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Would you shoot me...

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Why does it matter? The mask dosn't make who the person is its the person behind the mask that makes the person.

It matters in this game when you don't have time to judge him. Don't have time to ask questions. Want to stay alive? Trust your gut. If your gut says this guy's mask looks threatening, blow his fucking guts out. If your gut tells you he looks ok, walk away. It's a simple decision.

Being ambushed numerous times by your "patients" teaches you a thing or two about human nature.

So, this being said, here are Guppy's Rules of Engagement:


Mask = Bandit

Trust your gut

Watch and listen for any strange/insurgent activity- you'll often catch it.

Don't be afraid to pull the trigger

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Yes Id shoot you on sight just for wearing that gas mask

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It matters in this game when you don't have time to judge him. Don't have time to ask questions. Want to stay alive? Trust your gut. If your gut says this guy's mask looks threatening, blow his fucking guts out. If your gut tells you he looks ok, walk away. It's a simple decision.

Being ambushed numerous times by your "patients" teaches you a thing or two about human nature.

So, this being said, here are Guppy's Rules of Engagement:


Mask = Bandit

Trust your gut

Watch and listen for any strange/insurgent activity- you'll often catch it.

Don't be afraid to pull the trigger

And this is why most of the time it dosnt matter what you wear. You get a bullet all the same.

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And this is why most of the time it dosnt matter what you wear. You get a bullet all the same.

Trust me, Death.

I used to be afraid to pull that trigger. I've been shot enough to know how to handle situations now.

Be polite, be efficient, and be ready to blow your patient's fucking brains out if need be.

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Trust me, Death.

I used to be afraid to pull that trigger. I've been shot enough to know how to handle situations now.

Be polite, be efficient, and be ready to blow your patient's fucking brains out if need be.

Theres nothing polite with what your doing. Your labeling yourself as a damn bandit now.

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Theres nothing polite with what your doing. Your labeling yourself as a damn bandit now.

I said be ready, not shoot everything that moves.

Help people, but they have to play by your rules. If you don't do this, odds are you are going to end up biting the tarmac.

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It's a pity full camo gear and ballistic helmet are associated with KOS and bandits, though I understand why. I wear full camo and helmet but for the sole purpose to give me a better chance to NOT get into fights by blending in more and have maximum gear carrying possibilities.

Once my current character dies I will do a run in civilian clothing and see how that works out.

No I would not shoot OP on sight just because I try to not shoot anybody on sight, done it once and it felt like a crime :)

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Until someone is wearing a shirt that literally has BANDIT written on it I'm not going to assume anyone's a bandit. But rather react based on other things.


Catch me by surprise like standing behind me and not having said something, obviously, when I turn around and see you -  bullets are first, questions later if I even can keep you alive. (Happen once already, ran around a corner and saw three camo'd men in gasmasks all making a firing line at me but I survived and got the **** out. Returned a day or so later and saw two men in camo and gasmasks run into a building, turned around to a third man in camo and gasmask behind me with his gun out and up having not said a word to me, put a sniper round in his head without hesitation.. his friends didn't like that, was dead five minutes later after unloading my pistol clips trying to flee. Still the right call, better than turning around and hesitating to get a bullet in the head as a prize.)


If I'm entering a building and think someone might be in it, I call friendly.. no response? KOS. If I don't think someone's inside and say nothing, but see you facing me with a gun out? KOS assuming you heard me and didn't respond.


Just about any other situation the only thing that'll get me to shoot first is if I see your weapon is down, and then it comes up. No hesitation, kill or be killed most of the time. Some exceptions, I'll take the risk if you've spoken and we seem to be having a friendly conversation but your just twitchy.. maybe I'll let it slide, maybe not.


But if I see someone far off it's always a choice to either avoid or attempt contact usually by trying to get near out of sight and speaking without you knowing exactly where I am, or peering around the corner gun out and aimed for your head warning you NOT to move and put your weapon away unless your under attack by zombies; before bothering with 'friendly?' but crazily on the same situation flipped if I hear someone pull that with me I'd probably ask '.. are you friendly?' and make a judgement call on the response before deciding if I'm bolting around the nearest cover and try to hold my ground rather than surrender.

Edited by AzrailCross

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Mask is a bad move on your part when we cross paths. I usually try and avoid a fight, and even talk to others, but the mask is a non-starter. Thieves and sociopaths in that get up - if you are dumb enough to equip it, then it's Darwin Award for you. (Not calling you dumb, just sayin...)

Edited by makomachine
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I shoot anyone from long range. If i meet someone in close range and they are aiming at me - i shoot them too. If they are facing other directions, i ask if they are friendly, if they say they are - i shoot them in the back. If they say they are not, which is more or less 2% of people who have balls to admit it, i tell them to run because they have 5 seconds before i shoot. Its all situational bro, no matter how you look.

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The only weapon I have the shows to the gaming world is my chest holstered 1911. I switch it out with my amphibia.

The axe and sawed off are kept in my pack ;)


Would you shoot me?

Edited by lrish
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The only weapon I have the shows to the gaming world is my chest holstered 1911. I switch it out with my amphibia.

The axe and sawed off are kept in my pack ;)


Would you shoot me?

Yes, flat hat hipsters can't be trusted! :)

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No, I wouldn't shoot you for your looks. Besides, black cowboy hat, black cargo pants and the bad a$$ leather/biker jacket makes a really nice look imo. THe gas masks makes you look a bit "threatening" but other than that, if you don't shoot me first, I would'nt shoot you on sight.




( I love those gas makes with full camo clothes. Makes you look like a STALKER from Chernobyl. But it does look bandit like in DayZ... I understand those who shoot them on sight...)


Similar look? Would you shoot me? ;)


id probebly not, your wearing casual clothing, not looking for fights.

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You? Your silhouette would stand out like a sore thumb because of those clothes.

So no, It'd be easy to avoid you, and you don't seem inherently threatening.

literally the only diffrence is he has a hat and no gas mask.

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The only weapon I have the shows to the gaming world is my chest holstered 1911. I switch it out with my amphibia.

The axe and sawed off are kept in my pack ;)


Would you shoot me?

unless i saw you do an item movment (like pulling out a gun) without saying id try to shoot you before you shot me.

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I got killed (probably) just because I had everything black (i.e. west, leather jacket, pants, helmet).. And I was trying to give my backpack with very useful stuff to a guy that I tought he was a freshspawn, but he had magnum, and that was the end of Mr. Black.. Nice thing in this was, that guy thanked me for a nice loot, and because he was so nice, I dont even blame him..

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Yes OP, you look like a person so I would shoot you.

Edited by Weedz
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I got killed (probably) just because I had everything black (i.e. west, leather jacket, pants, helmet).. And I was trying to give my backpack with very useful stuff to a guy that I tought he was a freshspawn, but he had magnum, and that was the end of Mr. Black.. Nice thing in this was, that guy thanked me for a nice loot, and because he was so nice, I dont even blame him..

Only in a game can you get shot - and follow it up with a nice conversation! I'd try a white outfit next and see if you get the same result!

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People in gas masks are always friendly. :|

No really, I've never been killed by a guy with a gas mask.

It's always some guy in beanie, or a cowboy hat, or no pants.

Edited by Geckofrog7

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Only in a game can you get shot - and follow it up with a nice conversation! I'd try a white outfit next and see if you get the same result!

Lol, I had Mr.Orange in Electro.. He was waiting for the bus in main square with everything orange, and of course no pants...  He got shot also..

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I personally only thing KoS should be done to the G.I. Joes who have full camo and ballistic helmet, because of the sole g fact they look like they are anticipating a fight with someone, when you look prepped to fight people, your probably a KoSer or a bandit. thats why i dress sort of casual, with the gasmask because it looks cool/apocalypse-y (fits the setting)

The problem is that the harder you try to protect yourself, the more threatening you are to other, "honest" players and the more lucrative you look to bandits. Gear/food and safety from KoS are an inverse function... if I'm using my 6th grade math right. I doubt it; I mostly played with scissors and slept in Ms. Owen's class...


Gas mask = has been to a fire station/military area, so even if you didn't have at ricked out Mosin, I'd expect you to have a pistol and I'd exercise my full right to preemptive self defense.

Edited by Applejaxc

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People in gas masks are always friendly. :|

No really, I've never been killed by a guy with a gas mask.

It's always some guy in beanie, or a cowboy hat, or no pants.

Friendly and friendly actions are two different things. Been killed by the mask wearing lunatics several times (every time was hostile) and sometimes they were very friendly - until their friend snuck behind and executed me, or they shot me, or asked me an innocent question and then did the same. Any kind of mask, I shoot first second and third - don't bother with the questions later.

All others not wearing masks? Completely untrustworthy - just don't blast them on site, at any range... I have a thing about clowns to - don't like them - might be why, but regardless, you're dead in my presence....

Edited by makomachine

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People in gas masks are always friendly. :|

No really, I've never been killed by a guy with a gas mask.

It's always some guy in beanie, or a cowboy hat, or no pants.

Well, I run in to same guys (with gas masks) that tryed to brake my legs with Mosin, when I was a fresh spawn..


Btw, when I see cowboy hat, I KoS..

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The problem is that the harder you try to protect yourself, the more threatening you are to other, "honest" players and the more lucrative you look to bandits. Gear/food and safety from KoS are an inverse function... if I'm using my 6th grade math right. I doubt it; I mostly played with scissors and slept in Ms. Owen's class...


Gas mask = has been to a fire station/military area, so even if you didn't have at ricked out Mosin, I'd expect you to have a pistol and I'd exercise my full right to preemptive self defense.

to me i think it scales, on one of your graphs (I think your the guy who uses graphs a lot of explain things?) It would be like a U shape, fresh spawns an G.I. Joes (super geared camo) seem to die a lot, while the mid ground people arent shot as much, thats just my theory.

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