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Is it just me or inland is really empty?

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Outside of airfields, bases, and Zelano, I have met only one person inland. Are there any other hotspots I don't know about? I don't want to go to the coast because it is a warzone.

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Northwestern Airfield, the base south of it, vybor, grishyno, the radio tower. Alot of hotspots, allways meet player/group of players there.

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i mean of course you arent going to find a person in the middle of no where. the odds of you encountering a person in a random forest in the uppoer portion of the map is very, very small. and the only place you are going to see people are in hotspots or towns

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I typically spend my time off the coast, but tbh I've really only seen other players inland 4 or 5 times.


Once was in the middle of a field absolutely nowhere. We were too far to talk (600-800m), but both sides (my group vs theirs) had full gear, scopes, all that jazz. It turned into a big long range shootout between rock walls, trees and hay bales. In the end nobody actually died, we flanked and they fled before we could close in.

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i wonder how the map maker ivan  feels about more of his half map being empty and useless because of the guy who put the spawns

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Coast is for squares. Inland is where all the cool kids hang out.


But naw, there's plenty of hot spots up north. Problem is, the map's not finished yet. Similarly, there's no persistent storage or vehicles which is what caused a lot of folks to head north in the mod.


Aaaand they haven't upped the player count yet. Aaaaand they don't have zombies where they're supposed to be, which would (hopefully) cause the coastal cities to be suicidal.


All in good time. And it has nothing to do with the spawns, I don't WANT people spawning up north.

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Outside of airfields, bases, and Zelano, I have met only one person inland. Are there any other hotspots I don't know about? I don't want to go to the coast because it is a warzone.


It was like that in the mod though. After playing it for a while I assumed I would eventually run into somebody in the forest, but in the end I only ever saw one person, from a distance, and they ran off.


I'm not whether the SA's player viewdistance goes off to the horizon, or whether players are clipped invisible beyond a certain point, but I would expect to see people off in the distance - north of the NWAF there's a large area of mostly empty land where you can see for miles - but after hanging around there for a while I haven't see any distant dots.

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In the Submod I played there was action on NWAF and inland, esp near Stary Sobor and Kabanino :o

I blame the spawns and the nature of the lootspawns. If you can get everything you want at Balota and NEAF, why bother walk all the way? That's what people might think.


I also prefered the "more effective loot" that used to be in Hospitals or Barracks. Back in the Mod, when you made the dangerous journey to a hospital, it was certain you could obtain massive quantities of highvalue medical loot. Now most abudant stuff in the hospital are rotten fruit. Its not effective. We also used to have handguns in supermarkets and basic backpacks, leading to alot of player contacts near supermarkets and core-cities. That's gone too, also way too many new supermarkets near Cherno dilute any hotspots near the city, in addition to the added hospital.


Barracks, now there are many of those and anything can spawn in them. They aren't espacially valuable, except in the case where you might find a weaponupgrade there, instead of broken shoes. I'd like to see Barracks removed from Balotta again, or cut to 1, and make them very effective and dangerous Lootspawns once again.


But then again, with the limited amount of weaponry, the abundance of rifles in SA in comparison to the handguns, i can't tell WHAT we would place in there. Maybe unique, SKS-only Long-range scopes rarely, and other badass stuff, like nades, binoculars and such?

Edited by Khanarac

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It was like that in the mod though. After playing it for a while I assumed I would eventually run into somebody in the forest, but in the end I only ever saw one person, from a distance, and they ran off.


I'm not whether the SA's player viewdistance goes off to the horizon, or whether players are clipped invisible beyond a certain point, but I would expect to see people off in the distance - north of the NWAF there's a large area of mostly empty land where you can see for miles - but after hanging around there for a while I haven't see any distant dots.


TBH I've never seen anyone past NWAF to the north or farther west. I don't know how many circuits of the map I've made on my regular character until I got bored and started playing hardcore. My regular roams inland mostly, only going to the coast to pickup a fallen buddy or hookup with another group or whatever. I've had that charcter for at least a month.

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There is great loot in those areas. The military zone south of Nwaf has always given me something(found pistol silencer , dual Stanag 30x2)

The towns are loaded with essential items.

maybe you looted already looted servers?

Edited by TheLast-StaR

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This is why loot spawn should be fixed, so items will spawn just randomly, and not when server restarts.After restart there will be spawned like 20% of all loot, then random time for each type of loot.Common-10 minutes, Rare - 1-2 hours repsawn. etc.That's will cut off a lot of hoppers

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Inland is often a total ghost town. I still dont understand why people who have trouble finding loot, dont just head inland where all the towns are almost always unlooted in my experience. 40/40 server, 38 people are within 1km from the coast.

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If you're having problems meeting people, you could try the christiansingles website and if you're not christian, well there is always craigslist...

Edited by ptk
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If you're having problems meeting people, you could try the christiansingles website and if you're not christian, well there is always craigslist...

I can vouch for both :)

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If you're having problems meeting people, you could try the christiansingles website and if you're not christian, well there is always craigslist...

What about JDate?

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What about JDate?

Hmm... I'll have to let you know tomorrow (wink wink).

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Id like to try to stay on topic for both so here it goes:


Maybe if I use eHarmony.com, I can convince someone or many people that they should come get to know me better in Dayz. Ill say, "just meet me in Grishino" and then you know.. bam! Inland populated. :)



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They're wanting to bump the player count up to about 150, so that should fix the issue.

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DayZ isn't about "meeting people".  It's about long hours of lonely wandering through the wilderness, occasionally punctuated by excitement and terror, followed by relief or rage.

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DayZ isn't about "meeting people".  It's about long hours of lonely wandering through the wilderness, occasionally punctuated by excitement and terror, followed by relief or rage.


So you're saying DayZ is based on my sex life?

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DayZ isn't about "meeting people".  It's about long hours of lonely wandering through the wilderness, occasionally punctuated by excitement and terror, followed by relief or rage.


I would be nice if it wasn't literally hours though, I only have so long to play. The fact that people gear up on empty servers, then come to a full popped coast irritates me. 

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I normally head inland when i spawn in fresh and can honestly say when i find a small area or even one with a police station i normally leave 80 percent kitted out {bag, new clothing, melee weapon, food etc} I might be one of the lucky ones tho.

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