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Stable Branch: 0.44 Discussion

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Hasn't the timer been reduced to 200secs? I always get tht awhen server hopping.


I think it depends on the server settings, some let me spawn in in 30 seconds but it seems like most have it at 200 or more if you're hopping.

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I tough I play some after month break.. After 1 hour and 4 deaths by invisible zombies and rubber banding glitches.. Well I think I wait until zombies are fixed.

Waited 6 months (+ 1 year) for that...That should have been the priority for the early access release, but seeing as it obviously wasn't, it should definitely be the priority now...


In the latest dev interview at Pax, Dean said that the fix for zed clipping would come in 'quarter 2'...Hopefully sooner rather than later.


I can't play it until that is fixed. I am not interested in the deathmatch game that DayZ has become...The mod was better than that and the SA deserves to be better still, or what is the point of it's existence?

Edited by soapmak3r
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A server resets and once again my character reset with it. Didn't move, i instantly quit. Join 2 other servers still a fresh spawn, how about you just bring down ALL the servers until you've figured out a way to prevent this from happening because this is fucking pathetic losing so many hours of game time, Stop websites like Gamingdeluxe etc hosting their own servers, stop people being able to pay for their own and just run DayZ official servers from Bohemia because this is becoming an absolute joke.


EDIT: I just noticed something, it's the servers that shut down and pop up saying "Connection failed" father than the traditional resets that say "No messages received" can you tell server owners to stop doing this with their servers as it's causing me and many more out there wipes, and truthfully i am getting sick to death of running around gearing up for 4 hours just to have a server shutdown and wipe me.

Edited by Aj90lfc
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Great . . . server reset, so I log off, wait for couple a second and log in back . . . and what a surprise. During loading server data was my character killed by Zeds . . . great death if you don´t have any chance to defend yourself :-((( This is soooo stupid :-( Its better to die by bullet from bandit or be KOSed or fall down from rocks by own mistake . . . than this stupid death :-((((((( I am really angry!


PS. sorry for my bad english . . . not my native language

Edited by Jarmil_Prdel

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Great . . . server reset, so I log off, wait for couple a second and log in back . . . and what a surprise. During loading server data was my character killed by Zeds . . . great death if you don´t have any chance to defend yourself :-((( This is soooo stupid :-( Its better to die by bullet from bandit or be KOSed or fall down from rocks by own mistake . . . than this stupid death :-((((((( I am really angry!


PS. sorry for my bad english . . . not my native language


You can have it even worst.

We played in a 6 players group. In 80% of cases, after each restart the character of one of out friends, ( the same one each time ) was reseted to fresh spawn. This was fun in the beginning, but after some time it, he stopet playing, because he was tired of running back to NEAF after each restart.

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I know someone will probably respond to the guys above with something like "stop whining, it's an alpha! That will get fixed"



But I'd like some proof.

Why can't they fix it sooner rather than later? I'd rather know for sure that my character is going to stay in the full release or if it's just always going to be an issue.


I'm fairly sure 100% of the players would rather they fix that over add a campfire feature in next update.

It's the most inconvenient thing in the game at least you can run away from wall phasing zombies.


Your character could at least be stored locally until they know why and fix why they get reset, people will hack their character yeah but if it gets too bad suspend them or something I wouldn't care if people could make themselves invincible if my character wouldn't just get reset all the time.

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My character never gets reset , I honestly think you people server hop WAYY to much . Either that or you guys just don't get that in this stage of the alphas development it's smart to have 1-3 servers that are your "dedicated servers" (ones that you know don't wipe your character , I have six of them that I jump back and forth between all of them are reset free ALL the time ).

And as for invisible zombies and the Desync and rubber band issues : I've noticed that low-end computer players get affected much more by the zombies Desync. My friend has an old 3 year comp that barely runs dayz and the zombies always catch up to him , but never me . Also my cousin who has a terrible Internet connection Often gets disconnected and then killed by invisible zombies , I'm thinkin because of his terrible Internet connection .. And for rubberbanding , as of this latest patch it only seems to happen when you choose certain servers ..

So yes these problems are annoying but IMO the reason these problems aren't getting fixed is most likely because only 1/3 of players are getting these issues(and they technically ARE working on this problem it's just not going to be as fast as you people want it to ) ..

But I'm defly with you guys on the fact that they should fix these problems for the next update , but in no way should they postpone bigger planned features for that cuz they need to learn to work on multiple problems at once , cuz they have the numbers , they just still have to work out the way their team operates (especially after hiring a bunch more people a couple months Ago)

Can't wait for fires and AKM !

Edited by Grapefruit kush

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Their medics, they heal people. Strange that it's such a non-issue since you posted in this thread to complain about how there is no suicide button.

The "non-issue" is having a suicide button or easy method for suicide (cyanide pill). It's just a given. lol. Read. 

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My character never gets reset , I honestly think you people server hop WAYY to much . Either that or you guys just don't get that in this stage of the alphas development it's smart to have 1-3 servers that are your "dedicated servers" (ones that you know don't wipe your character , I have six of them that I jump back and forth between all of them are reset free ALL the time ).

And as for invisible zombies and the Desync and rubber band issues : I've noticed that low-end computer players get affected much more by the zombies Desync. My friend has an old 3 year comp that barely runs dayz and the zombies always catch up to him , but never me . Also my cousin who has a terrible Internet connection Often gets disconnected and then killed by invisible zombies , I'm thinkin because of his terrible Internet connection .. And for rubberbanding , as of this latest patch it only seems to happen when you choose certain servers ..

So yes these problems are annoying but IMO the reason these problems aren't getting fixed is most likely because only 1/3 of players are getting these issues(and they technically ARE working on this problem it's just not going to be as fast as you people want it to ) ..

But I'm defly with you guys on the fact that they should fix these problems for the next update , but in no way should they postpone bigger planned features for that cuz they need to learn to work on multiple problems at once , cuz they have the numbers , they just still have to work out the way their team operates (especially after hiring a bunch more people a couple months Ago)

Can't wait for fires and AKM !


I don't server hop. I stay in a server until it reset then i join another one to be against other people rather than a dead empty server, and the last 3 times it's wiped me out, it's unacceptable. You're saying we're hopping too much but just stated you hop back and forth between a few? Irony... Anyway, nobody wants to be lumbered on an empty server once it's reset, 90% people don't remember the server they were just on so you end up being one of the 8 that rejoin it.

Edited by Aj90lfc
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I know someone will probably respond to the guys above with something like "stop whining, it's an alpha! That will get fixed"



But I'd like some proof.

Why can't they fix it sooner rather than later? I'd rather know for sure that my character is going to stay in the full release or if it's just always going to be an issue.


I'm fairly sure 100% of the players would rather they fix that over add a campfire feature in next update.

It's the most inconvenient thing in the game at least you can run away from wall phasing zombies.


Your character could at least be stored locally until they know why and fix why they get reset, people will hack their character yeah but if it gets too bad suspend them or something I wouldn't care if people could make themselves invincible if my character wouldn't just get reset all the time.

 To be honest man it makes no difference, me and my 2 buddies last night got killed by a fresh spawn with an infinite M4 mag he was just spraying it all over Lower Berezinho/Lumber Mill and speed hacked so he ran at about 60 MPH/80 KMPH it was ridiculous. There are ways to avoid Battleye detection unfortunately, hence why they should have used VAC or something along those lines which is proven to y'know.. Work

Edited by Aj90lfc

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I have an interesting theory on the character reset bug. From my experiences at it, it happens when you join a server as a fresh spawn and instead of it doing the traditional "No messages recieved" reset it just shuts down and starts up by a command script, hence why it pops up saying something on the lines of "Session lost" "Connection Failed" and because the server was shut down instead of restarted it couldn't send your progress to the main hive so you're given a fresh spawn, maybe it's wise to leave and rejoin periodically to save your data, but that comes with a spawn tick which personally i don't find does anything to combat the server hoppers or combat loggers but an annoyance to wait

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I have an interesting theory on the character reset bug. From my experiences at it, it happens when you join a server as a fresh spawn and instead of it doing the traditional "No messages recieved" reset it just shuts down and starts up by a command script, hence why it pops up saying something on the lines of "Session lost" "Connection Failed" and because the server was shut down instead of restarted it couldn't send your progress to the main hive so you're given a fresh spawn, maybe it's wise to leave and rejoin periodically to save your data, but that comes with a spawn tick which personally i don't find does anything to combat the server hoppers or combat loggers but an annoyance to wait



Yeah I find it happens a lot less if I leave when a server starts saying it has 5 minutes before it restarts,

Sometimes it seems like it just hasn't received your character from the main hive yet so it gives you a fresh spawn then you'll die a couple of times and your geared up guy will come back.

But other times they never come back and for no clear reason.


I think EVERY server should have warning messages for when it's going to shut down, and say clear restart times instead of "every two hours" like you're supposed to know when that will be.

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As i said, we played in a 6 player squad.

One one of us experienced this character reset after server restart.


He tried:

1. stay on server until, until server restarts automatically ( yellow chain + red chain - no message received ) -  no success

2. disconnect prior to server reset - when 5 min message was display, we disconnected - no success

3. play only on one server - no success

4. curse, invoke the gods of dayz - much stress released, but still character reset.


There are some game breaking bugs that need to be fix ASAP, and all the focus should be on them.

Hopefully, the devs are looking into this, and not into adding new hats...


I think many of us fell in this way, because there is no info regarding the progress the devs are doing in fixing this bugs.

It would be nice to have a forum post, with:

- current major bug in the game

- progress in fixing them

- road-map on fixing them


Also, if new info is needed, i guess there are a lot of players willing to help. try to reproduce the bugs, or check if the bugs are fixed.

In the end dayz is a game where the community has a major factor in developing the game. We can also be testers, if that is needed.

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I think many of us fell in this way, because there is no info regarding the progress the devs are doing in fixing this bugs.

It would be nice to have a forum post, with:

- current major bug in the game

- progress in fixing them

- road-map on fixing them


Also, if new info is needed, i guess there are a lot of players willing to help. try to reproduce the bugs, or check if the bugs are fixed.

In the end dayz is a game where the community has a major factor in developing the game. We can also be testers, if that is needed.




A hell of a lot of people that play the game use this site, I think they should have a more active involvement with the forum and just the people that play the game in general.

It's not like they're working on the game 24/7 why can't they just take 5 minutes before going home after work to just say what they're currently adding and fixing? Fair enough if they want to keep some items they're adding in the dark for a nice surprise but it'd be nice if we could just see what changes are being made.


Topics like that should be well moderated though probably discouraging to see trolls or people who give no kind of helpful feedback or suggestions.


We buy this alpha to support the development of the game, test it for the developers and to put their work to good use so I think we deserve a little more info and more regularly than we currently get.

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 To be honest man it makes no difference, me and my 2 buddies last night got killed by a fresh spawn with an infinite M4 mag he was just spraying it all over Lower Berezinho/Lumber Mill and speed hacked so he ran at about 60 MPH/80 KMPH it was ridiculous. There are ways to avoid Battleye detection unfortunately, hence why they should have used VAC or something along those lines which is proven to y'know.. Work


VAC is already in use...

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VAC is already in use...


Battleye isn't VAC.

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Battleye isn't VAC.


Sigh. DayZ uses both BattlEye and VAC

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I have problems using guns that I pick up from bodies, same as my friends. Can't look down the scopes or fire before I relog with a "hand-me-down" weapon. Don't believe I've tried with a pistol yet, but I was wondering if this was a known issue as I've yet to find any threads discussing it. Or if someone else have the same problem.

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I have problems using guns that I pick up from bodies, same as my friends. Can't look down the scopes or fire before I relog with a "hand-me-down" weapon. Don't believe I've tried with a pistol yet, but I was wondering if this was a known issue as I've yet to find any threads discussing it. Or if someone else have the same problem.


Wrote about that one page earlier, I guess it is well known, saw it also on a twitch stream with sacriel. But I think we are the only ones that wrote about it in this thread.

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The "non-issue" is having a suicide button or easy method for suicide (cyanide pill). It's just a given. lol. Read. 


No the "non-issue" is your opinion now. It was my mistake for reading it in the first place.

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Anyone have any news on the next patch out of curiosity? I'm sure we were due 2 patches in April, in 2 halves but no word as of yet on the second one, it is delayed heavily so far upto now.

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Anyone have any news on the next patch out of curiosity? I'm sure we were due 2 patches in April, in 2 halves but no word as of yet on the second one, it is delayed heavily so far upto now.

Rocket said sometimes after the release of this patch that the next patch to stable has to be expected around the end of may.

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So when are we gonna fix the whole, zombies walking through walls and fences, and houses and pretty much everything else in the fucking planet!!! Please fix this! I love this game and would hate to see it go down in flames because of one flaw! Most of my friends have quit playing because of this. I don't want to see people leave this community for the same reasons either! Don't get me wrong, I know that this is only an alpha build, but it's been out for a while now and this is a HUGE problem!

P.S. Just wanted to add that I thank the game devs, testers, and all who have helped to make this game what it is today! You guys and gals are awesome! Keep up the good work!

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Trust me, the devs know that zombies walking through walls are annoying, someone comes in and complains every 15 pages or so.


When this issue is fixed, the game would be so different.  Lol.  They would have to make zombies harder or increase the count.  


Speaking of zombies, the spawner is kind of annoying on some servers.  I've killed a zombie and literally 30 seconds later, another one spawned in it's place.  blah.

Edited by twinturbonet

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You act like this issue will be fixed... it probably won't. And the devs honestly don't care, they have all of your money and no reason to fix anything. All they need to do is pretend like they have someone working on it, while grabbing more peoples money.

Edited by Andromeda

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