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Stable Branch: 0.44 Discussion

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  On 4/24/2014 at 11:36 AM, ref said:

What do you mean it feels like CoD? The 1:1 system was not invented by CoD. CoD uses it because it works. Day-z now uses it because it works, but they also added weapon lag to make it more realistic.


It was a requested feature by many. And now it works fine (and as you say, it may need some tweaking). Stop giving useless feedback.

Actually it is all subjective. If you would like your DayZ to respond like CoD... great. Enjoy it. Some don't like that feeling, that DayZ may turn into a twitch shooter. It's not very realistic that you can spin around in less than a second while prone... but that's what is being reported. You should be at a huge disadvantage for turning if you're on the ground and someone is stalking up on your rear... Now, just spin around and shoot... not what I want for sure.

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Apparently there is a confusion on how this is suppose to work.... Yes, we all know its Alpha and shit is not everything is going to work properly, but when you have experimental servers and people are playing and testing and finding out bugs and they don't get resolved before moving to the stable then that is a issue, whether its in alpha stage or full release. What is the purpose of having experimental servers when your not actually fixing the issue before it goes to stable. You mine as well just get rid of the experimental and  put in new patches and test from there. For me that makes me feel like the developers don't care. 


      Yes, some things slip through, but things like the binoculars for example. It was still a issue in experimental and nothing was resolved for stable.....Really? With the amount of money that the standalone has acquired, wouldn't you think that these developers should be pushing out updates more frequently and also making less mistakes? Close to $60 mil has been made so..... 


As for H1Z1, I don't know how much it will make a impact on DayZ, but I am glad that it is coming out to maybe give a push to this game. The Dayz team knows they have the market for this and that's why they can make these mistakes and take their time. Cause in the end people with complain and moan and still play. It's like EA, we all know that EA screws up everything for a good chunk of their games, but hey people still buy and play their games......

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I really don't think this update is ready for stable. Too many things that have just made this game unplayable now. 

Zombies and players hitting you from miles away, zombies and players teleporting everywhere due to bad lag on the servers, unresponsive controls when equipping or putting something away. That just to name a few things.

I wouldn't mind so much if this was in experimental but now it's in stable, I can't even play the game. 

Also, weren't there supposed to be campfires, cooking and hunting in this update?

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dayzdev.tumblr :

"We are committed to not releasing builds onto stable to introduce new game breaking bugs. Now that we’ve fixed those bugs, we’re internally verifying and fixing any new bugs that have been introduced. We will do an unscheduled update the moment we are confident we have a suitable build to release"



Edited by Lookdavook
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  On 4/24/2014 at 3:53 PM, sniperdoc said:

Actually it is all subjective. If you would like your DayZ to respond like CoD... great. Enjoy it. Some don't like that feeling, that DayZ may turn into a twitch shooter. It's not very realistic that you can spin around in less than a second while prone... but that's what is being reported. You should be at a huge disadvantage for turning if you're on the ground and someone is stalking up on your rear... Now, just spin around and shoot... not what I want for sure.


I don't think it's possible to just spin and shoot immediately, you still have to wait for the gun to spin around. The problem is that unlike in standing position, is it not realistic to do a 180 on the floor with a gun.

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  On 4/24/2014 at 2:30 PM, fracture said:




Please devs, for the good of the game and for the future of it, stop trolling the community with low quality work released to stable!

That pretty much sums it up. It just ruins whatever big accomplishment was put into the patch. It's like they did the following:

Devs: "Well... we spent this entire month coming up with new netcode... but the players won't have anything tangible to see/do/use on the server... lets put in in some stuff so that they can feel like they actually got something."


Instead what this does is:


Players: "Well... f*ck me! They put in like 4 new things. But, none of them work and all the old stuff is f*cked up??? WTF did they do all this time?!?!?"

If it's not done. Don't put it on Stable. Simple as that. If it's done, test it on experimental, and if it doesn't cause problems... put it on stable. I don't really understand how this junk actually made it to stable... at all. Highly disappointed.

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I agree about zombie hits. There was a reason why it was not fixable in the mod, but I'm not sure why it works the way it does in the SA. I'm not sure if it's lag or what. Sometimes, I can dodge a blow by moving aside, but if I'm backing up, they can hit from a pretty large distance away. The way I've adapted is to close the distance and circle them... takes some practice, but I can kill a zed with a splitting axe without getting hit most times.

As for the number of hits, you have to remember that moving affects your accuracy and that the melee hits along the arc of the swing, so while you may think you have a headshot, you might not. It's now more important to take zeds out while they can't see you.

As for zombies seeing you, unless they changed it from experimental to stable, zombie sight feels better balanced - though still needs the work they are doing on it. You have to remember movement stance and speed impact if you will be seen. I see so many people jetting around and they're surprised they get spotted. Also, if you're running, you're making a lot of noise.

Edited by entspeak
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  On 4/24/2014 at 2:10 PM, mrklowny said:

This is borderline unplayable. I think we need to put this whole patch back on the drawing board and reimplement the last version. It wasn't good by any means, but this is almost nightmarishly primitive. 

I'm liking it, not any more playable than the last patch. Same amount of lag as before for me...


Why do you call it 'unplayable'?

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  On 4/23/2014 at 1:09 PM, Daemonkid said:
-Some items disappear into completely when dropped. I tried switching out my pants for another pair, and when I dropped them on the ground they disappeared. (I waited 5 mins, looted then went to check if they had appeared but they did not. Same thing again when I switched out a shirt.



I think this is caused by rubberbanding. Switched my melee weapon in a shed or stable - the one with boxes for animals. Put a splitting axe on the ground. Took a fire axe. Put it back on the ground. They both disappeared. I waited about a minute but they didn´t appear. So I run out and was ported back in the shed after a few steps but at a place where I stood right before exchanging the melee weapons to check another item et voila both axes were right there.

Edited by Wilberfoss

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  On 4/24/2014 at 3:29 AM, sniperdoc said:

??? I have a 680 and it's maxed...???



I'm maxed (bar stupid things like the vaseline inducing post processing) and I'm on an Asus 670

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  On 4/24/2014 at 4:23 PM, Amias Free said:

I'm liking it, not any more playable than the last patch. Same amount of lag as before for me...


Why do you call it 'unplayable'?


It's unplayable for me because I've spent more time watching the respawn timer than in game due to server restarts resulting in Bohemia making assumptions that I'm server hopping. I therefore, can't actually play this game. Also, the servers are all pretty much night when I get on and night is still absolutely shite.

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  On 4/24/2014 at 2:42 PM, thepaingod said:


If you know as much about trolls as about software development I take this one as a compliment  :P . But seriously - I'm not trying to troll anyone (except those who deserve it)  :lol: .

It just makes me sad to see every thread become a spittoon for everyones opinion after 5 pages .

There are too many people that register, write their #1 post "dump game doewsnt work, fix that damnit, paied money, you owe me something ugh!".

If beeing frustrated about this and giving cynical answers is trolling - well I guess I'm a troll then. 

Edited by Agilov
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  On 4/24/2014 at 3:57 PM, Wh1skeyOne said:

Apparently there is a confusion on how this is suppose to work.... Yes, we all know its Alpha and shit is not everything is going to work properly, but when you have experimental servers and people are playing and testing and finding out bugs and they don't get resolved before moving to the stable then that is a issue, whether its in alpha stage or full release. What is the purpose of having experimental servers when your not actually fixing the issue before it goes to stable. You mine as well just get rid of the experimental and  put in new patches and test from there. For me that makes me feel like the developers don't care. 


      Yes, some things slip through, but things like the binoculars for example. It was still a issue in experimental and nothing was resolved for stable.....Really? With the amount of money that the standalone has acquired, wouldn't you think that these developers should be pushing out updates more frequently and also making less mistakes? Close to $60 mil has been made so..... 


As for H1Z1, I don't know how much it will make a impact on DayZ, but I am glad that it is coming out to maybe give a push to this game. The Dayz team knows they have the market for this and that's why they can make these mistakes and take their time. Cause in the end people with complain and moan and still play. It's like EA, we all know that EA screws up everything for a good chunk of their games, but hey people still buy and play their games......

Hey man, have some faith :D, were not all complete mindless gaming junkies, i have stopped playing dayz SA entirely now for about 2 weeks and wont be again anytime soon (however i do play the mod on a private server). And i think the last EA game i bought may of been FIFA 97, the one with that french chap ginola or whatever on the front. :). lol. There are standards to games that many gamers are expecting now, they f up they lose players, a few of my friends were about to buy this for example a couple of months ago looking at the road map and liking what they heard. It aint transpiring they aint buying. As for EA, the leech of the gaming industry they need boycotting by everyone. They only churn out the same garbage endlessly anyways :). 

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  On 4/24/2014 at 8:03 AM, pilgrim said:

I haven't touched the FOV.. the alteration is in-game since the last patch. I have never, while aiming any gun in RL or in ARMA or SA etc, been able to see just about the WHOLE stock of the gun while aiming.


Looks to me as if the whole aiming system has been zoomed OUT, so that when you press + you can now zoom in BACK to where you were in the first place.


Dear teapot - have you tried any of this in the game yourself? take a minute to try it in the game, before you comment.Thanx for the input. I'm sure you'll notice the difference.


I am talking about IN GAME changes that happened since yesterday - are you saying that they were unrealistic last week and they have been made realistic this week? It does not look that way to me. In real life you do NOT rest your chin on the butt of the gun when you are aiming (whatever sights you use) - If you DO, then please do not pull the trigger, you will make your dentist a rich man.


I'm not going to rant about this, so before further comment

I would like to hear what Gews has to say about the alteration

He's our resident de-facto arms expert - if he thinks its ok, then I'm cool ... its a game after all. But it looks damned wierd to me, I wouldn't handle a firearm that way in real life, for sure. It seems worse than before the patch - Just WRONG.


(I guess no one will accuse him of "not taking a minute to look up what firearms or optics actually do"?)


Anyway: some pics - this example is Red Dot on M4. I didn't move the character.


1) Shoulder weapon



2) shoulder weapon - head/shoulder position




3) Aim weapon



The blur comes in-game with the aimed position (for added realism)


So where is the shooter's head now, in relation to his gun? Somewhere off the end of the stock?


check the 1st and 3d pics to see how crazy this is.  Same aim, at same tree, at same point.


xx pilgrim

 This! So much this! The hell happened, devs?

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Why bother making the zombies more powerful and much harder to kill when they still teleport through walls and floors literally constantly.


They're glitchy as hell the devs need to get their priorities straight with this, if there's anymore fiddly balancing before the zombies start actually obeying the laws of physics I will be well annoyed lol.

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  On 4/23/2014 at 5:18 PM, Fused said:


I guess the whole survival aspect of the game from the elements and zombies are actually becoming a reality. Your entire post is an example of who this game isn't meant for ... PvP. So either learn how to play the game, or stop ... Plain and simple.

Haven't played the update yet, but at least there was an update either good / bad.

I'd be happy if the other players you came across would be willing to help/trade with you.  Too many bandits, just being jerks.  I'm all for the slower/tough zombies (Walking Dead fan).  Solo play through a Zombie Apoc should be HARD, but not everyone you come across should be a dick either.  Just my opinion.

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  On 4/24/2014 at 6:20 PM, GrimfangSkarteef said:

I'd be happy if the other players you came across would be willing to help/trade with you.  Too many bandits, just being jerks.  I'm all for the slower/tough zombies (Walking Dead fan).  Solo play through a Zombie Apoc should be HARD, but not everyone you come across should be a dick either.  Just my opinion.


Are you trying to force everyone to be nice because you're incapable of surviving on your own? Why should everyone be nice? In a world where Humanity and all structured forms of government etc collapsed do you think everyone would be nice an work together to survive? It's survival of the fittest. I've tried helping people, only to be shot in the back an be told "Don't trust anyone on DayZ" which i've came to learn myself, stop being a whiney moralfag and let people play how they want to play, that's the whole point of freedom and choices.

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Ok mates, i have no times to read all those interesting 16 pages of posts, so i will ask some question with hope someone will answer

• I found crossbow(even not once)

Question - How does bolts looks like?

-Can i craft them


-bolt-holed for crossbow?
Should i look for that holder where magazines are spawns and bolts where ammo spawns? Or some other positions?

•Can i boil potatos/rice?

•If i will wear yellow coat + head - will ppl think i am friendly, and think twice before kos?

Edited by Electi

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  On 4/24/2014 at 5:27 PM, Mr Sinister said:

Hey man, have some faith :D, were not all complete mindless gaming junkies, i have stopped playing dayz SA entirely now for about 2 weeks and wont be again anytime soon (however i do play the mod on a private server). And i think the last EA game i bought may of been FIFA 97, the one with that french chap ginola or whatever on the front. :). lol. There are standards to games that many gamers are expecting now, they f up they lose players, a few of my friends were about to buy this for example a couple of months ago looking at the road map and liking what they heard. It aint transpiring they aint buying. As for EA, the leech of the gaming industry they need boycotting by everyone. They only churn out the same garbage endlessly anyways :). 

 The faith is still there, but how much abuse can all of us take? I enjoyed the mod and yes I take breaks playing other games and do plenty of RL stuff. This game may never be finished and the sad part is that we can't do anything about. By the time people realize it , everyone will be left in the dust and dev team is going to be chillen on a island drinking mojitos laughing their asses off. We all are the life of this game and if we are not vocal on problems like this, then we are not going anywhere. Plain and simple....


We can report bugs,test and do what a alpha community can do, but when you have devs that don't care or not even try to fix whats in experimental servers and just copy paste(so it seems) into stable.....whats the point? Anyways thats my 2 cents. I am always looking positive for this game, but I can only do so much. 

Edited by Wh1skeyOne
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Cooking & Gathering Resources


Target Delivery: Early 2014



Animals & Hunting


Target Delivery: Early 2014



Respawning Zombies & Loot


Target Delivery: Early 2014


Can someone explain me what they understand by "early 2014"? Was it a typo or something?

Edited by Sharks on a Plane
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  On 4/24/2014 at 7:14 PM, Sharks on a Plane said:



This is the reason more and more developers are hesitant to give the public dates....

Things get delayed if they arent working right, and if they dont delay it, people will bitch because it isnt working.


At least the zombies and loot respawning is in the game now, even if its still very rough and considered a prototype, its in the game.

Gathering resources is also in, at least the berries.


Im guessing hunting and cooking arent done yet, thats why its not there.


But you need to realize, nothing good will come from bitching about it tbh.

We will get it when its done, not much sooner.

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  On 4/24/2014 at 6:20 PM, GrimfangSkarteef said:

I'd be happy if the other players you came across would be willing to help/trade with you.  Too many bandits, just being jerks.  I'm all for the slower/tough zombies (Walking Dead fan).  Solo play through a Zombie Apoc should be HARD, but not everyone you come across should be a dick either.  Just my opinion.

After some instant kills from stairs, 1st floors and broken legs from crossing a bridge in the last experimental my char was used as a punching ball by some chuck norris zeds. I managed to crouch to the hospital in berenzino while looking like a fountain. When I arrived there an other player (thanks oberon) tried to give me morphin and a patch. I had an axe and a backpack with food and weapons that he could have easily taken from me but he didn't.

So I think not everyone in game is hostile.

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I experienced some weired issues

soft drinks that were not emptied then I drank them

clearly empty Magnum revolver (pristine) couldn't be reloaded or shot and was permanently bugged

FNX45 (pristine) couldn't be shot even though filled with a full magazine (pristine)


But besides that I liked that the game finally forced me to use guns against zombies though the only reason was glitchy close combat. Actually the new strenght of the zombies isn't the real issue. What make's DayZ now nerve-wrecking as hell is a combination of bad gaming performance, zombie attack speed and  melee hit zones in a game that clearly isn't designed for this type of fights. You may be able to fight single zombies with a pristine fire axe or a hay fork but if you're a beginner with a damaged baseball bat or a wrench, you will turn you're hairs out of frustration. What makes it even worse is that by gun use in a matter of seconds a huge horde of zombies will be attacking you. That would make sence if there was a properly working sneaking system or enough ammunition but that's not the case. Not mentioning the collision system which is still bugged...


In my opinion BI should return to status quo and count more on PVP until they fixed their A.I. and collision issues 'cause at the moment they just frustrate those who put faith and money into this project.



Crazy Loner

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