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Your first kill?

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Yesterday, for the first time ever in dayz, I killed another player. (Normally I keep well away from everyone). Me and my friend were holed up in the hospital; we had heard shooting from outside and were hunkering down until it was safe. We thought the shots were coming for the roof, so we got up to the top floor and were preparing to storm out onto the roof, but before we had chance to even open the door, a guy in a clown mask came from behind us and killed my friend. I reacted just in time and emptied a full clip into his head. It was scary.


Now that I've shared my story, I was wondering: can any of you guys remember the first time you killed a player? Please do share your experiences...

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My first kill was bashing someone to death with a fire extinguisher in Solnichniy, bastard stabbed me with a bayonette for the mosin... and this is after I gave him food.

That was my second life and probably 60-90 minutes after I started up the game for the first time.

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I logged in one day after going grocery shopping and I hear two men singing into the mic in faux-woman voices. It was quite entertaining, especially since this game is usually very quite and, IMO, boring when you are not having any human contact. I spoke back to them in my lispy, faux-woman voice. "Hey big booooooooooooooooooooyths, you want tthsome sugar from the sugar plum fairy?" They laughed and started to make high-pitched moaning noises and of course I responded in the same way. After doing this for about a minute, I start eating a can of tuna. I notice that they are not making any noise on the mic now. I walk out of the room and instantly I start getting punched and I hear this shrieking "AYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" from the mic. I turn to my right and there one of them is, trying to knock me out. It didn't work because I had a moto helmet on (I always wear them). I spammed 3-4 shots from my sks into his groin/stomach and he died. I start to loot his body and then I start to get punched again by who I can only assume was the other guy on the mic. I spammed another 3-4 rounds into his groin/stomach and ran out of there with a trail of turds behind me.

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My first (and only) kill was were I beat someone to death with a shovel. He had broken legs and was crawling around. He said he'd been crawling for about 15mins. I couldn't help him because I din't have the right medical equipment so I beat him to death to put him out of his misery. <_<  

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Was in the firestation tower with a few friends.Accidentally pushed one through the wall.Lame, eh?

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I don't remember my first kill in the mod. In standalone it was the first time the game was live and I spawned near Balota, I ran to the prison building and found a baseball bat in there. Some guy ran in and I tried talking to him over direct but he wouldn't respond and he tried hitting me with a fire extinguisher, so I beat him to death with the bat and took his stuff.

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I was looting Elektro fire station and I had a fire axe and this dude with a mosin was in there and when I ran in there he tried shooting me, I just dodged his shots and axed him to death, and looted him. Then like 10 seconds later his bud with a M4 came out from behind a building and lit me up lol.

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My first kill was a day or so after Alpha went out.  I was in Novy, I just found a mosin and some ammo for it.  Running around in the dark when I hear (and I shit you not) "Rawr, I'ma kill you bitch!  Rawr!"  Guy runs up to me with a flashlight and I guess tries to tackle me (still holding the flashlight and nothing else).  Now I'm normally a live and let live kinda guy...but in my mind I just said 'fuck em'.  I holstered my flashlight, unslung my mosin (they had time to run), shot him in the head, and his friend.  I'm not sure which was which that made the 'threat', and I feel mildly bad for shooting the other unarmed.

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Some guy was camping in the trees at NWAF. If it weren't for the giant blue mountain backpack he was wearing he would have lived that day, and maybe even killed me.

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My first and only kill was dirty and i feel bad about it some girl was afk (maybe tabbed out or checking her inv.) and i shot her, i vowed that day i would never kill again unless they had wronged me.

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my first kill was when someone shot at us with an m4, we were in the ATC tower of balota (at the time the game was just starting out, and we didn't really know it was super unsafe, and we ran inside, and guarded the door, my friend peeked, between us and the enemy there was about 30 bullets fired, I wondered if we actually killed the guy, then i peeked and there was a lump of a body bleeding out on the floor. 

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I was going out of a house in the middle of nowhere, not having seen anyone for two hours. All of a sudden there was this other dude just staring at me. I completely freaked and killed him via Fire Axe. I completely ruined what little gear he had and apologized afterwards. Had I not been so freaked out, I'd not have killed him.


Sorry, random person. I didn't mean it :-/

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This fight happened a long time ago in the mod. I don't remember if it was the first one ever for me, but certanly one of the first. This was the longest fight I've ever had.


I played on map Fallujah, a very big one with lots of open spaces and a big city in the center. I was a fresh spawn, gathered some supplies and a shotgun with a bunch of bullets. Saw a helicopter crash site in the distance, but decided not to bother with it since I would be an easy target for sniper. As I walk around it I saw a player running towards it. I try to talk to him in global chat but get no response. Since he wasn't shot by a sniper I decide I go there too and see how things turn out. As I come close and see him dodging zombies I notice he has a bandit skin. Well, that means he's most likely hostile, so I kill him immediately. But that's not where the story ends.


As I look around the crash site I see lots of dead bodies of survivors. There were some good guns, but unfortunately no ammo for them, and I could carry only one firearm. While I was deciding if it's better to have a shotgun with some ammo or fnfal with no clips, I hear zombies screaming and turn around. Guy with a same nametag who I had just killed spawned nearby and was full of vengeance, running with an axe recklessly towards me. I take a shot and miss this time, I try to shoot one more time and all I hear is "click, click". I've ran out of ammo! I had an axe, but unlike standalone the process of switching between melee and firearm was very long and involved putting my shotgun on the ground. With mad axeman shortening distance to me very fast I had no time for that so the only option was to retreat.


So now I carry a shotgun with no bullets, there are zombies and bandit who wants revenge running after me. Not good. I decide it might be a good idea to bring more zombies to the scene, so I run towards what seemed to be outskirts of the city. Partially I succseeded, now there were like two dozens of zombies after us, however this guy still really insisted on killing me.


This couldn't go on forever, because I would've starved to death first if I continued running away, since he was a "freshier" spawn than me. I decide to take a risk, turn 180 degrees and run towards him straight into the horde of zombies. He swings his axe and misses. I run inside the zombie crowd, dodjing them left and right, leaving unscratched. My enemy followed me right in to the zombie tail too, but he was not as successfull as me: I saw they bit him and he was bleeding. He continued to follow me, but now with a great disadvantage: he would pass out of blood loss eventually, it was a matter of time. He still, however, kept  on not giving up trying to get to me.


Eventually he realized this is not going to bring him anywhere, so he ran to the nearest house to bandage himself. The horde followed him. Zombies could only walk slowly in buildings, so I was sure he would patch himself up successfully. I use this time to drop my useless shotgun and switch to axe. I thought that zombies would occupy him for a long time and I could find some shells for my gun. However, he somehow managed to leave the building and was again going after me.


Since he was bleeding for a while I knew I would get an upper hand in a fight. I decided to keep running to further to enhance my chances of winning the fight: I was the one who would choose where we fight. I kept running towards the city. I chose a narrow alleway where none of us could escape after we engage in a fight. I run around the corner and stop, ready to attack. As he comes to me we start swinging axes at each other violently. A few sconds later it was over. Finally my foe was lying beneath my feet.


This was not the end, however. He got me good before he was defeated: I was very low on blood, my screen lost almost all colour, and to make matters worse I began to pass out randomly in a bandit and zombie infested city. I ate all the food he and I had to regenerate blood, but of course this was not enough. It was my first time on this map, so I was lost. I nearly died of starvation until I managed to find a grocery store. In the end I got enough food to regenerate my health, found a winchester and backpack good enough to continue my adventures.

Edited by StopChewingMyLegDude

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I had a guy come up for me and my friend inside of Kamyshovo and ask for food as we made our way inland. I had a fire axe and a pistol with one shot. Seconds later I heard gunfire down stairs and my friend shouted "I'm dead!" Immediately, I turned to the beggar - he was a distraction that had succeeded in getting to me. I beat him to death with my axe while he shouted that he was innocent and I still am troubled to this day. Was he really innocent and tracked by the bandit, or was I right? Anyways, the bandit came upstairs as I told him his friend was dead. I had my gun to the door and he came up and through. We fire at the same time and I died. Have no idea if I got him as well.

And that's my first kill.

Edited by TheEvanCat

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First kill on standalone was at the military base south of NW airfield. Saw a guy run off while I was in a building, I went outside and he came back. Sprayed him like mad, cheap murder but it was my first!!

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Probably a bad sign that i can't remember my first kill in the mod or standalone.

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Fresh spawn that tried to knock me out while I was alt-tabbed in a bush. Took no less than three FNX mags emptied in a 3rd person panic xD Edit: ...incidentally this is my only kill via firearms. ;)

Edited by Amias Free

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I was in Cherno and saw someone come down from the sniper tower. I've played the mod for years and know by now that survivors/heroes have no business up there and shot him in the guts with my newfound Mosin.

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My first SA kills were from a group of Russian kids.

I had played Mod a bit (not an expert) so I ran directly from Elektro to Balota, looting up on the way. When I got to Balota everything seemed clear. I looted the jails, hangars and ATC tower. I had found an M4, mags, Hunters Backpack and a lot of other gear but I was greedy for more. I headed to the barracks. I noticed the far barracks door was open which immediately set off my internal "stranger danger" alarm.

I crept up to the barracks and saw someone looting through a window. I called out to the other dude, "Friendly?" A child's voice (13-15) responded in kind. We chatted for a minute or two and he tells me he is Russian and he knows the game very well. He offers to take me to NWAF after we finished with Balota.

He seemed nice so we traded a few items and then started looting the two remaining buildings. As I was looting the barracks I hear shots! I see the kid 5m away in the other barracks killing someone. Shit! I run out and try to save him. The other guy is already dead. I run over to the kid, congratulate him and begin searching the dead guy's body.

"I am a baddie now,"  the kid says. "My friends are coming. Stay in this room if you don't want to be hurt."


I didn't really understand what he meant (as "baddie" usually means "noob") until a few seconds later. Another player had showed up and was pointing his Magnum at me! I reacted instantly and sprayed him full of bullets. The Russian kid pulls out his gun and trains it at me. I drop him with a quick burst of gunfire.

Heart racing and palms sweaty I try to exit the room. There is a third guy with a Mosin pointed at me! I run back into the room and hear a couple shots fired. Fuck it, I thought. I ran out of the room and sprayed down the hallway without thinking about aiming. Somehow I managed to get the last guy. I picked up whatever loot I could in 30 seconds and ran into the forest.


It seems strange but since this event I have been biased against Russian voices. If someone speaks to me in a Russian accent I am much less likely to trust them even though it doesn't make any sense. This kid turned me into a racist...

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I axed a poor guy to death at the construction site in Berezino one of my first few times playing the game. Over 300 hours later and I've only killed one other person. I was in an apartment overlooking a courtyard in Electro and saw these two guys looting a corpse. One had an M4 and the other had some kind of melee weapon. I had heard gunshots several times in the past few minutes so I figured this must be the guy. Unloaded about 15 rounds of 5.56 into him. That was in January. Haven't killed since. 

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I honestly can't remember. It was 4 months and almost 500 hours ago.


But I also cant remember what time I woke up today, nor what I had for dinner last night without looking to see what leftovers are in the fridge.

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I got bored my first day in DayZ and tried to ambush three guys shooting zombies north of Cherno with my M4A1, which I thought would be accurate while prone for 100m shots, I was wrong.


Despite this, my spraying into them resulted in one of them dying, another being wounded, and the last one coming up and behind me and flanking me.


I learned how unreliable the M4A1 was and also learned that retreating when your initial plan fails is a good idea!

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Yesterday, for the first time ever in dayz, I killed another player. (Normally I keep well away from everyone). Me and my friend were holed up in the hospital; we had heard shooting from outside and were hunkering down until it was safe. We thought the shots were coming for the roof, so we got up to the top floor and were preparing to storm out onto the roof, but before we had chance to even open the door, a guy in a clown mask came from behind us and killed my friend. I reacted just in time and emptied a full clip into his head. It was scary.


Now that I've shared my story, I was wondering: can any of you guys remember the first time you killed a player? Please do share your experiences...

..it was December of 2012. I had just finished building my first gaming PC, solely for the mod DayZ. I joined in after several attempts of trying to find servers, and connecting.. etc.. (damn the mod was so hard to get into the first time compared to a "normal game").


So here I am, finally in game on DayZ. I had spent literally countless hours watching videos, and pouring over info on the game. I knew I was as prepared as I could be. I spent some time adjusting my control settings, then testing them. I hear a gunshot. So like any good noob, I head towards them. Bodies are everywhere.. and in my noobness I think, "Eureka! Ive hit the motherload!" As I move in to loot, I see the sniper scoped in on me. I very calmly and slowly back around a corner, as if I had not seen him. I immediately run around flanking him. The only thing I had looted so far was a fireaxe. I pull it out as I approach his side, he is still scoped where I had been. I swing, annnnnndddd... MISS. Swing, miss. Swing, miss.. he takes notice. Now its a swing-miss-gunshot-miss dance we do for about 30 seconds or so.. until I hide behind a brick wall. He loses me somehow even though I was 1 foot in front of him when I ducked behind the wall. I watch him in 3pp, scared out of my mind.. heart racing wildly. I know Im screwed. He has experience and weapons, and I have no clue what to do. Only my previous gaming experience and real life training on combat tactics could help me. I knew he had a bolt action sniper rifle. He also had a large tower just 10 feet away from him. If I run, he climbs up and I die. So now what? Im almost paniccing when he climbs up the tower. Now I know Im really screwed.. I mean how do I hide from someone up on a tower? Well, only one place to hide. The base of the tower. Only place he cant hit me. So im there, wondering how long until I die.. when I realize something. I just started to play this game. Why am I afraid of dying already? I swallowed my courage and began to climb that large brick tower. At the top, I thought for certain I would die. Much to my surprise he did not hear me.. my axe sank deep into his head. The loot made me shake with excitement. I will never forget that as long as Im playing DayZ. Such a great moment..


5 minutes later I was shot and killed while aiming at a tree with my new M24. I could only laugh it off and try to make it back to my body before the restart.. and thus begun my long-standing love of playing DayZ ;)

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I found some dude back in February when I first bought the game, he sounded friendly at first, but then 5 mins later he asks me "How do I attack someone?"


So here I sit and hesitate between either killing him OR telling him in the risks of loosing my gear, so I pick kill, beat him up with my trusted and mighty firefighter axe :D (Back when it was still overpowered... *Sad Violin plays* R.I.P overpowered firefighter axe... You will be missed.)


That's my first kill... But I guess nobody is gonna read that since you'll be more focused on telling your first kill... XP

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