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Should we have an animation for backpacks ?

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I find it quite silly that you can be sprinting at 14mph and still have full access to your inventory including the items stuffed in your back pack.


Anyone else want an animation to play and your character to crouch when he is rummaging through his backpack.


Therefore items in the backpack would be harder to get meanwhile items in your pockets would be quicker to access and not need an animation.

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I find it quite silly that you can be sprinting at 14mph and still have full access to your inventory including the items stuffed in your back pack.


Anyone else want an animation to play and your character to crouch when he is rummaging through his backpack.


Therefore items in the backpack would be harder to get meanwhile items in your pockets would be quicker to access and not need an animation.


I like this idea.


It creates an element of risk that has to be calculated based on a whole host of factors. It could ad a layer of immersion if they didn't make it tedious.

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Yep, one thing I've always faulted DayZ/ARMA for were the dismal animations.


It's never been BIS's strong suit. I mean, look at the drink animation (or lack of one at all) for fountains. It's always been the case, granted, it's Alpha. But I've always been wholly underwhelmed with the animations coming out of BIS products.


But yes, backpack animations would be great. Although, animations for a lot of things would be great as well.

Edited by Katana67
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I made a similar suggestion 2-3 months ago. Consensus was that it's too tedious. I think it would add to the survival experience (what's more important to keep stored in my vest and have accessible) and probably wouldn't be too difficult to implement.

But with the pace of development currently, I wouldn't get my hopes up with small features like this that aren't popular among casual gamers

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All clothing items should include animations and take time to move items. It should take longest to take from a backpack, shortest from a vest.




Wow I'm getting a lot of beans for this post. I'd like to take this opportunity to tell all of you about a very, very serious problem: There's a game called Dangerous Rays that isn't yet popular! While it will not be released for a few more days, it's exactly what I want DayZ to be: A game with working zombies and no players. That's right: A working game with, and I stress this point: a complete, singleplayer experience! You don't have to make a 1-slot private server anymore! Open world, procedurally generated, open to modding... check it out. Seriously)

Edited by Applejaxc
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What if there were different access times for different slots... IE, you could access stuff from your pants and vest faster than from your backpack. This would force people to think before they loot XD



Applejaxc - All clothing items should include animations and take time to move items. It should take longest to take from a backpack, shortest from a vest.




Edited by Tumbleweed707
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I like the idea but if they don't do it, I ain't going to lose sleep over it. 


I put that in the category of "Nice things to add when everything else is sorted".

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Therefore items in the backpack would be harder to get meanwhile items in your pockets would be quicker to access and not need an animation.

That's a very good idea.

Perhaps then players will give extra attention of what items to keep in their clothing pockets poutches and holster slots.

For quicker access among items(not weapons only) i was thinking something like the wheel introduced in GTA V (mouse wheel down/up).


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I find it quite silly that you can be sprinting at 14mph and still have full access to your inventory including the items stuffed in your back pack.


Anyone else want an animation to play and your character to crouch when he is rummaging through his backpack.


Therefore items in the backpack would be harder to get meanwhile items in your pockets would be quicker to access and not need an animation.

Make a pole for this. That way we can see how many ppl actually want this. Im all aboard for more indepth features like this!

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I agree with the original backpack animation by the OP but i really dont want to have animations for moving things in my inventory. Just lemme view my shit, move it around, and then skidaddle.

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All clothing items should include animations and take time to move items. It should take longest to take from a backpack, shortest from a vest.


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It sounds like a good idea until you actually get stuck in the animation to check your inventory or the animation bugs out and you can't get into your inventory. Right now we have troubles with our hot bar and just inventory slots bugging out and eating items or creating unusable slots. I like the idea of adding more animations to the game for many actions but honestly for the thing people do most it would be the definition of tedious. I could see something like that bringing much of the gameplay to almost a standstill and firefights would be a nightmare to deal with just because of clumsiness of drawing items and how easy items are ruined.

I say yes for more animations specifically I would love one for looting a body. Looting a body should be risky so an animation going with it could be beneficial to ambushes or traps. It leaves a player vulnerable as they check a corpse. As for an animation for checking your inventory I don't think so unless it was a couple of seconds tops and could be interrupted. Another big issue currently in the Standalone is not being able to interrupt animations and actions which makes for very shitty moments in game.

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It sounds like a good idea until you actually get stuck in the animation to check your inventory or the animation bugs out and you can't get into your inventory. Right now we have troubles with our hot bar and just inventory slots bugging out and eating items or creating unusable slots. I like the idea of adding more animations to the game for many actions but honestly for the thing people do most it would be the definition of tedious. I could see something like that bringing much of the gameplay to almost a standstill and firefights would be a nightmare to deal with just because of clumsiness of drawing items and how easy items are ruined.

I say yes for more animations specifically I would love one for looting a body. Looting a body should be risky so an animation going with it could be beneficial to ambushes or traps. It leaves a player vulnerable as they check a corpse. As for an animation for checking your inventory I don't think so unless it was a couple of seconds tops and could be interrupted. Another big issue currently in the Standalone is not being able to interrupt animations and actions which makes for very shitty moments in game.


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That's a very good idea.

Perhaps then players will give extra attention of what items to keep in their clothing pockets poutches and holster slots.

For quicker access among items(not weapons only) i was thinking something like the wheel introduced in GTA V (mouse wheel down/up).


A customisable mousewheel option menu on an arma game you must be joking. We still have a seagull in the fecking key binds lol

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I am glad so many here have seen what the bigger problem is.


The bigger problem is the lack of animations for alot of the ordinary things done in the game.


We need animations for entering and leaving vehicles, for opening doors, for looking at our inventory, for looting bodies.


We even need animations for gunshots, we need to show through an animation that the player is bleeding and favoring a side due to a wound.

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The only problem is that animations in DayZ can't be interrupted currently and aren't necessarily smooth, as we can see with eating, since you can't just drop your beans or stop throwing them into your mouth and run. You become completely immobile and you can't do anything on the go, that needs to change.

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The only problem is that animations in DayZ can't be interrupted currently and aren't necessarily smooth, as we can see with eating, since you can't just drop your beans or stop throwing them into your mouth and run. You become completely immobile and you can't do anything on the go, that needs to change.

Totally,that's a huge game breaker for me.

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I find it quite silly that you can be sprinting at 14mph and still have full access to your inventory including the items stuffed in your back pack.


Anyone else want an animation to play and your character to crouch when he is rummaging through his backpack.


Therefore items in the backpack would be harder to get meanwhile items in your pockets would be quicker to access and not need an animation.

I would also like to see an option where I can look into the backpack of one of my friends simply by going being him and scroll+f. One of the greatest things I liked in the mod.

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If we are talking a normal backpack or something similar.. IRL I can in fact access it while sprinting.


I have before.. the memory is quite clear. You take off one shoulder strap, swing the pack around to your front and unzip-stick your hand in.. once you have what you want, rezip and simply swing the pack around your back, throw shoulder strap over again and boom! you're done. (No, I will not tell that story.. )


If authenticity is your concern, IRL is not the issue.. But I really like the idea presented by Applejax.. things should make more "sense" if they are going to add stuff like heart attacks. ;)

Edited by lrish
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Nah, I'd rather the game was finished within this decade.  Not to mention playing Backpack Tetris is a good way to pass the boredom of a long run.

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If we are talking a normal backpack or something similar.. IRL I can in fact access it while sprinting.


I have before.. the memory is quite clear. You take off one shoulder strap, swing the pack around to your front and unzip-stick your hand in.. once you have what you want, rezip and simply swing the pack around your back, throw shoulder strap over again and boom! you're done.


If authenticity is your concern, IRL is not the issue.. But I really like the idea presented by Applejax.. things should make more "sense" if they are going to add stuff like heart attacks. ;)

I would love to see my character inadvertently looking down while running when he is stacking items.

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I would love to see my character inadvertently looking down while running when he is stacking items.

Read your post and my brain immediately requested a "tripping" animation. LOL ;)

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