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R.I.P Elektro

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DM_Berezino awaits you.

Here is my problems with berenzino.

1. Way to many bambi's because you almost always spawn close to berenzino

2.If you wanna get loot/looted and find a fight all the airfields are extremely far from berenzino and the schools and weapon loot locations spawns are always looted so its not easy to get to.

3. Everyone is in the hills with a mosin or top of a tower.

The town is HUGE its way to big to have fights thats why elektro is best because everyone stays within the 2 fires stations

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i think that happens becouse people usually spawn near berezino.. if i am closer to berezino i obviously  go to berezino..

if there would be more spawn in electro that would be great :$

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I'd like to see more spread out spawns. All along the whole coast and why not a few inland ones? Add Zeleno/Sobor/Green Mountain spawns, I miss the old action in the centre of the map like back in the mod days.

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Elektro is still there. You can go see her and treat her well- maybe even shoot some people or loot if you want. You just have to walk more. Fat asses.

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OF COURSE the SA is boring.  You plop down in the middle of a huge depopulated map and have to go scrounge about trying to survive.  Imagine how boring it would be IRL if you were in an empty city or roaming the wilderness by yourself!  The only "excitement" is that you might come across some random band of psychos who try and kill you!


And yet it's extremely addicting.

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OF COURSE the SA is boring.  You plop down in the middle of a huge depopulated map and have to go scrounge about trying to survive.  Imagine how boring it would be IRL if you were in an empty city or roaming the wilderness by yourself!  The only "excitement" is that you might come across some random band of psychos who try and kill you!


And yet it's extremely addicting.

I wish i could take beans away from you. Your the one who sounds boring, me and my friends have a blast and so do many others. What you should try and do is get a headset and join those random bunch of psycho's. It is a lot of fun, for example poor old joe(in game name) was crawling around the neaf for 40 minutes earlier begging for his death and it was hilarious as we must of had about four different gun fights around him and everyone was ignoring him, every time he tried to crawl to a body we would quickly hide it and kill any zombies that went for him, it was funny for us anyway.

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Yeah all the COD players are heading there, you best avoid it.


Well they stuck around electro in the mod until the 24/7 1000 vehicles and starting weapons + 10,0000 barracks servers came online then they all went there.


The thing is, this game has never had a decent enough zombie threat to make them anything more than an annoyance. In the mod you just ran full sprint and it was easy. In the SA they need to make the zombies a challenge. If they get it right it could make the game what we actually have been waiting for. You can add in building and all these other things to do but ultimately it's the zed threat that will make or break the game.

Edited by Jexter
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Well they stuck around electro in the mod until the 24/7 1000 vehicles and starting weapons + 10,0000 barracks servers came online then they all went there.


The thing is, this game has never had a decent enough zombie threat to make them anything more than an annoyance. In the mod you just ran full sprint and it was easy. In the SA they need to make the zombies a challenge. If they get it right it could make the game what we actually have been waiting for. You can add in building and all these other things to do but ultimately it's the zed threat that will make or break the game.

Yes and when the zombies are a threat this is when the cod players will leave the game, i do hate that term though, everyone has or does play cod so it is quite encompassing.

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R.I.P. In Peace.


I go to Elektro like every time I play, so. >.>


You know the I.P. in R.I.P. stands for in peace right?

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You know the I.P. in R.I.P. stands for in peace right?



That's why I said R.I.P. in Peace.



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Yes and when the zombies are a threat this is when the cod players will leave the game, i do hate that term though, everyone has or does play cod so it is quite encompassing.



Not me. Never played COD.. Never had any interest in it. Looked like a shitty version of Battlefield/Counter-strike to me.

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Yes and when the zombies are a threat this is when the cod players will leave the game, i do hate that term though, everyone has or does play cod so it is quite encompassing.


I don't - I quit playing after Activision took a shit on the community (MW) and decided to take away server hosting and custom maps and yes, after the zeds come in, as long as they're effective will change things.

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Yes and when the zombies are a threat this is when the cod players will leave the game, i do hate that term though, everyone has or does play cod so it is quite encompassing.


Ive never played a cod but i play a mean bass

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try adapting.........

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don't worry, whenever they decide that closing off spawns to stop suiciding wont work as long as two spawns exist. Then elektro will become populated again because at that point hopefully it will be mod spawns where cherno was a dangerous place and not a ghost town and the n.w.a.f. could be highly populated but everything else west and inland you can drive around shooting an m60 and no one would care. The dayz where berezino was that town you visited with a ghilie suit 20 dayz after spawning and nothing better to do unless you got that lucky solnchi spawn away from everyone else. 

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R.I.P Electro  Hello rest of the map  :rolleyes:

Edited by Caboose187

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