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Sir Schmoopy

Remove Zombies until they're fixed.

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Finding a decent melee weapon is top priority as a fresh spawn.

You need to be able to kill Z faster than they arrive.

At the moment, only an axe will do.


Do Z auto aggro on respawn?

If so, removing that would make less effective melee weapons more bearable.

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how is zombies walking through walls really that significant? They're a bit of a hassle in a barracks, but aside from that, just man the fuck up.

Because we gave 30 million dollars to Dean to fix shit like this.  But there is zero evidence they have addressed zombie collision issues.  They even admitted an entirely different team of coders would be needed to fix it which tells me they ignored it.   Can we all give Dean another 10 bucks each so 10 million bucks to hire more people?  Im in.

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Why are you logging out where zombies are located? That's your first mistake.




Annnnddd there's your second mistake




Well if you didn't make the first two mistakes you wouldn't be in this position.


People, you need to start "ADAPTING" to the environment not coming on here to cry about your inability to change as new issues develop. 


If you posted a thread said "NEED HELP ON ZOMBIE STRATEGIES" you would get a gizillion people offering all sorts of ideas as well tutorial vids, diagrams and people offering to join you on a server.


But when you post with this sort of rubbish..


"Remove Zombies until they're fixed."


You just look like an immature child throwing a tantrum and 9/10 will only get mocked.


Just need to buy glasses my friend.


1. Never said zombies needed to be removed since i'm not the OP.


2. my first mistake? In a game where zombies rule the world there is no ultimate safe zone for you to log off from zombies. I log off near the outskirts of a forrest. But ever since one of the first patches zombies just seem to lock on to you whenever you log in. I see zombies 800 meters away from me, suddenly move toward me when i just respawned, and didn't give my position away by firing for example. What am i suppose to do? Log off on a radio tower?


3. My second "mistake?". Same thing. Zombies spawn right next to you these days. nothing i can do about it besides not playing lol.



4. My third "mistake"? I never said i have not adapted. I'm not an idiot running through a city while there are zombies behind me following me and put my direct chat on while playing the benny hill song.

You just assume, just because i said that zombies in alpha are ninja's. Doesn't give you the right to start making me a fool like the scumbag keyboard warrior you are.




My opinion about zombies in alpha do not change however. They're annoying little buggers. I don't want them removed. But the devs should finally finalize the AI and zombie coding in particular just so they don't walk through walls.


You just look like an immature child throwing a tantrum and 9/10 will only get mocked.




You can call me all sorts of names as you wish. But i'm going to keep my opinion of you nicely quiet. Just to prove i'm not a "immature child".

Oh, did i mention that there is no such thing as an "immature child"? Children are immature anyway. it's like saying " there's a dead corpse", since the corpse is dead anyway.

Now who's the one getting mocked?

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How big of a freaking deal is this really? deal with the zombies that are chasing you with an axe and if you cant just run.. or get to a second floor wait for the zombies to pile in downstairs, sprint out of the door and when you turn around you have a little hackfest and the zombies are dead. 

I for one never cared much about the zombies being able to run through walls, its really not that big of a deal, why are they so hard to deal with?? 

Also i for one have seen mayor improvements in zombie pathfinding, already in the stable release (0.43) they try to navigate around corners the best they can and whatever little that's left of the corner they walk through.

Just a reminder btw you're in a ZOMBIE apocalypse and personally i think zombies should be harder to deal with and in greater numbers since ZOMBIES trying to eat you should be a mayor concern and not a minor annoyance, when one you've heard from a mile away walks through the door hits you and makes your soft drinks damaged, be damn grateful 10-20 more arent following that one and need to be shot in the head.

Edited by Frozenjaws

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I'm not going to bother saying remove them till they're fixed .... but why not reduce the spawn timer until they're fixed?

They've tested the zombies, know they're broken, and still do nothing about it.

This above all else makes me worry about this game and it's future.


but much of the Alpha phase is about testing what does and doesn't work.

They KNEW that zombies didn't work and still made them insta-spawn and insta-aggro.

Does no one else get a red flag seeing that?

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I'm not going to bother saying remove them till they're fixed .... but why not reduce the spawn timer until they're fixed?

They've tested the zombies, know they're broken, and still do nothing about it.

This above all else makes me worry about this game and it's future.


but much of the Alpha phase is about testing what does and doesn't work.

They KNEW that zombies didn't work and still made them insta-spawn and insta-aggro.

Does no one else get a red flag seeing that?

If you dont like zombies in your zombie game go play plants vs zombies...

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If you dont like zombies in your zombie game go play plants vs zombies...


so apparently you didn't read any of my post ....

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at least when i get zombie aggro and aggro a pack of 5 then respawns happen around me then the 5 turns into 12....that is fun vs, running into the occasional zombie or not running into any at all. sure they are a work in progress. But stop crying about pathing...dont be dumb and stay inside if you get aggro, just run out and have more room and kill them with an axe then go back into the house....i think its more of a lack of competence then the zombies actually being extremely unplayable imo. sure it has it moments of wtf! but its alpha so deal with it till they fix it.

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How big of a freaking deal is this really? deal with the zombies that are chasing you with an axe and if you cant just run.. or get to a second floor wait for the zombies to pile in downstairs, sprint out of the door and when you turn around you have a little hackfest and the zombies are dead. 

I for one never cared much about the zombies being able to run through walls, its really not that big of a deal, why are they so hard to deal with?? 

Also i for one have seen mayor improvements in zombie pathfinding, already in the stable release (0.43) they try to navigate around corners the best they can and whatever little that's left of the corner they walk through.

Just a reminder btw you're in a ZOMBIE apocalypse and personally i think zombies should be harder to deal with and in greater numbers since ZOMBIES trying to eat you should be a mayor concern and not a minor annoyance, when one you've heard from a mile away walks through the door hits you and makes your soft drinks damaged, be damn grateful 10-20 more arent following that one and need to be shot in the head.

You are missing his point. I believe what the OP really means is the destruction of the immersion to our game experience with such broken zombies.  I think its hard for many of the players to articulate the immersion factor of the game.  I dont think they just mean zombies are too hard due to collision issues, they mean that its so fucking ridiculous that they ghost through walls even after updates,that its annoying and we cant use realistic tactics like walls and buildings.

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By your rationale, how the fuck can a game focused on zombies have such laughably broken zombies that ghost through walls consistently for over 2 years and after 30 million dollars in revenue?    Are you sure you want to point out the games focus is on zombies?  In that case, Bohemia and Dean should get the fuck out of the gaming business.


2 years? that went by fast didn't it.. and after 30 million dollars in revenue maybe they should stay in the gaming business they seem to be doing pretty well.



Because we gave 30 million dollars to Dean to fix shit like this.  But there is zero evidence they have addressed zombie collision issues.  They even admitted an entirely different team of coders would be needed to fix it which tells me they ignored it.   Can we all give Dean another 10 bucks each so 10 million bucks to hire more people?  Im in.


Are you normally this stupid, or is it a special occasion? The zombie and animal ai will be worked on by a different team this includes there pathfinding and collision. This is a good thing as it means more people on the job, don't forget they have only had our money for something like 5 months and it takes time to hire staff and train them to work on the engine. You just need to grow up and realise things take time, and stop buying early access games because guess what? there not finished yet.


Yes the zombies are terrible but they are place holder, dean has said that the zombie ai is extremely important to get right. And I'm guessing this isn't what he had in mind which leaves me to believe more work will be done. 

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so apparently you didn't read any of my post ....

Well.. if i didnt its because its point is invalid..

But since i actually did read it, there are MANY reasons to keep the broken zombies in game, and there are many reasons why they are'nt pushing small hotfixes to their ai.

For example zombies at the moment are half part annoying half part too easy, with plenty of posts claiming they are OP (xD) so they serve as a part of gameplay, also zombies are currently acting as a stress factor on the server, they needed to know that the server could handle respawning zombies and are experimenting with adding more, while they are also working on the zombies path finding simultaneously which also stresses the server.

Zombies arent broken, because they were never complete. These placeholders for zombies ill refer them as, are like stone and dirt in minecrafts early days or phantom dancer with 20% dodge chance in LoL. 

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You are missing his point. I believe what the OP really means is the destruction of the immersion to our game experience with such broken zombies.  I think its hard for many of the players to articulate the immersion factor of the game.  I dont think they just mean zombies are too hard due to collision issues, they mean that its so fucking ridiculous that they ghost through walls even after updates,that its annoying and we cant use realistic tactics like walls and buildings.


And these are the reasons Rocket warned people not to buy the alpha, if your playing to be immersed than you will be disappointed. Its like expecting a car to drive smooth with only two fucking wheels. I know people shout Alpha a lot but at the end of the day it is an Alpha. All I can suggest is to stop playing and come back when the game is finished, or stop whining about obvious issues on the forums.  

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2 years? that went by fast didn't it.. and after 30 million dollars in revenue maybe they should stay in the gaming business they seem to be doing pretty well.




Are you normally this stupid, or is it a special occasion? The zombie and animal ai will be worked on by a different team this includes there pathfinding and collision. This is a good thing as it means more people on the job, don't forget they have only had our money for something like 5 months and it takes time to hire staff and train them to work on the engine. You just need to grow up and realise things take time, and stop buying early access games because guess what? there not finished yet.


Yes the zombies are terrible but they are place holder, dean has said that the zombie ai is extremely important to get right. And I'm guessing this isn't what he had in mind which leaves me to believe more work will be done. 

Yes, Im fucking stupid for thinking that for 2 years, the mod and stand alone have had laughably broken zombies that would never pass any other games quality control at alpha stage.


Also, i guess im also fucking stupid for thinking its ridiculous and a red flag that the original coders who made the zombies and got part of the 30 million cant figure out how to fix the zombies and need to outsource it.  Have a nice day man.

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You are missing his point. I believe what the OP really means is the destruction of the immersion to our game experience with such broken zombies.  I think its hard for many of the players to articulate the immersion factor of the game.  I dont think they just mean zombies are too hard due to collision issues, they mean that its so fucking ridiculous that they ghost through walls even after updates,that its annoying and we cant use realistic tactics like walls and buildings.

Well what do you need to hear other than "its going to be fixed in the future" If you want immersion go play a finished game, this game has the potential to be great in so many ways, but to get there you have to start somewhere. And honestly yes i am sick of people screaming alpha at each and every bit of constructive criticism, but i expect MANY MANY game breaking bugs to come and im fine with that, because its part of the process. Even people finding item dupes and wall glitches are theoretically helping improve the game.

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While I agree they need to re-order their priorities, to work on revamping aggro/stealth FIRST AND FOREMOST after getting the pathing right... I don't think there'd be any use in removing them.

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Well what do you need to hear other than "its going to be fixed in the future" If you want immersion go play a finished game, this game has the potential to be great in so many ways, but to get there you have to start somewhere. And honestly yes i am sick of people screaming alpha at each and every bit of constructive criticism, but i expect MANY MANY game breaking bugs to come and im fine with that, because its part of the process. Even people finding item dupes and wall glitches are theoretically helping improve the game.

I agree guys that since its aplha, maybe zombies will be fixed.  I agree that the game has potential, im just worried about where the game is going.  The updates to zombies has gone further away from immersion.  ( like they should spawn not in front of us)

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I agree guys that since its aplha, maybe zombies will be fixed.  I agree that the game has potential, im just worried about where the game is going.  The updates to zombies has gone further away from immersion.  ( like they should spawn not in front of us)

Ofc i completely agree that zombies shouldn't spawn in front of us, but! the patch before this one zombies didnt respawn at all.. they were all spawned in when the server started and rebooted, so its in fact the first ever patch that has respawning zombies. The goal (in this patch at least) wasn't to create an immersive enemy, it was just to make zombies respawn, and they do! They do exactly as they are supposed too do atm. 

That being said the zombies have a long way to go, lots of polish and heartache to be had.

Also you have to keep in mind that everyone has their own opinion on what should be implemented first, you want immersion, jimmy wants guns, harold wants cars and dinky wants hunting.  



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We paid our money and we're along for the ride, if you don't like it then get off the train. You can always get back on later :)

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It is well known that the zombie enemy in videogames is crap and will always be until something revolutionary comes and then I bet they would still be a lame enemy compared to ANYTHING else.


Why are there zombies in videogames? To have the easiest excuse to why world has gone to shit and everyone is fighting for survival.


ATM in the SA, zombies are not a threat even while they are so damn broken that they go through walls like if it's a highway. Fallout has a much better background to why the world has gone to shit but right, that kind of world and situation creates a much bigger load for the developers.


In the mod they are the PvP call out. Oh! I see zombies 800 meters away! there must be someone around there! lets go hunt him! Right, you are going straight to where the zombies are instead of running from them.


In the SA they are not much different. You don't spot a player because there are zombies 800 meters away, you spot them because the zombies that are 800 meters away are running after a player because they spotted him from about 400-500 meters away.


I just don't understand why people are saying crap about the zombies being a threat, are you just really bad players or something? Not that I'm saying I'm good but I don't know anyone who has had ever any problem with the zombies.

Edited by DerrocK

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The big problem with zombies atm isn't that they can morph through walls, but the fact that they respawn so close to where you killed them. Its at the point where I'll dispatch 5-10 of them, wait a literal minute to see if more are coming to bandage myself (on occasion) and as soon as I start bandaging, zombies are on me giving me the business. I know, run into a building. Not always the case.


Respawning them in town was a bad idea. Jmo.

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Inability to deal with jank and how badly they are implemented.


They are there to punish players who shoot other players it is as simple as that.


Oh so you just want easier PVP, oh boo fucking hoo. Well at least you understand one of their primary roles, i.e. making it harder for people to loot and interact with other people in towns/cities.

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However, some Youtube-videos taught me, that the tactical vests offer the same level of protection.

And tactical vests are in camo.

And tactical vests have two slots more.

And tactical vests are tacti... guess what.

-> Easy choice for me ^^



The video you speak of implemented improper science. Getting shot point blank within 5-10 feet is hardly a proper test. They were testing on dead players bodies which recieve 4x damage and who knows what else, maybe the live bodies were dupes, maybe the vests were dupes. At one point in the video they say "you'll have to take our word" about something.  Anyway, improper science = improper results. I stick to whats in the code and not a poorly laid out in-game test.

Edited by Weyland Yutani

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It is well known that the zombie enemy in videogames is crap and will always be until something revolutionary comes and then I bet they would still be a lame enemy compared to ANYTHING else.


Why are there zombies in videogames? To have the easiest excuse to why world has gone to shit and everyone is fighting for survival.


ATM in the SA, zombies are not a threat even while they are so damn broken that they go through walls like if it's a highway. Fallout has a much better background to why the world has gone to shit but right, that kind of world and situation creates a much bigger load for the developers.


In the mod they are the PvP call out. Oh! I see zombies 800 meters away! there must be someone around there! lets go hunt him! Right, you are going straight to where the zombies are instead of running from them.


In the SA they are not much different. You don't spot a player because there are zombies 800 meters away, you spot them because the zombies that are 800 meters away are running after a player because they spotted him from about 400-500 meters away.


I just don't understand why people are saying crap about the zombies being a threat, are you just really bad players or something? Not that I'm saying I'm good but I don't know anyone who has had ever any problem with the zombies.

But that's the thing.     Zombies don't have to be crap if this is the game to end all other zombie games.  Imagine the awards and legendary status that Dean and Bohemia could achieve if they took a portion of the 30 million and hired game artists to blend in more zombie bodies (ones that are not moving yet or awake), into the map environment so when the game wants to spawn zombies after you made a noise, the game brought to life this zombie bodies that you might have walked by or saw.   So it's a fucking hughe leap immersion.    You walked by sleeping zombies that you saw, and now they woke up and came after you.     That's how you fucking spawn zombies.     Will Bohemia do this?    If not, then they are not serious about realism or immersion.     They would be fucking legends f they did this on a map this big.  Fucking legends.

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