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Alright, I am finally concerned about the standalone

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I was responding to your point, you brought up minecraft remember?

DayZ SA started at least from August 2012, you think that progress has been good and the completed game is getting closer, until I see the core mechanics (i.e. the zombies, physics, glitches, controls etc) I can't share your optimism. 




So in ten months, come back and give the game a fair assessment instead of jumping the gun with needless doom saying. If SA hasn't fully fleshed out its feature set and moved on to Beta in ten months I'll eat my hat.

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Considering the progress of other games and the amount of money the company have made of this product, everyone is well within their right to be angry at the slow progress.




This is where I get confused. We were all told back in January......


"We do not expect to reach beta status sooner than the end of 2014" - Marek Spanel


So if it comes early 2015 and we're still in alpha then you can complain about slow progress. Until then it appears everything is on schedule. 

Edited by paisius77
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This is where I get confused. We were all told back in January......


"We do not expect to reach beta status sooner than the end of 2014" - Marek Spanel



Well, according to the Steam store page:

"We estimate that reaching Beta version with all key features present will take more than one year from current stage. "

I suppose this means from the time of release.

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I'm sorry Max Planck but I couldn't see the Steam store page info over the purchase now button.   :blink:

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So in ten months, come back and give the game a fair assessment instead of jumping the gun with needless doom saying. If SA hasn't fully fleshed out its feature set and moved on to Beta in ten months I'll eat my hat.

What kind of hat is it? 

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Comparing dayz to bf4?


That's like comparing a block of gold to the shit I took this morning. 


At least bf4's engine wasn't created 5 years ago. 


lemme correct you: 13 years ago.


Dayz engine still uses the same systems that operation flashpoint had.


BIS only got their shit together in the arma 3 engine, but anything back from standalone uses basically the same engine, with prettier textures and some different features that flashpoint used in 2001.

Edited by lipemr
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Welp..it is ALPHA. and no most of you have no idea how game development or Software development works..at least looking at the last responses. What is also funny is that People cry about OMAGGUHHRRRDD and still clock over 200h playtime..if the game is so bad..why Play so much ? :D


Worries are fine but IMOH unwaranted at this Point.

maybe... just maybe... cause we really appreciate the game's idea and dont want it to turn into shit just because rocket tried to jump longer than his legs.


People who lose their time here on the forums pointing out the game problems are the ones that really care about the game. While all these brats that parachuted in here after the SA launch defend the game at all costs and will end up being the ruin of it.


If we did hate the game, we wouldnt even bother coming here talk to a mass of people who are ignorant to the facts.


Sure, I'm not a game developer and I don't have any experience at all of how a game takes shape. However, there are certain facts that are easy to see regardless of the depth of my knowledge.


The Standalone has been in development for 18+ months, with a map and engine already in place to build on from Arma. If there wasn't much money to play with before the early access release, there certainly was after it. And what is there to show for it? Aside from the bugs, which are game breaking in themselves, fundamental mechanics such as how weapons handle are years behind their time. It seems as if some elements taken from Arma have just been made worse in the Standalone.


I'm sure that the issues could be ironed out over time, and release level content added. But the way I see it, at this development pace, the whole project will run out of steam long before that happens. Either that or another company will come along and do it better. It's a shame, because DayZ has always had so much potential. Still, it's made a huge mark on the games industry and has shown that there is a taste for hardcore survival games, so we'll always owe it that.


The 'fanboy' phenomenon is far from a new one in the DayZ community. Going back to the early mod days there have been plenty of players who want to stick their fingers in their ears and chant "alpha alpha alpha" and such whenever any criticism is levelled at the mod/game.


I think that Orlok has said it best. Still, I wish I shared his level of optimism.


back then, the alpha bullshit was fair, as the mod was completely free and there was few people working on it.


Now with standalone that's a different story.

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I have ignored many people in the past telling me that, "DayZ will never even release," or how "buggy DayZ will always be".  I can't help but be concerned now with the progression of the StandAlone.  It just seems like the "core" of the game is broken.  By that I mean, every time 10 bugs are fixed, 20 more are created.  Then those bugs are fixed and 30 more are created. 


I have been part of a software development project that had this same problem.  10 years later the software is still buggy and constantly has issues.  If the game had not been released to the public, one can not help but wonder if they would scratch the current software/system in place and rebuild it with the new and much larger team. 


I wouldn't at all be shocked if one day DayZ standalone is rushed out the door with tons of bugs and incomplete.  Can you imagine the issues once loot respawn is in place?  Like I said, the core of the game seems broken and in the developers minds it is too late to go back, they have to push forward. 


We'll have to see how Bohemia responds with H1Z1 coming out soon. 


Oh, another "fellow developer" thread, we didn't have any of these in awhile.

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The majority of the queries in this thread are perfectly reasonable. It's the posters who disagree with the OP and other people who are concerned who are coming across as the trolls.

I'm talking in general not in this thread directly.

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back then, the alpha bullshit was fair, as the mod was completely free and there was few people working on it.


Now with standalone that's a different story.



It really isn't a different story. No one forced you into buying, you were warned about the state of the game and the lead developer even said himself not to buy the game in its current state. So the alpha "bullshit", as you call it, is fair.

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Lame, I just played for a few hours and I kind of agree with the OP.


Clothes straight from pristine to ruined in a wack, the whole mouse system has gone bonkers and the melee system is garbage. Throw in the massive timer and the whole experience is unenjoyable. 


I'm not even interested in playing right now

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What is this game?


A tactical shooter? A surival simulation? Survival horror? Post apocalyptic shooter? MMORPG?


It seems like it wants to do everything but is not excelling at anything.


It has its moments here and there but all in all I think it is sorely lacking in direction.


What exactly is this game trying to do? Don't tell me its a new genre because everything in it has been done better in other venues

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Personally I think the now in vogue "Early Access" scheme is partly to blame. Or to be more specific, DayZ's resounding sale success as an Early Access game.


I ponder if DayZ SA had not saturated it's market as hard as it did, but still selling enough to be successful, that the powers that control the company's wallet would be more willing to invest more money into the staff.


I reason as such, that the men that stand to profit are fully aware that they probably have peaked their sales. From their perspective, why would you want to invest the profits you already have for what could be potentially no reward or even loss?


Thats why I think the team of DayZ SA will continue to remain the same size for the foreseeable future. Maybe Bohemia will lend them resources now and again, but I think we are seeing the max production speed already.


And as always, I reiterate that this is all my opinion and theory. I am questioning the potential reasoning behind the

slow progress (from a lack of staff perspective). Not disparaging the team itself.

Edited by Thadius
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So in ten months, come back and give the game a fair assessment instead of jumping the gun with needless doom saying. If SA hasn't fully fleshed out its feature set and moved on to Beta in ten months I'll eat my hat.

Needless doom saying? I said I thought progress had been slow, a thought echo'd by many in the community and one I base from experience. 

Having a concern about a game you are testing and really enjoy is not something to take personally, I want them to prove me wrong!

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Personally I think the now in vogue "Early Access" scheme is partly to blame. Or to be more specific, DayZ's resounding sale success as an Early Access game.


I ponder if DayZ SA had not saturated it's market as hard as it did, but still selling enough to be successful, that the powers that control the company's wallet would be more willing to invest more money into the staff.


I reason as such, that the men that stand to profit are fully aware that they probably have peaked their sales. From their perspective, why would you want to invest the profits you already have for what could be potentially no reward or even loss?


Thats why I think the team of DayZ SA will continue to remain the same size for the foreseeable future. Maybe Bohemia will lend them resources now and again, but I think we are seeing the max production speed already.


And as always, I reiterate that this is all my opinion and theory. I am questioning the potential reasoning behind the

slow progress (from a lack of staff perspective). Not disparaging the team itself.

I'm not a fan of this early access model, there was a time before where alpha testers got paid for their work.

I feel if a company wishes to crowd fund they should be more open and reward the players like on kickstarter. 

You get a lot of people saying 'you moron, it's alpha'. like they even know what the alpha stage is, if anything this game is in a pre-alpha stage as alpha is defined as "feature complete, that is, game is playable and contains all the major features".


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If 22 hours on standalone is considered a lot then I'm impressed. Much more hours on the mod. And that isn't even a fraction of the hours on arma 2/3


I meant hours on the all series of Arma + mod + Dayz, its all the same engine tech right? Excluding Arma 3 perhaps. I havent played the mod but clunky is one word that comes to mind watching any videos out there.

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Game is going sideways.


Devs can't fix the bug with interuped switch between exp and norm that results in BE g ban. Zero support - not a single reply. I already contacted German Law firm. Just look at this EULA >.< When i brought the game i didn't apply to this. Bug and reproduction steps where reported at feedback.dayzgame.com and it got closed in fucking :D 5 seconds. Nobody even took a look at it. 


best line from eula 


 Licensor provides BattlEye on an "as is" basis without warranty of any kind. Licensor neither guarantees the correct, error-free functioning of BattlEye nor is he responsible for any damage caused by the use of BattlEye.


I have time and money to spend in court. 

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I've been playing dayz since the first 2 weeks the mod was released, and I have been playing arma 2 probably even before rocket. 


I know what can and can't be done with this engine. As much as the inventory system is amazing, it fits the boundaries of this engine. I know, almost for fact that the zombie animation will never be good, that movement will never be fluid, that hackers will never be blocked.


Just look at the "finished" melee system. It is disgusting,


I knew this before I bought dayz, and my expectations were rock bottom so I wasn't that disappointed. I will still follow the progress of the game, because I have seen it grow from the very start. 



My greatest fear is that till now Dayz sold millions of copy that even a complete game never reached and it's on the top 50 most played game on steam, so that one day the project might be closed, Devs could be able to make the luggage and close everything.

This already happened with other couple of games on years past, and you suck it because you've accepted the rules of agreement.

About this i'm informing out if the rules we've accepted once we subscribe the game are in line with the rules and laws of the country where the company is enstabishled.

Edited by GunnyITA

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Game is going sideways.


Devs can't fix the bug with interuped switch between exp and norm that results in BE g ban. Zero support - not a single reply. I already contacted German Law firm. Just look at this EULA >.< When i brought the game i didn't apply to this. Bug and reproduction steps where reported at feedback.dayzgame.com and it got closed in fucking :D 5 seconds. Nobody even took a look at it. 


best line from eula 


 Licensor provides BattlEye on an "as is" basis without warranty of any kind. Licensor neither guarantees the correct, error-free functioning of BattlEye nor is he responsible for any damage caused by the use of BattlEye.


I have time and money to spend in court. 





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My greatest fear is that till now Dayz sold millions of copy that even a complete game never reached and it's on the top 50 most played game on steam, so that one day the project might be closed, Devs could be able to make the luggage and close everything.

This already happened with other couple of games on years past, and you suck it because you've accepted the rules of agreement.

About this i'm informing out if the rules we've accepted once we subscribe the game are in line with the rules and laws of the country where the company is enstabishled.

What's your fear based on, other random companies or BI's long history of supporting their games?

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Roedl&Partner is a great company. I'm their client more than 10 years. 

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