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Parachutes As Looted Item

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Yeah, so in the mod, it's a bit ridiculous to be able to bail out of your helicopter when shit gets tough.


Parachutes, whenever helicopters get implemented into SA and if they themselves get implemented, need to be a separate looted item.


If you're flying in a helicopter and it's going down sans parachute, well, too bad.


Unsure if I'd want it to replace a backpack, just for pragmatic gameplay reasons. But it shouldn't be an innate capability of players in aircraft.

Edited by Katana67
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Heli pilots don't use parachutes in the Army AFAIK. But loot-able parachutes are still a good idea.

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Would be nice if aircraft spawned with a couple in them, you should be able to take off your bag and put the parachute on.

Should be able to repack it afterwards, but you should be able to take it off quickly when you land.

I imagine if anybody didn't get a parachute, it would be the pilots.

Edited by AP_Norris

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I'm all about realism and all,but you know what i think?

A helicopter parachute upgrade would be awesome as well,

meaning an upgrade that allows the players to jump from the

helicopter with equipped parachutes rather than individual items.

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Yeah, so in the mod, it's a bit ridiculous to be able to bail out of your helicopter when shit gets tough.


Parachutes, whenever helicopters get implemented into SA and if they themselves get implemented, need to be a separate looted item.


If you're flying in a helicopter and it's going down sans parachute, well, too bad.


Unsure if I'd want it to replace a backpack, just for pragmatic gameplay reasons. But it shouldn't be an innate capability of players in aircraft.


Think of the cool things you can do with a parachute if you are not airborne.


I'd like to make improvised tents out of them, or bags, or ...

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I am fairly certain that there was talk about this already. I don't think you can actually parachute as crew / pilot in ARMA 3.


I would expect there to be parachutes instead of the magical unlimited amounts of parachutes like in ARMA 2.

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Yup, it was pretty annoying to finally shoot the pilot out of an attacking helicopter, just to see the rest of the people inside parachute out. Maybe give the option to re-pack the parachute on the ground (takes time, could be shot while doing it), or just dump it and run.

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Yeah I could imagine finding a parachute spawn rarely in the hangars and maybe sometimes in aircraft themselves. As said, loads of potential uses (rain-catcher) so they'd be a great item to get even now, before we get vehicles. 


A helicopter parachute upgrade would be awesome as well,

meaning an upgrade that allows the players to jump from the

helicopter with equipped parachutes rather than individual items.

I like the idea of this but why not just look for parachutes for everyone who's going to fly before you go? It just seems a little bit pointless if in order to get the upgrade you'd probably need to find a whole load of chutes and well... yeah :p

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I like the idea of this but why not just look for parachutes for everyone who's going to fly before you go? It just seems a little bit pointless if in order to get the upgrade you'd probably need to find a whole load of chutes and well... yeah :P

Well,i'll be honest i really enjoyed the infinite basejumping from helcopters with absolutely no restrictions.

So maybe just this once,i thought maybe we should not sacrifice the fun-factor for the sake of realism.

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Agreed 100%

Useful both before and after vehicles are introduced!

Repack after use? Yes!

Multiple uses (not just for para)? Yes

Used as a backpack if emptied instead? Yes!

This is a brilliant idea

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Well,i'll be honest i really enjoyed the infinite basejumping from helcopters with absolutely no restrictions.

So maybe just this once,i thought maybe we should not sacrifice the fun-factor for the sake of realism.


This isn't an issue of realism for me, it's a gameplay issue.


One shouldn't be able to casually dump one's helicopter when the shit gets tough and be able to parachute 100% of the time. He/she should have to actually invest time in looting a parachute, rather than just getting it 24/7.

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One shouldn't be able to casually dump one's helicopter when the shit gets tough and be able to parachute 100% of the time. He/she should have to actually invest time in looting a parachute, rather than just getting it 24/7.


A need to find, inspect, pack, use, repack, repair... A less than pristine item should have a chance of not working (dependant on damage level)

Imagine: one finds something labelled a parachute, they equip it thinking: amazing! They try to use it later on to find it was used as a backpack! Haha!

Edited by Aubinator

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Would be nice if aircraft spawned with a couple in them, you should be able to take off your bag and put the parachute on.

Should be able to repack it afterwards, but you should be able to take it off quickly when you land.

I imagine if anybody didn't get a parachute, it would be the pilots.


Speaking from experience as an experienced "fun jumper" (parachutist) I'd never pick up some random parachute rig laying somewhere, but as we say I guess... any fabric is better than no fabric. Let's just say the "condition" of a parachute should play heavily on whether or not it actually opens. That could be pretty "fun".


So parachutes being easy to find isn't a big deal, but whether or not they open: that's where the danger should come into play.

Edited by chrismgtis
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So parachutes being easy to find isn't a big deal, but whether or not they open: that's where the danger should come into play.

I couldn't agree more!

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Heli pilots don't use parachutes in the Army AFAIK. But loot-able parachutes are still a good idea.

First comment in the thread, and nobody pays attention.










It's is impossible.  Wanna try it?  Go ahead.  You should be instantly rewarded with a big "You are dead."  Maybe even another one for no reason five minutes after you respawn, only it says "Free Darwinian Award."


If they implement planes, then they would be legitimate as a tool of egress.  Until then, they should only be used to make tents, rain catchers, ponchos, or other things like a lot of people have already suggested.  Until the implementation of aircraft, though.  No use. 


Actually, there is one way you could use it.  You could jump off of the tower on green mountain.  That is the only remotely close chance you would have for a chute to deploy.  Too bad it wouldn't have enough time to slow you down so you would still either die or break your legs.


I'm actually in Army aviation.  I say all of this with full confidence.  To be more specific, I'm in Army unmanned aviation.  It's actually quite entertaining because the airframe that I maintain has a parachute and if you are below a specific elevation, they don't even tell you to pop chute.  There is no point.  It will just leave a big bundle of fabric somebody has to clean up or some local national can cut off and steal.  I'm not kidding.  We popped shoot a while back and a local national stole the chute!

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IRL: you CAN parachute from a helo.

I'm currently working in a Search & Rescue unit in Canada and they have started using it as a viable option.

And I completely agree, if below ~500', forget it. Not enough air to open your chute! But that's all relative (jumper weight, equipment, the way it was packed). Which reminds me - amount of equipment carried (or at least weight) should determine feet dropped before canopy opens...

In game:

It hasn't been designed yet so we cannot say whether or not it is possible. When the helis are introduced, we'll figure it out then.


We can't use the mod as a reference. This is standalone - a new development! Anything is possible

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If you could find parachutes you would have to check them thoroughly before jumping.  Maybe your character goes through a 1.5 minute animation of unpacking, checking and re packing the parachute.  I don't think it would be safe to use some parachute you found on the ground in the apocalypse.

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I'm all for parachutes being found in the world, and replacing backpacks when worn. Should be repackable as well.


Jumping from helicopters is fine, except for the pilots. A helo pilot wouldn't have time to get out if the machine went down, and even if he did, he'd most likely get shredded by the blades. Besides, if anything goes wrong with a helicopter (short of the blades falling off), it's far safer to autorotate anyway. You can't really do that in ARMA, but maybe DayZ will implement it. 

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Ok, so my thread was closed: 




BUT I'll continue explaining here, why parachutes are a good thing. I like Aubinators suggestions too, so I add them to the list :


Repack after use? Yes!
Multiple uses (not just for para)? Yes
Used as a backpack if emptied instead? Yes!


Even if they are not used to basejumping, the parachute has multiple uses and purposes. 


1. shelter - with wood and rope you can make a decent 1-man-shelter. Once you can camo paint it it will be virtually invisible. This could replace the much beloved crates from the Origins mod. It would be smaller than a tent and therefore less visible.


2. improvised glider - add a lawnmoyer engine, a propellor/fan, gasoline and a backpack to it and you have a glider that can takeoff virtually anywhere. It's slower than a chopper, but it could be the first airborne vehicle and it would make sense to me to build something like it (rather than a chopper) first. It can give you a tactical advantage or help spot loot. Of course the range would be very limited and it could use 2-stroke oil, instead of petrol as to make it less available and used purposefully.


3. sails - possible addition: craftable raft. Sail up or down the coast, instead of running. I'm sure there will be more islands in the future, so we can certainly use some craftable raft without an engine.


4. Camo - several chutes stitched together could be used as a camoflage cover to conceil vehicles under.


And so on. I think there are many uses for a chute, even if nobody seems to see it could be fun to basejump. Breaking your legs isn't a problem in the SA. Morphium/Splint and you are good to go again.

Edited by S3V3N

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That did seem a bit strange. Locking a topic because it "wasn't a serious suggestion." Really? I though you were pretty serious about your suggestion. I myself don't really like your base-jumping idea, but just because an idea isn't good doesn't mean it isn't serious. Whatever.


I'm all for parachutes for helicopter jumps as long as they have to be looted and take your backpack slot though.

Edited by WolfgangErikson

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I don't think about parachutes in terms of actually using them for jumping from helis, but more in the sense that you can make a lot of stuff from a parachute. In theory we could even create hot air balloon from parachutes, but that would really not make much sense in gameplay. When I make a suggestion, like crafting a kite plane (or ultralight plane), by strapping an engine to your back, I think of movies like Mad Max and all the post-apo gear we have come to know and love. And since these things fly slowly by nature, they would hardly cause much lag.


What I like most about Dayz is the freedom to play as I want to. The chutes, and crafting items from them, would greatly benefit my playstyle. I like to be mobile, but I don't like driving too much. I wanna fly! Even if it is more dangerous and slower. It will cater to a different movement style and create diversity among the player groups. So my parachute would not be so much of a rescue chute but basically a glider; with a crafted backpack engine, when it is enhanced/completed.    

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I don't think about parachutes in terms of actually using them for jumping from helis, but more in the sense that you can make a lot of stuff from a parachute. In theory we could even create hot air balloon from parachutes, but that would really not make much sense in gameplay. When I make a suggestion, like crafting a kite plane (or ultralight plane), by strapping an engine to your back, I think of movies like Mad Max and all the post-apo gear we have come to know and love. And since these things fly slowly by nature, they would hardly cause much lag.


What I like most about Dayz is the freedom to play as I want to. The chutes, and crafting items from them, would greatly benefit my playstyle. I like to be mobile, but I don't like driving too much. I wanna fly! Even if it is more dangerous and slower. It will cater to a different movement style and create diversity among the player groups. So my parachute would not be so much of a rescue chute but basically a glider; with a crafted backpack engine, when it is enhanced/completed.    


That is highly unrealistic. This game is more aimed at the world of "The Road" than to movies like "Mad Max."

More science than science fiction.

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That is highly unrealistic. This game is more aimed at the world of "The Road" than to movies like "Mad Max."

More science than science fiction.


lol. I don't think ultralight planes are unrealistic. They actually exist outside the world of Mad Max. And "The Road" and "Dayz" is a gap apart. As I recall all life except human was extinct in the Road. Not really the situation we have in Chernarus. Also, no zombies in the Road. Choppers are confirmed, so we might as well think out of the box, too. 

Edited by S3V3N

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lol. I don't think ultralight planes are unrealistic. They actually exist outside the world of Mad Max. And "The Road" and "Dayz" is a gap apart. As I recall all life except human was extinct in the Road. Not really the situation we have in Chernarus. Also, no zombies in the Road. Choppers are confirmed, so we might as well think out of the box, too. 

 I didn't say it was unrealistic in real life. In the setting of DayZ, building an ultralight plane is unrealistic.


As a simulation of life in DayZ, I challenge you to build an ultra-light airplane out of a scrap you can find at the junkyard or dump. Feel free to use any items you have around your house or borrow supplies from your neighbors as well. Since you are also unlikely to find a parachute, I give you permission to buy one from army surplus online. Also, you aren't allowed to use the internet to research how to build it. You have one year: GO.


DayZ isn't supposed to be some campy post-apocalyptic sci-fi game (the fact that you suggested strapping an engine to your back tells me this is what you are imagining) where we can build anything we want, its a gritty realistic survival game.


More on topic: I  would really like to see parachutes in game that can function as a multipurpose canvas of sorts, as well as a parachute.

Edited by WolfgangErikson

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 I didn't say it was unrealistic in real life. In the setting of DayZ, building an ultralight plane is unrealistic.


As a simulation of life in DayZ, I challenge you to build one out of a scrap you can find at the junkyard or dump. Feel free to use any items you have around your house or can borrow from your neighbors as well. Since you are also unlikely to find a parachute, I give you permission to buy one from army surplus online. Also, you aren't allowed to use the internet to research how to build it. You have one year: GO.

I don't have to do it. Other people already did :)  Just check youtube:



Not perfect, but I am sure the modelers will be able to come up with something more stylish. I described in my earlier posts from what I would craft it. Think about it - in a zombie apocalypse, where do you want to be? On the ground, easy prey, or in the air? It makes total sense. And with an electric engine it would even be silent. Even with a combustion engine it still is a lot more silent than a chopper - and you can turn the engine off and just glide, too. 

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