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Stable Branch: 0.44 Discussion

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Guys i wish to update a report on the feedbacks links, i've created an account but i really don't know how to create the feedback about the changing gamma, colors and fps on the game. How can i do it?


So that i link that to you and you all confirm on the notes of it.

Edited by GunnyITA

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  Textures seem simplified on buildings thank you for this, even tho it doesn't look beautiful the fact that i can view more simple textures at 60+ frames per second in cities as compared to 15 frames per second yesterday makes the game feel alot better.


The mouse felt strange for about 5 min but im used to it now. Lag and desync is non existent for me now post patch so thank you again. There isnt as much stuff like gunz and wool coats in this patch like the last one but what is there feels alot more polished than what was released last month.


   The game looks and plays alot better post patch well done on the update, also Zombies are hard to kill and i find myself panicking when there are more than one of them and I like it!!

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  Textures seem simplified on buildings thank you for this, even tho it doesn't look beautiful the fact that i can view more simple textures at 60+ frames per second in cities as compared to 15 frames per second yesterday makes the game feel alot better.


The mouse felt strange for about 5 min but im used to it now. Lag and desync is non existent for me now post patch so thank you again. There isnt as much stuff like gunz and wool coats in this patch like the last one but what is there feels alot more polished than what was released last month.


   The game looks and plays alot better post patch well done on the update, also Zombies are hard to kill and i find myself panicking when there are more than one of them and I like it!!


About buildings detail over distance i'm ok with you. But Gamma is changed and some of us don't like it, feel more cartonish! And i don't know how's possible you do have better fps than before, as buldings get more details. 3-4 of us here noticed more laggy....How's possible you are the one gained more fps?!

Edited by GunnyITA

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A suicide button. Jesus christ. I'm getting tired of spawning inside of a wall (numerous times), getting random broken legs and not able to get out of doorways and other misc. bullshit without being able to kill myself. Waiting 2 or 3 hours to die is pretty dumb. I understand it's Alpha, but this is something that is vital in a game like this. 

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This game is so far from complete.  It seems like the core on which it was based off of is broken.  By that I mean, when 80 bugs are fixed, 100 more bugs are created, then those bugs are fixed, and more are created.  It's just not a good thing.  It is very concerning and I am sure it has something to do with the slow progression. 


It will be interesting to see how Bohemia will respond with H1Z1 coming out as it is picking up a lot of hype due to the stand alone problems. 

Edited by JimmyGate
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A suicide button. Jesus christ. I'm getting tired of spawning inside of a wall (numerous times), getting random broken legs and not able to get out of doorways and other misc. bullshit without being able to kill myself. Waiting 2 or 3 hours to die is pretty dumb. I understand it's Alpha, but this is something that is vital in a game like this. 


Wow - talk about being unlucky, never happened to me once in 150+ hours.

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Guys i've made a report about gamma, colors, graphic and FPS


Pls put your comments on it and confirm it.


I hope i've done well. thx you!



" #10939 gamma, colours and graphics have been changed. "

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So you didn't read the change log? They're zombies! Head damage only!

Ongoing melee balancing has zombies more resilient to body impacts. (Aim for the head)

Seriously? He specifically stated:

"Couldn't kill zombies with wood axe or pitchfork despite repeated blows to the head. 3 spawns and 3 zombie deaths so far. Guess that is what you intended. Also zombies are hitting me from 20 meters away LOL."

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Found a bug, Green Bell peppers are now infinite, I've eaten mine 20+ times now to get full energized and hydrated ^_^

Plus I seem to have a bottomless can of Rasputin K...

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This :).


Actions: You can catch rain holding bottle in hand only.

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[...]when 80 bugs are fixed, 100 more bugs are created, then those bugs are fixed, and more are created.  It's just not a good thing.  It is very concerning and I am sure it has something to do with the slow progression. [...]

Personally, this IS very interesting to observe...

Especially when I'm reading that players regular characters are becoming the hardcore characters, that graphic quality is suffering, zombies are impervious to melee weapons except when hit in the head, sardine cans are losing textures, physics is slow on high pop servers, missing cities that should be there according to the changelog, etc...???

The changelog seems a bit off if that was the only thing that was worked on... there was a LOT more that was worked on that was NOT mentioned for sure.

I'm happy the devs are making progress, but this patch does seem like a step backwards... afraid to log in tonight...

Also, some clarification on the patch notes might help...

I mean... wtf does this mean:

  • Server: Basic item bullet physics enabled (known issues tied to server performance)


You know what that means to me? "PC Load Letter"... that's what that means... xD Does this mean bullet physics were not present? What is Basic Item? So, if it has known issues tied to server performance, why is it new and enabled?


Edited by sniperdoc

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Me and my entire clan are all in agreement that the current zombie respawn mechanic is utter shite and we naively assumed that it would be recognised as shite community-wide. Why oh why are you making zombies more difficult to kill when they respawn instantly and run back to you immediately? Some have said that they are no longer running back to you instantly if you melee them down silently but I am not 100% sure. And if this was fixed then why the eff is it not in the patch notes? That's what patch notes are for.


The zombies as they are currently are destroying the entire PVP system. The number of times I was sneaking through a town stalking someone and having to change to my axe - bayonets need to be implemented asap - retarded pointless risk of having to switch all the time - to take them down. Only to realise that no sooner had I killed that zombie is the respawn running at me + another random zombie as well. How the eff are we supposed to play stealthily when this kind of shit is going on with the zombies? The game is better without zombies in it as it stands right now. 

Zombies need to stay dead when they are killed as it was in previous patches. The head-shot nonsense is wank because aiming with melee weapons is an acquired feel for the weapon which has nothing to do with where the centre dot is aimed. There is no point in adding complication if you're not going to provide fixes to other mechanics of the game that helps balance out that complication.

Chernaya Polana was a nice town without zombies. Now it's going to be one of the annoying towns again. And where is this new town we all speak of? I haven't yet looked for it but others have been failing to find it or it's just not there. If it's true that a dev forgot to commit the town to the patch then I admire the team's honesty but at the same time this is a massive embarrassment for the team. How can you forget to commit an entire town when it has been advertised in the upcoming patch features? Ridiculous.

Edited by defaye
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okay, so another update..

have not played since months..



Zombies still clipping trough walls.....


DayZ SA should be realistic right?

then why is this bug still in the game?  

How is the development planned? AROUND this bug?


Alpha stage or not, any NEWS on a fix? (guess not?)

Edited by Gert-Jan
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Make sure to report servers that actually kick you off when joining, as it's against the rules:




i have done that numerous times with the server host's but noone of them does anything about it. I't doesn't matter how much information/screenshot you add to the complaint they always let it slide anyway.

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So you didn't read the change log? They're zombies! Head damage only!

Ongoing melee balancing has zombies more resilient to body impacts. (Aim for the head)


Kind of hard to tell if you're hitting the head when there's so much lag/delay between when you swing and when the hit registers. You have to time the hits perfectly to where the zombies will be a milisecond after you swing.  An axe swing hits "air" but registers as a hit - it's all guesswork as to whether that hit was actually a head hit. Hopefully one day this will be improved if not completely fixed, but until then it's all guess work.

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Couple of new items? Complete change of mouse controls. Rewrite of the server messaging. And the last update was a month ago, not 2. 

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how can they forget to put a whole town into the stable build OR how can they forget that it isn't in. no matter what it's a bit embarassing tbh ;)

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I mean... wtf does this mean:

  • Server: Basic item bullet physics enabled (known issues tied to server performance)


You know what that means to me? "PC Load Letter"... that's what that means... xD Does this mean bullet physics were not present? What is Basic Item? So, if it has known issues tied to server performance, why is it new and enabled?



don't know what it really means, but i can tell you i didn't hit shot is usually hit with my mosin plus i don't see impact-dust-clouds anymore. makes it impossible to adjust a second shot :( just tried above 500m, maybe there is dust at 300 m but i don't like it

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Kind of hard to tell if you're hitting the head when there's so much lag/delay between when you swing and when the hit registers. You have to time the hits perfectly to where the zombies will be a milisecond after you swing.  An axe swing hits "air" but registers as a hit - it's all guesswork as to whether that hit was actually a head hit. Hopefully one day this will be improved if not completely fixed, but until then it's all guess work.

Jeff you are spot on with your comments. You can swing a melee item with the dot centered right in the middle of their head and who knows where is going to hit. In the meantime they seem to be able to hit you not only facing the opposite direction but from 10-20 meters away. I love a fair fight but this certainly isn't one. Oh yeah as a reminder I DID read all release notes.

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