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About Hunter4

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    Misty Mountain
  • Interests
    Soul trapping, heart eating, stabbing people 39 times with a screwdriver because they insist I'm a human and not a turtle.

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    I am a turtle. Feel my wrath.
  1. Hunter4

    Spawn System - Innovation

    So a lot of people are complaining about being spawned on the coast, miles away from buildings and towns. The seaside towns are usually poor in supplies and people sometimes spawn in the rain. This might sound weird but it could be a very nice feature in the game. A good idea would be Parachutes. Imagine being thrown off the back of a C-130 plane. You could see where you would fall and know where you are. Of course it won't be that easy to pinpoint your location based on what you see but you can use the parachute to fly towards the location you want. That would reduce the time it takes for a player to reach his desired destination or the nearest city. The parachute should not be able to travel across the map in 5 minutes or cover long distances. The players should not land more than 1,5 km away from the place they were deployed. The parachute should be an option for all players. The landing speed should be fair. As is in reality. If you want a scenario behind this, you can say that your character was forced to jump off the plane grabbing the first parachute he/she found because the plane was hit by AA or encountered technical issues or whatever. If you don't want that, you can easily just set the spawn point up above without any airplanes involved. Just an individual with their parachute. Don't start with the **** about "urgh players will travel the map with their parachutes urgh *ape sounds*" The distances one can travel before landing should not be more than 1,500m. Just to know about where you are.
  2. I did not ask for dry rain, genius. I said it would be better if rain had LESS impact on the gameplay. Now, exactly because the game is Alpha, I make suggestions to the developers (as I was asked to by THE DEVELOPERS) that would make my experience better. Looks like only you and this other triage kid don't like the ideas. You can play some CoD now. The post was VERY quick and it's not my fault your brain was overwhelmed by the little information I provided. I concentrated things that would otherwise be entire essays into small paragraphs. I could write a 700 word essay just for the zombies. You clearly don't know what a long post is and you obviously skipped the paragraphs and went straight to the suggestion list.
  3. Of course it is impossible to completely remove combat from the game but maybe these people who have finished looting and want combat can go get it somewhere with others who seek combat. When you just found a backpack and a crowbar, you don't stand a chance against the dude that waits with his friends in the next city to shoot you for no reason. You pose no threat to them yet they kill you. That is just typical Call of Duty behavior. You can't join a friendly server and use it to your advantage. I mean, I enter the server and I don't shoot anyone and even if there are 3 people around me, no one shoots anyone. Suddenly, one asshole comes, waits for us to turn around and shoots us all in the back to loot us. I think that person should be banned from all friendly servers and get to play with others who match his playstyle. OBVIOUSLY there has to be a way to report a player who doesn't play as he's supposed to. So the tests can work without problems. If your test comes out friendly and you play aggressively, you will be reported and thrown in a server with aggressive people. Once you have all you need, you'll also need to preserve yourself. You will always meet zombies and require food.
  4. Of course you don't understand, you're probably 12. That's why you are offended. You think just because you played this game longer you get a say for how it should be and I don't? This is not how it works little fascist. All the 3 things you described above as "whining" have been fixed. The Developers are not 12 like you, therefore they do not share your point of view. Looks like this game won't turn into CoD after all. Bad luck for you, go play Ghosts now.
  5. Yes, I agree we might find a friendly encounter from good kids. But I can't risk it. I mean, the majority will say they're friendly and then shoot you in the back.
  6. You want helicopters. A flying machine that usually has 50. cal machine guns mounted on it and flies at 200mph. Stupid 14 year olds trying to destroy the game. Unlike you and your friends some of us have lives and we can't spend 8 hours a day playing DayZ. So go to your mommy and tell her to buy you the special edition of the CoD that was released this month.
  7. If you want combat, you can go play Call of Duty with the rest of your kind. DayZ is an open world survival. Not Arma or Battlefield. >:(
  8. I'm gonna keep this topic simple and quick. First of all, RAIN is a very big setback in the gameplay. You can't walk outside because of rain and getting your clothes wet is a big problem. I joined a server which had way too much rain. Others don't but even so, rain should exist in the game, but it should not have that much impact on the gameplay and the character's equipment. Secondly, BROKEN BONES. Okay, I understand the need for this feature in that kind of game but bones break WAY too easily. We should put a % chance to break your leg that is adjusted according to the altitude the survivor falls from. For example, 2m (6ft) to have 10% chance to break leg. 4m 20% and 5m 30%. Then from 6m and above, about 80%. (I also noticed a bug while playing, I fell from 8m and didn't feel a thing. I just landed smoothly.) So that's it about broken bones. Now the ZOMBIES. These things are overpowered in the alpha because they can move through walls and survive more than 15 hits with a pristine machete but apart from that, they are spawning in random locations and silenced weapons are drawing them anyway. I think we have enough on our mind already in this game and endless zombies should not be our main problem. The zombies also damage your equipment. I'm sorry but I have to point this out, even if it makes me look like a softcore player. I don't like having my hard-earned equipment damaged by the zombies. We want the game to be realistic and I'm pretty sure a strike from human fists or nails is not enough to ruin a compass, a military vest and a ton of other supplies. Now for the 12 YEAR OLDS. These kids should be stopped from playing the game. They are destroying the experience of other players and ruin every server they join. All they want is an open-world Call of Duty and this, is DayZ. I don't want to have to kill every player I see just in case they are 12 or 14 and don't know how to behave. I want to see another survivor and know that we can sort things out without violence. Of course I don't ask to get rid of the violence, but make us all try to use it when it's on utmost need. All players should be FORCED to pass a series of tests before being allowed to play the game. These tests would determine their playstyle and match them with other players that play the same way. Categorized into servers. Aggressive 12 year old with aggressive 12 year old, friendly adult with friendly whatever. I think that would make the experience way better for everybody. Another subject is SUICIDE. I believe this matter is already resolved and the next update will contain a "suicide" option in the Esc Menu. Sometimes, players might get shot in the leg. Last night I got shot in the leg and it broke. The douchebag left me with a broken leg while playing target practice with my just spawned character. I am now waiting for my character to die of pain. Boring if you ask me and anyone else in this position. COMMUNICATION is another matter than requires further development. We should be able to chat with everyone in the server. I know this might bring sellers there to advertise their sites, but we can surely find a way to stop links from being posted on the global chat. I would like to know what kind of players I'm dealing with. Deceivers (the ones that say they're friendly but proceed to shoot you in the back) should be marked as bad sports and be thrown in servers with others of their kind. And last but not least, MELEE WEAPONRY. These weapons need damage adjustment. A firefighter axe against another survivor should be a one strike kill as is natural. No one can stay alive after being hit with a firefighter axe. Have you tried it? No, me neither. I can't die from a bullet in the leg and then withstand 4 strikes by an axe in the shoulder. The player who was not lucky enough to find an M4A1 should have a chance to fight back. No armor can withstand AXE (hahaha). Anyway, you get the point. Survivors must be vulnerable to melee weapons. UPDATE 28/5 : Zombies can now go up stairs sometimes and still go through walls. (JUST ENABLE COLLISION GODDAMMIT) The firefighter axe used to kill zombies with 1 hit. Now it is as useless as all other melee weapons. Not all fruits are rotten. (yay) Zombies hit in the head with melee weapons should die instantly. Brain Damage=Death Plus, a few more suggestions... 1) More ways to regenerate health besides eating and drinking. (Like healing through time, but slowly) 2) Less rotten fruits (FIXED) 3) Less weapon ammunition available in the world (to make players think twice before opening fire to other players) 4) Variety of servers with different special features. 5) Day-night circle during 6 hours. (3-3 or 4-2) 6) Less rain. (FIXED) 7) More crafting. (Duct tape should be used for countless items) (IN DEVELOPMENT) 8) Possible item fixing. (broken compass? a screwdriver will fix that...not realistic but hey, it's a game) 9) Wide range of weapons and weapon customization. No damage increase! 10) Vehicles. Not armored cars and Apache helicopters, plain trucks and cars with space to store items and need for fuel. Thanks for reading, I hope you've felt the same about at least one of the above subjects. If you want an open world CoD, you can go tell your mom to change your diapers now. :)
  9. Hunter4

    Have people in this game gone insane?

    We could encourage the developers to put a series of tests each person would need to pass in order to play the game. Tests 12 and 14 year olds can't possibly pass. I'm tired of these spoiled brats as well, they don't let you enjoy the game. All they want is an open-world Call of Duty.