. I have direct access to data that shows, empirically, the amount of money and playtime invested in mid- and hardcore games based on gender, socioeconomic status and genre. Don't trust the studies by the ESA based on "extensive" surveys that poll barely 2000 households. Game developers know their target audience. Edited April 25, 2014 by scriptfactory Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hefeweizen 254 Posted April 25, 2014 Game developers know their target audience.Come the f*ck on. Really? With all the massive failures in gaming within' the last five years, you expect me to buy that major studio execs have a grasp on what the average gamer wants? Always on DRM, abusive F2P schemes, uninspired yearly sequels and micro-transactions for games you already paid for must've been right at the top of every gamer's list of cool features they wanted.Game developers are media companies just like music and television producers. They are always behind the times on what customers actually want/look like and they take years to catch up to the rest of society. Gamer's are an increasingly diverse group of people, that much you can't argue with. But if you are just looking at the games being produced it sure as hell doesn't look that way, how many recent AAA games with non-customizable human protagonists can you name where the lead wasn't a straight white male? Lee from The Walking Dead, Lara Croft and I guess Salvador from Borderlands 2 counts as Latino, uhhhh..... That's about it.Maybe you're right, maybe game developers do know their target audience. So when the hell are they going to start producing games like do? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
akafugitive 244 Posted April 25, 2014 I play on pretty much the same servers all the time so its never bothered me, when I do change and get the timer I accept it. I have a busy life but when I sit down to play(less often then I'm on here lately lol) I just accept it, since I dont have to be rush, rush at the time. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RavenousSix 4 Posted April 25, 2014 $0.02This new timer is bullshit devs. SOME of US have LIVES, Girlfriends, Jobs, Gardens, A house, SHIT TO DO. So if we're playing and get a "Lost Session" or join a server then get kicked by some asshole abusing the server owner rules; WE the normal players get slapped on the wrist for it? So you think we want to wait 500 seconds. Yeah, right... Fix other MORE important things other than screwing with wait timers. Server hoppers aren't THAT big of an issue, my god.Who made this 500 second timer? I'd like to slap him across the face for wasting my time.Community;A. If you're complaining it fixes ghosting (maybe you fucking camp too much? think about that one :P)B. If you're complaining it fixes server hopping. (people are going to get gear regardless, A noob with a weapon is STILL A NOOB.)This game is going to be in ALPHA for how much fucking longer? And you're incorporating these timers now? WHY, WHY, WHYTHANKS for literally wasting HOURS of my accumulated time in the next year + Should I decide to keep playing the whole time.End Rant I completely agree. The game is going in the wrong direction with every patch. They are just annoying the user base more and more. 500 second wait timer.Nerfed axe and screwed up axe mechanic.Super fast lunging zombies. Lagged out hitboxes that don't register kill shots or shots at all. People continue to get shot as they're bleeding out still able to shoot you, meanwhile 1 shot into me from any gun and "You're dead.". I don't know why they keep putting in negative changes like this. I know it's an alpha, but why screw with the axe mechanic that used to work perfectly, it used to hit right where your cross-hair was and 1 hit zombies, now you have to sit there and hit them up to 20 times for them to die. This is just dumb, try taking a hit from an axe in real life, it won't take more than one to put you down fast. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RavenousSix 4 Posted April 25, 2014 You will think they are a waste of time until you run into a squad of 3 people and two of them log in behind you because they ghosted over in another server and shoot you ass. Enjoy your 30 minute run. This is dumb and it doesn't happen. As they'd have to log out wait the 250 seconds, run to your location, log off that empty server, log back into the other server and wait another 250 seconds. It's just not worth it and 250 was too much anyway. Now it's 500? just do double hop the server to kill one guy? You know how dumb this is right and how nobody does this? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 149 Posted April 25, 2014 TTBH at first I wasn't exactly pleased but in practice its not that bad and I actually welcome it as I haven't seen any better suggestion on how to deal with server hoppers Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NagsterTheGangster 388 Posted April 25, 2014 I got 600 seconds once yesterday and once today by some asshats kicking me from a server a soon as I join.... I waited it out the first time but im definately not this time. Im goin to play something else. -_- 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Inception. 9443 Posted April 26, 2014 Rant topics aren't really constructive. Please don't post them.-- Mods, I'm not sure how we missed this topic. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites