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chrismgtis (DayZ)

Impression of Standalone (from a DayZ Mod Veteran)

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There seem to be many developers here. In a game as complex as DayZ, there have to be considered many things and sometimes if you fix one thing, another breaks. That happens. It is bad, yeah. But that is also, why the game needs to be tested. We all volunteered to do so. We should be constructive and report errors. I can understand, that some people are disappointed when they die due to a glitch, considering they needed so much time to gear up. I cannot understand that many people are angry about the fact that they paid for an incomplete product. You knew better before purchasing. Yet the server-structure has to be maintained and that costs. It would cost much less if there were only a few tester. It is true that many whined and wanted early access. I also expected much from what I read and heard, but I knew that it was still in development. What I am looking for, is a more constructive discussion about errors, glitches and wanted features, not this kindergarden thing here.





I don't think most players (or former players) care about dying to bugs, for 2 years we've been dying to bugs and we've gotten used to it. What people are angry about is the percieved lack of progress on the important parts of the game.... namely : the zombies.


This community is probably the worst that has ever existed for a game, BI get away with so much bullshit that would get any other company torn to shreds in moments. Many of you have BI's balls so far down your throats that I'm amazed you can still breathe, "It's an alpha" only works for so long... sooner or later they actually need to DO SOMETHING WITH THE ZOMBIES.



Who really gives a shit about clothing and weapon mods when the core aspects of the game are broken and they don't seem inclined to fix them?


You want to fix the "deathmatch in cities"? There's only one way to do it, make the zombies the real threat rather than a shitty backdrop for a "sandbox" (in modern game development that means "we don't want to make content, or give you the tools to make it").



As a veteran player and a gamer of more than 20 years, the current state of the zombies just makes me think that they CAN'T fix them, alarm bells should have sounded community wide when they said "we can't handle any more items spawns with more zombies".

Edited by Nekosan
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I don't think most players (or former players) care about dying to bugs, for 2 years we've been dying to bugs and we've gotten used to it. What people are angry about is the percieved lack of progress on the important parts of the game.... namely : the zombies.


This community is probably the worst that has ever existed for a game, BI get away with so much bullshit that would get any other company torn to shreds in moments. Many of you have BI's balls so far down your throats that I'm amazed you can still breathe, "It's an alpha" only works for so long... sooner or later they actually need to DO SOMETHING WITH THE ZOMBIES.



Who really gives a shit about clothing and weapon mods when the core aspects of the game are broken and they don't seem inclined to fix them?


You want to fix the "deathmatch in cities"? There's only one way to do it, make the zombies the real threat rather than a shitty backdrop for a "sandbox" (in modern game development that means "we don't want to make content, or give you the tools to make it").



As a veteran player and a gamer of more than 20 years, the current state of the zombies just makes me think that they CAN'T fix them, alarm bells should have sounded community wide when they said "we can't handle any more items spawns with more zombies".


So the recent Rezzed video with the feature roadmap and the fact that there's a whole studio working on the Zed AI doesn't mean anything to you? Or you just choose to ignore the fact that they are working on it and it's not within your time constraints. Some of us do understand that it is an unfinished wip others... Well, do not.


If you followed development and were a bit more informed then maybe your post would hold some merit.

Edited by R.Neville

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They only released it because everyone was continuously screaming for them to do so. Rocket himself said it was not nearly finished and many people would be better off not buying it. And they put a huge warning on the game's Steam page:


Whoever reads that, buys the game anyways, and then complains about the bugs is a fool.They made themselves quite clear, you could have kept your money in your wallet if you wished to do so. Sorry, as of yet there is no false advertising, no scam.

Which is why the OP should just get with the program and start ACTUALLY testing the game, or piss off and stop whining.

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I would have much preferred it if they did not release DayZ in Early Access.


It should have been a paid alpha via Kickstarter that is expensive enough that only a few thousand dedicated people would have bought it, and those people would no doubt understand and agree to be a part of testing. That way we wouldn't have hundreds of these topics a week. People would play the mod still or forget that it exists and then one day we get a finished DayZ standalone on Steam---which is either good or it isn't.


Right now it's so ambiguous. I don't even know if DayZ is going to be good, I don't know what features will remain at the end of it all, which bugs will remain. I don't know if the finished product will be the game I wanted when I paid for it. With a finished game you know that it is either shit or not. You know immediately whether you've wasted your money.


DayZ Alpha is like one long torturous wait to find out whether I just wasted £19.99.

They didn't WANT to release it yet. But it got pretty bad with the entire forum (the same people now whining about how unfinished the game is) breathing down Dean's neck. He even told a story of being on Mt. Everest, and a Sherpa asked him "Where's DayZ standalone?" Fuckin' hell.




Edited by Guppy the DayZ Medic

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I love these guys that come in and bash the game when its less than 25% into its development. Should be a massive loading bar at the top of this website as a visual aid lol :)

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Sorry to bring up obvious news, but this IS alpha, the game is 20% done... they aren't even close to bringing it to Beta! Then, that'll be another year or two before it gets a full release, guys we're looking at ATLEAST two years before this game gets a full release, aslong as they don't cancel the project, it is going to look totally different when it comes out, do people actually play an alpha game and expect it to have no problems...


I beta tested Football Manager Live for a year and a half, and it was being tested in beta for about six months before that, I enjoyed that game so much, I had six subscriptions of £5 a month for it! 


I am so glad I bought DayZ now, as in two years time, it's going to be breaking records.

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I don't think most players (or former players) care about dying to bugs, for 2 years we've been dying to bugs and we've gotten used to it. What people are angry about is the percieved lack of progress on the important parts of the game.... namely : the zombies.


This community is probably the worst that has ever existed for a game, BI get away with so much bullshit that would get any other company torn to shreds in moments. Many of you have BI's balls so far down your throats that I'm amazed you can still breathe, "It's an alpha" only works for so long... sooner or later they actually need to DO SOMETHING WITH THE ZOMBIES.



Who really gives a shit about clothing and weapon mods when the core aspects of the game are broken and they don't seem inclined to fix them?


You want to fix the "deathmatch in cities"? There's only one way to do it, make the zombies the real threat rather than a shitty backdrop for a "sandbox" (in modern game development that means "we don't want to make content, or give you the tools to make it").



As a veteran player and a gamer of more than 20 years, the current state of the zombies just makes me think that they CAN'T fix them, alarm bells should have sounded community wide when they said "we can't handle any more items spawns with more zombies".


You're a victim of your own lack of patience. Also when you speak in nothing but superlatives it makes you sound rather in-eloquent.


Sad fact for you Neko: The complainers like you are outnumbered by far on this board by people who are willing to wait it out and see if this thing works out. If you want to toss about like chicken little, that's your choice, but you'll likely find no support from us.

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the devs are working their asses off to bring us all just about everything were asking for.  please step back, have some patience and let them do their thing without all the negative distractions.  

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I like how everyone expects it to be a complete game 4 months in...


Also op, your "veteran" status is invalid.  :lol:

Edited by Geckofrog7
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I like how everyone expects it to be a complete game 4 months in...


Also op, your "veteran" status is invalid.  :lol:


Beans for the tune, that took me back!

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So another little boy had the chance to feel important and more clever than us stupid fan girls... :rolleyes:  Maybe there should be a special thread for this kind of posts including random generated fanboy answers,  visible only for the author.. All this narcists could feel important and clever and we wouldn't have to read this shite...


just an idea

Edited by Private Evans
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The question has been asked (it's even a sticky) "Is the game worth purchasing"? The game is absolutely not worth buying yet. Especially if you have access DayZ Mod already by owning Arma 2.


Honestly I knew to expect very little, but I didn't expect the game to be stripped down to about 5% of what it was once


Good post chrismgtis.


But you FORGET...


... one day we shall have BICYCLES !



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So the recent Rezzed video with the feature roadmap and the fact that there's a whole studio working on the Zed AI doesn't mean anything to you? Or you just choose to ignore the fact that they are working on it and it's not within your time constraints. Some of us do understand that it is an unfinished wip others... Well, do not.


If you followed development and were a bit more informed then maybe your post would hold some merit.


Dean and the rest have been making those empty claims for something like two years. You obviously haven't been around long or you would KNOW that all these promises and statements are nothing but empty words that won't ever be fulfilled. It isn't happening. In a years' time you will learn just as the rest of us have. Calling this game an alpha is nothing but an excuse to get money while they can. That is why it was released and they know very well what their intentions were.


Whole studio working on Zed AI? You're doing a great job of sucking the nip.


PROVE to me that they are doing much more than sitting back and spending most of their time on a company yacht. 


Oh wait, you can't. Especially with any valid proof with any actual real progress. And that won't change.


As far as the engine involved: you can't fix it or they simply don't care to. They've proven that. Bohemia's track record is more than enough to know that is a fact, as is Dean's. It doesn't matter if development is changing hands. In a year's time, you will be proven to be a fool just as many others were who claimed DayZ Mod was going to see amazing progress.

Edited by chrismgtis

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Dean and the rest have been making those empty claims for something like two years. You obviously haven't been around long or you would KNOW that all these promises and statements are nothing but empty words that won't ever be fulfilled. It isn't happening. In a years' time you will learn just as the rest of us have. Calling this game an alpha is nothing but an excuse to get money while they can. That is why it was released and they know very well what their intentions were.


Whole studio working on Zed AI? You're doing a great job of sucking the nip.


PROVE to me that they are doing much more than sitting back and spending most of their time on a company yacht. 


Oh wait, you can't. Especially with any valid proof with any actual real progress. And that won't change.


As far as the engine involved: you can't fix it or they simply don't care to. They've proven that. Bohemia's track record is more than enough to know that is a fact, as is Dean's. It doesn't matter if development is changing hands. In a year's time, you will be proven to be a fool just as many others were who claimed DayZ Mod was going to see amazing progress.


So I guess we'll see in a years time then, if not sooner.


Am I right at least on that point? You tell me, since you seem to know everything else.

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In a year's time, you will be proven to be a fool just as many others were who claimed DayZ Mod was going to see amazing progress.


Indulge my curiosity - did you read the alpha warning and then buy the game, or did you just buy the game and click through the alpha warning because everyone else was buying it?


Come to think of it, have you actually played the game at all, or did you just uncork your fountain of butthurt based on other peoples' opinions?

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There are so many more important things in the world than complaining about a game.... I just don't get it why people still keep complaining and whining about the SA. 

Look you bought the game, you were warned that it's far from being finished and that it'll be buggy as hell.... Dean himself told everybody.... please don't buy this game.

And still .... there are people like you wasting their life time to give a sermon about how "bad" this game is O.o. And some of these people even offend Rocket in every post or step he makes....


But why ? 


If you don't like it quit playing it. Nearly nobody wants to hear your "speech" 


Me and many others do have no problem with waiting 1, 2 or even more years until it's finished, i knew what i was going to do XD i knew the mod, i knew the bugs....


So far the game is fun for me and many of my friends. And i've had more fun with it then with any other game in the past 3 years.


So please look for an other game or make your own Survival game, with blackjack and hookers if you want to.... but please don't whine about DayZ

And i don't even know why I'm answering this... i guess too much time XD


MfG Dr.King Schultz


(sorry for my bad english)

Edited by Dr.King_Schultz
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i understand this guy his frustration, i sure do ! (fact)


I never played the mod, i did not even know the difference between the mod & the standalone a few weeks ago when i asked on steam about dayz to my friends (fact).


after a couple of week dayz  standalone play, yes i think this game can be big hopefully as big as the mod (baricades, nightvision googles, vehicles, repairing vehicles) and maybe even more but time will tell, i only had one update so far in dayz wich is the last one, but i hope vehicles will come soon and not just a vehicle but also maybe repair or steal ;) or something else in a side mission.


I also hope other zombie games will come out and so there is more competition between developers so the costumer always wins.


Dayz has all the time they need for developing new things/items, but if another game seems like more fun i will play that game.


Dayz does not sets my time for having maximum fun when online gaming, they only set there gears for updates.


Dayz is this state meaning gear up and interact with other players meaning killing or helping will get bored also the next weeks

Edited by rigz

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Edited by rigz

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the most annoying thing for me is how sh*t the zombies are. In all the hype runnign up to the game they banged on about how they had fixed zombies. then just before launch that crappy videos comes out with dean running around with a compass and a buggy zombie. What has changed in 6 months? I think with a zombie game start with the zombies. then add the fancy coats and shoes. , and they had a year of work before it even release alpha? FFS

Edited by AgentNe0

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Indulge my curiosity - did you read the alpha warning and then buy the game, or did you just buy the game and click through the alpha warning because everyone else was buying it?


Come to think of it, have you actually played the game at all, or did you just uncork your fountain of butthurt based on other peoples' opinions?


If you knew anything about the gaming industry you would know that many companies have an inclination to label something an alpha or beta so that they have a "valid" excuse for little to no progress. There is very little about the game that makes it an actual alpha. The fact always stands: every party involved has made little to no progress since the beginning of DayZ Mod to now. And for the love of God, helmets and masks are not progress.



the most annoying thing for me is how sh*t the zombies are. In all the hype runnign up to the game they banged on about how they had fixed zombies. then just before launch that crappy videos comes out with dean running around with a compass and a buggy zombie. What has changed in 6 months? I think with a zombie game start with the zombies. then add the fancy coats and shoes. , and they had a year of work before it even release alpha? FFS



It's nice to know that someone was paying attention and has a clue.

Edited by chrismgtis
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If you knew anything about the gaming industry you would know that many companies have an inclination to label something an alpha or beta so that they have a "valid" excuse for little to no progress. There is very little about the game that makes it an actual alpha.


It looks like a framework with some working code and some placeholders to me.  What I used to call a prototype when I wrote software.


What do you think an alpha version is supposed to look like?

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If you knew anything about the gaming industry you would know that many companies have an inclination to label something an alpha or beta so that they have a "valid" excuse for little to no progress. There is very little about the game that makes it an actual alpha. The fact always stands: every party involved has made little to no progress since the beginning of DayZ Mod to now. And for the love of God, helmets and masks are not progress.




It's nice to know that someone was paying attention and has a clue.

Well im one who started with the standalone and gone to the mod to stay, progress on the standalone is slow, other alphas of the pretty much exact same genre are leaving the SA of dayz in the dirt entirely. And it will show more as the time goes on if they continue at this pace updating the stable version. 

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Well im one who started with the standalone and gone to the mod to stay, progress on the standalone is slow, other alphas of the pretty much exact same genre are leaving the SA of dayz in the dirt entirely. And it will show more as the time goes on if they continue at this pace updating the stable version.

You can have the game:




Pick any two.

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Well im one who started with the standalone and gone to the mod to stay, progress on the standalone is slow, other alphas of the pretty much exact same genre are leaving the SA of dayz in the dirt entirely. And it will show more as the time goes on if they continue at this pace updating the stable version. 


I will give those working on DayZ (mod and SA, current and past) this: the engine is just inexcusably bad and I'm pretty sure it's damn near impossible to do anything productive with it.

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