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Do Zombies Dream Of A Good Nights Sleep? (Zombie feedback)

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I think zombies are too fast. In every film or story zombies are more slow than humans and aggregation is the problem or not to be careful. Zombies to fast + his ability to view you through walls, trees, when you are lying on the floor or hidden in a house make it unplayable for me. I am tired to walk from south to north and west to east, in the coast, in the center area looking for things to get and find only a hat after hours to play.

It seems another game to other users but this is my experience. No weapons, no food, nothing, all houses are empty, i don´t go to bigger cities or airport because i don´t want to be KoS.

Nobody is having the same experience??? What am i doing wrong?

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That was an announcement with no date set.  You're grasping at straws


what... rocket left mod development just after that announcement, smartass. If that's not a date, i dont know what it is.

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they need to make these stupid zeds, that spawn 20 meters from you and wreck all your gear with one punch cause their shitty engine cant handle having 50+ zeds per city.


It's a consensus that we need MORE zombies, and not stronger zombies, as stronger zombies will just make the game more unplayable, as they ghost through walls and shit.


And obviously all the fanboys will say that they're just a placeholder. Well, i think we can call the entire game a fucking placeholder then, cant we? Cause there's broken shit everywhere.

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I think zombies are too fast. In every film or story zombies are more slow than humans and aggregation is the problem or not to be careful. Zombies to fast + his ability to view you through walls, trees, when you are lying on the floor or hidden in a house make it unplayable for me. I am tired to walk from south to north and west to east, in the coast, in the center area looking for things to get and find only a hat after hours to play.

It seems another game to other users but this is my experience. No weapons, no food, nothing, all houses are empty, i don´t go to bigger cities or airport because i don´t want to be KoS.

Nobody is having the same experience??? What am i doing wrong?


well, you're not serverhopping as everyone else does, that's what you're doing wrong.

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I noticed today while target practicing and checking the respawn rate/location that zeds aren't attracted to sound. Once the pathing glitch is squared away, I'd like to see them respond to sound. Maybe not instant aggro, but at least turn the direction the sound came from?

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I've also noticed that while you can't necessarily outrun the zeds, you can "outlast" them. Their stamina is pretty low so if you just keep running in a straight line they'll eventually tire out and stop chasing you.


What might be interesting would be if they actually kept following you. They'd slow down, sure, but they wouldn't just stop, they would continue in the direction they saw you running. That way, maybe you'd outrun a zed or two and make it to a safe spot to loot, but by the time you got out of the house they'd be back on your tail. Of course, if someone else crossed their path before that, they'd naturally give chase to that person instead.

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What I would like to see addressed is that it seems when you kill a zombie it instantly spawns back in and seems to remember you. It will run directly back to you over and over until you vacate the area. The consciousness of the zombies are transferring to the newly spawned zombies. What is this witchcraft?!


That being said I know this is just a trial-run of the re-spawning system. I am very much looking forward to what is implemented once more robust features have been developed.


:beans: Cool beans.

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What I would like to see addressed is that it seems when you kill a zombie it instantly spawns back in and seems to remember you. It will run directly back to you over and over until you vacate the area. The consciousness of the zombies are transferring to the newly spawned zombies. What is this witchcraft?!


That being said I know this is just a trial-run of the re-spawning system. I am very much looking forward to what is implemented once more robust features have been developed.


:beans: Cool beans.


they did the EXACTLY same thing on the mod's version, no matter how much zombies you killed, there would always be 2 more in its place, and would instantly aggro on you.


I wonder if they are importing zed's AI from the mod, seriously.

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Ok I have enough hours to put some info in on this... I am boggled by why the Dev's would create agro like this from the zombies at this point in the testing.  Personally the zombie agro is to far at the moment, it gives them smarts they should not have, especially when there is no way to out smart them.  We should be able to out smart them..


Here is where it is totally mind boggling.. What kind of development team creates such harsh agro to be tested when in reality we have no idea if this is decent or not?  Meaning.. Currently the shooting aspect is right on in my opinion, bring them in droves.. fine.. Yet bring them in droves when they can ghost through walls?  When we have limited to no ability to fight them indoors?  when they can hit you through floors?  Give me a break.. This in my opinion was poor planning and not at all thought out, this has nothing to do with the testing as how are we truly testing the actual agro when there are so many other issues that need to be corrected for a quality agro test?


I love the game, I want it difficult by all means.. Yet testing is testing.. causing people to quit playing because of poor judgment in testing?  All that has been done is, you have allowed people to sever hop in the popular buildings and handed them an alarm and are keeping their pray busy trying to fight off the droves.. We cannot be steathly, we cannot out smart them, we cannot lock them inside buildings, we cannot avoid getting hit through walls/floors..   What really was the meaning of creating such a huge agro at this point in the game, to me it has decreased the playing population and has frustrated people..


It has served no good purpose.. sadly if testing continues to be implemented with out common sense judgment it only shows the true path of the game.. Lets get back into some real testing..


Hell for all we know this agro rate is to low.. It very well maybe once the walls/doors/floors actually work.. Oh and BTW, not many zombies have the brains to use a door knob.. Just future reference..


Thanks for listening although this will not be read..


Be safe out there,



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Play experimental servers where there are no zombies.


Ill take broken zombies anyday.

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anyone moaning about zombies needs to wath dean halls talk at rezzed. bohemia bought out a WHOLE studio who specialise in PATHFINDING and all sorts MAINLY for the zeds... i knew they had some tricks up their sleeves regarding this topic of development but what dean said in rezzed really should get everyone to calm down.



for those too lazy to google information (which after reading this thread through from start you can see is a hell of a lot of people)







This thread.............. people need to understand the zombie spawning system is in place while the NEWLY bought development team in slovakia or somewhere of around 30-40 people work on a whole new zombie model, mechanics AND spawning / pathfinding. its as if people come to this thread and dont even read any of the previous posts. I hope a lot of the people moaning have little impact in the direction the zeds end up going in because to be honest, this game is aimed at hardcore gamers who enjoy difficulty on a whole other level.



feels like this thread should of been locked away in the graveyard already.



DO RESEARCH AND USE INFORMATION before posting irrelevant opinions without any info

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why not make a spawnlimit for expample....


best szenario in my opinion:

"town electro" on server-start, 50 zombies spawning(casted) around in town(for example)

when you fire a gun in the firestation for expample, zombies at firestation starting attack you... + zombies from the middle of the town can hear(the shoot)  and also start running to you...

If you killed these "50 zombies" in town, there could be a timer of 15/20 min. to spawn 50 zombies again...

and so on... - so you have the chance to clear a location, for random time..

this makes sense!

The best solution all in all could be to spawn also new loot, with spawning a new "zombiewave"....



spawning endless zombies in front of you is shit rocket!

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today i was in a forest, not too close to a little town , and zombies started spawning and running to me from all directions, it was a nightmare.

im  a old player from the beginnings of the mod, and i never seen that.

they RESPAWN TOO FAST AND RUN TOO FAST. in the mod they ran fast but never reached the player, now today they reached me and made me bleed in no time.

developers should slower a bit the speed the zombies run and the speed the zombies respawn.


OK ,  before the last patch the zombies was just decorative, but now they are harder than the mod, way harder. also we have

NO STEALTH to do, so, i would love they add the old stealth system were you had a chance to move undetected if you have the patience.


you talk of the mod? mod version "vanilla" has horrible zombies. They are ultra-hard and too fast.

Now the developers of the standalone, are going the same shit way.


Edited by TiMEDANCE

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I think you cry to much. Z´s are easy to handle, only don´t shoot them, they will respawn.


I have develped a technique to herd them, 3-4 at the time to outside of th village to loot, then outsprint them. (not hard)

Then you can explore/loot in peace, also they serve as watchdogs. :)


Next I am trying to round up a herd from those villages north of electro and baluta and I gonna try to leave them as a extra attraction for them murderers who like to camp over there.


Join me in this, it is not easy but very rewarding when successful.

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I think that that zombies that are randomized (To a fair degree), would be an awesome addition. Something that this game really struggles to overcome, is how predictable every zombie encounter is. They're all they same. They all have the same speed, health etc. I would really much like to see, that some zombies were perhaps just 20% faster than others. Others, might do a tiny bit more damaged. I don't believe in the idea of separate zombie classes, but a bit of variation would be nice.


I hope that you guys here on the forums can use this idea, and perhaps you imaginative souls can add to this idea.

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This thread.............. people need to understand the zombie spawning system is in place while the NEWLY bought development team in slovakia or somewhere of around 30-40 people work on a whole new zombie model, mechanics AND spawning / pathfinding. its as if people come to this thread and dont even read any of the previous posts. I hope a lot of the people moaning have little impact in the direction the zeds end up going in because to be honest, this game is aimed at hardcore gamers who enjoy difficulty on a whole other level.



feels like this thread should of been locked away in the graveyard already.



DO RESEARCH AND USE INFORMATION before posting irrelevant opinions without any info


so you still believe blindly on their promises? Didnt they promise that there would be close to no hacking in standalone? didnt they promise that the alpha would end in the end of this year? do you really believe it will be beta in january 2015? cause i dont.


People like you are the ones that make scams like WarZ possible.

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Is it really necessary that zombies 1-shot destroy assault vests and jackets? Seriously????

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Is it really necessary that zombies 1-shot destroy assault vests and jackets? Seriously????

Yes, I think so...

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I sometimes get shot in the chest and it doesn't ruin my vest.....but I get whacked by a zombie one time and my vest get's ruined. Along with my jacket and parts of the contents inside....


Is it possible to downtweak the damage that the zombies are doing just until you've figured out what to do with the respawning, speed, pathing, wall hacking, etc?


I literally went through 3 assault vests in the matter of an hour and 15 minutes just from Zombies hitting me through walls or spawning on top of me. It's just kind of annoying and assault vests are not repairable via the sewing kit....

Edited by DMack

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I think that that zombies that are randomized (To a fair degree), would be an awesome addition. Something that this game really struggles to overcome, is how predictable every zombie encounter is. They're all they same. They all have the same speed, health etc. I would really much like to see, that some zombies were perhaps just 20% faster than others. Others, might do a tiny bit more damaged. I don't believe in the idea of separate zombie classes, but a bit of variation would be nice.

I hope that you guys here on the forums can use this idea, and perhaps you imaginative souls can add to this idea.

Have you seen my infected thread? I suggested exactly that awhile back.


Edited by akafugitive

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I've noticed that if you're on top of a building or on an upper level and the zeds see you, they'll aggro and then be kind of attached to you, but on the ground level. It seems like they'll still wear themselves out as if they were chasing you. I can't see through walls, so I'm not sure, but I think eventually the wind up facing away from you and just kind of stand inside the building (especially if there are areas on the ground that aren't accessible).


I'd have to do some actual investigating to see how that works but it might be another way to clear areas like Gubbjeveln's "hearding" idea. Lock them in a room and loot away.

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While we appreciate the change in zombie aggression, no matter how badly implemented, I cant get over how unbelievably instant zombies disappear when killed.  They are not even hitting the ground, they seem to disappear before their bodies drop.     With as shitty as zombie physics and animation is, at least letting their dead bodies lay on the ground for a bit will give us a tiny bit of immersion.   


On a plus side, when I saw a rabbit crossing a field today, I had some good immersion and sense of realism, but that was quickly shattered when I had to drop a few zombies.   Can we just have zombies on experimental until they dont behave like they were made by the guys who made the pc game Big Rigs?

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A read on this would help: http://dayzdev.tumblr.com/


In regards of the zombies; I agree that they should be fixed before making them more difficult. They are difficult enough that they go through buildings but rest assured, all that is known and will be fixed accordingly.

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Zombies disappear fast to help prevent server performance drop.

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