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What has the standalone become ?

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big juicy update will come when its ready...you cant expect more than what we are getting atm for $20 and alpha...come on people.

i was happy to log on last night after the hotfixes to a full server and my fps went up to 65!!!! thats fucking awesome!

so they must be doing something right!

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Just because you died and if seemed strange (alpha) does not mean that it was a hacker.

I've been called a hacker on 2 different occasions during my time on the mod. People don't like to think that you can sneak up on them and say peek-a-boo at point blank range before you M1014 them in the cranium. Instead they accuse you of teleport hacking.

Also, the game is in fucking alpha. Should we really be presenting the end game anti hack to all of the hackers out there years before the game is completed? That sounds like a recipe for disaster and even more resources being devoted to an arms race with the hacking community.

Don't be so near-sighted.

Have you watched the video before commenting. Also check out my comment in the thread, what is the current hacking situation like in dayz. I caught a hacker red handed, he was obviously over confident as he only had one bullet chambered in the sporter but he missed his shot and i managed to take him out.

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All we need to save the game is private hives with strict whitelisting procedures to filter out the morons.


Not that morons should not be allowed to play how they want, but I'd like a private server for people who are of a similar mindset and play for similar reasons. No that does not mean a no PvP server, it just means a no dickheads who decide its funny to ruin your immersion by running around in underwear and stuff like that.

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Over 300 Hours in DayZ now,and I have yet to see a Hacker...

seen a few with poor internet connection issues rubberbanding around but no hackers


Dean mentioned the game is fundementally flawed,do to the majority of us that hide in the woods with no interaction with other players for fear of being KoS!

Which pretty much ends any "Multiplayer" aspect of the game other than trying not to bump into other players while looting


I find it hard to believe that in only three servers used,all had Hackers :)

Do you mean 'Due to the majority' because that would make more sense ?? 

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No,I mean "do to the majority"

Due is when... is like when paying Due's to be a member or your rent is due  ;)

Do you mean 'Due to the majority' because that would make more sense ?? 

Edited by Scott61

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No,I mean "do to the majority"

Due is when your rent is due to be paid ;)

Are you crazy ??


Do to the majority is not an English sentence ??

Edited by poooz

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And did you read the second half of my post pooz? The game is in play-test mode. The devs aren't responsible for protecting us from hackers (yet). If you guys are that upset about the hackers, play a game that isn't in testing. Or play hardcore

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No,I mean "do to the majority"

Due is when... is like when paying Due's to be a member or your rent is due  ;)



You're using it wrong. It's "Due to the majority."

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You're using it wrong. It's "Due to the majority."

I thought everything i learned was a lie for a minute then  :lol:

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I thought everything i learned was a lie for a minute then  :lol:



Yeah.. He said it with such conviction I questioned my own education. Had to ask a fellow linguist and check the dictionary.

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Over 300 Hours in DayZ now,and I have yet to see a Hacker...

seen a few with poor internet connection issues rubberbanding around but no hackers


Dean mentioned the game is fundementally flawed,do to the majority of us that hide in the woods with no interaction with other players for fear of being KoS!

Which pretty much ends any "Multiplayer" aspect of the game other than trying not to bump into other players while looting


I find it hard to believe that in only three servers used,all had Hackers :)




"Over 300 hours in DayZ now and I have yet to see a hacker.

I've seen a few with poor internet connection issues rubber-banding around, but no hackers.


Dean mentioned that the game is fundamentally flawed due to the fact that the majority of us hide in the woods with no interaction with other players for fear of being KoS'd!

This pretty much ends any "multiplayer" aspect of the game; other than trying not to bump into other players while looting.


I find it hard to believe that in only three servers used all had hackers. :)  "




This was just for fun. I'm bored this morning.

Edited by Hoff Suppressant
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Dayz SA hasnt become anything, yet.

And the only ones to be blamed are the players themselves, who play the game, Dayz is just a tool.

Your still a couple steps to far. This isnt a game or a tool yet. Its an alpha. Its like a car still on the assembly line, it has the frame some placeholder wheels, and an engine. It can drive (kind of) but its missing chairs, doors, ect. There are still massive parts of the game yet to be built, and there has been virtually 0 balance or direction in the game-play yet(think loot economy/re-spawn, significantly less chance to find military gear in police stations, food becoming rare.). 

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Your still a couple steps to far. This isnt a game or a tool yet. Its an alpha. Its like a car still on the assembly line, it has the frame some placeholder wheels, and an engine. It can drive (kind of) but its missing chairs, doors, ect. There are still massive parts of the game yet to be built, and there has been virtually 0 balance or direction in the game-play yet(think loot economy/re-spawn, significantly less chance to find military gear in police stations, food becoming rare.). 


Thats what I said, I said that SA hasnt become anything yet, and the second part of my post was me saying Dayz (mod+SA when it will be finished)

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So after reading through the comments i think i will stop playing for the time being and leave it for a couple of months before i actually make a judgement on the game and what it 'has become'.


If it is a car off the assembly line with no interior and just an engine it is probably best not to judge the entire car just yet. I guess i will see you guys in a couple of months, might lurk these forums a bit though.

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I don't know where you are playing at but hackers generally tend to stay on the coast.


I dont play near the coast unless fresh spawn and even then I make my way inland fairly quick, You got your answer in your response now haven't you ;) ?

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The latest Frankie video sums it up perfectly. I don't want this to be an argument about Frankie, i could not care if it was Arnold Schwarzenegger playing it is the content of the video that is important. It has so much potential with the gun fight in the middle and you can see what a great game it could be but the rest of it also shows you why it can never be that great game.(If you have not seen it i recommend you go and check it out)


Give someone a gun they will shoot you in the face rather then befriend you. Hackers on every server without fail, a massive failure on the developers part, they said they were going to combat hacking yet they have done NOTHING, absolutely nothing extra to combat hackers.


I don't see a good future for this game and it is a real shame because it could have been so great. I know exactly what dean meant when he said it was a flawed concept and i agree with him completely.


Discuss and feel free to bash on me


I guess the only thing I disagree with is the second to last sentence about the game not having a future. This game actually has potential to be an awesome success because of its unique survival nature. However, its true that the griefing KoS mentality needs addressing.

Sadly though hacking has been and will always be an issue. I'm not a programmer but if you fix something there is always another way around it. No high profile game on this planet is hacker free and I've only seen 1 hacker in game up to now but at least Server admin in Dayz are awesome at responding to this threat and banning them.

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KoS gets balanced with greater environmental threats. No need to generate an artificial fix for people's boredom - Zeds, hunting, and all the other survival elements yet to be implemented will take care of that...

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Are you crazy ??


Do to the majority is not an English sentence ??




You're using it wrong. It's "Due to the majority."



Ok,Due to the majority :)


srry bout that  ;)

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lol I love how people say that "they have done nothing to stop hacking"


if you had played the mod you would know that hacking has droped by about 98%


you camplain that you meet a hacker once a day on the mod i once got messed with by 5 hackers on 5 differant servers in an HOUR

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only part that is flawed is the community, and its the same for every game...you either suck it up and keep playing or move on.

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Ok,Due to the majority :)


srry bout that  ;)

No worries man, it has been a long time since i have questioned my own linguistic skills.


I was thinking 'what, have i been spelling it wrong for all these years and why has no one corrected me' but now the whole post makes a lot more sense and also hackers rarely venture up north because there is no need they can just teleport behind some poor victim and take their stuff.

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lol I love how people say that "they have done nothing to stop hacking"


if you had played the mod you would know that hacking has droped by about 98%


you camplain that you meet a hacker once a day on the mod i once got messed with by 5 hackers on 5 differant servers in an HOUR

I don't think i could even go back to a game after that. There are a lot of sad people out there and unfortunately as the world population grows so do the the number of sad people.


Also tubbs i have over 500 hours in the SA, dont make rash assumptions based on post count it seems a bit stupid.

Edited by poooz

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One must understand the comment of "flawed concept" not literally as "the game is flawed" - Dean referred to the game concept which is to just SURVIVE. Typically games tends to have a scoring system or a goal for the player to achieve, this is even true of some survival games out there. But not Dayz. And this is why Dean referred it as a flawed concept - meaning no-one should really like this game as there is no goal / scoring system.

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I like how it's always the guys with 1-20 posts that have all the harsh criticism! You guys have it all figured out.



Here's an idea: Play the game more. Lurk more. Start thinking for yourself. THEN post honest criticism when it's actually warranted.



Lol, I have played the game from Day 1 but don't feel the need to post here every day on on every post someone makes, You're making your self look like the **newb** by posting such an irrelevant comment. Engage Brain, then post!!!

Edited by AceRimm3R
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im a bit disappointed that Frankie doesn't seem to get what an alpha means... Of course its not that great at the moment:

You can't barricade, zombie AI is broken, you can't drive or repair vehicles, you can't hunt, you can't cook, loot spawning is messed up, damage and medical system is messed up, there are only 6 character models, there aren't many tree models, there's a very limited number of items.... in fact there's barely any standard zombie game content in it! So of course it doesn't play like a great zombie apocalypse game. All in good time

You made me salivate at the awesomeness of all the things you listed. I'm so excited for those things and the things beyond what's limited.


All we need to save the game is private hives with strict whitelisting procedures to filter out the morons.


Not that morons should not be allowed to play how they want, but I'd like a private server for people who are of a similar mindset and play for similar reasons. No that does not mean a no PvP server, it just means a no dickheads who decide its funny to ruin your immersion by running around in underwear and stuff like that.

I disagree with what you're saying. When you begin to limit things like running around in your underwear and be a dumbass, then you're limiting some of the greatness of this game. You can nearly do anything you want to. That's the main strength of this game, is that you can do nearly anything you put your mind to and when they add even more functionality of this game even more options of things to do open up. I mean just look at all the creative things done and the videos that prove it on youtube. This game has so much going for it. It's incredible.

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