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Save The Trees Man! Marginalized Wilderness

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yes we've had this discussion before.


I think your proposal to only have water sources around urban centers is fascinating. I agree that it will make wilderness survival more difficult, but this is not my point.


In the north of the map the terrain has already been created to include lakes, stream, standing water. It has been like this since the first days of the SA

However these water locations have NO WATER in them

You missed this when I pointed it out the first time.


You are in favor of retaining wilderness (trees, forest) so we agree on the main point.


There is not much wilderness left

Most of it has no water sources, although they have been included in the terrain, they are still dry.

All the urban areas have water sources


why ?


[edit: I must add - I absolutely agree with your original post here 100%]


I have never proposed having water sources only around urban centers. Ever.


I've merely stated that I don't see a need for them being all over the place.


No, I didn't miss the point. I understand completely that there's no water in the north, in places which appear to be designed to accommodate it. Simply because I didn't address that aspect of what you posted, doesn't mean that you weren't saying more than one thing.


I was taking issue with your assertion that the lack of water in the north is somehow a problem. Which I don't view as a problem, to any extent. You take a five minute hike from the north and you're in water country, access to water from the north isn't an issue.

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I've merely stated that I don't see a need for them [water sources] being all over the place.


I was taking issue with your assertion that the lack of water in the north is somehow a problem. Which I don't view as a problem, to any extent.


So - we have water all over the place

except in the major remaining wilderness area, where there is no water.


if you don't see this as somehow a problem, I'm fine with that. A little confused, but no prob.

Most players are not interested. If everyone finds this normal, I'm a minority voice, it's cool.. Urban pvp is perhaps the order of the day, and the future trend in SA. Permanent storage and/or bases will be perhaps also be urban only ?

I like wilderness, like forests, hunting, etc. I understood the thread was against the marginalization of wilderness. I think wilderness is a useful game-theme and should affect gameplay including the play of urban-based players. This was the case in the mod (but only IMO, of course).


I think now I must have misunderstood your OP, so I'll leave it to you. Let's see what happens when permanent storage comes into the game, and how it is implemented. Will any players make use of wilderness at all ?  - as for instance as they did in the mod, or in other, new ways ?


Would be a pity if the players who are interested in wilderness started bickering among themselves, as their voice is already pretty marginal.



Edited by pilgrim

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So - we have water all over the place

except in the major remaining wilderness area, where there is no water.


if you don't see this as somehow a problem, I'm fine with that. A little confused, but no prob.

Most players are not interested. If everyone finds this normal, I'm a minority voice, it's cool.. Urban pvp is perhaps the order of the day, and the future trend in SA. Permanent storage and/or bases will be perhaps also be urban only?

I like wilderness, like forests, hunting, etc. I understood the thread was against the marginalization of wilderness. I think wilderness is a useful game-theme and should affect gameplay including the play of urban-based players. This was the case in the mod (but only IMO, of course).


I think now I must have misunderstood your OP, so I'll leave it to you. Let's see what happens when permanent storage comes into the game, and how it is implemented. Will any players make use of wilderness  - as for instance as they did in the mod, or in other, new ways?


Would be a pity if the players who are interested in wilderness started bickering among themselves, as their voice is already pretty marginal.




And, again, you're not hearing what I'm saying.


There's water within 0-3km (i.e. a maximum of a ten minute hike) from every single point within the area you cordoned in the above graphic.


I can get water if I need it, if I'm in the extreme north, by taking a short walk to a pump or pond.


It is not as if someone living in the north has zero access to water, when they can make an easy jaunt to one of the many pumps bordering the area you created. So it's not a problem... because people in the north have access to water... because they can just walk the 0-3km to one of the current pumps or ponds.


You have indeed misunderstood my OP, which wasn't concerned with water distribution at all.

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You give advice, but you never tried it - right ?

I can tell.

Check the title of this thread, its about wanting to KEEP wilderness as part of the gameplay

Saying - "it dont matter if there's no water its soon going to be urbanized" is kind of missing the point pillock


but thanx for your input



Tried what? Collecting rain in a canteen? I'll have you know this has been my main source of drinking water since I started playing again recently. Admittedly you get your clothes soaked through doing it, but that doesn't matter yet.


I agree wilderness is getting sparser by the patch, but what will be will be - I assume there are already plans for the northern valley and urbanisation of the area is inevitable. Water will not be a problem in that area as time goes on, and it really isn't now anyway - wasn't that your point?


[Edit: there will be lakes up there as well, eventually]

Edited by Pillock
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An interesting, albeit misleading and potentially inaccurate, demonstration of how marginalized the wilderness truly has and will become. The hotspots are pretty overstated in a lot of cases.




Unfortunately, the developers have stated that they're not interested in expanding the borders of the map. This is disappointing. However, given this setback, I still think the western border should be made into a more diverse wilderness. Filling in the massive fields with dense forest and hills would be a start.

Edited by Katana67
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I want everything to be covered in snow above NWAF.

With blizzards, dangerous animals, frozen ponds, streams and lakes. Harsh brutal part that only the brave go to get GOOD loot att Tissy or Kamenka MB. Winter camo for tents, weapons and clothes. And only the most hardcore players choose to live up there.

Then it would make sense to go north. A lot of risk..but even greater reward.


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