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When there are only 2 players on the server...

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..and the 2 of you cross paths, what do you do? 


Do you shoot them, or let them pass? Lets toss aside the, "well if I felt threatened.." as we all know its shoot to kill for most in those scenarios. 


But what do you do?, when its just a few players.. 2-3 max. and you dont need to shoot them, but you could.


I was playing earlier.. server restarted. So I rejoin, and continue my trek from the NWAF to Balota. Shortly after rejoining I get to the Pavlova Military Base. I hit "P" thinking the server has refilled again but its just myself and 1 other player. Then literally 10 seconds later I see him dash across the forest and into the barracks in front of me. Now I had myself an easy kill, no problem. He had no idea I was there, with 2 on the server he was carefree as a bird. But I thought, "Well, if that was me.. I would either think hacker or not want to play this game from my horrible luck after being shot like that." So I decided to let him go.. and it felt really empty. I mean I was on a mission, so he was far less important. Time was of the essence for me, so I just let him go. Not my style, to not at least talk to him or do something. But I guess in the end Im glad as if that was me, I would have wanted the same in return. Just let me pass if you have better things to do ;) 

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I once logged in with 1 other person on the server after a restart and I was logging in near a small town west of the map

Logged in the that 1 guy smashing my face in with a baseball bat

Somehow he didn't hurt me and I managed to break his legs with a wrench

Left him there to think about what he had failed to do

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I rarely kill people these days, so I'd just let him go. I actually camped a jail in NEAF today and helped out a handful of new spawns over the span of an hour or so. One tried to punch me, so I knocked him out and put rice and a canteen in his backpack.

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Depends if he can see me or not, if not - well.. bye, if he saw me

A)If he fully geared - shoot(because he will find and kill me) / or if he close to me, i will try to talk, but as always many ppl just ignoring, that's make situation unsolved for "sempeternal"

B)Freshspawn - give a food and let him go

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I rarely kill people these days, so I'd just let him go. I actually camped a jail in NEAF today and helped out a handful of new spawns over the span of an hour or so. One tried to punch me, so I knocked him out and put rice and a canteen in his backpack.


"I'm helping you whether you want it or not, God dammit."


To OP, I think you did the right thing.  Considering loot is not that difficult to come by, you don't really need anything that he was carrying (which bullets may have ruined anyway).  Personally I would have let him go as well if I was in the middle of something.  If I'd had some free time I probably would have tried to guess where he was going next and track him for a bit.  Watch over him and make sure he doesn't get into trouble or anything, y'know?

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If the lonely walker if (s)he is not immediate threat. Never shoot. (s)he maybe a scout or (s)he has a Sniper spotter. Even players who play alone have usually somebody following them from a distance.

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I was on a 3 player server, the two of us logged in in elektro because a server crash had dumped us in the middle of the street.


We ran around a bit like mad bastard just wasting ammo and being dickheads.



Nek Minnit a guy runs around in front of the hospital with what seemed like every zombie in elektro chasing him and kicking the shit out of him.


Snap decision, we killed his zombies, bandaged him, gave him food and water and sent him on his way. Normally anything that moves in Elektro must die.

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I swear I've heard this quote somewhere, I'm just not sure where, it goes something like this:


"True power is knowing you can take someone's life, but you don't"


I think this makes a lot of sense, knowing that you, by a movement of your finger can end a life, but you have the power to resist it.

Edited by Survivor_Ted
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Had the exact same experience in the same location a month ago. Only a couple of other players on my regular server, so I thought I'd risk checking out the normally busy and dangerous military base.

As I'm sneaking in, moving from cover to cover, I spot a geared player (helmet, tacvest and M4) leaving the base heading directly towards me.

Only having a fire axe, I hid behind a building not knowing if the other player had seen me. He ran right past the corner I was tucked behind and then crawled through a hole at the bottom of the wall.

Now, I absolutely could have taken him out with the axe after he ran past or when he proned out to crawl under the wall. I didn't as he'd never shown any sign of detecting my character or posed a threat to me.

As an added bonus, I found the pristine Mosin and ammo he dropped to pick the M4.

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Early in the morning I got put on a 3 player server. As soon as I spawn, another guy runs in front of me to the barracks. I shot the shit out of him from the jail house. He had nice M4 attachments which I claimed. A few days after I saw him on the same server with me. I think he was haunting me.

Edited by DontGoToBalotaAlone
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5-man server. me spawning in the northwest jail house on balota airfield. 20 seconds later after respawn, a guy with a beret, military gear and mosin+attachments spawns 1 meter right next to me.


before he could do anything i've pointed my m4a1 at him and told him via voicechat to "do me a favor and get out here". he said thanks and ran off. i closed the building's door after him and had to think about what just happened to me.


if i had logged on like 30 seconds later, that guy probably would have robbed/killed me. and i didn't think about robbing him because i was pretty much perplexed by that whole experience so i couldnt think properly. ah well...

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"I'm helping you whether you want it or not, God dammit."


To OP, I think you did the right thing.  Considering loot is not that difficult to come by, you don't really need anything that he was carrying (which bullets may have ruined anyway).  Personally I would have let him go as well if I was in the middle of something.  If I'd had some free time I probably would have tried to guess where he was going next and track him for a bit.  Watch over him and make sure he doesn't get into trouble or anything, y'know?

Exactly, if I was not in the middle of something else that was more important to me, I would have done something.

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Was in NWAF Firestation and a server hopper spawned right front of me , shot him and  told him  " Next time stick on same server and don't be a loot hopper you fa...ot." via comms.

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Was in NWAF Firestation and a server hopper spawned right front of me , shot him and  told him  " Next time stick on same server and don't be a loot hopper you fa...ot." via comms.

That can get you banned. 

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That can get you banned. 


Well good luck with that as you have to ban 80% of players then :)  Have you killed anyone in game and did you listen them after that? They never say "thank you ".

Unless it's something racist, game is rated for mature. "Fair due".

Edited by =1PARA=Prime=C.O=

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I rarely kill people these days, so I'd just let him go. I actually camped a jail in NEAF today and helped out a handful of new spawns over the span of an hour or so. One tried to punch me, so I knocked him out and put rice and a canteen in his backpack.


He probably respawned immediately upon going unconscious, that's what I'd do as a new spawn anyway (not like I'm losing anything at that point).

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Grats OP - you have crossed the line.


Once you get bored with the eternal mindless firefights you begin to look for more from the game.


Live and let live can result in some really fun gameplay. KOS is just a narrow hallway ending in the same result time, after time, after time. It gets old fast.

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I usually play early in the mornings after a night shift. Usually all the servers are empty at that time but whenever there is two of us on a server we always seem to bump into each other. Most of the time it doesn't end nicely haha.


As a freshie I did the bereznio/NEAF run on 36/40 server and the airfield was deserted and un-looted. Where has everyone gone? lol.

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Shoot first. Sorry, I'm a bad man. (or feel free to insert you own derogatory word in) 

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if you let him go, he either doubles back on you or spots you and gets you instead.


killing him means he is respawning kilometers away.


which option keeps you alive


also there is the just leave him alone option but fuck that shit

Edited by pacific_coast

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This is I would usually do. I prefer to live and let live, especially if it is only up to me. If he had seen me, well.... You know.

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Shit my pants because we always seem to come around the corner and run into each-other. Like every time. The more empty the server gets the more likely I am to run into the other handful of people on the server. No matter where I am, coast inland, forest. Its a silly joke :/

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He probably respawned immediately upon going unconscious, that's what I'd do as a new spawn anyway (not like I'm losing anything at that point).


I was talking to him on direct communication. I explained to him I wasn't a bandit or anything, and was just bored and looking to help other people. He replied with, "Man, you know how it is, I had to try!" We both laughed, and I guarded him until he came to, then he left.

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