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Do Zombies Dream Of A Good Nights Sleep? (Zombie feedback)

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I can wholeheartedly say that I have enjoyed the game until today. The complaint I have is regarding zombies.  Today I was at the Airfeild in the middle of the map. My character was well on its way to 30 days old and was in full pristine gear and well equiped (very well equiped). Hyradted and energized.


I ran into a zombie and dispatched it with my firemans axe.  Three hits. Two to the head. Zero injuries to me, no bleeding, didnt have time to check gear yet.  After this zombies death, another spawned right within striking distance. This is the part that pisses me off... Axe still in Combat mode... zombie not close enough to hit with it yet... and it one hits me dead.


I am of the mind that, a zombie having the capacity to one hit you through full pristine gear and kill you, is probably not working as designed. I understand the game has to have a sense of realism, and the zombies need to be a threat, but realism isnt auto spawning zombies with memories of who killed thier predecessor, and the ability of a zombie to one hit a character to death.


Just my two coppers... I guess now I will tinker around with a new survivor until H1Z1 comes out.  This has soured the whole DAYZ expirience for me.


Thanks for the fun. I hope the game continues to develop well and the bugs work themselves out before the competition puts your player base into recession.



See, the problem is people expect an easy game, or cry to the forums when things don't go their way. DayZ was never about that, ever.

It was about using the tools that you have to carve your own way through. It's all up to you. Learn from your mistakes, get better, Don't bitch about something, you ADAPT to it. You get better, you survive.

I don't ever want DayZ to hold my hand. If it comes to being super easy mode and casual, that's when I'll quit, because DayZ will have lost its integrity. The game isn't supposed to be inherently fun. It's what you make of it.

DayZ get it's inspiration from games like Nethack and Dwarf Fortress. (DF is one of my favourites, you should all check it out.) The motto is "LOSING IS FUN!" because you will lose, a lot. But you get better, you start to adapt, you learn. The fun is in the challenge, not the outcome.

Edited by Daemonkid
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I just got the standalone a couple of weeks ago and I find it quite crazy that the zombie ai and path finding is such a wreck. I'm well aware that it's in production and being developed by a small team. However I just can not understand why any features are being added when the zombies walk through walls and floor. I was so shocked coming from the mod to the standalone only to find the zombies are even glitchier.

This week when the update came out and added several new features I was really surprised to see one that mentioned zombies now take less body damage and more head damage. I get that your in development but it seems absolutely insane to added this to your release branch. I understand from a design perspective it makes perfect sense, to make the zombies more of a danger and how it makes the game more engaging rewarding players for accurate melee swings.

The problem is that the ai is currently a giant mess they glitch through trees, see through walls, and were already hard to deal with when aggro because they are unpredictable and unstable. So you make it take more accuracy to kill them with melee and make them run faster. Where is the logic in this?

I would seriously hold off on any feature implementation until the zombies are fixed. The game is named after it's worst feature right now how does that make sense? Instead of adding stuff like hand cuffs and blood types elect. please fix the horrible zombies.

I want them to be strong I want them to do damage and be a treat but I also want to be reward for playing well and right now I'm punished for playing at all...

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You people can't really be serious. They zombies are still incredibly easy to deal with.

I don't understand how you are all having such great trouble with them. 

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Zombie one-shot killing a player should not happen. (reasoning: you can't avoid being hit sometimes by glitchy Z + killing a man in 1 hit with bare hands is rather unrealistic)
And they should also not be able to break your legs that easily. (reasoning: breaking bones with bare hands easily is rather unrealistic)
Ruining gear is also too fast. (reasoning: gradual item degradation makes sense. They tear your worn shirt to damaged. But ruining it in 1 hit + all the items in it: no; too much consequence for too little mistake you made)

They are running a little too fast now. (reasoning: running for your life should be a way out. At the moment, you get hit even more easily by their jump attacks; also running with a pistol in hands should not make you slower than they are)

However, the general health of Zeds atm works rather well when using the fireaxe. (the other weapons are pitiful, though)

It's a fight.

It's dirty.

You might suffer a bit.

And Zombies are an issue again that can get you into trouble.

That's what it should be.

I also like that it is now a valid strategy to just shoot them to reduce risk. I have a sawn-off shotgun with me to dispose of dangerous Z-situations (more than 1 are now dangerous, so I shoot them). Pistols and sidearms in general have a point now. My 9mm serves no other purpose than to clear out zombies while I move around.

Continuing on that "shoot them" thought: Z die a little too fast on being shot. 2 hits at least? 2-3 body hits with pistols would be cooler. 1-shotting them is a little too strong, in my opinion. It is also cooler when you have to fire a few more times as it makes it sound cooler and attracts more attention.

Edited by cuddly_rabbit

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See, the problem is people expect an easy game, or cry to the forums when things don't go their way. DayZ was never about that, ever.

It was about using the tools that you have to carve your own way through. It's all up to you. Learn from your mistakes, get better, Don't bitch about something, you ADAPT to it. You get better, you survive.

I don't ever want DayZ to hold my hand. If it comes to being super easy mode and casual, that's when I'll quit, because DayZ will have lost its integrity. The game isn't supposed to be inherently fun. It's what you make of it.

DayZ get it's inspiration from games like Nethack and Dwarf Fortress. (DF is one of my favourites, you should all check it out.) The motto is "LOSING IS FUN!" because you will lose, a lot. But you get better, you start to adapt, you learn. The fun is in the challenge, not the outcome.

He said he was OHK by a zombie that spawned right next to him and you tell him to stop crying in the fourms about the game being too hard.  <_<

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"He said he was OHK by a zombie that spawned right next to him and you tell him to stop crying in the fourms about the game being too hard.   <_<"



I've been OHK by zombies multiple times. It happens when you're crouched and they hit you in the head. It happens, it's intended. 

But I don't complain because it doesn't bother me. Regear and re-arm.

Edited by Daemonkid

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I can wholeheartedly say that I have enjoyed the game until today. The complaint I have is regarding zombies.  Today I was at the Airfeild in the middle of the map. My character was well on its way to 30 days old and was in full pristine gear and well equiped (very well equiped). Hyradted and energized.


I ran into a zombie and dispatched it with my firemans axe.  Three hits. Two to the head. Zero injuries to me, no bleeding, didnt have time to check gear yet.  After this zombies death, another spawned right within striking distance. This is the part that pisses me off... Axe still in Combat mode... zombie not close enough to hit with it yet... and it one hits me dead.


I am of the mind that, a zombie having the capacity to one hit you through full pristine gear and kill you, is probably not working as designed. I understand the game has to have a sense of realism, and the zombies need to be a threat, but realism isnt auto spawning zombies with memories of who killed thier predecessor, and the ability of a zombie to one hit a character to death.


Just my two coppers... I guess now I will tinker around with a new survivor until H1Z1 comes out.  This has soured the whole DAYZ expirience for me.


Thanks for the fun. I hope the game continues to develop well and the bugs work themselves out before the competition puts your player base into recession.



I would say this is a proper rant, delived with aplomb and lacking the vitriol we have come to expect. However, the fact that sours it for me, is that he claims to have been alive for a month and VERY well geared...


If you've been alive for a month, then how is it you have not learned how to adapt to the zombies? Why now, all of a sudden, does the /ragequit manifest itself? Methinks you have been lonewolf serverhopping for gear for far too long and the new, improved, badass zombies just gave you the business, and the inability o OHK the zombie with a fireaxe now has your ass somewhat chapped.


We have collectively known for a long time that zombies are broken. But as a new member on the forums, you have likely not been following the story as it developed. (Or maybe you've been lurking unregistered? Who knows...) If you have not been following the forums, then you are entirely to blame for your own demise. You have just been "playing" the game, instead of participating in Alpha. Shame on you. If you have been lurking, still shame on you for coming in to make your very first post, a rage post about dying to an element of the game that EVERYONE knows is a broken WIP.


Spawn, gear, die, repeat enough times like most of us, and you'll begin to see the standalone for what it is- an alpha under construction.

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Was looting in Stary with a friend, and suddenly he starts screaming "2 Zombies!" and a second later: "4 Zombies!" and things got really hectic, and damn cool. It ended in a real shootout, at close range, 2 players vs. 6 Zed in the end, and in our hasty retreat from Stary.


4 of the old Z would have not made me scream into my mic. I would have taken the axe and said: "Wait, slightly delayed. Zeds. <yawn>".

So, despite all the bugs already pointed out, and all the undeniable problems with Zeds, they add something: they are dangerous. And thus more interesting than the old ones. 

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The zombies are still super easy.


They will only bother you / frustrate you when you are running away, as they can hit you from quite a distance, which can be annoying when you are trying to lead them to a less laggy area like I try to do before taking them on.


Despite this, they are still incredibly easy to deal with.


You can pull out your fists and take on one - two zombies easily, by nailing them in the head and then whamming on that same head when they're getting off of the ground, until they die.


This game is now Punchout: 3D Zombie Survival Edition to me.

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See, the problem is people expect an easy game, or cry to the forums when things don't go their way. DayZ was never about that, ever.

It was about using the tools that you have to carve your own way through. It's all up to you. Learn from your mistakes, get better, Don't bitch about something, you ADAPT to it. You get better, you survive.

I don't ever want DayZ to hold my hand. If it comes to being super easy mode and casual, that's when I'll quit, because DayZ will have lost its integrity. The game isn't supposed to be inherently fun. It's what you make of it.

DayZ get it's inspiration from games like Nethack and Dwarf Fortress. (DF is one of my favourites, you should all check it out.) The motto is "LOSING IS FUN!" because you will lose, a lot. But you get better, you start to adapt, you learn. The fun is in the challenge, not the outcome.



I would say this is a proper rant, delived with aplomb and lacking the vitriol we have come to expect. However, the fact that sours it for me, is that he claims to have been alive for a month and VERY well geared...


If you've been alive for a month, then how is it you have not learned how to adapt to the zombies? Why now, all of a sudden, does the /ragequit manifest itself? Methinks you have been lonewolf serverhopping for gear for far too long and the new, improved, badass zombies just gave you the business, and the inability o OHK the zombie with a fireaxe now has your ass somewhat chapped.


We have collectively known for a long time that zombies are broken. But as a new member on the forums, you have likely not been following the story as it developed. (Or maybe you've been lurking unregistered? Who knows...) If you have not been following the forums, then you are entirely to blame for your own demise. You have just been "playing" the game, instead of participating in Alpha. Shame on you. If you have been lurking, still shame on you for coming in to make your very first post, a rage post about dying to an element of the game that EVERYONE knows is a broken WIP.


Spawn, gear, die, repeat enough times like most of us, and you'll begin to see the standalone for what it is- an alpha under construction.






1. Thanks for your opinion. I am re-geared and rearmed. Same single server and several zombie fights to get it done. Patience is better than impatience. This is not the first time this has occured and I am well aware that until I leave, it wont be the last.


2. I really dont want hand holding or sheparding or a MMPORG like process that treadmills me to a level/position that I dont have to worry about things. I guess to some expressing my personal opinion regarding the game mechanics and a personal expirience in a topic titled "Post Patch Zombie Feedback" could be interpreted as bitching. But I was providng my two coppers worth.  One of best parts of your post was that you ID'd the circumstances in which a OHK could happen. I was crouched as I typically wont leave a building without reducing my visible signature.  So now I can make sure upon engagement with ZED to get out of crouch for the fight.


3.  I appreciate your opinion on the play of the game. Its the main reason I came to DAYZ. I like the minimalist approach to the play of the game. Very little instructions, very few tool tips, learn by playing and trying stuff out. I am probably older than the average expected  "Gamer" communitymember and have been around a long time. I use my gaming time to "detox" from my work enviroment. I have beta tested some of the biggest and longest lasting MMPORGS out on the market today. I feel that your playing style and mine are not to much different. Since coming to DAYZ, I have survived and died playing a Hero character. I have said F.I.D.O. many times to many deaths. But getting OHK by ZED when I was unaware it was possible definitely piled on in terms of my frustrations with the gaming engine and Zombies. If I were king for a day, I would ask the DEV team to stop adding content and to focus on ZED. The AI and tracking in this game engine for ZED is horrible and greatly unpredictable patch to patch.


4. I feel your response has value added to the community and your personal opinion is well recieved.


Anyway. If we meet on the battlefeild, I hope we are pushing the same direction and in supporting lines of fire.



Now in response to Real Meatsheild:


There is only one part of your uninformed, judgemental, assuming and ranting response that made me respond to you. Shame?? Really, I should be Shamed?? Your post is worth nothing to the community, it provided nothing of value to me as the original poster and solely demonstrated that you feel for some reason that deriding or attempting to devalue another persons opinion somehow makes you and your opinions stronger and more legitimate. Do you feel better or you just looking for a verbal altercation in the forums?


As for your assumptions, you know nothing about who I am, not that I am something other than ordinary. You dont know how or why I choose to play. You know nothing about my participation in the forums other than this was my first post. Finally, you assumed that I am not as you stated, "participating in the alpha".  For all your assumptions, you feel I should be "shamed".  Shamed for not achieving an arbitrary personal standard you have conjured up in your own head or was there and agreement I missed that required my registration to the forums, and a required number of posts per patch? 



What are you so mad about?  You dont like me sharing my opinion or exprience?  You dont want me to play DAYZ with you?  You dont like it because I am not a blindly loyal fanboy or have the same opinion of what you like?  I am obviously different from you; so you choose to belittle and deride my opinions, by assuming I am server jumping or I dont read the forums or I have not adapted to changes?


You want me to feel "shame" for coming to the forum entitled

"Post Patch Zombie Feedback"

and making my first expirence based opinion on a particular aspect of the game we all know is a WIP?


Whether you appreciate it or not. It is what I chose, where I chose, and when I chose. I dont feel the need to share my opinions with you for your confirmation prior to posting them. I feel no shame for my post, but your post did a lot more to "chap my ass somewhat" than any of the many deaths by ZED or other players.  




For the obvious, I now have two posts. Am I more ligit now?



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1. Thanks for your opinion. I am re-geared and rearmed. Same single server and several zombie fights to get it done. Patience is better than impatience. This is not the first time this has occured and I am well aware that until I leave, it wont be the last.


2. I really dont want hand holding or sheparding or a MMPORG like process that treadmills me to a level/position that I dont have to worry about things. I guess to some expressing my personal opinion regarding the game mechanics and a personal expirience in a topic titled "Post Patch Zombie Feedback" could be interpreted as bitching. But I was providng my two coppers worth.  One of best parts of your post was that you ID'd the circumstances in which a OHK could happen. I was crouched as I typically wont leave a building without reducing my visible signature.  So now I can make sure upon engagement with ZED to get out of crouch for the fight.


3.  I appreciate your opinion on the play of the game. Its the main reason I came to DAYZ. I like the minimalist approach to the play of the game. Very little instructions, very few tool tips, learn by playing and trying stuff out. I am probably older than the average expected  "Gamer" communitymember and have been around a long time. I use my gaming time to "detox" from my work enviroment. I have beta tested some of the biggest and longest lasting MMPORGS out on the market today. I feel that your playing style and mine are not to much different. Since coming to DAYZ, I have survived and died playing a Hero character. I have said F.I.D.O. many times to many deaths. But getting OHK by ZED when I was unaware it was possible definitely piled on in terms of my frustrations with the gaming engine and Zombies. If I were king for a day, I would ask the DEV team to stop adding content and to focus on ZED. The AI and tracking in this game engine for ZED is horrible and greatly unpredictable patch to patch.


4. I feel your response has value added to the community and your personal opinion is well recieved.


Anyway. If we meet on the battlefeild, I hope we are pushing the same direction and in supporting lines of fire.



Now in response to Real Meatsheild:


There is only one part of your uninformed, judgemental, assuming and ranting response that made me respond to you. Shame?? Really, I should be Shamed?? Your post is worth nothing to the community, it provided nothing of value to me as the original poster and solely demonstrated that you feel for some reason that deriding or attempting to devalue another persons opinion somehow makes you and your opinions stronger and more legitimate. Do you feel better or you just looking for a verbal altercation in the forums?


As for your assumptions, you know nothing about who I am, not that I am something other than ordinary. You dont know how or why I choose to play. You know nothing about my participation in the forums other than this was my first post. Finally, you assumed that I am not as you stated, "participating in the alpha".  For all your assumptions, you feel I should be "shamed".  Shamed for not achieving an arbitrary personal standard you have conjured up in your own head or was there and agreement I missed that required my registration to the forums, and a required number of posts per patch? 



What are you so mad about?  You dont like me sharing my opinion or exprience?  You dont want me to play DAYZ with you?  You dont like it because I am not a blindly loyal fanboy or have the same opinion of what you like?  I am obviously different from you; so you choose to belittle and deride my opinions, by assuming I am server jumping or I dont read the forums or I have not adapted to changes?


You want me to feel "shame" for coming to the forum entitled

"Post Patch Zombie Feedback"

and making my first expirence based opinion on a particular aspect of the game we all know is a WIP?


Whether you appreciate it or not. It is what I chose, where I chose, and when I chose. I dont feel the need to share my opinions with you for your confirmation prior to posting them. I feel no shame for my post, but your post did a lot more to "chap my ass somewhat" than any of the many deaths by ZED or other players.  




For the obvious, I now have two posts. Am I more ligit now?




Oh, the LULZ! Butthurt much? Fucks sake dude, that was one of the nicer posts I have ever made, and you get all emo over THAT?


Were I to reply in my usual fashion I dare say that you would have already bled out from the /wrists I would have induced, but being that your FIRST post WAS delivered in an intelligent fashion, I attempted to respond as such, despite the fact you were QQing over old news- which you would have known was old news, had you been a regular lurker and/or contributor here, or on reddit, or even on twitter.


HOWEVER... you come and post what you think is new and groundbreaking, without ever even searching to see if it had been commented on yet. You make no effort other than to register and post the same drivel that has been cried about for a month- allegedly the same month you have been alive- and expect to be welcomed with open arms amidst the herald of trumpets for providing a "new" perspective?


Now I say to you, good sir- now is the time to uninstall. Do not load the game again until this time next year. You will be doing yourself a great justice by going back to whatever it was you were playing before.


And no, 2 posts only makes you a sock puppet, not LEGIT at all.

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Oh, the LULZ! Butthurt much? Fucks sake dude, that was one of the nicer posts I have ever made, and you get all emo over THAT?


Were I to reply in my usual fashion I dare say that you would have already bled out from the /wrists I would have induced, but being that your FIRST post WAS delivered in an intelligent fashion, I attempted to respond as such, despite the fact you were QQing over old news- which you would have known was old news, had you been a regular lurker and/or contributor here, or on reddit, or even on twitter.


HOWEVER... you come and post what you think is new and groundbreaking, without ever even searching to see if it had been commented on yet. You make no effort other than to register and post the same drivel that has been cried about for a month- allegedly the same month you have been alive- and expect to be welcomed with open arms amidst the herald of trumpets for providing a "new" perspective?


Now I say to you, good sir- now is the time to uninstall. Do not load the game again until this time next year. You will be doing yourself a great justice by going back to whatever it was you were playing before.


And no, 2 posts only makes you a sock puppet, not LEGIT at all.


Two things:


First and foremost, this drool confirms that you are here trolling the forums just to feel better by deriding others in some form of self-realization or self-gratification. Your post does nothing but confirm the position I expressed in my orignal response. So which is it?  Self-realization?  Do you have problems fitting in real life? Does it boost your confidence to be rude to people in the forums? Do you feel more powerful now? Or is it self-gratification? Do you type with both hands on the keyboard?


Secondly, why in the world would I uninstall? Especially at the request or advice from a delusional child (grown adults can still be mental children) that cannot be trusted to be respectful to others and of others opinions.  I especially like the fact that you want me to go away, hopefully my presence will do nothing more than annoy you and frustrate you. I will uninstall at the time of my choosing, but till then I hope I frustrate you by my presence because I wont tolerate a bully.  I look forward to the day a post from you actually adds value to the community and not just to your own opinion of yourself.




Three posts now. 

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 I look forward to the day a post from you actually adds value to the community and not just to your own opinion of yourself.




Three posts now. 



Value added? Man I hope so, I spent almost 5 minutes to confirm this, screenshot it, upload to imgur, repost for confirmation, and post it on the bugtracker here http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view.php?id=11133


And no, 3 posts that are all QQ makes you look even more like a butthurt sock puppet.



Have you bothered to post on the bugtracker about your woes? Or are you leaving them all here in the forums among the sea of whiners? Nah, didn't think so. Still think you need to uninstall.

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Nice Work !  Do you need a gold star for your profile now? Are you beyond the number of posts or bug reports that indicates you are worthy enough not to be "shamed" as you seemingly readily assign to others? I am just checking.   If you could actually read for comprehension in my first reply, specifically I admitted to learning from Daemonkid that it is indeed possible and as intended for Zombies to OHK you if you are fighting them while crouched. So I am fairly certain its not worthy of a bug report, although when I did orginally post, I searched the Bug Reports and found that many many others also listed this as a bug. But the community seems to sense that being hit by a zombie on top of the head while crouched with a ballastic helmet on is acceptable, so to answer you literally, NO I didnt do a bug report because it was already in overkill without any feedback from DEV.


Its interesting, I have been reading through posts. To include posts by you.  Do you have a problem accepting and respecting that others want to play DAYZ differently than you and your crew of KOS'ers?  Or that others want to do something else in the game other than that which is loosely akin to murder and robbery? 


Really this discourse is fruitless with you, you niether respect others or value what they have to say, much less do sufficient self reflection to realize you have the attitude of an ASSCLOWN. 


I am done wasting breathe on you, so I will ask a open and legitimate question.


How do you feel about a reputation identification system, so that you can ID and kill murderers and bandits on sight? While all others who are not thieving and and killing unprovoked can be ID'd as nuetral? There is no karma or value system in the game yet, but should there be? Should murder, and banditry earn an ID of some sort temporary or permanent? Or permanent over time or the continued conduct of murder or banditry?  I am thinking of a Karma System similar to Ultima Online, only modernized to fit this game environment.


Can you get past the attitude?






 After thought is we probably could move the question to a separate thread since its now off topic of Post Patch Zombie Feedback.

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Jungleer, don't worry about people trying to get a rise. It's what they do, continue stating your opinion in a clear concise manner in a non-ragey tone and you'll still get people trying to troll.

Just don't let it get to ya'. Lots of people with conflicting views about the game, and even more mod elitists. (They think since they've played the mod their opinion has more weight, it doesn't)


You admitted to your mistakes and are trying to improve, and that's all I can ever ask of someone. So just keep on trucking Jung, don't let them get under your skin. 

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Oh, the LULZ! Butthurt much? Fucks sake dude, that was one of the nicer posts I have ever made, and you get all emo over THAT?



You should not do that around here. Insulting other members and threatening them that you usually aren't that nice is not something we allow around here.


Member warned.

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You should not do that around here. Insulting other members and threatening them that you usually aren't that nice is not something we allow around here.


Member warned.


But...but.... He really isn't that nice normally...


You must have caught him at a bad day...


Normally he just $%)@ em whiny &*#^%# up like there is no tommorow...

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What's the deal with zombies now? I feel like even after a server restart I rarely see any of them. Did they reduce the numbers again?

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What's the deal with zombies now? I feel like even after a server restart I rarely see any of them. Did they reduce the numbers again?

Yes there numbers do seem to be down a bit i wonder if it has anything to do with fixing many loot spawns there is only so much they can put on the map and keep it all stable.


Ok i want a challenge from zeds so honestly the amount it takes to kill them is fine ( hey if you get your aim right it doesnt take much) the speed i do like them fast but i would actually like them no faster than me at sprint when i have energy i am hoping they add fatigue soon and speed zeds to our flat out sprint and obviously they will catch us when we tire ( which will happen faster the more gear your carry again if they stick with there original idea of a weight plus health stamina system )


The animations and attack are still a little wack ( not so much the animations although they need more varriance in there attacks) but the looped path finding but this is stuff i know they will be working on that and clipping walls/floors.


In the end if it is loot that is lowering zeds i hope they lower the level of 3d loot on map when they bring in there container loot items like the fridge they showed a couple months ago. Make a few more things like that such as boxes wardrobes cabinets all inventroy openable with possible loot to lower load and make the world feel more real ( still have the random  location 3d loot spawns just not nearly as much of it.

Edited by SoulFirez

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I was wandering through the woods to the north-west of Polana just now when I heard a noise; I looked round and there's 4 zombies running at me. Four! All together in a gang.


What the hell are they doing so far out in the boonies like that? I had to take the bloody sawn-off to them (chambered Amphibia would've been too fiddly, I figured, and I've got fed up with the tedious boxing matches. Is there a magazine for the amphibia? I don't think I've ever come across one, if there is.)

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I was wandering through the woods to the north-west of Polana just now when I heard a noise; I looked round and there's 4 zombies running at me. Four! All together in a gang.


What the hell are they doing so far out in the boonies like that? I had to take the bloody sawn-off to them (chambered Amphibia would've been too fiddly, I figured, and I've got fed up with the tedious boxing matches. Is there a magazine for the amphibia? I don't think I've ever come across one, if there is.)

Yes there are mags for the amphibia... 10 round single stack thin mags.. 

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I don't know if someone mentioned it already, but as I've played recently with my friends some DayZ we weren't able to kill them by melee attacks,

so we have to shoot them always. Now we're actually waiting for a patch to fix this problem, seems pretty wacky that pointless meleeing atm :D

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I don't know if someone mentioned it already, but as I've played recently with my friends some DayZ we weren't able to kill them by melee attacks,

so we have to shoot them always. Now we're actually waiting for a patch to fix this problem, seems pretty wacky that pointless meleeing atm :D

Oh you mean they aren't being one-shotted any more  :rolleyes: .  Uh ya, you kind of actually have to hit them multiple times now as they aren't as much of easy-mode as they use to be.

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