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Rain, broken bones, zombies, 12 year olds, suicide, communication, melee weapons etc

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I don't really care about the "squeakers". Other than their voice, they don't really bother me. Although, I do wish that in order for a 12 year old to play DayZ they had to give out their parent's phone number so if they were being a snobby little disrespectful shit, I could call their mommy and get them in time-out or something.


^Not serious.


A couple of the guys I play with are 15 years old and they are pretty mature in-game. No idea how they are in the real world, but that's not my problem.


As far as rain goes, I haven't ever noticed any of my gear getting ruined or damaged from the rain and I always run through the rain. So....that's news to me.


And also, even if you lower the amount of ammo that spawns in any given server, that won't stop people from KOSing. It may lower the KOS rates though because the KOSers will spend more time looking for ammo than sitting in a treeline or camping behind the steps in the control tower at the airfields. But seriously, if a kid pops a chubby from killing another player, they will do it whether they have 3 rounds or 50+.

Edited by Jvalor

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pinning all the KoS PvP on 12 year olds just makes your thread look like an inane rant, people of every age do it, most because they suspect the person they see will do it to them.

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3) Less weapon ammunition available in the world (to make players think twice before opening fire to other players)




This would have no effect to players killing players. Reducing ammo spawn means that somebody only needs to spend one or two bullets to collect 20. In my opinion nothing will stop killers from killing but a red number on top of their heads showing how many players they have killed.

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Yes, I agree we might find a friendly encounter from good kids. But I can't risk it. I mean, the majority will say they're friendly and then shoot you in the back.

Just yesterday I met an adult british gentleman doing the same. He was being nice and polite. After i turned my back he pulled out his axe called me a "fucking russian" and butchered me. (I'm not russian btw)

It's not just the kids.

And i also met kids who were genuinely nice and gave me food.

BTW I don't think kids should play this game.

Edited by pistaaaa

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Just yesterday I met an adult british gentleman doing the same. He was being nice and polite. After i turned my back he pulled out his axe called me a "fucking russian" and butchered me. (I'm not russian btw)

It's not just the kids.

And i also met kids who were genuinely nice and gave me food.

BTW I don't think kids should play this game.


LOL ok........I'm sorry but that's funny. That's at least creative lol I'm going to try and do that right now

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It wasn't a simple and quick in fact it was a wall of text.

OP i don't see any difference from ranting and whining threads, almost everything has already been addressed and you lost all credibility when you asked for dry rain.

And you know this game is still 26mutualfund2.jpg

I did not ask for dry rain, genius. I said it would be better if rain had LESS impact on the gameplay. Now, exactly because the game is Alpha, I make suggestions to the developers (as I was asked to by THE DEVELOPERS) that would make my experience better. Looks like only you and this other triage kid don't like the ideas. You can play some CoD now. The post was VERY quick and it's not my fault your brain was overwhelmed by the little information I provided. I concentrated things that would otherwise be entire essays into small paragraphs. I could write a 700 word essay just for the zombies. You clearly don't know what a long post is and you obviously skipped the paragraphs and went straight to the suggestion list.

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the only thing im getting from this post is you calling everyone CoD 12 year old fan boys. So heres what I think about this B**** rant post of you wanting a baby's dayz. 


One being the most major point THE GAME IS ALPHA SO MOST OF THIS CRAP HASN'T BEEN FIXED. Enough said on that.


Two, no one should have to take a test just to play dayz, I mean are you out of your F***ing mind?! How about we just make all games in the world require tests to play for all ages? Oh thats right you can F***ing lie on these pointless tests of yours! 12year olds will always find a way to play mature games its just a fact and so far most of those 12 year old CoD fans have been far more better then your whining attitude. Nough said.


Three less rotten fruit .... your serious? Would you like a diaper with that S***? Maybe someone to come over to your house to wipe your ass while you play the dumb down version of dayz? ITS A SURVIVAL GAME, meaning ITS NOT EASY TO FIND GOOD FOOD! DDUUUUUUHHHH.


Four an ax kills everything in one shot? have you ever been hit by an ax? I have ... funny how im sitting here typing to this excuse for a suggestion post. Yes i understand all weapons havnt been adjusted yet but there are far more important things then your one hit ax that i believe and support the Devs are doing as we speak ... well as i speak and you just whine .. again ALPHA nothings going to be perfect right now and i know for a fact you read the disclaimer before the game.


Basicly most of the S*** you posted is already going to be worked on so your "suggestions" turned out to be more then pointless. In fact the only suggestion that made sense was your suicide one and thats it. So thanks for your "suggestions" and for the love of god stop accusing people of wanting this to be like CoD, thats literally your one come back this entire thread and frankly makes me believe you yourself are a 12 year old, not doing you justice mate. 

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Rain should have some system of warning - for example that at first it starts to rain less and doesn't damage items. If you don't find shelter till 5 minutes you get wet sick and gear will be damaged.

KoS PvP - for many players that's the best experience you would ruin gameplay for many of them if you prohibited that.

I agree with fire axes - they should kill on 1 shot. I think even rifles should kill on 1 shot to stomach, chest or head.

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Of course it is impossible to completely remove combat from the game but maybe these people who have finished looting and want combat can go get it somewhere with others who seek combat. When you just found a backpack and a crowbar, you don't stand a chance against the dude that waits with his friends in the next city to shoot you for no reason. You pose no threat to them yet they kill you. That is just typical Call of Duty behavior.....

Actually, it is perfectly possible to kill a fully geared player with a crowbar. Not too hard with a little luck.

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Of course you don't understand, you're probably 12. That's why you are offended. You think just because you played this game longer you get a say for how it should be and I don't? This is not how it works little fascist. All the 3 things you described above as "whining" have been fixed. The Developers are not 12 like you, therefore they do not share your point of view. Looks like this game won't turn into CoD after all. Bad luck for you, go play Ghosts now.


If you plan to respond like this and call everyone twelve and tell them to go play CoD, then I suggest that you do not post.

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