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Sir Schmoopy

Remove Zombies until they're fixed.

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or the dayz forums without KOS whine threads....

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Oh so you just want easier PVP, oh boo fucking hoo. Well at least you understand one of their primary roles, i.e. making it harder for people to loot and interact with other people in towns/cities.


Nope if you see my post I actually want harder pvp.


I want this kind of shooting.


What I am saying is that zombies are a gimmick now, had dayz come out 5 or even 4 years ago the zombie idea might have been fresh.


However in 2014 it has been done to death and only hurts the game.


It especially hurts the game when the zombies are so poorly done that they only serve to inconvenience people due to how glitchy they are.


Zombies are just walking bugs , the virtual equivalent to mosquitos just there to annoying you and serve no purpose.

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Nope if you see my post I actually want harder pvp.


I want this kind of shooting.


What I am saying is that zombies are a gimmick now, had dayz come out 5 or even 4 years ago the zombie idea might have been fresh.


However in 2014 it has been done to death and only hurts the game.


It especially hurts the game when the zombies are so poorly done that they only serve to inconvenience people due to how glitchy they are.


Zombies are just walking bugs , the virtual equivalent to mosquitos just there to annoying you and serve no purpose.

Serious question here.  Why did you buy it knowing that it's an apocalypse with infected?  Not trying to flame you but why don't you just stick with ARMA 3's wasteland?  That seems to be what you want.

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Well that is exactly it, they do serve a purpose despite their bugged nature. Also removing zombies would kinda defeat the whole purpose of playing a zombie apocalypse game now wouldn't it?

As I said, I agree with you, yes they are bugged, terribly bugged BUT they do serve a purpose.

Edited by weedmasta

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Serious question here.  Why did you buy it knowing that it's an apocalypse with infected?  Not trying to flame you but why don't you just stick with ARMA 3's wasteland?  That seems to be what you want.


I bought it thinking the survival aspects would be good and having played the mod from the very start like literally played 3 or 4 days after It was out I wanted to see how stand alone was.


I am not completely against zombies I just absolutely hate how standalone uses them as a way to grief certain playstyles.


zombies in standalone are the glitchy buggy things that come attack bandits that is all.

They spawn near players out of thin air and then zoom in on them when they shoot a player.

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As I said, I agree with you, yes they are bugged, terribly bugged BUT they do serve a purpose.


They do server a purpose and that should be to defend highly valuable loot.


Zombies should not hone in on players from 100 meters away they should be nearly blind and have bad hearing too.


They should be densely grouped in areas of high value such as cities and military bases making looting those places highly risky.


Shooting should not make the zombie magically see you, it should make the zombie come investigate the area where the shot came from and if they happen to get really close to you then then lock in on you.


Zombies also should never ever spawn on a player in the middle of nowhere not only is it immersion breaking and jarring it is detrimental to gameplay.


Heck I am against spawning zombies all together, just nail the optimizations correctly and at server start spawn in the thousands of zombies all at once no magically respawning zombies or loot. That is immersion breaking.

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Remove zombies? In a survival game based off a zombie apocolypse? Thats like removing cars from a racing game.


A racing game where some of the cars warp through the track and travel in the wrong direction at mach 3.

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A racing game where some of the cars warp through the track and travel in the wrong direction at mach 3.

I would actually buy that game.

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LOL.  So weird how people either believe the development pace is completely fine and others like us think the pace of development is downright ridiculous.     I admit I may be the wrong one but my gut tells me Bohemia and Dean don't really intend on finishing the game, they made 30 million.... what the hell do they need to finish the game for?

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LOL. So weird how people either believe the development pace is completely fine and others like us think the pace of development is downright ridiculous. I admit I may be the wrong one but my gut tells me Bohemia and Dean don't really intend on finishing the game, they made 30 million.... what the hell do they need to finish the game for?

Their reputation if THAT means anything to them.
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"Zombie apocalypse, Zombie apocalypse, Zombie apocalypse" Hasn't it ever occured to anyone here that the real horror of a zombie apocalypse isn't the zombies, but the way we treat each other? The Walking Dead isn't so good because of Z0MG ZOMBIES!

Some wise words you all missed.

Also you don't seem to understand that we want zombies removed until they are fixed, so they are to return. Where are the annoying "YOU KNOW ITS ALPHA STAGE, DONT YOU?!?????!!!!1111"-cryers now?

So yea, its alpha, might aswell remove them untill they work better.

It won't make any diffrence to the gameplay at his point, except less annoyed players and less people dying because zombies gave away their location in an unfair manner.

At release of SA there was almost no zombies, due to no respawn. Was that all so bad? Was there really a diffrence in gameplay? Do you tread more lightly now that you know that there are Zs there? I don't, gonna aggro them regardless how careful I move. All I do is significantly use the axes more.


Oh and while we are at it. Let's alter their deafening highpitch screetches. It's killing my ears.

Edited by Khanarac
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I hate to keep this topic alive, but I think it's funny that people find the Z's so difficult in the standalone. They're vanilla compared to the Z's in the mod....seriously. Way more Z's in the mod, and they can climb ladders..CLIMB.



Oh, come on guy! Where's the fun in running around and just collecting food and drinking from fountains? Live a little!

Edited by Zombriii
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Yea you obviously did not read anything here. No one said they are hard, actually quite the contrary.

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Some wise words you all missed.

Also you don't seem to understand that we want zombies removed until they are fixed, so they are to return. Where are the annoying "YOU KNOW ITS ALPHA STAGE, DONT YOU?!?????!!!!1111"-cryers now?

So yea, its alpha, might aswell remove them untill they work better.

It won't make any diffrence to the gameplay at his point, except less annoyed players and less people dying because zombies gave away their location in an unfair manner.

At release of SA there was almost no zombies, due to no respawn. Was that all so bad? Was there really a diffrence in gameplay? Do you tread more lightly now that you know that there are Zs there? I don't, gonna aggro them regardless how careful I move. All I do is significantly use the axes more.

Oh and while we are at it. Let's alter their deafening highpitch screetches. It's killing my ears.

Hey guess what? We bought the game to TEST IT! How are we gonna test how well the zombies work if there arent any? I hope this isnt to complicated.
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The zombies are fine for where we are now, but i hope they add in more witches soon...

No clue how this got to 5 pages when there is a zombie thread stickied above...

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Yea you obviously did not read anything here. No one said they are hard, actually quite the contrary.


That's not quite true now, is it? You said it was hard for your sniper to snipe people because of zombies. That qualifies as hard in my book.

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Deathmatch? Bollocks. In the mod you could sneak around zombies, here you can't. You can't use your skill/efford to avoid them. That's the problem


So in the mod, could your sniper fire off his dinnerbell without attracting any zombies to his position? If so, then I don't really see why the mod should be used as an ideal model here.

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Hey guess what? We bought the game to TEST IT! How are we gonna test how well the zombies work if there arent any? I hope this isnt to complicated.



To think that we are testing zombies. 


They are broken beyond belief, what do you want us to test. 


It like lets say you are playing a shooter beta, but every time you pull out your pistol you die instantly. Remove sidearms, fix them and re implement them, no "

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To think that we are testing zombies. 


They are broken beyond belief, what do you want us to test. 


It like lets say you are playing a shooter beta, but every time you pull out your pistol you die instantly. Remove sidearms, fix them and re implement them, no "


So you die instantly to these zombies or what? You analogy doesn't make any sense.

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To think that we are testing zombies.

They are broken beyond belief, what do you want us to test.

It like lets say you are playing a shooter beta, but every time you pull out your pistol you die instantly. Remove sidearms, fix them and re implement them, no "

They arent broken. You dont like it leave. This is alpha(yeah i said it). and no its nothing like that seeing as how the shooter beta game where you die from shooting is absolutely unplayable. This game is playable. The zombies spawning needs work and they shouldnt clip through walls. This will be fixed. You wanna know a vurtue? Patience.

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First, we had sufficient zombie testing by now. Second:

That's not quite true now, is it? You said it was hard for your sniper to snipe people because of zombies. That qualifies as hard in my book.

You JUST do not want to get it. Okay now very.slowly.

It does NOT matter, what you do, the zombies see you REGARDLESS.  IF you lay prone, doing nothing, in the Mod zombies will NOT come after you. However if you do the same in SA, they WILL come after you. He can't snipe people because he is busy axing down zombies, tell me how that is HARD and not plainly ANNOYING.

We aren't even talking about "firing the dinnerbell". My sniper could not fire since he was busy with endless streams of zombies. If he would have shot, we would atleast have a reason to trigger them, but there was no reason. 


If the zombies in SA behaved like in the Mod, I wouldn't even complain, don't you finally get that? Whatever I don't care anyone. For some reason people seem to insist that zombies are too hard for me (and others) to handle and thats why I complain. But this is not the case.

Edited by Khanarac

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